Watchman: We Are Living in Perilous Times, “the LGBTQE E For EVIL” Is Out to Destroy Anyone/Any Organization That Doesn’t Succumb to Their Ungodly Lifestyle…

  Two passages in the Bible say that “in the last days, scoffers will come.” Second Peter 3:3 and Jude 1:18 both explain what that means. A “scoffer” in this context is one who mocks Christ, ridicules the things of God, and opposes the gospel. Both Peter and Jude were writing warnings against false teachers who were intent on leading others astray. The word scoffer refers to one who denies the truths of Scripture and entices others to go along with his error. The word unbeliever was understood to represent everything opposed to Christian faith and godliness. In 2 Corinthians 6:14–15, Paul writes, “Do not be bound together with unbelievers; for what partnership have righteousness and lawlessness, or what fellowship has light with darkness? Or what harmony has Christ with Belial, or what has a believer in common with an unbeliever?” The understanding was that those who had…


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Watchman Sees A Nation Out of Control, No God, No Peace

They’ll Never Take Jesus Out Of My Heart HNewsWire: Peace is something everyone wants, yet few seem to find. What is peace? It can be defined as “tranquility, harmony, or security.” Depending on the situation, it could mean “prosperity” or “well-being.” Various forms of the word peace are found 429 times in the King James Version of the Bible. There are different types of peace, including false peace, inner peace, peace with God and peace with man. In the Old Testament, the primary Hebrew word for “peace” is shalom, and it refers to relationships between people (Genesis 34:21), nations (1 Kings 5:12), and God with men (Psalm 85:8). Peace is a desired status in each of these areas, and shalom is often tied to a covenant or a promise kept. A familiar friend (literally, “friend of my peace” in Psalm 41:9) is one with whom you…


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Where Are the Watchmen? the WatchMen That Would Boldly Confront the Ruling Class with Harsh Truths Whenever Prophet is Used in This Article it Actually Should be Referred to as Watchmen

Usually, About Social Justice, God may raise some WatchMen up to be a WatchMen to the Nation. Many of the prophets of the Old Testament found themselves confronting kings and taking an important role in national affairs. Some also addressed their words to foreign nations. They demonstrate the ministry of the Prophet to the Nation. Such a man was likely to be drastic, radical, possibly at times violent, and the curious crowd that gathered to watch him work soon branded him as extreme, fanatical, negative. And in a sense they were right. He was single-minded, severe, fearless, and these were the qualities the circumstances demanded. He shocked some, frightened others and alienated not a few, but he knew who had called him and what he was sent to do. His ministry was geared to the emergency, and that fact marked…


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Update: There Are Many Enemies of Christ. Homosexuals Have Done an Incredible Job of Twisting God’s Word to Fit Their Filthy, Wicked Lifestyle

The Lukewarm Christian… Christian Rock Star Comes Out as Homosexual. Here’s the Letter He Wrote to the World Trey Pearson once claimed, “I never wanted to be homosexual.” I was worried about what God and the people I cared about would think of me.Trey Pearson has been releasing Since its release in 2001, Trey Pearson’s “Everyday Sunday” has sold about a quarter of a million copies, and his 2009 album debuted at number 200 on the Billboard 200. He has performed in front of thousands of people in all 50 states and 20 different countries with major Christian artists like Toby Mac, Switchfoot, MercyMe, Jeremy Camp, and many more. Trey Pearson’s photo was used here.Sorry if I’m shedding a few tears. Unfortunately, this has been a long time in the making. By the time we were halfway through our first…


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A House Divided Against Itself Will Surely Fall, We Live in a Divided Country

HNewsWire: The protesters are playing right into the government’s hands. They want an excuse to lock-down the nation and throw the switch to all-out martial law. They want a reason to make the police state stronger… Corruption is a state of decay, pollution, or incorrectness. In the Bible, corruption is one of the effects of sin that resulted from the fall of man… There are three accounts in the Gospels in which Jesus states that a kingdom divided against itself is laid waste or a house divided cannot stand (Luke 11:17; Mark 3:25; Matthew 12:25). All three instances of this statement are spoken in response to the Pharisees’ accusation that Jesus was casting out demons by the power of Satan—a blasphemy that Jesus said would not be forgiven them. Jesus’ argument to the Pharisees was logical: a kingdom that is at cross-purposes with itself…


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Steve Meyers: Peak Corruption?

Watchman: Politics is the of Art of Dissent – a Dangerous Weapon Attacking Believers. Facebook, Twitter & Google, Are the New “Digital Brownshirts,” AKA, Modern-Day Digital “Storm Troopers.” Biden Activates the Nazi Playbook! By StevieRay Hansen | May 29, 2024 | 0 Comments HNewsWire- Facebook suppressed an article in the British Medical Journal a few months ago that exposed major anomalies in Pfizer’s clinical vaccination studies. Then, two weeks ago, fact-checkers from the Spanish websites Newtral and Maldita stormed the public arena, accusing Joan Ramón Laporte, a professor of pharmacology, a known specialist in drug safety, and a former WHO consultant, of indoctrinating the Spanish citizenry with falsehoods and misinformation. This is in response to Laporte’s evidence before a Spanish legislative inquiry looking into the country’s immunization program. Despite his illustrious credentials, his involvement was soon branded as controversial by…


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Watchman: “Transgender Children” is a Satanic Lie

Click On  GraniteRidgeSoapwork HNewsWire: We live in a confused and fallen world, and that confusion extends everywhere, so that even the most basic questions, like “what gender am I?” become difficult for some people to answer. Some people claim they were born as the wrong gender, or at least in the wrong body. A man may believe he is actually a female, but his soul is “stuck” in a male body. Such claims receive support from others who advocate a “gender-neutral” society. But those who view gender distinctions as nothing more than arbitrary labels or a “box” to be broken out of are actively rejecting God’s design in creation. Fundamental to our understanding of human sexuality is that God created two (and only two) genders. Currently, the world likes to consider gender (based on a social construct) as having nothing…


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Transgender Definition: Someone That Is Completely Void of God’s Plan in Their Life, Another Explanation, Monkeypox “Trans Evil”

Click On  GraniteRidgeSoapworks   Watchman Reporting: The Whole System Is Set Up to Reprogram the Kids. I Mean, That’s What They’re Doing. They’re Literally Destroying These Innocent Little Brains With Demonic Trans No-Sense By StevieRay Hansen | September 27, 2023 | 0 Comments HNewsWire: This agenda will ultimately destroy true American values, and isolate the Christian community so they can be targeted by these Sodomites. GRANTS PASS, OREGON – When his 14-year-old son was summoned to the principal’s office for refusing to claim a female pupil was a boy, Matthew Duncan decided enough was enough. Duncan’s kid initially thought his longtime classmate was joking when she advised him to address her as a male. He flatly refused. “You can’t do it!” “You can’t call someone something they’re not,” Duncan said, adding that Grants Pass school officials punished the youngster. “Just…


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The Prophet Daniel’s Sign of the End of Days – The Explosive Increase of Knowledge

What are some of the signs of the End Times?… Daniel 12:4 “…even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased…” The prophet Daniel’s phrase, “knowledge shall increase,” clearly explains what will happen when the end has come upon us. The unparalleled explosion of information technology over the last two decades certainly meets this criteria. During the time of Daniel, information could only be shared orally or by handwriting. Today’s technologies allow any person with a smartphone to share text, pictures, audio, or video instantly around the world. For instance, throughout history we have had a slow and little increase in knowledge. Until recently in humanly history, the fastest form of transport was a horse. No man can travel at hundreds of miles per hour, and cross the globe in a day! Technology…


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