4 mins read

Watchman Sees Civil War Soon,Arizona Grand Jury Indicts 18 Republican Trump ‘Fake Electors’

By SRH, Hypocrites without shame!If any election could have been called into question, Biden’s was it.Democrats repeatedly alleged election fraud, alleging they had won elections but had been fraudulently manipulated by foreign players or other means.They attempted investigations and swayed electoral confirmation, similar to Trump and his supporters, which is legal in our nation. Approximately half of the population feels Biden’s case involved a stolen election, regardless of whether the judges heard proof. Electoral confirmation should be delayed to address issues such as drop box stuffing, votes counted after an election, missing signatures, dead people voting, votes cast from nonexistent addresses, and machines moving in key states along an algorithm trajectory at the same time in different polling sites, resulting in a shift from Trump to Biden votes. The same amounts of vote shifts with identical movements in different places […]


5 mins read

Watchman: Residents of an Isolated Community in Arizona, Three Hundred Miles From the US Border, Were Prepared To Take up Guns in Opposition to the Governor’s Activities–Civil War Ready America

By SRH,  “You’re in cowboy country here,” said Ms. Reidhead, who takes a hard line over illegal immigration and protecting her community’s traditional way of life. Three hundred miles from the U.S. border, a small Arizona hamlet was ready to fight the governor. Pretender Gov. Katie Hobbs helped create this massive American problem but won’t have her office answer the phone. Typical Democrat. Creates problems for Americans, then ignores them when they ask for the solution. In protest of the governor, residents of a remote Arizona hamlet 300 miles from the US border were ready to shoot. Phoenix, Arizona Springerville, a small rural town in Arizona, has all the amenities it needs. RV parks, a general store, a small regional hospital, a supermarket, retail businesses, motels, and restaurants are open during the tourist season. Town’s nearest neighbor is 4,800-person Eagar. […]


36 mins read

Sold Out: Chick-Fil-A’s Latest Capitulation Has Them Siding With Lesbians, Sodomites & Transgenders

Chick-Fil-A’s Donations To SPLC… Nearly all of the writers of the New Testament predicted that changes would occur in key beliefs after their deaths. That person would “fall away” and that “apostasy” would enter the body of believers, we are here. Chick-Fil-A’s Donations To SPLC… OK, so following revelations that Chick-Fil-A supports Common Core and that they were pulling donations to Christian charities that spoke out against the abominations promoted by the LGBTQ movement, it has been uncovered that Chick-Fil-A was also bankrolling the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), a known Marxist organization that targets Christian, family and conservative organizations, as well as individuals themselves. PJ Media reports: In a truly shocking development, the fast-food chain even funded the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), which is notorious for slandering conservative and Christian organizations by calling them “hate groups” on par with the […]


81 mins read

Lawless, the Antichrist Spirit Has Begun to Move, Man’s Home Seized over $8.41 in Unpaid Property Taxes…

Brace Yourself, This Is Just the Beginning… The Bible says ‘difficult times will come’ when men will be irreconcilable, treacherous and reckless (2 Tim 3.1-7). It speaks of an on-going ‘spiritual’ war against mankind (Eph 6.10-20). Supreme Court Sides With 94-Year-Old Woman Whose Home Equity Was Seized By County by Tyler Durden Friday, May 26, 2023 – 10:40 PM The Supreme Court on Thursday sided with an 94-year-old Minnesota grandmother who was wronged when her county forced the sale of her condominium over unpaid taxes, and kept the proceeds that far exceeded the taxes she owed – the latest “home equity theft” to make headlines. The case followed a report late last year by the Pacific Legal Foundation which found that 12 states and DC allow local governments and private investors to seize far more than what is owed from […]


6 mins read

Watchman Says Civil Unrest Coming: Migrants “Flood” NYC City Hall In Protest Of Losing Luxury Hotel Rooms

HNewsWire: by Tyler Durden Tuesday, Apr 16… Thousands of undocumented immigrants, a large number of whom are young males of military age, have overrun New York City’s City Hall. The fact that their housing alternatives are subsidized by taxpayers has the illegals upset. Many are being sent to shelters from opulent hotels. New York City could be on the cusp of social unrest as hundreds of migrants have flooded the grounds of City Hall in Lower Manhattan to protest the scaling down of their luxury hotel accommodations (funded by us, the taxpayers).  The Babylon Bee’s Ashley St. Clair posted on X a disturbing photo of migrants “flooding NYC City Hall to protest being moved to shelters instead of the luxury hotels.”  Elon Musk responded with “Wow,” while another X user posted a video of angry migrants surrounding the City Hall […]


160 mins read

Watchman: What’s so Hard to Understand, We Have Taken God out of Society The End Result “Mayhem”

HNewsWire: It Will Only Get Worse, Peace of mind and the tranquility of spirit that accompanies it are only available when we have true peace with God through the sacrifice of Christ on the cross in payment of our sins. Those who attempt to find peace in worldly pursuits will find themselves sadly deceived… In order for sin to work, there has to be a “suppression of the truth.” https://twitter.com/i/status/1267945466357927936 https://twitter.com/i/status/1267948723948023808 LA Man Arrested With ‘Massive Arsenal’ While Impersonating National Guardsman As the world braces for yet another night of protests as governors from Texas to the northeast insist that they would never allow the military to unload on American citizens (technically, active-duty military aren’t legally allowed to perform ‘policing’ functions, per federal law), police in LA say they’ve arrested a man caught impersonating a member of the national guard. The man, […]


7 mins read

Watchman: Brace Yourself! An Impending Police State Looms as Violent Crime Skyrockets, Urging the Philadelphia Transit Chief to Seek Aid from the National Guard, Following New York City’s Lead. Civil Unrest Beckons, My Friends

By SRH, To combat subway crime, Governor Kathy Hochul is sending 750 National Guard men and 250 Metropolitan Transportation Authority and New York State Police officers. The governor unveiled a five-point plan to reduce subway crime in a press release on Wednesday. The governor’s plan includes sending state personnel to help the NYPD conduct bag checks on the subway system, advancing a bill to ban assaulters from public transportation, installing more cameras to protect train conductors’ cabins, increasing law enforcement-district attorney coordination, and increasing Subway Co-Response Outreach teams. “Since taking office, I have been laser-focused on driving down subway crime and protecting New Yorkers,” Hochul stated. “My five-point plan will eliminate violent offenders in subways and protect commuters and transit workers. I am telling all New Yorkers that I will continue to keep you secure and restore your piece of…Read […]


5 mins read

The Arrival of the Authoritarian Regime in the United States

By SRH, Underground resistance is a crucial strategy until it reaches a critical mass to wield its true effectiveness. Christian will be hunted down and executed, Tribulation playing out in real time Many commuters who rely on the subway system for transportation may view this as a necessary measure. In a city with strict gun control, the uncertainty of self-defense rights prevails. Business owners have faced harassment and arrests for attempting to defend their properties against looters. The underlying message is clear: only law enforcement can maintain order. However, the actual enforcement of this remains to be seen. The situation on the subway has escalated to a chaotic state. While familiar commuters may navigate safely, visitors taking the wrong train at the wrong time are at great risk. Ultimately, this initiative will likely result in confiscating defensive tools from law-abiding […]


1 min read

Watchman Looks at Civil War Risk, State By State Is Your State Likely to Be Drawn Into Kinetic Conflict as the Rule of Law Disintegrates Across America?

Jason Aldean And Re fighting America’s Civil War HNewsWire:                                                                                               What does Jason Aldean have to do with Ulysses Grant? The Confederacy As A Proxy For White America A key to understanding current-year American politics is that a large swath of Americans hates the founding population of America. You can see this in reactions to Jason Aldean’s hit “Try That In A Small Town” and in the removal of statues and monuments (which started with the removal of Confederate monuments, but as President Trump predicted, moved on to the removal of statues of America’s Founders, such as Thomas Jefferson. Ironically, as I noted in my post on Aldean’s hit last week (Try That In A Small Town), the rural whites who are descendants of the men who settled America tend to be less racist than newer Americans who look down…...

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34 mins read

Update: Trump Is Full of Empty Promises, Yet

The Sheep People Continue to Buy into His Line of Bull… The 9 Promises From Trump’s 2024 Launch Speech PALM BEACH, Fla.—Former President Donald Trump outlined a poignant vision for America during his inaugural campaign speech on Nov. 15, tackling topics including government corruption, public education, and national defense. Speaking to a crowd of supporters at his Mar-a-Lago resort on Nov. 15, Trump described a broad vision for the nation. Toward the end of his speech, the 45th president turned to a list of concrete policy proposals, titled the “National Greatness Agenda.” Trump has previously discussed a number of the items on the agenda, such as imposing term limits on members of Congress and building a missile shield. Other items appear to be entirely new, including a proposal to cut federal funding from public schools that teach critical race theory and gender […]


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