CDC Recommended Color Coded Cruise Liners to Indicate COVID-19 Risk Based On Vaccination Rate.


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CDC debuts color-coded system for identifying cruise ships with recent COVID-19 cases ...

On Feb. 9, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) amended its guidelines, urging cruise ships operating in US waters to engage in a COVID-19 color-coding program to assist passengers in making a “educated decision” before traveling.

The program would assign a color to each ship based on the percentage of persons on board who had been vaccinated.

Cruise ships have until February 18 to confirm whether or not they will participate in the scheme.

Cruise liners who participate in the program and have at least 95% of its passengers “up to date with their COVID-19 immunizations” will be awarded a “vaccination standard of excellence.”

“Not well vaccinated” ships have less than 95 percent fully vaccinated passengers and crew members.

Ships carrying at least 95% completely vaccinated passengers and crew but less than 95% of passengers and crew up to date with COVID-19 vaccines will be categorized as “well vaccinated.”

According to the CDC, the new policy still requires passengers and staff members to take a COVID-19 test before boarding.

Unless cruise ships notify CDC that they do not want to participate in the program, they will be awarded a red, orange, yellow, or green color status until February 18.

Green indicates that no cases of COVID-19 or COVID-19-like illness have been reported on board, yellow indicates that cases of COVID-19 have been reported on board but are below the threshold for CDC investigation, and orange indicates that cases of the SARS-CoV-2 virus have been reported on board but do not meet the threshold for CDC investigation.

If a ship is given a red status, it means that the number of reported COVID cases on board has reached or above the threshold for an inquiry, and that further public health measures have been implemented.

In this case, the CDC may mandate ships to test all passengers, regardless of their vaccination status, before, during, or after the cruise, and to require them to wear masks both indoors and outdoors in congested areas, among other things.

Any cruise line ships operating in US waters that choose not to join in the program will be labeled “gray,” suggesting that they may have their own COVID-19 health and safety standards in place but that the CDC cannot verify or confirm them.

The CDC warns passengers considering boarding cruise ships with a “gray” color status because it does not have information on what COVID measures and interventions the ships have adopted.

As a result, the new advisory adds, “CDC does not have information about precautions and interventions, such as mask use, crew testing, or traveler vaccination status for these ships.”

The CDC’s Cruise Ship Color Status webpage will include the information.

Due of the high rates of transmission during the COVID-19 epidemic, the health service is currently advising everyone, regardless of immunization status, to avoid traveling on cruise liners.

The CDC switched from a required COVID-19 protocol for cruise lines, which had been released in late October 2021, to a voluntary program in January, enabling cruise firms to adopt such guidelines at their discretion.

The new cruise ship program comes as the number of COVID-19 cases in the United States continues to fall.

According to CDC data, the current 7-day moving average of daily new cases in the United States (215,418) is down 42.8 percent from the previous 7-day moving average (376,855) as of Feb. 9, 2022.

If you’re at all concerned about catching the flu, you should perhaps consider staying home in the first place. This entire debacle is a failed attempt at the implementation of the desired two tiered society that globalists like Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates are drooling over. No sane freedom loving citizen would participate in this ill organized attack on individual freedoms. However, most who find themselves participating in the persecution of unvaccinated citizens happen to be terribly uneducated in current affair on a global scale. Nevertheless we’ll have to see if this jumbled up plot against our God given rights will prevail despite the mass awakening of people with eyes to see and ears to hear. Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.

Since at least the turn of the century, China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) has been experiencing a significant restructuring.

For starters, it has spent years pursuing a mechanization and “informationization” “double construction” strategy. This “two-track” strategy called for near-term modernization of “existing equipment combined with the selective introduction of new generations of conventional weapons,” as well as a longer-term transformation of the PLA along the lines of the “revolution in military affairs” based on information technology (RMA).

Officially, the PLA targets mechanization and “major progress” toward informationization by 2020, “complete military modernization” by 2035, and “world-class” military status by 2049.

The PLA is currently focused on “informationization” in accordance with this timeline. Informationization refers to the application of information technologies to combined military operations on land, sea, air, space, cyberspace, and the electromagnetic spectrum. It also entails equipping the PLA with new capabilities for long-range strike and disruption by leveraging technology improvements in microelectronics, sensors, propulsion, stealth, and, most importantly, cyber.

In short, the PLA is attempting to move from being a platform-centric force to being a more network-centric force, or a military in which the crucial characteristics of force are the network linkages among platforms, rather than the platforms themselves, as part of its long transition from People’s War to limited local wars under conditions of informationization.

China’s 2015 defense white paper made informationization explicit in PLA operational ideas, deemphasizing land operations in favor of re-emphasizing sea- and air-power. The PLA Navy (PLAN) was to “gradually shift its focus from ‘offshore waters defense’ to the combination of ‘offshore waters defense’ with ‘open seas protection,” while the PLA Air Force (PLAAF) was to “endeavor to shift its focus from territorial air defense to both defense and offense and build an air-space defense force structure that can meet the requirements of informationized operations.”

In addition, “informationized warfare” places a larger emphasis on both space and cyber operations. “outer space is a critical domain in international strategic competition.” China’s 2019 defense white paper declares flatly. As a result, space weaponization is becoming a more common occurrence and a significant future battleground, with China planning to achieve the capability to “enter, exit, and openly use outer space.” At the same time, cyberspace is seen as a “key area for national security, economic growth, and social development,” so the PLA is stepping up its efforts to develop cyberspace capabilities.

Even as it works to implement “informationized warfare,” the PLA is already planning for the next phase of its modernisation, which it refers to as “intelligent” or “intelligentized” warfare. “War is evolving in form towards informationized warfare, and intelligent warfare is on the horizon,” China’s 2019 defense white paper states.

Chinese President Xi Jinping pushed the PLA to speed up the development of military intelligence at the 19th Party Congress in 2017, and this “authoritative exhortation” has “elevated ‘intelligentization’ as a guiding idea for the future of Chinese military modernization.”

Intelligent warfare entails the militarization of the so-called “fourth industrial revolution” in particular (4IR). Artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, quantum computing, cloud storage, autonomous unmanned systems, 5G networking, and other 4IR technologies are among the most important.

The 4IR will be critical in China’s future efforts to obtain a technological edge over its competitors. “The Chinese believe artificial intelligence (AI), big data, human-machine hybrid intelligence, swarm intelligence, and automated decision-making, along with AI-enabled autonomous unmanned systems and intelligent robotics, will be the central feature of the emerging economic and military-technical revolutions,” according to a report published in 2019 by the Center for a New American Security.

China considers AI to be a crucial technology that could have significance in its strategic competition with the US. Chinese military analysts believe AI will be the key to China’s military overtaking the United States as the world’s most capable armed force. As a result, China has set forth an ambitious plan to become the world leader in AI by 2030.

Beijing unveiled its “New Generation Artificial Intelligence Development Plan” in July 2017. This plan has three main strategic goals: first, to bring China’s AI sector up to global state-of-the-art levels by 2025; second, to achieve major breakthroughs in basic AI theory by 2025; and third, to make China the global leader in AI theory, technology, and application, as well as the world’s major AI innovation center, by 2030.

Aside from AI, China is attempting to become a world leader in other 4IR technologies such as quantum computing, 5G, robotics, and biotechnology, among others. Beijing sees its strategies to lead in AI and these other technologies as mutually reinforcing; as a result, it is heavily investing in associate technologies, companies (both domestic and foreign), and human capital (for example, through its “Made in China 2025” initiative) in order to realize those global superiority ambitions.

It would be premature to claim that China will soon catch up to the state-of-the-art in defense technology. Despite its claims to being a “informationized” or “intelligent” military, the PLA remains a platform-centric force. Over the last two decades, the majority of its modernization efforts have been focused on developing new combat aircraft, warships, submarines, missiles, and armor. It will take years, if not decades, for the military to become networked or intelligent.

Furthermore, the process of informationization or intelligenceization has been evolutionary in nature: older weaponry and military equipment are gradually replaced, updated, and enhanced, or else augmented by and subordinated to more technologically advanced systems.

Nonetheless, the PLA appears to be making headway toward becoming a really intelligent armed force—a long-term approach, to be sure, but one backed by the Xi regime’s long-term commitment.

America is too busy deciding what gender it is to take initiative and harness the fourth industrial revolution. The possibilities are quite literally endless for the Chinese if they harness the technology available to them. Artificial intelligence is a very dangerous phenomena, however if China seeks to tame it America needs to compete. AI integration with humanity is the goal for the CCP, it’s a race that cannot be stopped now that it is started.

This video is about the origin of AI and what caused China to take it more seriously. Examples like AlphaGo are what demonstrated the sheer power of computing. AI is capable of finding solutions to problems that no human has thought of before. Sounds to me like we are creating an omniscient sentient being with capabilities of solving complex problems in our society that wouldn’t be solved otherwise. Looks to me like someone needs to be there to ride the beast. Revelations 17 should put that into perspective for you as you watch the ten horns that you saw are ten kings who have not yet received royal power, but they are to receive authority as kings for one hour, together with the beast.

My advice would be for all to not focus your eyes too hard on all of the controversy. Just get a broad, wholistic perspective on who is out there, who is influencing you, and how you can prepare for the whats to come. I cannot make you look into the tech industry and find the red flags. But just know, our tech savvy youth are finding that there is more work to be found on the “www” than in their areas. So if you’re not looking out for yourself, you wont even know you’ve been blindsided by this AI machine.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is reshaping every sphere of human life — from government to commerce; from education to healthcare. It is even impacting human values, opportunities, relationships and identities by modifying virtual as well as physical worlds of human beings. It is in my firm belief that Christians won’t get access to much of the technologies to come. By choice of course, because that is the nature of the puzzle God has laid out for us. We’ve been given free will to live for the world and repent there after. But to be born again, solidifies your role in this world. We’ve identified ourselves based on the values the bible emphasizes, and used them for the foundation of our very identities. To walk away from that is the unthinkable. Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.


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