Bill Gates is a Monster — The History of Vaccine Corruption Inflicting Harm and Death on


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Unsuspecting People in Poor Countries, Bill Gates and some of our Elected officials are demonic–Bill Gates is a monster that must be stopped for the sake of mankind.

Lockdown Proponent Bill Gates Quietly Funding Plan To Dim The Sun’s Rays

A project conducted by Harvard University scientists and funded largely by Microsoft founder Bill Gates to test sun-dimming technology to cool global warming is quietly moving forward in Sweden.

We know what you’re thinking – this can’t be real… but it is.

Reuters reports that the Harvard project “plans to test out a controversial theory that global warming can be stopped by spraying particles into the atmosphere that would reflect the sun’s rays.”

In Sweden, plans to fly a test balloon next year are already underway.

The test balloon will not release any particles into the atmosphere, but “could be a step towards an experiment, perhaps in the autumn of 2021 or spring of 2022.”

Those experiments may see “up to 2 kg of non-toxic calcium carbonate dust” released into the atmosphere.

Controversial Bill Gates-funded plan to dim the sun’s rays moves forward quietly— TheBlaze (@theblaze) December 28, 2020

Bill Gates Plan to Dim the Sun is a Bad Idea

Bill Gates is living proof that just because you once did something very smart to make your mark on the world, it doesn’t necessarily make you a smart person.

Having the gall to play God by dimming the sun’s rays and thinking it won’t lead to drastic and unpredictable problems makes that case rather obvious.

Reuters notes the project – called the Stratospheric Controlled Perturbation Experiment (SCoPEx) – is playing with “something with potentially large and hard-to-predict risks, such as shifts in global rain patterns.”

“There is no merit in this test except to enable the next step,” said Niclas Hällström, director of the Swedish green think-tank WhatNext? said.

He added, “You can’t test the trigger of a bomb and say ‘This can’t possibly do any harm.’”

One of the pushers of solar geoengineering by stratospheric injections of sulfur aerosols is David Keith, a Professor of Applied Physics at Harvard. Here’s a recent talk about his crazy ideas:
What will happen with his idea, if CO2 wasn’t driving climate?— Ned Nikolov, Ph.D. (@NikolovScience) December 28, 2020

Gates Says Life After COVID Won’t Return to Normal Until 2022

Social-engineering fan Bill Gates made news earlier this month when he wanted to figuratively dim the sun on society by suggesting pandemic lockdowns could and should be extended.

The tech nerd expressed support for shutting down bars and restaurants for up to an additional six months, and indicated lockdowns may continue all the way into 2022.

.@BillGates on Covid: “Even through 2022” we should be prepared for life to not return to “normal”

Says “sadly” it’s “appropriate” for bars and restaurants to close over the next “four to six months”— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) December 13, 2020

“Certainly, by the summer will be way closer to normal than we are now, but even through early 2022, unless we help other countries get rid of this disease and we get high vaccinations rates in our country, the risk of reintroduction will be there,” Gates warned CNN anchor Jake Tapper.

Many Americans have shown they aren’t willing to continue with the lockdown charade. We’re not sure how many will be thrilled with Gates being the ruler of the sun either. Source: ZeroHedge

Why Didn’t Bill Gates Vaccinate His Own Children?

All 50 states now require children to be vaccinated for multiple diseases before they’re allowed to begin kindergarten. California requires vaccinations before kids can attend preschool or go to daycare, with no religious exemptions allowed.

Connecticut forces parents to have their children vaccinated for an astonishing 9 separate potential illnesses.

Given that the vaccination issue now impacts all families in America, directly or indirectly, you’d think it would have garnered more media attention when it was learned that vaccine champion and Microsoft founder Bill Gates refused to allow his own children to be vaccinated.

This admission came from the Gates family’s personal physician in Seattle, who was speaking behind closed doors with other doctors at a symposium last year (someone at the conference leaked the conversation, so the doctor himself technically did not violate doctor-patient confidentiality rules).

The doctor reportedly told his colleagues, “I don’t know if he (Gates) had them vaccinated as adults, but I can tell you he point blank refused to vaccinate them as children.”

In the course of his philanthropic work, Bill Gates has become one of the world’s most vocal proponents of forcing everyone to vaccinate their children.

Gates travels to security conferences and rather than speak about the usual leftist boogeyman of the apocalypse (global warming), Gates rants that a worldwide pandemic disease is going to kill tens of millions of people without warning.

We would also note that despite this fear, which is certainly more rational than global warming based on historical precedent and actual science, Gates is an open-borders globalist. He supports allowing sick illegal aliens and refugees to cross our borders with no obstacles to them (certainly not a wall).Trump Health Bombshell…

Gates has used his fortune to finance programs with the UN that send doctors in to stick needles into every baby in Africa. Not surprisingly, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is viewed with skepticism or in many cases, outright hatred from the people he is supposedly seeking to help.

In 2014, the Kenyan Catholic Doctors Association became suspicious of the vaccines they were receiving from Gates and company and sent multiple batches to be tested.

Researchers discovered that the vaccines that were being administered to 2.3 million African girls were full of HCG, an antigen that causes miscarriages and sterilization. Oops.

In India, the situation is even worse. Gates was pushing human trials of the HPV, Cervarix and Gardisil vaccines on remote tribal children there several years ago.

For those who don’t know, these vaccines are for a sexually transmitted disease that is 100% preventable if girls don’t have unprotected sex with hordes of strange men – yet many US states are pushing to make it mandatory for all girls.

In Andhra Pradesh, India, the authorities say five children died immediately after receiving a Gardisil shot and many more became violently ill. In another village, two children died, and hundreds were hospitalized after receiving the HPV vaccine.

California removed the option for parents to obtain a religious exemption from vaccinating their children, because tech oligarchs in Silicon Valley and wealthy elites in Hollywood were all refusing to vaccinate their kids.

It’s remarkable how religious they suddenly became when the state began mandating medical treatments for their own children, isn’t it?

CNN did a report on areas that were most likely to opt out of California’s vaccination schedule. The wealthiest, whitest neighborhoods in Santa Barbara, Silicon Valley and Orange County topped the list.

The American Journal of Public Health also found that kindergarten students in the most expensive private schools were twice as likely to have a vaccine exemption as their public-school counterparts.

Bill Gates and his friends among the wealthy elites refuse to submit their own children to the mandatory vaccinations they expect the rest of the world to submit to.

It seems like the media would be more interested in that story, given the amount of time reporters spend denouncing Jenny McCarthy as a tinfoil hat-wearing conspiracy theorist.

It also seems like Bill Gates and the elites know something about vaccines that the rest of us aren’t being told.

A recent petition asking for the U.S. government to investigate the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for crimes against humanity, already signed by over a half of a million people, shows that the activities of Bill and Melinda Gates are being looked at more closely by the public these days.

However, this is not the first time that Mr. Gates has received criticism for his dodgy dealings involving vaccination policies worldwide for more than a decade. 

Gates Commits Crimes Against the Children of India

In 2014, an article that was published by the Economic Times of India, titled Controversial vaccine studies: Why is Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation under fire from critics in India? stated:

“In 2009, several schools for tribal children in Khammam district in Telangana — then a part of undivided Andhra Pradesh — became sites for observation studies for a cervical cancer vaccine that was administered to thousands of girls aged between nine and 15.

The girls were administered the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccine in three rounds that year under the supervision of state health department officials. The vaccine used was Gardasil, manufactured by Merck. It was administered to around 16,000 girls in the district, many of whom stayed in state government-run hostels meant for tribal students.”

Tragically, months later, many of the students had become ill and, by 2010, five of them had died.

For more on this subject, see:

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Vaccine Empire on Trial in India.

Professionals and activists in India were so outraged by the situation that on October 29, 2012, activists Kalpana Mehta and Nalini Bhanot, along with Dr. Rukmini Rao, President of the Gramya Resource Centre for Women in India, filed a writ petition with the Supreme Court of India under Article 32 of The Constitution of India for Women. The petition was filed against:

  • Drug Controller General of India
  • Indian Council of Medical Research (funded by Gates Foundation)
  • State of Andhra Pradesh
  • State of Gujarat
  • PATH International (funded by Gates Foundation)
  • GlaxoSmithKline Asia Private Limited 
  • MSD Pharmaceuticals also known as Merck Private Limited 

(Please note that GSK and Merck have also received funding from the Gates Foundation.)

The petition outlined a series of serious allegations regarding the HPV vaccines Gardasil® and Cervarix®. Petitioners Kalpana Mehta, Nalini Bhanot and Dr. Rukmini Rao reported that the two HPV vaccines were illegally brought into the states of Andhra Pradesh and Gujarat and subsequently were administered to thousands of young, vulnerable Indian children before the vaccines were known to be safe.

The three petitioners told the court that even though the Indian government and the above organizations knew the HPV vaccines were of dubious value and of speculative benefits, they continued to allow a trial using both the Gardasil® and Cervarix® vaccines without regard to the potential endangerment of the lives of adolescent girls.

The petition outlined how the above organizations vaccinated tens of thousands of vulnerable girls aged between 10-14 years and then abandoned them without providing any information on potential adverse reactions, scheduling follow-up examinations, or offering post-vaccine treatment.

Petitioners stated that the unlicensed HPV vaccines only became licensed midway through the project:

“These vaccines had not been assessed with respect to safety and efficacy for the Indian population where adolescent girls are overwhelmingly anemic and malnourished. No steps were taken to ensure the health and safety of the girls.

They were not screened adequately for contraindications.

On the contrary, they were told that the vaccine had no adverse effects, not even those that were acknowledged by the manufacturers.

Referral and treatment of serious adverse effects was not planned and as a result, private doctors and government hospitals were not aware that the girls coming to them in serious condition were subjects of vaccine trials. No monitoring of the program was done. No course correction was made. After vaccination, the girls were dumped with no follow up.” [emphasis added]

All girls were vaccinated by the U.S.-based NGO (Non-Government Organization) and PATH (Program for Appropriate Technology in Health).

As stated in the petition, the project was discontinued only after several women’s organizations reported:

  • Deaths among the participants
  • The use of vulnerable population
  • Lack of informed consent

The petitioners accused project leaders of falsification of the records and stated that the project had been carried out with severe lack of monitoring, stating that PATH and the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) as well as state authorities covered up the adverse effects and deaths that have been described in the petition.

In an interview, Kalpana Mehta told us that there had been gross anomalies in the death-related documentation, indicating a cover-up and that even the age of the girls who died failed to match the projects records. She said:

“The dates of postmortems were poorly documented and inaccurate and instead of being written on hospital stationary many had been written on plain paper without signatures.”

The fact that there was no parental consent is truly shocking, however, when you delve more deeply into the organizations that were behind this unethical vaccination experiment, you discover the possible reasons why.

One reason could have been the fact that, according the website TECHRIGHTS, the Gates Foundation had been found to be indirectly paying scientists to exaggerate vaccination needs.

If that was not bad enough, a document found on the World Health Organization (WHO) website titled Summary of Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation-supported HPV Vaccine Partner Activities stated:

“Harvard University, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), PATH, and the World Health Organization (WHO) are undertaking activities focused on preparing for HPV vaccine introduction in developing countries.

These activities, funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, represent a multifaceted, coordinated strategy for making HPV vaccines available, acceptable, and affordable to those most in need. Summaries of each organization’s goals related to HPV vaccine introduction and key milestones are outlined below.” [emphasis added]

Reading this document alone is evidence enough that the HPV vaccination experiment that took place in 2009 was largely funded by the Gates Foundation.

However, this was not the only alleged crime against the children of India that was funded by the Gates Foundation.

Children in India Given Oral Polio 

It has been widely publicized that Bill Gates is on a mission to eradicate wild polio from developing countries.

In 2012, the CDC published a press release titled Update on Vaccine-Derived Polioviruses — Worldwide, April 2011–June 2012. They wrote:

“In 1988, the World Health Assembly resolved to eradicate poliomyelitis worldwide. One of the main tools used in polio eradication efforts has been the live, attenuated oral poliovirus vaccine (OPV).

This inexpensive vaccine is administered easily by mouth, makes recent recipients resistant to infection by wild polioviruses (WPVs), and provides long-term protection against paralytic disease through durable humoral immunity.

Nonetheless, rare cases of vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis can occur both among immunologically normal OPV recipients and their contacts and among persons who are immunodeficient.

In addition, vaccine-derived polioviruses (VDPVs) can emerge to cause polio outbreaks in areas with low OPV coverage and can replicate for years in persons who are immunodeficient.” [emphasis added]

They continued:

“VDPVs can cause paralytic polio in humans…” [emphasis added]

The CDC recommended that the best way to deal with this problem is mass vaccination. They stated:

“To prevent VDPV emergence and spread, all countries should maintain high vaccination coverage against all three poliovirus serotypes.”  

Immunodeficiency disorders occur when the body’s immune response is reduced or absent. In other words, governments worldwide are actively promoting a vaccine that they know will cause millions of vulnerable, sick and immunodeficient children to develop vaccine-induced polio.  

In order for governments to mass vaccinate more efficiently, they are fully backing the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, a group that has made it very clear that their aim is to eradicate wild polio.

However, it appears that Bill Gates was ignorant of the fact that his efforts were causing tens of thousands of children to suffer from vaccine-induced polio.

The Rates of Vaccine-Induced Polio Soar

According to the Activist Post in 2010, the Polio Global Eradication Initiative, founded in 1988 by the World Health Organization, Rotary International, UNICEF, and the US CDC, (all organizations which are funded by the Gates Foundation) stated that there were only 42 cases of wild polio reported in India.

This all sounds impressive, until you realize that cases of vaccine-induced polio are reaching epic proportions.

In a paper published in the Medical Journal of Medical Ethics, authors Neetu Vashishi and Jacob Puliyel stated that:

“… while India has been polio-free for a year, there has been a huge increase in non-polio acute flaccid paralysis (NPAFP).

In 2011, there were an extra 47,500 new cases of NPAFP. Clinically indistinguishable from polio paralysis but twice as deadly, the incidence of NPAFP was directly proportional to doses of oral polio received.

Though this data was collected within the polio surveillance system, it was not investigated. The principle of primum-non-nocere was violated.” 

With numbers of this size being reported, you would think that someone, somewhere, would have tried to stop the devastation.

However, instead of realizing what was happening and stopping the vaccination program in its tracks, governments worldwide, have instead, continued to support Bill Gates.

However, it appears that all is not well and that India may be losing confidence in Gates’ vaccination programs. Because in 2017, it was reported that India had decided to cut some of its funding ties with the foundation. See: India cuts some funding ties with Gates Foundation on immunization.

Gates Causes More Devastation – This Time in Africa

In December 2012, in the small village of Gouro, Chad, Africa, situated on the edge of the Sahara Desert, five hundred children were locked into their school and threatened that if they did not agree to being force-vaccinated with a meningitis A vaccine, they would receive no further education.

These children were vaccinated without their parents’ knowledge. This vaccine was an unlicensed product still going through the third and fourth phases of testing.

Within hours, 106 children began to suffer from headaches, vomiting, severe uncontrollable convulsions and paralysis.

The children’s wait for a doctor began. They had to wait one full week for a doctor to arrive while the team of vaccinators proceeded to vaccinate others in the village.

When the doctor finally came, he could do nothing for the children. The team of vaccinators, upon seeing what had happened, fled the village in fear.

The original report was written in a small, local newspaper called La Voix. The newspaper stated that forty children were finally transferred to a hospital in Faya and later taken by plane to two hospitals in N’Djamena, the capital city of Chad.

After being moved around several times, many of these sick children were finally taken back to their village without a diagnosis and each family was given an unconfirmed sum of £1000 by the government. No forms were signed and no documentation was seen. They were informed that their children had not suffered a vaccine injury.

However, if this were true, why would their government award each family £1000 in what has been described by their parents as hush money?

The only mainstream news channel to have highlighted the plight of these poor children was a local channel called Tchad, which filmed footage of the then-Prime Minister of Chad visiting the children in hospital.

VacTruth, who reported on this story, owns copies of all of the original reports, along with a wide range of medical and government documents.

However, despite this evidence and VacTruth’s detailed and extensive coverage, including highlighting television footage, once again, the vaccine program was hailed a success.

The groups behind this project were PATH, WHO, UNICEF, and the Gates Foundation, and during Vactruth’s investigations, it was discovered that in fact the whole project was run by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Please see VacTruth’s video containing original footage and documents.

In a press release regarding the vaccination, the Gates Foundation stated:

“MenAfriVac is a tremendous success story for the global health community. It is the first vaccine developed specifically for Africa, and it proves that global partnerships can develop and deliver high-quality, low-cost vaccines.

Ten years ago, we invested in the Meningitis Vaccine Project, an innovative model that brought together PATH, the World Health Organization, African health ministers and the Serum Institute of India today, we celebrate the result: a modern vaccine selling for less than US 50 cents per dose with the potential to end Africa’s deadly meningitis epidemics.

We believe that vaccines are one of the best buys in global health. In January, Bill and Melinda Gates called on the global community to make this the Decade of Vaccines. There is no better way to launch this decade than with a new vaccine that will improve and save lives.”

However, if these disasters were not enough, it appears that the Gates Foundation struck again two years later, this time using a tetanus vaccination laced with hormone hCG.

(Human chorionic gonadotropin, or hCG, is a hormone produced naturally in pregnancy to encourage the development of the growing fetus. However, when hCG is combined with the tetanus toxoid carrier in tetanus vaccinations, it causes a pregnant woman to produce antibodies against the pregnancy and leads her to miscarry.)

Tetanus Vaccines Laced with Hormones Known to Cause Miscarriage


Image from UNICEF YouTube Video

In 2014, doctors from the Kenyan Catholic Doctors Association discovered that the tetanus vaccinations that had been administered to 2.3 million girls and women by the World Health Organization and UNICEF had been contaminated with the anti-fertility hormone hCG.

Interestingly, this news came after it was announced that the Gates Foundation had awarded UNICEF $26 million to eliminate maternal and neonatal Tetanus (MNT) by 2005.

Full story: African Women Injected With Vaccines Laced with Anti-fertility Hormones

Sadly, by September of 2017, MG  Modern Ghana reported that more than 500,000 young girls and women had become infertile, following the tetanus vaccine administered by the government in 2014 and 2015.

This was something that Dr. Ngare, who reported the situation to the authorities, had been desperate to avoid.

However, it appears that Gates and his friends were not satisfied with their efforts and so they decided to introduce a second vaccine containing hormones, to the citizens of Kenya.

Dr. Ngare Raises Concerns Over a Second Vaccine Contaminated with Hormones 

In 2015, the Kenyan Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB) reported that they had decided to boycott the current polio vaccine program because they believed that the vaccine manufactured by the Serum Institute of India, another organization which received funding from the Gates Foundation, may contain estradiol, a derivative of the estrogen hormone, which is believed to cause infertility.

NPR news stated that:

“In Kenya, vaccine suspicion has taken its own local strain, aimed less at vaccines themselves than at the international bodies, like the U.N. and WHO, that distribute them.

The distrust has been fueled by WHO’s decision to blanket Kenya with polio vaccines, well over and above routine injections, in an effort to boost population immunity.

The idea is that some of the people reached by the campaign will have already been vaccinated, but some will not.

The WHO says there’s no harm in giving extra vaccines to children who are already vaccinated.”

To discover why these concerns had arisen, we contacted Dr. Ngare at that time to ask him more about his fears and the concerns of the KCCB.

Dr. Ngare told Health Impact News that the KCCB first became concerned about the polio vaccination program after the tetanus vaccinations were found to be contaminated the previous year.

He explained that the KCCB had informed the government on releasing the final tetanus vaccine report in February 2015 and that their support for any future vaccination campaigns would be on the condition that joint government/KCCB testing took place before, during and post-vaccination.

As they were in the process of negotiating joint testing, they took the liberty of collecting samples from the field from the new shipment brought in for a vaccination campaign planned for April, before any immunization took place. Dr. Ngare explained that when the KCCB tested a selection of polio vaccines from the field, they discovered that two of the six vaccines tested contained estradiol.

He explained that while there have been no human studies to determine the effect that this could have on humans, in animal studies, estradiol, when exposed to males, has been shown to damage the sperm-forming mechanism in the testes.

After all of these tragedies involving vaccine programs initiated by the Gates Foundation, we believe that it is not difficult to understand why U.S. citizens have asked the White House to investigate the foundation in more detail, as Mr. Gates announces his intent to provide a COVID-19 vaccine to vaccinate the entire world, using new technology for this vaccine that has never been used before, including embedding one’s vaccination status into their skin using an invisible “tatoo” into one’s skin.

The COVID-19 pandemic has created an instant market for vaccine development. Around $1 billion of U.S. taxpayer funds have already been given to Big Pharma to develop the much coveted COVID-19 mRNA vaccine, a new class of vaccines that have never before been successfully developed. ($450 million to Johnson & Johnson in March, and $483 million to Moderna Therapeutics in April.)

At least another $2 billion is being spent by the Bill Gates-founded Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI).

And this is all just for starters, as over 100 COVID-19 vaccines are currently in development by most of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies. The CARES Act signed into law on Mar. 27, 2020 allocates $27 billion for COVID-19 vaccine development, just in the U.S. alone.

And if that wasn’t enough, earlier this week (May, 2020) President Trump seemingly gave a blank check to spend as much as possible to fast track a COVID-19 vaccine through “Operation Warp Speed,” a coalition of scientists, government officials, military agencies, and private companies led by Alex Azar, the Health and Human Services Secretary, and Mark Esper, the Defense Secretary.

Their goal: to deliver 300 million doses of coronavirus vaccine from November to December 2020 and another 300 million by January 2021. (Source.)

So just by starting to research a COVID-19 vaccine, the already lucrative pharmaceutical industry just became the all-time most profitable industry on the planet.

As pharmaceutical companies compete with each other to get a COVID-19 vaccine to market, there was initial skepticism that an mRNA vaccine could be developed anytime soon. Projections were that it would take about 5 years, and even then only with a small chance of success.

 The Bible recognizes Satan’s world-system and warns us not to love it (1 John 2:15-16). When John writes and tells the Christian “do not love the world”, he’s not talking about the physical planet. The Greek word κόσμος kosmos as it is used by the apostle John and others most often refers to “that which is hostile to God…lost in sin, wholly at odds with anything divine, ruined and depraved.” Satan’s world-system consists of those philosophies and values that perpetually influence humanity to think and behave contrary to God and His Word. This operating apart from God is first and foremost a way of thinking that is antithetical to God and His Word, a way of thinking motivated by a desire to be free from God and the authority of Scripture, a freedom most will accept, even though it is accompanied by all sorts of inconsistencies and absurdities.

The kosmos is a vast order or system that Satan has promoted which conforms to his ideals, aims, and methods. It is civilization now functioning apart from God-a civilization in which none of its promoters really expect God to share; who assign to God no consideration in respect to their projects, nor do they ascribe any causality to Him. This system embraces its godless governments, conflicts, armaments, jealousies; its education, culture, religions of morality, and pride. It is that sphere in which man lives. It is what he sees, what he employs. To the uncounted multitude it is all they ever know so long as they live on this earth. It is properly styled “The Satanic System” which phrase is in many instances a justified interpretation of the so-meaningful word, kosmos.

     People who live in Satan’s world-system exclude God and Scripture from their daily conversations. This is true in news, politics, academic communities, work and home life. God is nowhere in their thoughts, and therefore, nowhere in their discussions (Psa 10:4; 14:1). The growing Christian thinks about God and His Word all the time, as “his delight is in the law of the LORD, and in His law he meditates day and night” (Psa 1:2). The contrast between the growing Christian and the worldly person is stark, as their thoughts and words take them in completely different directions.

The World Is In Big Trouble, for Those That Believe We Will Go Back to Some Sense of Normal Life Here on Earth, You Will Be Sadly Disappointed, Seven Years of Hell on Earth Which Began January 1, 2020

“Our courts oppose the righteous, and justice is nowhere to be found. Truth stumbles in the streets, and honesty has been outlawed” (Isa. 59:14, NLT)…We Turned Our Backs On GOD, Now We Have Been Left To Our Own Devices, Enjoy…

While Mainstream Media Continues to Push a False Narrative, Big Tech Has Keep the Truth From Coming out by Shadow Banning Conservatives, Christians, and Like-Minded People, Those Death Attributed to the Coronavirus Is a Result of Those Mentioned, They Truly Are Evil…

Source: HNewsWire vaccineimpact HNewsWire uspoliticsandnews HNewsWire thinkingonscripture

StevieRay Hansen

Watchmen does not confuse truth with consensus The Watchmen does not confuse God’s word with the word of those in power…

In police-state fashion, Big Tech took the list of accused (including this site), declared all those named guilty and promptly shadow-banned, de-platformed or de-monetized us all without coming clean about how they engineered the crushing of dissent, Now more than ever big Tech has exposed there hand engaging in devious underhanded tactics to make the sinister look saintly, one of Satan’s greatest weapons happens to be deceit…

The accumulating death toll from Covid-19 can be seen minute-by-minute on cable news channels. But there’s another death toll few seem to care much about: the number of poverty-related deaths being set in motion by deliberately plunging millions of Americans into poverty and despair.

American health care, as we call it today, and for all its high-tech miracles, has evolved into one of the most atrocious rackets the world has ever seen. By racket, I mean an enterprise organized explicitly to make money dishonestly.

All the official reassurances won’t be worth a bucket of warm spit. The Globals are behind the CoronaVirus, It Is a Man-Made Bioweapon.



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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

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