Biden Says Sending Troops to Ukraine “not on the table.”


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President Joe Biden confirmed Wednesday that sending troops to Ukraine in the event of a Russian invasion is “not on the table.”

The president took questions Nov. 8 before departing for Kansas City, Missouri.

When asked about placing troops on the ground in Ukraine, Biden said, “That is not on the table.

“We have a moral obligation and a legal obligation to our NATO allies if they were to attack under Article 5, it’s a sacred obligation. That obligation does not extend to Ukraine.

“But it would depend upon what rest of the NATO countries were willing to do as well. But the idea that the United States is going to unilaterally use force to confront Russia invading Ukraine is not on, in the cards right now. What will happen is there will be severe consequences.”

This comes a day after Biden took part in a two-hour bilateral video call with Russian President Vladimir Putin. During the call Biden told Putin the United States and its allies would respond “with strong economic and other measures” in the event of Russian military escalation against Ukraine.

White House Officials have said “other measures” could also include additional defensive material to the Ukrainians and the fortification of NATO allies on Russia’s eastern flank with additional capabilities if Russia decides to invade.

As you all know, President Biden conducted a video call with President Putin, the call covered a wide range of issues, but the main topic was Ukraine. President Biden was direct and straight forward with putin, as he always is. He reiterated America’s support for Ukraines sovereignty and territorial integrity, & told Putin that if Russia further invades Ukraine that the United States and our European allies will respond with strong economic measure. We would provide additional defensive material to the Ukrainians, above that which we already provide. We would also fortify our allies in the eastern flank with additional capabilities in response to an escalation.

Jake Sullivan, U.S. National Security Advisor

After the national security advisor gave his briefing yesterday, frequent questions arose pertaining to the economic sanctions in mind for use of deterrence of a Russian invasion. However the only economic sanction talked about was the Nord Stream 2, which was an operation that Biden had previously waived sanctions for. Arguing that he did so to avoid alienating a key U.S. ally over a project that was already close to completion.

The German government has previously urged members of Congress not to sanction the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, arguing that doing so will “weaken” U.S. credibility and “ultimately damage transatlantic unity,” according to documents obtained by Axios. The pipeline would circumvent Ukrainian transit infrastructure and deliver Russian gas directly to Germany, eliminating one of the last deterrents Ukraine has against an invasion.

Jake Sullivan detailed the surrounding NATO countries’ concern for their safety in the event that Russia pushes through the Ukrainian border. And also shed light on Biden’s intentions of providing more “additional defensive material” to the countries of concern. But it’s safe to say that Nord Stream 2 should be halted in the near future to ensure Ukraine maintains its sovereignty and territorial integrity.

“In meeting with Putin I was very straightforward, there were no [inaudible] words, we were polite but I made it very clear, if in fact he invaded Ukraine there will be severe consequences, severe consequences,” Biden told reporters Wednesday. “Economic consequences like none he’s ever seen or ever have been seen in terms of being imposed.”

“I have absolute confidence [Putin] got the message,” Biden added later.

Ukrainian officials have estimated more than 90,000 Russian troops are near its border and in Russian-occupied Crimea.

U.S. officials have said the military buildup, along with a spike in anti-Ukrainian activity on social media, harkens back to a “similar playbook” used by Putin in 2014 when Russia occupied Crimea.

The Kremlin, in a post-call readout, said, “Putin emphasized that it’s wrong to put the responsibility on Russia, since it is NATO that has been making dangerous attempts to expand its presence on the Ukrainian territory and has been expanding its military potential near Russian borders.”

White House deputy press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said during a gaggle aboard Air Force One Wednesday that Biden told Putin during the call “one nation can’t force another nation to change its border, one nation cannot tell another to change its politics and nations can’t tell others who they can work with.”

Following Tuesday’s call, Biden debriefed European allies, including France’s President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, and Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi.

Meanwhile, Putin’s foreign affairs adviser Yuri Ushakov dismissed the sanctions threat during a conference call with reporters.

“While the U.S. president talked about possible sanctions, our president emphasized what Russia needs,” Ushakov said. “Sanctions aren’t something new, they have been in place for a long time and will not have any effect.”

The two presidents tasked their respective teams to follow up after the video call, according to a White House read out of the call.

Source: EpochTimes

Slowly, but surely i have seen more and more Americans absolutely trampled socially. If a christian even utters a word of scripture or profound thought, they are accused of “forcing religion” upon them. As if I was delighted to stick my neck out to them in the first place. The reality is, through social engineering Christians have been cut down at the knees. We’ve all had something important to say about the current events in the past couple years, and it frustrates those who are busy working up a plan to defy God.

Technology isn’t going to stop innovating, and those who are in favor of the full on technological integration have a common set of problems. Simply put, they need someone to hold their hand and tell them where to go next. They’re the same people who get sour when you bring the word of God into the conversation. This is the illusion satan has cast over society. There is no man or woman by your side that is your enemy, For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6:12.

Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth. He was a mighty hunter before the LORD: wherefore it is said, Even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before the LORD. Notice the word “before” in “He was a might hunter before the LORD.” The word literally means “face”—that which is in the front and which appears to another, as in “face to face.” Nimrod was a mighty hunter facing the Lord. The word before literally means “that which turns.” It has a wide variety of usages. It can be translated “facing,” “before,” “in front of,” or “against.”

The looming threats to democracy are now backing us into a corner. The Biden administration has spent 6.8 Trillion dollars in 2021. Our currency cannot afford to be inflated in such a manner, but what if there is something over the horizon? The perfect solution, maybe something like artificial intelligence. Take a look at how China is governed, and think about the timely manner of the Pandemic. We can’t utilize this innovative technology in America because it dismantles our freedom. Technological innovation is satans chariot, if you can’t step back and see that, I pray that you find the wisdom to do so.

I’m not saying all technology is bad, i’m simply saying that once it goes far enough we wont be able to stop it. There are people facilitating the rapid growth of AI integration into all kinds of systems. Think about the fundamental idea of computing. In the context of biblical times, this is very advanced technology. One might dabble into programming and notice that there is a peculiar feeling about a clean slate without having anything visualized or no boundaries set. The power of raw creation in a technological space is put on full display when you see how it intertwined with the Chinese regime. This AI has all the data pertaining to Chinese citizens and it uses a complex algorithm to determine how useful of a citizen you are.

So are we supposed to alienate the broken people of society? Thats what we’ve already done in America, we’ve encouraged them to indulge carefree into sin and take pride in your individuality. No man has the strength to find the wisdom they truly seek without going through The Father. He will administer the knowledge you seek in an orderly fashion and perhaps with a couple of humorous twists. Undivided attention on the spirit is the attainment of self awareness. Separating all things unholy from your mind, body, and soul are a part of the process when putting trust in God. The beautiful difference it makes in ones life cannot be simply explained, it must be experienced. This is the essence of Christs salvation. Stay inquisitive in the word, and the world around you.

sources: CBOBibliaBibleTools



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