GRAPHIC WARNING: FBI Interviews Alleged Boy Rape Victim of Bill Clinton

Chilling Details of Sex Assaults & Satanic Rituals on Yacht (Video)… Child sex trafficking investigators from the FBI’s New York field office have conducted an interview with a victim who provided chilling details about allegedly being raped by Bill Clinton on a yacht in New England when the victim was a young boy. “We are treating him as a victim,” an FBI official told True Pundit in New York City prior to the interview with FBI. Top FBI officials arranged the interview with the victim, who said he was raped by Bill Clinton when he was just eight years old. The interview was conducted by the FBI’s task force that was established to investigate sexual assault and sex trafficking claims linked to Jeffrey Epstein and his associates. That task force, also attached to the NYPD, remains active even though Epstein…


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Watch Live: House Holds Public Impeachment Hearings

What is it that gentlemen have become, Cowards? What would they have? Is life so dear, or winning so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of destroying the nation? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!” In his opening remarks, House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) framed the impeachment inquiry as a move to protect the future of the presidency. “The matter is as simple and as terrible as that. Our answer to these questions will affect not only the future of this presidency, but the future of the presidency itself, and what kind of conduct or misconduct the American people may come to expect from their Commander-in-Chief,” said Schiff. *** Having completed weeks of secretive closed-door testimony, House Democrats are taking their…


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LGBTQE – E for Evil, Now Claim That It’s “Bullying” to Not Want Young Children to Be Taught How to Have Anal Sex, Birth Pains

Society has become so delusional that it stands idly by and watches parents abuse children in the name of transgender ideology. When societies’ moral compass has broken, the spiral downward happens very rapidly. Birth pains are becoming intense….. The Austin Independent School District (AISD) in Texas has voted to implement a new pro-LGBTQE-E for evil curriculum that includes teaching third-graders how to have anal sex. In a unanimous decision, the district’s board decided that the most “inclusive” path forward is to confuse children as young as eight into believing that male-female biology is “oppressive.” Further, these youth will now be told that they can pick any gender they’d like, and also put their reproductive organs wherever it feels good to them, including with the use of sex toys if it feels right. “Under the new curriculum, for the first time, the district will teach students…


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“The OC” Human Trafficking: Women & Children Ordered ‘Like Pizza’ In California

Sexual abuse perpetrated against a child is a deplorable reality of living in a sin-stricken world. The psychological, emotional, spiritual, and physical damage of the abuse remains long after molestation has ended. The Bible speaks vehemently against hurting children and against sexual sins and perversions of all kinds. It also offers hope for healing and forgiveness. And upon doing a little research, a lot of that money is being spent fulfilling the needs of dirty old men, and women, who partake in sins of the flesh with children. California’s wealthiest areas are an absolute hotbed for human trafficking. Here’s more from The Epoch Times: Orange County, Calif., which boasts a median household income of $86,000, is often viewed as a relatively safe, wealthy, and conservative region. Most people do not equate the area with human trafficking. However, researchers reveal the county to be a destination spot for traffickers. The…


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Redistribute DE Facto the World’s Wealth by Climate Policy, “Tribulation”

“The agencies of evil are combining their forces and consolidating. They are strengthening for the last great crisis. Great changes are soon to take place in our world, and the final movements will be rapid ones. The condition of things in the world shows that troublous times are right upon us.”….. Global policy planners intend to deliver replacements for both dollar hegemony and fossil fuels. Plans may appear uncoordinated and in their early stages, but these issues are becoming increasingly linked. A monetary reset incorporating state-sponsored cryptocurrencies will enable exchange controls to be introduced between nations by separating cross-border trade payments from domestic money circulation. The purpose will be to gain greater control over money and to direct its investment into green projects. The OECD will build on current tax disclosures to make everyone’s income and capital known to governments and therefore…


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LGBTQE Activists Want to Paint Transgenderism as a New Civil Rights Issue. but It’s Not a Civil Rights Issue, It’s a Mental Health Issue

Society has become so delusional that it stands idly by and watches parents abuse children in the name of transgender ideology. When societies’ moral compass has broken, the spiral downward happens very rapidly. Birth pains are becoming intense… Thanks largely to fawning media stories and propaganda from LGBTQ activists, the demand for gender reassignment surgeries is at an all-time high. The high-profile case of former Olympian Bruce Jenner, who quite publicly “transitioned” from male to female from 2015 until his surgery in 2017, inspired many people, confused about who they were, to mutilate themselves in like manner. Everything done in dark will be brought to light, being biblically bankrupt will not exclude the elitist But many who have “changed” their gender are now experiencing regrets about that life-altering decision. Twenty-eight-year-old Charlie Evans from Newcastle in England — who was born…


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The Entire “Success” of Un-Godly Depend on Keeping the People Wildly Ignorant of Biblical Truth

Secret trials were banned hundreds of years ago because they are the legal instruments of tyrants: Kings and dictators holding secret proceedings can present phony “evidence” in order to achieve convictions.  hearings were not held in secret. Testimony was not taken behind closed doors. Witnesses and evidence were presented out in the open so the American people, through various media of the day, were well aware of what was happening….. The Bible speaks often about deceitfulness.  The Newer Testament book of Ephesians says that people should, “Stop lying to each other; tell the truth, for we are all part of each other and when we lie to each other we are hurting ourselves.” (Ephesians 4:25)  That’s good advice.  No matter the rationale, a lie is always intended to either mislead or protect – usually a bit of both. First of all, allowing…


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Between Earthquakes, Seasonal Fires, High Taxes, Poo-Covered Streets, the Worst Homeless Crisis in the Nation…

and Transgender Summer Camp for Children as Young as Four, What’s Not to Love?…. The ungodly now have their own state, California- much like Amsterdam’s open society where children are a commodity and God has been asked to leave. California conservatives are leaving the state in droves over what the LA Times describes as their “disenchantment with deep-blue California’s liberal political culture,” not to mention “high taxes, lukewarm support for local law enforcement, and policies they believe have thrown open the doors to illegal immigration.“ Just over half of California’s registered voters have considered leaving the state, according to a UC Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studies poll conducted for the Los Angeles Times. Republicans and conservative voters were nearly three times as likely as their Democratic or liberal counterparts to seriously have considered moving — 40% compared with 14%, the poll found. Conservatives mentioned taxes and California’s…


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Washington’s Desperate, Russiagate Hoax and Now with Ukrainegate and Impeachment

Extra-Constitutional Political Lynching, the Ungodly Never Stop….. The prepared statement of the latest UkraineGate whistle-blower is well worth the read. It tells you all you need to know about why the Deep State apparatchiks are coming out of the woodwork in a massive assault on America’s duly elected president. They are deathly afraid Trump will begin to dismantle a far-flung Empire which has …wreaked havoc around the world,  …bled America’s fiscal accounts dry, and   …fostered unspeakable prosperity among the beltway’s legions of empire-supporting agencies, contractors, think tanks, foreign lobbies, NGO’s and K-street racketeers. Whether out of common sense, naiveté or just contrariness, the Donald has dared to question and disrupt the Empire’s core policy on the Ukraine/Russia file. And that’s apparently exactly why the whistleblower de jour, Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, wrote his now ballyhooed memos. He feared that Trump’s appropriate…


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La Wildfire Turns Reagan Library into Hellscape, According to the Los Angeles Authorities This Is an Act of God, “Finally Woke”

Apparently now they’re blaming God for this man-made disaster, According to authorities, the Southern California fire was caused after a dry branch from a eucalyptus tree was carried 30 feet by high winds into power like operated by the city’s Department of Water and Power. LA Mayor Eric Garcetti called it an “act of God.” A raging wildfire in a north Los Angeles suburb forced the evacuation of the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and nearby homes, as dangerous fires fueled by intense Santa Ana winds spread across Southern California’s Simi Valley on Wednesday. NBC News✔@NBCNews WATCH: Outside the Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California, as a fast-moving wildfire has forced evacuations in the area. 65711:03 AM – Oct 30, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacy577 people are talking about this CNN✔@CNN This is how close the Easy-Fire is to the…


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