Bad Company Corrupts Good Morals

Here’s an important clarification in the land of lone-rangers. Jesus is the perfect, sinless God-man — and during his earthly ministry was able to go at it alone if needed — but even he always seemed to have his disciples with him. How much more do we need a team, to go at our evangelistic efforts with a solid brother or sister or two who will not let us be dragged down by the sin around us, and in us, but keep us on mission, intentional to engage and rescue sinners with the gospel of Jesus. Don’t storm the gates of hell alone. Jesus sent out his disciples two by two (Luke 10:1). You’re wise to go with a team. Source Deadly disease. The biblical example are the Pharisees. They criticized Jesus about defying the Law and the Prophets and…

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Do Christians serve and worship Allah? Hillsong heretic Brian Houston says we do, So you are a follower of Hillsong Church, are you?

Hillsong Is A Prosperity Gospel Movement ! Regarding biblical Christianity, what is heresy? Second Peter 2:1 says, “There will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction.” From this verse, we see that heresy is anything that denies the teaching of Jesus. In 1 Corinthians 11:19, Paul takes the church to task for having heresies among them—heresies that led to schisms in the body. These verses touch on both aspects of what constitutes heresy in the church: denying the doctrines God has given, and dividing the body He has created. Both of these are dangerous, destructive actions that are soundly rebuked by Scripture. See also 1 John 4:1-6; 1 Timothy 1:3-6; 2 Timothy 1:13-14; and Jude 1. How does the Bible deal with heresy? Titus 3:10 says, “A man that is an heretic after the first…

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Official Hillsong Church Statement On LGBTQ Inclusion

Queer (No Such Thing) Christian responds to @Hillsong’s statement on “inclusion” The gospel of inclusion is simply the old heresy of universalism re-packaged and given a new name. Universalism is the belief that all people will eventually be saved and go to heaven. The gospel of inclusion, as taught by Carlton Pearson and others, encompasses several false beliefs: (1) The gospel of inclusion says that the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ paid the price for all of humanity to enjoy eternal life in heaven without any need for repentance. (2) The gospel of inclusion teaches that salvation is unconditional and does not even require faith in Jesus Christ as the payment for mankind’s sin debt. (3) The gospel of inclusion believes that all humanity is destined to live in heaven whether or not they realize it. (4) The gospel of inclusion…

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The dictionary defines occult as “hidden, secret and mysterious, particularly pertaining to the supernatural.” Examples of occult practices are astrology, witchcraft (Wicca), the black arts, fortune telling, magic (both black and white), Ouija boards, Tarot cards, spiritism, parapsychology, and Satanism. Human beings have always been interested the occult, from ancient times until today. Occult practices and psychic phenomena have captivated millions of people worldwide, and this is not limited to the ignorant or uneducated. There are several factors that make the occult fascinating to everyone, even in our age of technological and scientific advances.  For one thing, occult practices appeal to our natural curiosity. Many people who get involved in the occult begin with “harmless” practices such as playing with a Ouija board out of simple curiosity. Many who have experimented this way have found themselves going deeper and deeper into the occult. Unfortunately, this type of involvement is akin to…

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When Jesus was on this earth preaching The Gospel, He showed us how to preach it. He neither made money with The Gospel nor ask/beg humanity for provision. See true servants of God do not ask/beg humanity for money and provision. If you are not preaching The Gospel Jesus way, you are not preaching His Gospel. All apostles and true servants of God in The Bible never made money with The Gospel neither ask/beg humanity for money and provision. Money and The Gospel of Jesus Christ do not go together. You will never see the power of The Holy Spirit where The Gospel is used to make money. You cannot love money and worldly riches and love God. You cannot serve two masters. You cannot serve money and God. Luke 16:13: No servant can serve two masters: for either he…

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How Kourtney Kardashian Became Known For Kooky Health Advice,She Likes The In Crowd,HillSong/ ZOE Plastic Non- Biblical Church

Due to the major concerns many people have about HillSong/ Zoe Church, we strongly advise you to use the utmost caution and discernment before visiting or joining this hip non-biblical Church movement. Churches in the New Testament era were indeed small assemblies that met in homes (Acts 2:46; 20:20). So the practice is certainly biblically allowable. There also seem to be some good reasons to have house churches as opposed to large gatherings: greater intimacy, stronger relationships, more comfortable worship, single-mindedness, etc. The fact that large churches usually have their own small groups that meet in homes speaks to this fact. Several considerations should be made, however, concerning the reasons for creating and/or attending a house church. First, the fact that first-century Christians did something does not establish it as a pattern for all generations to follow (unless there is also…

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“God is nonbinary”: UMD panel explores intersection of faith and sexual identity

The transgender debate is becoming all-encompassing. Issues such as education, law, government, entertainment all fall in the crosshairs of the transgender debate, and our culture moves with such speed that working out how to respond seems overwhelming, if not impossible. So here are five essential things for Christians to keep in mind as we think about and speak about transgenderism. Disagreeing with transgenderism does not mean denying the pain of gender dysphoria. There’s an enormous difference between the political aspects of the culture war surrounding transgenderism and the reality that there are precious persons who have genuine struggles with gender dysphoria — a condition where a person senses that their gender identity (how they feel about being male or female) may not align with their biological sex and experiences emotional distress as a result. While we resist the attempt being…

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The church is filthy,LDS church announces major baptism policy change for children of LGBT parents

As the world gets darker and as more and more people call evil good and good evil, we must endeavor to walk in the light as He is in the light. We must walk that demanding but restful walk of faith. A faith walk that does not look to or draw from the power and lust of the world. The walk of obedience. The divide between darkness and light will surely grow. Make sure you are on the correct side. Saying that homosexuality is a sin seems to be the ultimate taboo in current society, at least in many parts of the world. Some who promote the homosexual agenda purposefully attack with over-the-top outrage and vitriol in order to frighten, intimidate, and discourage Christians from speaking out on the issue. Some say that if you believe homosexuality is a sin,…

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HillSong Church Back In The News,Fall In Line Or Else

HNewsWire-Biblically speaking, there are positive and negative aspects to hatred. It is acceptable to hate those things that God hates; indeed, this is very much a proof of a right standing with God. “Let those who love the Lord hate evil” (Psalm 97:10a). Indeed, the closer our walk with the Lord and the more we fellowship with Him, the more conscious we will be of sin, both within and without. Do we not grieve and burn with anger when God’s name is maligned, when we see spiritual hypocrisy, when we see blatant unbelief and godless behavior? The more we understand God’s attributes and love His character, the more we will be like Him and the more we will hate those things that are contrary to His Word and nature. The lefts tactics, bully the opposition, call them names homophobia, racist,…

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HN:Hillsong United not representative of Texas University values

We certainly live in a covetous age, where people clamour after the latest and best things. And not only do we covet possessions, we also covet after other men and women, whether married or not. The majority of people today are seeking after worldly riches, rather than eternal heavenly riches. Again, this end of the world sign also applies to the churches of today. Just look at what the prosperity gospel is producing! “HillSong” Professing Christians just in it for earthly riches. Also, think about how many women are coveted and lusted after everyday, because of the tight, revealing clothing they wear these days. And not just on the streets, but in the churches also! And again, the television, internet, magazines, billboards, etc, causes us to covet and clamour after the latest things this world has to offer. No doubt we live in a covetous…

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