Divided by Religion, Divided by Sex, Divided by Political Affiliation, Divided by Class

Every dog has their day, the Ungodly Divide and Conquer Strategy, the elitist are masters of deception… Jim Quinn’s Burning Platform blog reports: Fake News Represents A Clear And Present Danger What happens when 90% of the media is controlled/owned by (6) corporations? What happens when those same corporations are operated and controlled by political ideology? What happens when the news is no longer free from bias? What happens when the news is no longer reliable and independent? What happens when the news is no longer trustworthy? What happens when the news simply becomes an extension/arm of a political party? Does fact become fiction? Fiction becomes fact? When does news become propaganda? Identity creation? How does the average person, who is under constant financial stress (by design), find time to research and discern fact v fiction? Majority of people more…

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Trump Makes a Mockery of Christianity, Where Is Pastor Robert Jeffress and Those Prosperity Gospel Heretics When You Need Them

This is not going to end well. Donald Cyrus Trump is now on a campaign to decriminalize sodomy and those that are on the Lord’s side (Exodus 32:26) when it comes to enforcing the laws that condemn sodomy-homosexuality. In fact, he even urges the world to follow his lead… Trump Official Site Selling Pride T-Shirt, Hat to ‘Show Your Support for the LGBT Community and the President… Among the products available for purchase in the “shop” section of the official Donald Trump website, emblazoned with messages like “Cops for Trump,” “Women for Trump,” “Latinos for Trump,” and “Veterans for Trump,” is rainbow homosexual pride apparel bearing the slogan “Make America Great Again.” “Show your support for the LGBT community and the 45th president with this exclusive Make America Great Again Pride t-shirt,” one of the descriptions reads. In addition to the…

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Hallmark Reverses Decision to Pull Same-Sex ‘Wedding’ Ads After LGBTQE-E For Evil Celebrity Backlash

It’s up to the Viewers Now Turn off Hallmark… Hallmark reverses decision to pull same-sex ‘wedding’ ads after LGBT celebrity backlash   Advertising, Corporate Pressure, Ellen Degeneres, Hallmark Channel, Homosexuality, Lgbt Tyranny, Propaganda, Television, William Shatner PETITION: Tell Hallmark No LGBT Christmas movies! Sign the petition here. December 16, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) — The Hallmark Channel has reversed its decision to stop airing four commercials featuring same-sex “weddings” and will now allow the controversial adverts to be aired. Hallmark initially decided to stop airing four commercials for the wedding planning website Zola.com after a backlash from viewers. The ad that sparked the backlash ended with two women, one in a white suit and the other in a white dress, kissing. The other ads that were pulled also featured same-sex kisses. But on Sunday, Hallmark announced that pulling the ads was the “wrong decision” after the channel came in for criticism from several celebrities. Celebrities William…

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The World Is Sick, a Film Depicting Jesus as a Homosexual!

CHRISTMAS FILM MOCKS CHRISTIANITY IN AN UNPRECEDENTED MANNER 0500,000  240,205 240,205 people have signed. Help us reach 500,000 signatures. SIGN THIS PETITION NOW! The Brazilian group ‘Porta dos Fondos’ (Translates to “Back door”)  has produced a film titled “The First Temptation of Christ” which depicts Jesus Christ as a homosexual in a clear attack to Christianity as Christmas approaches. Using humor and art as an excuse this group has attacked Christianity in an unprecedented manner. They supposedly produced this film as a “Christmas” film for their viewers! In this film, they present Christ as having relationships with a homosexual while the disciples are alcoholics and unruly. The Virgin Mary is presented as an adulterous woman who has sex with God the Father … Until recently the anti-Christian works by Portas Do Fondos were published on their YouTube channel. But this year, Netflix has decided to buy its production and distribution rights…

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