8 mins read

Watchman Warning: Satan Has Just Sent His First Invoice to the Banking Industry

HNewsWire: By Tyler Durden Just one day after JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon said private credit could spark turmoil if when the opaque sector of financial markets weakens, warning that “there could be hell to pay,” and adding that he has “seen a couple of these deals that were rated by a rating agency and, I have to confess, it shocked me what they got rated. So, it reminds me a little bit of mortgages”, Satan has just sent his first invoice to the banking industry. After scaring his fellow bankers, perhaps in hopes of sparking another mini bank run and getting the FDIC to gift him with yet another bank, it turns out that perhaps Jamie Dimon was correct that “not all the people doing [private credit] are good,” and earlier today Bloomberg brought us the first notable example of […]


6 mins read

Jerome Powell Openly Admits That Banks Will Collapse This Year

By SRH, Earlier this week, in a Senate Banking Committee, the esteemed Fed Chair Jerome Powell reluctantly acknowledged that the United States is bound to confront a series of unavoidable banking collapses this year. However, he audaciously asserts that this forthcoming surge of calamities shall be within the realm of “manageable.” Another round of deceit from the Fed, as expected. The senator’s worries about the banking sector’s soundness and its exposure to commercial real estate were acknowledged by Powell. He verified that worried banks are receiving updates from the Federal Reserve, which is keeping a careful eye on the situation. Although Powell refrained from naming names or providing exact figures, he did say that additional banks, especially smaller ones with a greater reliance on commercial real estate, are likely to fail this year. The transition to remote employment has resulted […]


6 mins read

By NWO Design, the Watchman Banks Are Failing. Republic First Bank in Philadelphia Was Too Exposed to the Real Estate Market, and the FDIC Has Taken Over,More to Come People!

By SRH, The New World Order folks continue to tear down our most important infrastructure,banking institutions,family,Churches Etc. The publicly traded Republic First Bancorp (ticker FRBK), which operated as Republic Bank, failed quietly on Friday, the first federally insured bank failure of 2024, according to the FDIC. This federally insured bank was trading at 1-cent on Friday, down from 27-1/2 cents when we initially reported on its precarious state in September of last year. Really, do Americans want to see a bank trading their life savings like a penny stock? Since the program’s establishment in 1933, no depositor in a federally insured bank has ever lost a penny if they remain under the government’s insurance cap on deposits. At the moment, the insurance limit is $250,000 per depositor per bank. Still, the terms penny stock and bank deposit are not a […]


8 mins read

Watchman: The Federal Reserve Has Abruptly Terminated the Banking Bailout Program That Has Been Sustaining Institutions. Expect Banks To Start Collapsing in the Near Future

By SRH, The federal authorities seem to be on the verge of closing down the regional National Banks in order to usher in digital currency. Last Month U.S. Treasurer [grannie] Yellen assured the Senate that all is well and the financial system is “stable.” With minimal attention from the mainstream, the Federal Reserve terminated an emergency bailout program yesterday that was designed to assist banks and financial institutions during the aftermath of the Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) collapse a year ago. Worried about the potential widespread contagion and bank runs following SVB’s downfall, the Federal Reserve established the Bank Term Funding Program (BTFP), offering more than $2 trillion in funds for banks to borrow in order to manage withdrawals and losses stemming from loans, bonds, derivatives, and other assets that had depreciated due to interest rate hikes causing significant unrealized […]


6 mins read

Watchman: It’s the Moment When the Music Stops Playing, Investors Stop Buying, and the Ponzi Game Ends Abruptly. It’s a Hard Crash. America’s on the Brink of Its Minsky Moment

By SRH, The Bible reminds us to stay vigilant and protect our hearts from the corruption of sin. Evil can only infiltrate our lives if we allow it to take root in our hearts, much like a vampire needing an invitation into your home. The first step in this spiritual battle is acknowledging its existence and sincerely examining your heart. Remember, “For in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed—a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: ‘The righteous will live by faith.’” (Romans 1:17) Realize that there is a war going on, and you are a part of it. Whether you like it or not, we are all involved in the ongoing spiritual warfare between good and evil. If you choose not to participate in the battle, you will still be […]


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