20 mins read

Secret Trials, Secret Witnesses, Secret Proceedings… “Impeachment” Nothing but a Deep State Kangaroo Court

Just like You’d See in a Third World Country. It’s now obvious that Democrats and their allies in the propaganda media are engaged in a full-court press to get President Donald Trump impeached and thrown out of office before a series of damning reports and, we hope, indictments involving the Obama-era “Spygate” coup attempt. As The National Sentinel reported on Sunday, Democrats have scheduled a full slate of depositions this week beginning with testimony from a Ukrainian-American former adviser of presidential lawyer Rudy Giuliani, as well as Trump’s former top aide to Russia on Monday. But as the site noted further, the interesting thing here is that Democrats plan to hold these ‘depositions’ in secret — behind closed doors, rather than in an open hearing setting so the country can see and hear what’s really going on. That will give them […]


34 mins read


THEN BANG THE UN RESPONDS WITH A THREAT…. By Lisa Haven Alert! The United Nations is running out of money….Oh, wait! Who gives a s***!  Excuse my french, but this globalist organization has been trying to take over our country. They forcefully claim we have to open our borders, change our laws, follow their Agenda 2030 dictates, distribute our wealth to other nations, and suck every American dry of their prosperity. They want a full-fledged communist takeover and enforcement of the New World Order in which there unelected rear-ends take control.  I’ve about had enough and it’s high time to get the US out of the UN.   In the video below I reveal how President Trump has taken a bold stand against the UN and how the UN responds with a threat….  “Unless God has raised you up for […]


12 mins read

Real Scientists Declare: There Is No Climate Emergency, and God is in Charge, Not Al Gore Cronies

Mass media is the most powerful tool in the armory of control. Used at length by government special interest groups and companies, Mass Media has the power to shape lives, implant convictions and propagate bias and fear. The United Nations is ready to fire God over climate change, should be interesting….. Climate lunatics everywhere are falling all over themselves in adoration of Greta Thunberg, the climate kid who’s being hailed as some kind of progressive environmental hero for whining about global warming at the United Nations. But adult scientists who actually know what they’re talking about disagree with everything she’s saying, and contend that there’s no actual climate emergency taking place. Some 500 scientists and professionals just last week signed on to what’s been dubbed the “European Climate Declaration,” a scientific statement, of sorts, that counters the climate lies being peddled […]


10 mins read

American STD Cases Rise To Record High

Hollywood Is Busy Promoting Promiscuity to the World—Almost Every Movie, Every Television Show Is Focused on Sex. The Saying Goes, ‘Sex Sells and Sin Kills…. Health officials are voicing serious concern after it emerged that the U.S. is experiencing a significant spike in sexually transmitted diseases. As Statista’s Niall McCarthy notes, 2.4 million cases of gonorrhea, chlamydia, and syphilis combined were recorded in 2018, an all-time high. The data was part of the Sexually Transmitted Disease Surveillance Report which was published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Tuesday. The scale of the problem can be seen by the pace of new infections documented since 2014. Chlamydia went up 19 percent, gonorrhea rose 63 percent, primary and secondary syphilis grew 71 percent while congenital syphilis soared 185 percent. Numerous factors are being blamed for the increase, particularly funding cuts for local health departments that have caused staff […]


23 mins read

Alert— From Idaho Eagle Forum: “Gender Identity” and “Sexual Orientation”

The Birth Pains Are Growing Stronger …. Alert— From Idaho Eagle Forum:    Jane Lesko Eden I sent a letter to our Lieutenant Governor, Janice McGeachin with concerns about child adoption and education. In education, I told her that some of the Idaho schools were teaching gender roles, gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation to children in grades 6th-12th.Her response was that she supports this law as written.https://legislature.idaho.gov/statutesrules/idstat/Title33/T33CH16/SECT33-1608/ *************************************** NOTE: After you have read the Idaho Law linked above you will see that teaching “gender identity” and “sexual orientation”  ARE NOT ALLOWED IN IDAHO AND THE SCHOOL DISTRICTS HAVE TO OBSERVE THIS LAW !!!*****************************************ALSO Idaho Eagle Forum made a Public Records Request on 8/28/19 asking the Idaho Department of Education for a list of all the names of schools teaching grades 6th-8th, —- sexual orientation-31.0% and gender roles, gender identity, or gender expression- […]


22 mins read

Only Authoritarians Seek to Censor Truth Tellers

Joe Biden Demands Media Declare Total Obedience to Democrats and Blacklist All Dissenting Voices, Birth Pains ….. For an American politician, Joe Biden plays a pretty good Nazi dictator, as he and his campaign staff prove once again that the Democrat Party no longer embraces core constitutional values such as freedom of expression and speech. The Biden campaign, already stung by a burgeoning scandal involving the former Veep’s corrupt dealings with Ukraine — along with his son, Hunter — sent an angry letter to Dean Baquet, the executive editor of The New York Times, this week complaining about a column in the paper written by investigative author Peter Schweizer. In it, Schweizer laid out a pattern of multi-year corruption by the Bidens in Ukraine and China, and called on the federal government to investigate and, if needed, indict the former VP if […]


10 mins read

It Took a Billionaire Pedophile to Die in Jail for Media to Finally Report On Elite Child Sex Trafficking

Society is increasingly accepting of behaviors that the Bible declares to be sinful, immoral, and unnatural. While there is an enormous difference between child molestation and sexual acts involving consenting adults, the fact that society accepts behavior such as homosexuality allows people to consider far worse perversions of what God intended sex to be. And that leads to another question: why is society increasingly tolerant of aberrant behavior? Child molestation and other perversions are becoming increasingly accepted because society has, for the most part, rejected the Christian worldview. The conventional wisdom is that humanity is not created in the image of God. Rather, humanity is the result of billions of years of the random processes of evolution. God is not the objective standard of morality. Rather, God is supposedly the invention of weak-minded people who are unable to accept the […]


27 mins read

U.S. Marines Reserve Units Activated for “Emergency Within the United States”

Correction concerning a directive involving the United States Marine Corps reserve units via MARADMINS number 550/19, signed on Oct. 3, 2019, authorized by Brigadier General Daniel L. Shipley, Director, Manpower Plans and Policy. MARADMIN 550/19 does NOT activate any troops. I read it wrong. Start with section 1. GENTEXT/RMKS/1.  Purpose.  This MARADMIN cancels MARADMIN 300/14.  In accordance with (IAW) REF A, this MARADMIN provides guidance for the activation of Reserve Component (RC) Marines under §12304a, Title 10, U.S. Code, following a request for Federal assistance in response to a major disaster or emergency within the United States.  Requests for Federal assistance will come with little warning.  As required, the Marine Corps must rapidly mobilize RC units and personnel IAW this MARADMIN in order to respond to threats in the Homeland. This MARADMIN merely supersedes a previous MARADMIN, which also does […]


20 mins read


Someone in Impeachmentville is not paying attention. Of course, diverting the rubes is exactly the point of the latest CIA operation to negate the 2016 election. Has nobody noticed that there is a treaty between Ukraine and the USA, signed at Kyiv in 1998 and ratified by the US Senate in 2000? It’s an agreement on “Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters.” Here, read the cover letter for yourself: What part of the following do Nancy Pelosi and the news media not understand? The Treaty is self-executing. It provides for a broad range of cooperation in criminal matters. Mutual assistance available under the Treaty includes: taking of testimony or statements of persons; providing documents, records, and articles of evidence; serving documents; locating or identifying persons; transferring persons in custody for testimony or other purposes; executing requests for searches and seizures; […]


19 mins read

God’s Been Talking, Now He Has Their Attention

Earthquake Swarms Strike Texas, Oklahoma, San Francisco, And The New Madrid Fault Zone…. We are given a warning: we are not to be deceived, because these events are only the beginning of birth pains There is a whole lotta shaking going on in America right now, and many people are concerned about what that could potentially mean.  Could it be possible that the U.S. is entering a more seismically active time?  This week alone, we have seen earthquake swarms in Texas, Oklahoma, San Francisco and the New Madrid fault zone.  Of course, earthquakes happen every day, but to see so many earthquake swarms happen in such diverse places within such a compressed period of time is definitely unusual.  And what makes this even more unusual is the fact that Rosh Hashanah just ended.  In fact, the earthquake swarm that we just […]


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