As We Watch Satan Soldiers, Nancy Pelosi D-CA, Mitch McConnell R-KY, Play Politics With Our Lives


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the Stimulus Package, up to $1,200 per adult and $500 per child, These Reprobates Must Be Kidding the American People…
That’s Like Someone Asking You to Go by Home With $100; Run These Politicians Out of Office ASAP, the American People have already Pay a Heavy Price
, ( Pandemic). They Are Playing a Game, and the Game Is to Break You Down. Next Stop the FEMA Lines…

Update (1030ET):  Congress is ‘close’ on a coronavirus deal, which is expected to remain below the $1 trillion upper boundary set by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and GOP leadership earlier this year, according to The Hill

Satan Soldiers

The new package will include a new round of stimulus checks, “although at an amount lower than the checks of up to $1,200 per adult and $500 per child included in the CARES act,” according to The Hill‘s Scott Wong, who adds that it will “leave out $160B in funding for state and local governments, which was originally included in a $908 billion compromise proposal that Democratic leaders endorsed in early December, as well as liability protection for businesses, a top priority of GOP leadership.”

This is a perfect example of a Technocrat mind gone to the extreme, lost in theory and spinning recklessly out of control. In short, the design of the universe and life in it is a product of spontaneous intelligence and design, while they deny the existence of God as a foolish myth.

The Short List of “Reprobate” found in Romans 1:28 in reference to those whom God has rejected as godless and wicked. They “suppress the truth by their wickedness,” and it is upon these people that the wrath of God rests (Romans 1:18). The Greek word translated “reprobate” in the New Testament is adokimos, which means literally “unapproved, that is, rejected; by implication, worthless (literally or morally).” SRH…

Congress close to coronavirus deal that includes stimulus checks,

Satan Soldiers

A 2019 report is making the rounds accusing McConnell of taking donations from voting machine lobbyists before blocking an election security bill that would burden the companies. ES&S and Dominion are the two companies in question.”… via @gatewaypundit

w/@alexanderboltonCongress close to coronavirus deal that includes stimulus checksSenate and House leaders are closing in on a coronavirus relief deal that would include direct stimulus payments, according to sources familiar with the

GOP Sen. Thune says the stimulus checks may be ‘$600 to $700.’

According to Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer (NY), the “finish line is in sight,” while McConnell says lawmakers have made “major headway.” Lots of words but it sounds like we’re nearly there.

Looks like Goldman was right this time: one day after the bank’s chief political economist Alec Phillips flipped his stimulus position again, and said yesterday that think “it is more likely than not that Congress will pass this week a package similar to the recent $748bn bipartisan proposal, which would be close to our standing assumption of a $700bn (3.3% of GDP) package” moments ago Politico’s Jake Sherman confirmed what was already widely expected when he tweeted that negotiators “are on the brink of a $900bn coronavirus rescue package that would include a new round of direct payments, but would leave out state and local aid, and a liability shield.”

The news immediately spike the emini, pushing it briefly above 3,700 before the gains fizzled as traders realized that much of this was already priced in.

The news immediately spike the emini, pushing it briefly above 3,700 before the gains fizzled as traders realized that much of this was already priced in.

The news also pushed 10Y yields to session highs above 0.94%.

For those who missed it, yesterday Goldman said that congressional leaders appear slightly more likely than not to include most of the other aspects of the bipartisan $748bn proposal (summarized below).

The largest of these would be another round of loans through the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) for hard-hit businesses, payments to states to cover COVID-related education costs, and public health funds for activities like testing and vaccine distribution. A $300/week UI top-up payment through March also looks likely.

As an aside, Goldman’s base case for additional stimulus remains $700bn (3.3% of GDP):

At this point, the discussions appear to be shaping up similar to our own expectations regarding the size of the additional fiscal measures. However, while we believed that Congress would provide around $200bn to state and local governments, it looks likely that if Congress acts this month, it would include only around $100bn for state and local governments, directed to schools.

And as we wait for details on the full stimulus package, something ominous: according to Goldman, “if Congress acts this month, it could be the last major installment of fiscal relief. If Congress passes fiscal legislation this month, it will likely create a new set of expiring policies in March or April 2021, which could pressure lawmakers to pass additional fiscal relief.”

While this might create some upside risk to our fiscal assumptions, we would expect the amount of additional fiscal measures Congress passes next year to be modest. With warming weather and vaccine distribution well underway by that point, another package worth several hundred billion dollars seems unlikely.

This means that another round of payments to individuals and aid to state and local governments could pass in early 2021 only if Democrats win both Senate seats in Georgia. Prediction markets currently put the odds that Democrats win both seats at around one in three. If they win both seats, Democrats will likely pass additional measures to provide state and local relief as well as payments to individuals, along with some other fiscal priorities that Congress is likely to omit from any fiscal legislation it passes this month. That could add an incremental $300bn to $800bn to the total fiscal relief we expect under a divided government scenario.

God Has Taken Note of the People’s Inability to Control Our Ungodly Politicians That Have Intentionally Turn This Nation Into a Godless Hell on Earth Sewer Pit, Filth Is Now a Badge of Honor, Homosexuals Having Parties in the People’s House in DC, Perverted Politicians Prefer Children for Sex Partners and We Looked the Other Way — the People Have Allowed This Agenda for Far Too Long. the Day of Reckoning Is Upon Us and It Will Not Be Pretty, Tribulations Will in Fact Be Painful…

Hell on Earth, It’s Going to Get Real and Nowhere to Hide…

The same governments that barred you from your sister’s funeral, locked you out of Sunday service… have blessed the mightiest mass gatherings we have ever encountered(BLM, Antifa) Full Throttle Tribulations in Play

On or about December 25, 2019 MR. Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu had agreed that the proposed peace agreement would be acceptable, By January 1, 2020 the world was made aware of the peace plan. Netanyahu announced to the world February 1, 2020 that Pres. Trump’s peace plan would be accepted. Tribulations began January 1, 2020 as per the oral agreement between Trump and Netanyahu, of course there are those that will disagree, “Tribulation” will be the most ungodly time in human history so I would expect some pushback from soft Christians. SRH

God has sent them ( The Un-godly ) a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness” (2 Thessalonians 2:10-12). Simply put, God sends a strong delusion to those who chose not to believe the gospel of Christ. Those who take delight in mocking and rejecting Him, He will condemn.

Source: HNewsWire ZeroHedge HNewsWire HNewsWire HNewsWire HNewsWire

StevieRay Hansen
Watchmen does not confuse truth with consensus The Watchmen does not confuse God’s word with the word of those in power…



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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

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