California Democrats Trying to Pass Law to Vaccinate Children 12 & up against COVID-19.


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California Democrats sponsored a measure that would allow COVID-19 vaccines to be given to children without parental authorization.

Senators Scott Wiener and Richard Pan sponsored Senate Bill 866, popularly known as the Teens Choose Vaccines Act, with the goal of adding a new section to the California Family Code.

“A minor 12 years of age or older may consent to a vaccine that is approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration and meets the recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) of the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (ACIP) without the consent of the parent or guardian of the minor,” according to the proposal.

The law does not indicate that COVID-19 Vaccines will be administered to children without consent; instead, it refers to human papillomavirus (HPV) and hepatitis B vaccines.

COVID-19 vaccine for children, according to Wiener, is an apparent target of the measure.

“With the persistence of the COVID-19 pandemic and the widespread availability of highly effective and safe vaccines to treat serious COVID-19 illness, it’s more important than ever that young adults be able to access vaccines,” he said in a statement.

Unless the vaccination expressly targets a sexually transmitted disease, current California law requires parental consent for minors aged 12 to 17.

The measure includes eight coauthors, including seven assembly members and one senator, in addition to Wiener and Pan.

It’s unclear how the bill was received in California’s state legislature, which is controlled by the Democratic Party in both the upper and lower chambers.

Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon declined to comment on the bill, claiming that it has not yet been brought to the Assembly floor.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that everyone aged 5 and up get vaccinated against COVID-19, claiming that vaccines are safe for children and teenagers. The CDC also suggested that youngsters aged 12 and above obtain a Pfizer-BioNTech booster.

Some famous epidemiologists, on the other hand, express qualms about immunizing adolescents.

Healthy children should not be administered the COVID-19 vaccination, according to Dr. Peter McCullough, a distinguished cardiologist and epidemiologist, because the number of children who die from the virus is low, but the vaccine’s adverse effects in that age group are of major concern.

Dr. Robert Malone, a virologist and immunologist who has made substantial contributions to the development of mRNA vaccines, agrees.

“There is no benefit for your children or your family to be vaccinating your children against the small risks of the virus, given the known health risks of the vaccine that as a parent, you and your children may have to live with for the rest of their lives.”

This isn’t the first time that Dr. Robert Malone has spoken out against the efficacy of MRNA vaccination to prevent COVID-19. Previously, Dr. Robert Malone brought it to the attention of the public that these inoculations created COVID-19 super-spreaders. His statements stand firm at the heart of anti-MRNA vaccination debate. In reality, there is absolutely no debate. The very people insisting that all of society get vaccinated are narrow minded people lacking a wholistic perspective on politics and human nature. Either that or they’re complicit in these heinous crimes against humanity.

These people enacting laws with the sole purpose of moving toward inoculating children with an experimental MRNA vaccination WITHOUT parental consent is egregious, and won’t be tolerated by freedom loving Americans. Children belong to their parents, not the community. Because the “community” has proven to be unfit to aid the upbringing of a child. Children brought up in the early 90’s and prior experienced life as it were. Organic and not digitized. Think of how far we’ve come, and how sinister this agenda feels when you see the legislation coming down the pipe.

It looks like a communist administration because it is one; Why is society paralyzed? Find your courage in the word, Matthew 5:44 says: “But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” Satan is building his own army just like God. In Matthew chapter 10, Jesus tells his apostles they have been given power over unclean spirits, and sends them out to spread the word. We hold power over unclean spirits and our prayer can move mountains. Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.

A federal judge halted President Joe Biden’s COVID-19 immunization demand for federal employees on Friday.

U.S. District Judge Jeffrey Brown stated in a 20-page order acquired by The Epoch Times that Biden lacked the jurisdiction to enforce such a mandate.

According to federal law, the president “may prescribe regulations for the conduct of employees in the executive branch,” and government lawyers contended that getting vaccinated is “plainly conduct.” The judge, on the other hand, sided with the plaintiffs, claiming that the conduct in question had to constitute “workplace conduct” in order for him or her to control it.

“So, is submitting to a COVID-19 vaccine, particularly when required as a condition of one’s employment, workplace conduct? The answer to this question became a lot clearer after the Supreme Court’s ruling earlier this month,” Brown was referring to the Supreme Court’s recent ruling that the Biden administration’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate for private businesses looked to exceed the administration’s authority as granted by Congress.

“The Supreme Court has expressly held that a COVID-19 vaccine mandate is not an employment regulation. And that means the President was without statutory authority to issue the federal worker mandate,” he added.

Without a preliminary injunction, or a temporary halt to the order, federal employees who have not been vaccinated or certified for an exemption fear suspension, termination, or other severe repercussions, he warned.

Feds for Medical Freedom, a grassroots combination of federal employees and other organizations, filed the complaint.

In an emailed statement, Marcus Thornton, president of the group, said, “Today’s decision by Judge Brown is a victory for the thousands of men and women who want to serve their government without sacrificing their individual rights,”

“The 6,000+ members of Feds for Medical Freedom want nothing more than to continue their service to this country without being subjected to unconstitutional mandates. For the time being, the court’s ruling grants them that wish, but the fight is far from over. We will continue to pursue every lawful avenue available to ensure our members’ rights are respected and their service is honored appropriately, ” he added.

Plaintiffs claimed in a plea for an injunction that Biden “acted beyond his lawful delegated authority” in imposing the measures for government contractors, both of which have been struck down by courts.

Defendants said the orders were designed to stop the spread of the virus that causes COVID-19 and fit “comfortably within the President’s broad authority to oversee the Executive Branch workforce.” according to a motion opposing the request.

The government appealed Brown’s order to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit shortly after it was issued.

The appeals court could either sustain the order, setting up a battle with the Supreme Court, or it might lift the injunction while the matter proceeds through the courts.

Reparations are slowly coming together across the U.S as tyrannical legislature is broken down and revoked. We just need to ensure that nobody is wrongfully displaced from their positions due to their medical preferences, and continue to carry out these cases. The threat still remains, for many who watch their occupations hang in the balance. Many radicalized individuals are likely to discriminate on unvaccinated people in the future, which is to be expected. Seeing as they forgot about the lab leak in the first place, I wouldn’t be too concerned about their cognitive function. Military service members still could remain undeployable and subject to discharge if not vaccinated.

We’re meant to be persecuted in the name of Christ in the first place. Without adversity, how are we to know who we are? Without Jesus on the cross, salvation would be near unattainable for our society. 1 Peter 4:12-14 says: “Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice insofar as you share Christ’s sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when his glory is revealed. If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you.” Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.



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