Chinese AI Version of News Anchor Reported the News for 70 Days Undetected.


Advisory: Be careful of what you read on social media. The algorithms used by these platforms have no regard for Biblical truth. They target your emotions to keep you engaged on their site so their advertisers can drop more ads. These platforms exist to enrich their stockholders. Consider God’s promise to Believers in James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

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“Hello everyone, I am the artificial intelligence news anchor on National Business Daily. I am the virtual twin of the original host. I have been running—reporting the news—undetected for 70 days now,” the AI news anchor N Xiaohei revealed itself to its television viewers on Dec. 20, 2021, after 1700 hours of a continuous live news broadcast.

The Chinese state-controlled media National Business Daily (NBD) and the AI business Xiaoice announced the official launch of their collaborative live news broadcasting TV programs run entirely by AI on the same day, making it the first of its type.

“AI Business Daily” is the name of the TV show. It will broadcast financial news 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and will be anchored by two AI news anchors, N Xiaohei and N Xiaobai, with Xiaoice providing technical support.

N Xiaohei and N Xiaobai are virtual duplicates of a man and a woman who work as news anchors. The Xiaoice Framework trains its AI models using data from the two real-life anchors. Meanwhile, the virtual humans’ facial expressions and body motions are realistic and genuine thanks to Xiaoice Neural Rendering (XNR) technology.

In the past, AI anchors have featured on Chinese television programs, but they were easily identifiable. N Xiaohei’s Douyin account—the Chinese counterpart of TikTok—has garnered over 3 million fans since the test debut of AI Business Daily on Oct. 11, 2021, despite the real person not appearing on television for 70 days. According to the Chinese state-run Xinhua News Agency, Xiaoice has proved its ability to build virtual copies that are practically indistinguishable from actual humans with advanced AI learning and rendering technologies in conjunction with NBD.

According to the article, the two virtual persons were able to finish their training cycle in one week because to Xiaoice Framework’s small-sample learning technology. Long training cycles were required to train AIs in the past, according to Chinese business analyst Zeng Xiangling, however short training cycles greatly lower the high cost of producing AIs.

Furthermore, the Xiaoice Framework’s technical engine enables end-to-end AI automation, allowing the AI to collect, modify, and broadcast financial news entirely on its own. The AI could broadcast a complete live video over the network without any human intervention, reading financial data, generating text and graphs, and syncing with the pre-trained virtual anchor.

Xiaoice CEO Li Di stated, “The era of an unwearied, safe, and reliable AI Being has arrived.” “It is going to provide a steady news output.”

AI news anchors are designed using deep learning neural network technology, according to an NBD report, allowing them to broadcast in Mandarin, English, and other languages. Advanced artificial intelligence technology is increasingly being employed to update and alter China’s media and film industries. Following the success of the AI Business Daily program, each NBD news channel will now work closely with Xiaoice to develop AI TV shows.

Microsoft Asia developed Xiaoice, or “Microsoft Little Ice,” an AI system in 2014. The company was previously known as the Microsoft Software Technology Center Asia’s AI Xiaoice Team. It is Microsoft’s largest autonomous AI research and development unit. Microsoft’s Xiaoice business was split out into a new company in July 2020, allowing it to operate independently in China and other Asian nations. The Xiaoice Framework is one of the most comprehensive artificial intelligence frameworks in the world, with the most AI interactions.

In October 2021, Xiaoice CEO Li Di stated that a big number of AI subjects had been developed in the previous two years, and that the number will rapidly increase. Li believes that AIs would someday outnumber humans while embracing diversity and personalization.

China’s State Administration of Radio, Film, and Television announced the section of the “14th Five-Year Plan” defining its strategy for news broadcasting and audiovisual networks on Oct. 20, 2021, the ninth day after NBD’s AI TV test launch. The plan calls for enhancing AI applications in news production and broadcasting, such as pushing the widespread use of virtual anchors in TV shows and utilizing AI to improve news production and broadcasting efficiency.

So let’s just take a moment to understand that AI is rolling out news in China and fooled viewers for 70 days. What does that say about the integrity of the news in China. The fact that they launched this in China in initially is laughable in and of itself. However, that’s not to say that this technology is not convincing. Because if Bill Gates has a hidden AI research facility in China, they’re not cutting corners. In fact, this could be considered a nest egg of the globalist elite. 1 Peter 4:12-14 says: “Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice insofar as you share Christ’s sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when his glory is revealed. If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you.” Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.

The developer of one of the world’s most widely used COVID-19 vaccinations said on Tuesday that giving patients booster doses twice a year is “unsustainable.”

“We can’t vaccinate the planet every six months,” Andrew Pollard, one of the developers of the Oxford AstraZeneca COVID-19 shot, said in an interview with The Telegraph on Tuesday.

Instead of giving vaccines to anybody over the age of 12, policymakers should strive to “target the vulnerable” in the future, according to Pollard, who is also head of the UK’s Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunization. He went on to say that more information is needed to determine “whether, when, and how often those who are vulnerable will require additional doses.”

This is occurring as a fourth vaccination dosage is being rolled out or considered in other countries, including Israel. Israeli officials began administering the boosters to all medical personnel and anyone aged 60 and up on Monday.

Booster doses are linked to people’s COVID-19 vaccination passports, sometimes known as “green passes,” which are required to visit particular businesses in Israel. Green passes would expire if a person does not obtain a booster shot within six months after receiving their second initial vaccination dosage, according to authorities.

In late December, German Health Minister Karl Lauterbach warned ZDF, a public broadcaster that Germans “will need a fourth vaccination” for COVID-19 in the coming months, while Dutch officials said last week that they had ordered enough vaccine doses to offer three further boosters through 2023.

“At some point, society has to open up. When we do open, there will be a period with a bump in infections, which is why winter is probably not the best time, ” said Andrew Pollard in an interview on Tuesday. “But that’s a decision for the policymakers, not the scientists. Our approach has to switch, to rely on the vaccines and the boosters. The greatest risk is still the unvaccinated.”

He went on to say that the United Kingdom should not mindlessly follow the same policies that have been adopted or are being suggested in Germany and Israel.

Since November, when the heavily mutated variant was first discovered, data from the World Health Organization shows it has spread quickly and spread to at least 128 countries, posing challenges for many countries and people trying to restart their economic systems and livelihoods after nearly two years of COVID-related setbacks.

But, according to a WHO official, further evidence is accumulating suggesting the Omicron variant affects the upper respiratory tract, generating milder symptoms than prior variants and resulting in a “decoupling” in certain regions between high case numbers and low death rates.

The internet has proved to be a place in which you can tune into various frequencies in search of a perspective that best fits your narrative. I could make up an argument on the fly and back it up with facts pertaining to my argument. With that being said, the news about COVID-19 is terrifyingly polarizing. There is a spectrum, by which all narratives of the COVID-19 agenda are carefully presented to anyone conducting research. The opposing sides of the spectrum are those who are sold on the COVID-19 pandemic, and those who aren’t sold at all.

But it becomes extremely important that we listen to our gut, when we notice that someone is eyeballing something that rightfully belongs to you. Our civil liberties are merely gods gift to man interpreted by men of power. No man, woman, government, organization, forum, or anything will prosper as a weapon against God. With that being said, when our God given rights are at stake, it is probably best to question the integrity of those who propose the removal of such rights. In summary, if you’re not a “conspiracy theorist” you probably aren’t asking very many questions about the world around you.

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.

Hosea 4:6

The argument against continuous inoculation is presumably going to gain traction, however that doesn’t indicate good news. Because if these globalist sell outs in our government decide that they want to impose tyrannical legislature on American citizens, it’d be much easier if there was an end all be all solution like an annual inoculation (How they intend on defeating weaning efficacy of MRNA technology without falsifying statistics is beyond me). In which case freedom as we know it will have fallen. It goes without saying that such violations on individual rights would be met with the awakening of the age old beast that is raw patriotism. The question is whether or not God intends for such events to occur at this time. For that reason it is important that you stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.



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