51 mins read

Up-Date: Rank Hypocrisy of British and American Governments, They are Going to Kill Julian Assange

Like They Killed Epstein ….Group Of Doctors Warns Assange Will “Die In Prison” Without Urgent Medical Care… With Washington fighting tooth-and-nail to extradite him from the UK, the notion that Wikileaks founder Julian Assange might die in prison is looking increasingly probable. At this point, it’s more a matter of when: A few weeks or a few decades. Assange’s health has reportedly deteriorated to such a terrifying degree that a group of 60 doctors have written an open letter warning that they fear the renegade journalist could soon die in a British jail if he doesn’t receive more intensive medical care, the Guardian reports.  In the “open” letter (which was nevertheless still addressed to British Home Secretary Priti Patel), the doctors called for Assange to be moved to a university teaching hospital from his current digs at the Belmarsh Prison on southeast London. The […]


18 mins read

Update: Once Again Proves That Even in Places Where There Are No Guns, People Still Kill. Guns Don’t Kill People, People Kill People.

Four Injured In New Zealand After Mass Stabbing Attack HNewsWire: Four people were stabbed in a “fast-paced” mass stabbing incident in New Zealand by a guy armed with a huge kitchen knife before police arrived and caught him. Lower Hutt Police tape off the location of a suspected death at another residence on Farmer Crescent on September 21st, 2012 in New Zealand. All of the injured parties have been categorized as having “moderate” injuries, including the perpetrator. It was approximately 11 a.m. local time in Murrays Bay, Auckland, when the guy started stabbing individuals. Then he proceeded across to Mairangi Bay, where he was stopped by members of the public. Superintendent Naila Hassan, the district commander in Waitemata, told reporters that the assault might have gone “a lot worse” if the people had not intervened. Her account said that she […]


28 mins read

Lawlessness The Sign of Tribulation, The Weaponizing of CPS – Lose Your Children If: You Don’t Vaccinate, You Don’t Make a Dentist Appointment, You Don’t Pay School Lunch Fees, You Don’t Shut Up, Etc…

State Government Can Remove Child From Parents Based on Presumption HNewsWire: The Parents Bear the Burden of Proof Until They Are Proven Innocent, Medical kidnap, in which children are taken away from their parents by a government body for medical reasons, has become a problem in Idaho, according to Idaho state Rep. Tammy Nichols. Many children are removed from their homes due to the participation of the government organization Child Protective Services (CPS). However, just a small percentage of those instances are authentic, according to Nichols, who spoke on EpochTV’s “Crossroads” show. “Of course, we want children to be safeguarded if there is neglect or abuse,” Nichols said. It used to be that churches, families, and local communities all kept an eye out for such things and would intervene and assist in such cases. Everything has now been handed over […]


10 mins read

Have Courage, Share God’s Truth, Do Not Let the Enemy Intimidate You

It’s Time for God’s Warriors to Do Battle… Deuteronomy 28:7“The Lord will cause your enemies who rise against you to be defeated before your face; they shall come out against you one way and flee before you seven ways.” Every Christian needs to know how to battle evil. God gives us detailed instructions on how to do this. The bible speaks of King Davids mighty army in 1 Chronicles 12:8.  Some of them were Gadites who the bible describes as men of valor, men trained for battle, who could handle shield and spear, whose faces were like the faces of lions, and were as swift as gazelles on the mountains.  The Lord showed me this scripture as an analogy of His end-time army.  His end-time army is called to great exploits and will march together as one. The Lord says I […]


8 mins read

One Of The World’s Largest Oil Companies Just Ditched The Dollar To Euros

One World currency in play The dollar is being intentionally killed, a one-world currency is now on the global oil markets… Russia’s largest oil company Rosneft has already completed the switch away from the U.S. dollar to euros in its export contracts to minimize risks from potential new U.S. sanctions, Rosneft’s chief executive Igor Sechin said on Thursday. Rosneft has already fully switched to euros as the base currency for all its export contracts, and sees big potential in working in euros, Sechin said at the Eurasian Economic Forum in Verona, Italy, on Thursday. According to Rosneft’s top executive, the Chinese yuan could become a much more important global currency in the future, because of Chinese economic growth. The share of the U.S. dollar in the global oil and oil products trade is around 90 percent currently, Sechin said but noted that in ten years’ time, […]


124 mins read


NEW WORLD ORDER… With the hateful outcry, sometimes foul degrading remarks against the New World Order they will throw the entire Christian world into deeper division enamored with greater confusion. SRH….. The creation of the New World Order (NWO) agenda was put in motion by the infamous character, Mayer Amschel Rothschild, the one who decided to control the entire planet by any means necessary.  Of course, this meant: deception, control, financial enslavement, blackmail, and murder… but also far graver things, like wars, famine, and depopulation… a genocide unlike any other before it. If you want to better understand just how powerful and black-hearted the Rothschild family is, then you must read their complete history HERE. They are the richest clan in the world, and their empire was built on mountains of bones and sufferance. 1773 – Mayer Amschel Rothschild assembles twelve of his most […]


36 mins read

Transgender: Over 26,000 Girls Seek Funds for Breast Removal at GoFundMe & Receives Funds — GoFundMe Steals $10 Million of Trucker Protest Fundraising, Will Give to Outlaw Charities Instead

GoFundMe said it won’t be delivering the C$10 million ($8 million USD) donated to help the truckers protesting COVID-19 requirements to the organizers anymore, claiming it will instead work with the organizers to distribute the cash to “established charity certified by GoFundMe.” John Carpay, head of the Justice Center for Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF) which is providing legal assistance for the organizers, told The Epoch Times that the linkage of demonstrators to violent or criminal activities is false. HNewsWire reach out to GoFundMe for comment but didn’t immediately hear back. The trucker convoy demonstration initially started as a protest against the federal government’s requirement for truck drivers crossing the U.S.-Canada border to have COVID-19 vaccination, but became a large movement as many across Canada opposing various COVID-19 mandates and restrictions joined the protest. The convoy united in Ottawa on Jan. 29, […]


23 mins read


GOVERNMENT DEDICATES $1.7 BILLION TO TRACKING COVID MUTATIONS ACROSS US… As Joe Buyme’s COVID advisory team scrambles to turn the “fear-mongering” dial about the threat posed by mutant strains of the virus that causes COVID-19, the White House is dedicating $1.7 billion in COVID relief funds to tracing the “variant” strains. This comes after Dr. Anthony Fauci and others have struggled to explain why the US lagged behind other western countries, such as the UK, in detecting and tracing the spread of these variants, which require more advanced analysis to identify. The money, taken from last month’s $1.9 trillion stimulus package, will help the CDC and individual states monitor emerging variants by boosting the country’s capacity to sequence the virus’s genome and detect mutations, the White House said. It comes as the B.1.1.7 variant, also known as “the Kent strain” from where […]


20 mins read

The Most Senior Vatican Official Ever Convicted of Child Sexual Abuse Loses Appeal

The sin nature is that aspect in man that makes him rebellious against God. When we speak of the sin nature, we refer to the fact that we have a natural inclination to sin; given the choice to do God’s will or our own, we will naturally choose to do our own thing.  The Facts: Tomorrow, it will be decided whether or not Cardinal George Pell’s guilty verdict will be appealed. If his appeal is successful, he will be let go and the charges of sexual abuse against children will be dropped. Reflect On: Although awareness is being created, the most powerful people in the world and the authorities we turn to in order to stop these activities may also be implicated. *UPDATE: Cardinal George Pell has lost his appeal The sexual abuse of children connected to high ranking Vatican […]


9 mins read

Leprosy Could Be The Next Public Health Crisis To Hit Los Angeles

Incurable by man, many believed God inflicted the curse of leprosy upon people for the sins they committed. In fact, those with leprosy were so despised and loathed that they were not allowed to live in any community with their own people (Numbers 5:2). Among the sixty-one defilements of ancient Jewish laws, leprosy was second only to a dead body in seriousness. A leper wasn’t allowed to come within six feet of any other human, including his own family. The disease was considered so revolting that the leper wasn’t permitted to come within 150 feet of anyone when the wind was blowing. Lepers lived in a community with other lepers until they either got better or died. This was the only way the people knew to contain the spread of the contagious forms of leprosy. Pestilence is a deadly disaster, […]


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