The US Army Continues Its War Drills Across The Greater Los Angeles metropolitan area

Martial Law and the Yoking of the American People…. HNewsWire- The march towards martial law is something that is often ignored by the general public, often something belonging on conspiracy websites. But what’s happening in this country is exactly what revelations warned us about, we entrusted the wrong people. Martial Law basically means using state or national military force to enforce the will of the government on the people. Under a declaration of martial law, Constitutional freedoms and liberties are suspended, and civilians are no longer entitled to their civil rights. It basically allows the government, or a tyrannical politician, to shred the Constitution and impose its will through military force. Whenever I do research into a particular subject matter, I pay close attention to what the Bible (revelations) has to say, please pay close attention to what is taking…

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“California (“Los Ratas”) Is Being Overrun By Rodents” – And We’re Not Talking About The Politicians Yet

The word translated “pestilence” is often translated as “plague” or “disaster” in new versions of the English Bible. However, because the word is often paired with both of those, it may imply greater devastation than a mere physical disease. Pestilence incorporates any and all forms of public and mass destruction and often accompanies famine (Ezekiel 7:15) or war (Jeremiah 21:9). Jesus forewarned of pestilence when He described the end times (Luke 21:11). California is being hit by a “plague of rats”, and some commentators are suggesting that this is exactly what they deserve.  In fact, some have even gone so far as to suggest that the name of Los Angeles should be formally changed to “Los Ratas” because the rat problem is so severe there.  From Crescent City in the north all the way down to Chula Vista in the south,…

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DADS – How to Be a Refuge for Your Children as Society Implodes and Sin Reigns

HNewsWire- Step UP Dads! Lead Your Families. Figure out what to do, how to solve problems, and yes, fix important things. Always protect your children from harm. Why? If your little ones glimpse confusion and uncertainty in your countenance, they may become emotionally paralyzed themselves. Most likely, your children will inherit your faithless outlook and battle waves of insecurity throughout their lives. Your children might conclude that the One Strong… One Good… and One Reliable place of safety is no longer secure. God Forbid! But if Dad is confident, then the children have a refuge. If Dad is not panicking, but calm and steady, all the walls can come tumbling down, and all the waves can break, and all the snakes can hiss and the lions roar and the wind blow, and there will still be a safe place in…

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