Anti-Sex Trafficking Experts in Outrage Over Ghislaine Maxwell Case. “overall justice” was not served.


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Jaco Booyens in an interview with EpochTV's Amercian Thought Leaders broadcast on July 24, 2021. (The Epoch Times)

Although Ghislaine Maxwell was found guilty in federal court last week, “overall justice” was not served because none of the victims of sexual abuse were identified and prosecuted, according to an anti-sex trafficking expert.

“Ghislaine Maxwell needs to be behind bars, absolutely. So justice there, but overall justice for combating the crime of sexual exploitation, absolutely no justice, ” Jaco Booyens told NTD in a recent interview.

SHAREtogether, a non-profit organization dedicated to ending child sex trafficking, was founded by Booyens. He’s also the producer and director of the feature film 8 DAYS, which is on the topic.

Justice was served for some victims when Ghislaine Maxwell was found guilty last week in a federal court, but the “overall justice” was not served since none of the clients of the sexual abuse were targeted and put behind bars, an anti-sex trafficking expert said.

“Ghislaine Maxwell needs to be behind bars, absolutely. So justice there, but overall justice for combating the crime of sexual exploitation, absolutely no justice,” Jaco Booyens told NTD in an interview broadcast last week.

Booyens is the founder of SHAREtogether, a non-profit organization combating child sex trafficking. He is also the producer and director of the feature film on the subject, 8 DAYS.Play Video

“This is a supply and demand crime like any other crime,” Booyens continued. “The law failed to identify that those who buy sex from children. Those who are the demand side of the industry need to be apprehended and need to be made an example of—again, that did not happen. We see a book sealed, we see names sealed, we see none of the buyers go into the witness stand. None of the buyers see jail time.”

The “little black book,” a 97-page contact book sealed under an agreement between Maxwell’s attorney and prosecutors, was referred to by Booyens.

The prosecutors in the Maxwell case, the United States Attorney’s Office of the Southern District of New York, declined to comment through a spokeswoman.

When Maxwell was convicted last week, US Attorney Damian Williams promised to hold all sex abusers and traffickers accountable.

In a statement, Williams said, “This Office will always stand with victims, will always follow the facts wherever they lead, and will always fight to ensure that no one, no matter how powerful and well connected, is above the law,”

People should not be distracted by this verdict, according to Booyens, because sex trafficking is rampant in the country. “So they’ve isolated this case now, as if there’s one bad actor, one bad person in the United States trafficking children, and we’ve got her,” Booyens added. “Meanwhile, this is a crime that’s happening in every single neighborhood in America and until we holistically say, look, the purchase of sex with children is absolutely taboo, and if you do that you go away for life. We will not stop this crime.”

Booyens is the brother of a victim of sex trafficking. For more than 20 years, he has aided in the rescue and rehabilitation of sex trafficking victims.

“We have such a big battle with accurate messaging on what is sex trafficking, and where is it happening and who’s doing it. So what this case just did is it, it was a negative blow to the holistic fight, because that again, it says it’s the elites. And it’s the elites that’s forcing children to do it with no focus on the buyer.”

The buyers are ordinary Americans who are willing to pay for sex with kids, and this is “the true nature of the evil,” according to Booyens. Maxwell faces up to 65 years in jail if she is convicted of the five charges against her. Her sentence is set to be handed down soon.

The reality is that these people are going to continue to get away with their atrocities until the common public stands against them and brings them ALL to justice. People would rather get their gas on the way home, eat dinner, and go to bed, than to acknowledge that we’re being used in every way possible to make it easier for these people to continue committing heinous crimes against humanity. Children should be protected at all costs, especially those whom are disadvantaged. James 1:27 says this: “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.

In a recent policy reversal, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) stated on Dec. 28 that it will begin implementing its COVID-19 vaccination mandate on institutions in half of the United States where the mandate has not been judicially enjoined.

The vaccination requirements’ compliance dates were changed by CMS. All health-care workers must have gotten the first dosage of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine, or the single-shot Johnson & Johnson vaccination, by Jan. 27, 2022—or 30 days after the CMS memorandum (pdf) was released.

According to the memo, those facilities must comply with the CMS mandate’s second phase, which requires health care employees to receive the second dosage, by February 28 of next year.

A CMS representative informed The Epoch Times earlier this month that the vaccination mandate for health care employees had been put on hold “waiting potential developments in litigation.” After multiple courts granted injunctions against the rule, it was finally repealed.

However, under the agency’s latest directive, a health care facility must demonstrate that “policies and procedures are developed and implemented for ensuring all facility staff” are vaccinated for COVID-19, “regardless of clinical responsibility or patient or resident contact,” according to the memo.

The facility must also demonstrate that “100% of staff have received at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccine, or have a pending request for, or have been granted a qualifying exemption, or have been identified as having a temporary delay as recommended by the [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention],” according to CMS’ directive.

According to CMS, if fewer than 100 percent of employees are in compliance with the obligation, “The facility will receive notice of their non-compliance with the 100 percent standard. A facility that is above 80 percent and has a plan to achieve a 100 percent staff vaccination rate within 60 days would not be subject to additional enforcement action.”

Any institution that does not comply with the requirement risks losing federal Medicare or Medicaid money, according to the obligation.

The CMS vaccine mandate will now impact the following states: California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, and Wisconsin.

According to CMS, Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, West Virginia, and Wyoming are now unaffected by the mandate at this time.

CMS surveyors “should not undertake any efforts” to bring facilities into compliance in jurisdictions where the vaccination mandate cannot be enforced, according to the document.

This gaslighting behavior is slowly breaking the hearts and minds of the American public, and nobody is stepping to detest the tyranny. The lines drawn by our constitution are clear, and they’re being completely disregarded because nobody is willing to do their due diligence and research the origin and coincidental timing of this pandemic.

the mainstream media has nothing to say about the questionable things going on in our nation as usual. All the pawns are being put in place to asphyxiate followers of Christ. America lost its morals after this pandemic. Christian teachings are a threat to secularism, centralized governmental power and the valueless entertainment industry; Which funds all the wrong people. Not to mention The World Economic Forum is casting its shadow on America; Budging the democratic party to adhere to a globalist agenda. This is foreshadowing of persecution and tribulation yet to come, stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.


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