“At Any Point Russia Could Launch an Attack on Ukraine” Says White House Press Secretary.


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The Biden administration continues to regard tensions between Russia and Ukraine as “an extremely dangerous situation,” according to White House press secretary Jen Psaki.

This comes after three rounds of high-level meetings last week between the US, Russia, and a number of European countries, which were intended to de-escalate the situation and find a diplomatic solution.

In recent weeks, Russia has gathered over 100,000 troops along its border with Ukraine and in Russian-annexed Crimea. Russia has announced joint military exercises with Belarus, a neighboring country that shares a border with Ukraine.

“We’re now at a stage where at any point Russia could launch an attack on Ukraine,” Psaki stated on Jan. 18.

On Tuesday, Secretary of State Antony Blinken talked with his Russian colleague, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, and the two agreed to meet later this week in Geneva, Switzerland.

According to the State Department, Blinken will go to Kyiv on Wednesday to meet with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, then to Berlin before meeting Lavrov on Friday. Officials said the trip is intended to demonstrate the United States’ support for Ukraine and to renew a demand for Russia to de-escalate and engage in diplomacy.

This comes after a bipartisan congressional delegation from the United States visited Kyiv on Monday to meet with Zelensky and reiterate US support for Ukraine.

In recent weeks, President Joe Biden has spoken directly with Russian President Vladimir Putin. During the calls, Biden stated that if Russia continues to invade, the US and its partners will apply heavy sanctions.

On Jan. 5, German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock traveled to Washington with Blinken to show a united front, stating that Russia’s military buildup near Ukraine’s border poses a “immediate and urgent challenge” to European security, and that any intervention would have serious implications.

Germany has halted the certification process for the yet-to-be-approved Nord Stream 2 pipeline, which, if allowed by regulators, would transport 55 billion cubic meters of natural gas from Russia to Germany per year.

If Russia invades Ukraine, according to Blinken, gas will not likely flow through Nord Stream.

Officials from the United States have also accused Russia of staging a “false flag operation” and a social media campaign to use as a pretext for an invasion of Ukraine. This has been refuted by Russia.

Ukraine’s government websites were defaced by a cyberattack on Sunday, according to Ukrainian officials.

Last month, Moscow submitted draft security documents requesting that NATO deny Ukraine and other former Soviet republics membership and withdraw its military deployments from Central and Eastern Europe.

Russia’s senior diplomat, Sergei Lavrov, denied US charges that his country was creating a pretext to attack Ukraine on Monday. He denounced the US claim as “total disinformation” when speaking to reporters.

Russia anticipates a written response from the US and its allies this week in response to Moscow’s request for enforceable guarantees that NATO will not embrace Ukraine or any other ex-Soviet country and deploy its forces and weapons there.

In America, we don’t believe in threats. If Russia wants to get kinetic so be it, but you can thank Biden’s leniency on the Nord Stream 2 pipeline for Russia’s bold strides. Conveniently enough America is far too divided to fight for a common cause. That can be attributed to the deafening static that is plandemic propaganda. No one man can make sense of this elaborate illusion cast over the common man of society, but collectively we can point out each limitation forced upon us and bring it forward as an injustice to the public. In Matthew 10:34 Jesus says: “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.” We’re meant to go down preaching the gospel and guiding others to salvation. This could be considered the bravest task a man or woman of faith could undertake, but make no mistake it will bear fruit in the kingdom of heaven. Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.

Because of personnel shortages, some hospitals in the United States have closed or plan to close parts of their facilities. Three urgent care centers in the Milwaukee, Wisconsin, area have been temporarily shuttered due to an increase of COVID-19 cases and a lack of staff, according to Advocate Aurora Health, which operates the centers.

“This allows those team members to be deployed to busier urgent cares in the area. All other non-urgent care services offered at these three facilities are currently open,” The facilities are located in Menomonee Falls, Brookfield, and Milwaukee’s River Center Drive.

University Hospitals Lake Health reported that it has closed an emergency department at the UH Madison Health Center in Ohio, citing an assessment of existing staffing levels, bed availability, and COVID-19 hospitalization rates as reasons. The interim shutdown was recently extended by the corporation.

In an emailed statement, the firm added, “We will continue to assess our staffing needs across the system and use that as a guide for the return of emergency department services at the UH Madison Health Center,”

Mercyhealth plans to shut down outpatient services at one of its Rockford hospitals and inpatient services at another neighboring facility, which will take roughly a year to comply with state rules.

Javon Bea, president and CEO of Mercyhealth, said in a statement that “Given the severe nursing and health care staffing shortages right now, it doesn’t make sense to continue down our current course. Realigning services across our one hospital license, located between two campuses, allows us to provide a more robust outpatient facility at Rockton and expand our inpatient campus at Riverside. We will still be able to care for the same number of people, and no jobs will be lost as a result of these changes, which will allow us to better utilize our staff to best meet our patients’ needs,”

The intensive care unit at Geary Community Hospital in Junction City, Kansas, is set to close on February 1st.

The move is “due to a nation COVID-19 exacerbated nursing shortage, as well as fiscal situations beyond our control.” according to LJ Baker, director of human resources and external relations.

Springfield Hospital in Springfield Township, Pennsylvania, closed its emergency department on Friday. The facility’s operator, Crozier Health, stated in a statement that the shutdown is temporary and due to staffing concerns.

“Our patient care resources have been strained due to the national nursing shortage and many colleagues out sick with COVID-19, echoing the challenges faced by other health systems locally and across the country. Therefore, we need to reallocate resources to other locations throughout the system to continue providing safe, high-quality care to our patients, ” Said Crozier Health CEO Peter Adamo in a statement.

The maternity ward at Pulaski Memorial Hospital in Indiana is another facility that has either closed or is set to close. Because of staffing concerns, several health-care systems have reduced beds or services.

According to statistics supplied to the US Department of Health and Human Services on Jan. 15, hundreds of hospitals around the country were facing “critical” staffing shortages.

COVID-19 infections were blamed by the hospitals that shut down departments or units, but other health care officials have indicated in recent months that COVID-19 vaccine regulations have caused or would cause difficulty keeping staff and filling vacancies.

Last year, a group of states sued President Joe Biden’s administration over the COVID-19 vaccine mandate for health care workers who work in facilities that receive Medicare or Medicaid funding, claiming that allowing the mandate to go into effect would “exacerbate an alarming shortage of healthcare workers, particularly in rural communities, that has already reached a crisis point.”

The Supreme Court lifted stays blocking the mandate from taking effect on Thursday, with a thin majority of Justices concluding that the government had the jurisdiction to enforce such measures.

Last year, some state laws went into effect, resulting in the dismissal of workers and other personnel, as well as the curtailing of services such as childbirth.

Does one need to be an MD to understand that the Biden administration is conducting a political purge of our medical industry, and our military? It’s not very hard to see, if you weren’t blinded by COVID propaganda. The very fact that hospitals are refusing to acknowledge that staffing shortages are widely attributed to tyrannical COVID measures is incriminating. The question is do they get away with it? Will people stop for a second, and look for information for themselves for once? Maybe the level of technological innovation that we’re reaching has completely sedated society, allowing this globalist operation to continue undetected. I’ll bet if you ask a stranger if they knew about the massive protests against vaccine mandates in Europe, they’d be clueless. We’re in a bubble, all you have to do is make a conscious effort to step outside of it.

2 Thessalonians 2:9-12 says: “The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.” The delusion God is to send upon humanity is supposed to occur during the time of the anti-Christ. So to call COVID-19 the great delusion is merely speculation, however it’s inexcusable nonetheless. No man, corporation, organization, government, or any entity will force me or my people to do anything. Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.



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