Is this the World’ worst cover-up story that allegedly ‘ Pfizer BioNTech hid their COVID-19 Bio-Weapon Injections Trails’ Results of 80 Percent of the Patient’s Deaths.

Milken Institute Future of Health Summit | October 28-30, 2019 Dinesh Kaushiva November 1, 2023 This opening section was not part of the above mentioned article but we considered it be very critical to present to you ahead of the following Article’s information because in our opinion this is what Dr. Fauci was talking about at the World Wide Broadcast on C-Span during the Milken Institute October 28-29, 2023 allegedly is the root cause that all the Federal Medical Agencies were defrauded (or they might have been allegedly complicit) by Pfizer due to the fact Dr. Fauci  shut out the Safety Standards of other INDEPENDENT PEER GROUPS REVIEW STANDARDS also while these groups also conduct their own CLINICAL TRIALS AND PUBLISH  THEIR RESULTS WHICH EITHER AGREE WITH THE DRUG MANUFACTURERS’ ASSESSMENTS  OR REJECTING THE MANUFACTURERS’ ASSESSMENTS OF THE NEW MEDICINES,…

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Criminally Insane, Satan Soldiers Psychopaths Are Controlling

Our Weather… We the people, citizens of our Republic, deserve answers to serious questions. Our elected officials owe their constituents truth. If “we the people” have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, there must be truth to questions and concerns that effect the life and health of America’s citizens. We cannot protect our families from dangers, sickness, calamities, etc., if we do not have the facts we need to make decisions. If indeed we have the rights stated in the Bill of Rights, truth in government has to exist first. When citizens are at risk of harm, sickness, or death, we must be informed. At the very least, if we ask questions about a danger or risk, truth must come in the answer. Gag orders should not ever be used or allowed if citizens are at…

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Authorities find 123 missing children in just ONE day during a Michigan sex trafficking operation

If you have not already, please read our article on pedophilia. While the Bible does not contain a detailed ranking of the wickedness of various sins, child molestation is surely near the top of the list. There is perhaps no more cruel, perverted, and loathsome sin than child molestation. Jesus consistently expressed compassion for children and anger toward anyone who would harm them (Matthew 19:14; Luke 17:1-2). While no sin is unforgivable, the evil of child molestation can only come from a warped and debauched heart and mind. But the question at hand is what is the cause of the recent plague of child molestation incidents. Sadly and disturbingly, it does seem that child molestation is becoming more common. Given scandals involving Roman Catholic priests, Protestant leaders, man-boy love societies, and incidents involving parents, teachers, pastors, coaches, etc., the word “plague” is…

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Geoengineering Affects You, Your Environment, and Your Loved Ones,Look up chem trails…

The human race is continuing its collective journey into completely uncharted territory. Even now, so few are yet aware of or are yet willing to face what is unfolding. The tragic event in New Zealand has provided the power structure with a means of temporarily distracting populations from their ever more blatant crimes. Was there more to the recent airline crash than we have been told? The gathering storm will not seem real to most until it hits. The latest installment of Global Alert News is below. Though the horizon continues to darken, now more than ever our collective efforts to sound the alarm matters. The sooner populations are awakened and mobilized to face what is unfolding, the more we may yet have to salvage of our planet’s life support systems. The battle to turn the tide of insanity has been incredibly long and arduous,  but…

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