Coronavirus Death Toll in Us Now at 11, and Counting


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In police-state fashion, Big Tech took the list of accused (including this site), declared all those named guilty and promptly shadow-banned, de-platformed or de-monetized us all without coming clean about how they engineered the crushing of dissent…

Attempts by administration officials to tamp down coronavirus fears dwindle on Tuesday as the United States coronavirus death toll rises to nine with other states confirming additional cases of infection. The development caused lawmakers to express doubts about how the government plans to ramp up their virus testing fast enough to deal with the ongoing crisis.

All of the people who died are from Washington state, with a majority of them being residents of a nursing home in suburban Seattle. As of writing, reports the total infection count in the United States has shot past 100, with cases spread out across 13 states.  (Related: CDC finally reports “possible” outbreak of the coronavirus, urges Americans to prepare to deal with a community spread.)

“What is happening now in the United States may be the beginning of what is happening abroad,” said Dr. Nancy Messonnier of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Messonnier noted that in China — considered ground zero of the coronavirus outbreak — older and sickly people are twice as likely to develop a more serious infection with the COVID-19 virus compared to those who are much younger and healthier.

According to authorities, this particular nursing home outbreak started in North Carolina, where a Wake Country resident who had recently visited the nursing home tested positive for coronavirus. However, North Carolina’s government officials claimed that the resident has decided to go into self-isolation at home and is doing well.

Further, in suburban Seattle, the Associated Press reports that a group of 27 firefighters and paramedics who responded to calls at the nursing home were tested for the virus on Tuesday. One of the firefighters, Kevin Grimstad, was among the 10 people from the Kirkland Fire Department who exhibited symptoms after dealing with calls from the nursing facility.

“It’s crazy. A couple of weeks ago, it seemed like a foreign thing and now we’re getting tested,” Grimstad said. “If I was exposed a month ago, the problem is more widespread than we know.”

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Online classes amid coronavirus scare

After the recent announcement of the rising death toll, schools within the Seattle area started to consider teaching their students in online classes in the event of prolonged school closures due to the virus, as reported by the Associated Press. While local and state health officials claim that they did not recommend these schools to close down or cancel their planned activities, they still respected the decisions of the local school leaders.

As tensions rise, the Eastside Preparatory private school in Kirkland claims that it plans to have their students stay at home and do their classes online in light of the ongoing virus outbreak. The school — consisting of about 500 students from grades five through 12 — reportedly has no known or suspected cases of COVID-19 but school officials claim that they “do not feel it is prudent to wait until there is a known case to take action.” The school plans to start its online class program on March 27.

Meanwhile, the Northshore School District — which has an estimated 22,000 students located just north of the Seattle area — decided to close down on Tuesday so that their teachers could prepare themselves to teach remotely According to their Superintendent Michelle Reid, the district was also working on ways to help students who do not have access to computers or internet at home.

“What China shows is that early containment and identification of cases can work, but we now need to implement that in other countries,” said Dr. Nathalie MacDermott, an infectious-diseases expert at King’s College London.

As of writing, Natural News estimates more than 350,000 cases of COVID-19 virus infections worldwide, with about 35,000 dead from the disease. The World Health Organization (WHO) also reports that the virus has spread to about 72 countries, with Andorra, Jordan, Latvia, Morocco, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, Senegal and Tunisia officially added within the past few days. Learn more about the ongoing outbreak at

The official infection count for the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) here in the United States currently stands at 106 (and likely a few more by the time this gets published). But according to Scott Gottlieb, the former head of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the true number has actually breached the “low thousands.”

During one of his many recent appearances on cable news, Gottlieb publicly stated that Americans shouldn’t trust the rhetoric coming from the Trump administration, adding that things are far from “okay” like President Trump is claiming.

In Gottlieb’s view, the number of Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) infections in the U.S. will continue to “grow rapidly,” which means that Americans need to start stocking up on supplies and preparing in other ways for widespread societal disruptions.

By the end of the week, he’s quoted as saying, the confirmed number of Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) cases will likely enter into the hundreds. But there are still many hundreds more cases that have not yet been confirmed, meaning that when all is said and done, we could be seeing many thousands of confirmed cases of the novel disease.

While the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is still telling Americans that it’s not necessary to wear surgical protective masks in public, Gottlieb apparently believes otherwise.

“Right now, there [are] probably hundreds or low thousands of cases … that aren’t reported yet,” Gottlieb is quoted as saying.

“It’s a big country, 330 million people, so anyone’s individual risk is still very low, but we need to get those cases diagnosed and identified so we can start getting people quarantined and into treatment and prevent more spread. We need to start mitigating the implications of this spread.”

Listen below as Professor Francis Boyle drops even more amazing bombshells about the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) that you won’t hear about in the mainstream media:

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Gottlieb says U.S. authorities will be able to screen 10,000 people daily by end of week

As for the U.S. government’s ability to screen Americans for the novel disease, Gottlieb says processing capacity will increase by up to 10,000 people daily by the end of the week. And by the end of next week, he says, that will double to 20,000 people daily.

“That was really a critical step, bringing on those academic labs and leveraging their capacity; these are the major medical centers,” he’s quoted as saying. “What we need to do now is make a real concerted effort to get therapeutic. We know when it started but we don’t know when this is going to end.”

While President Trump’s travel restrictions probably bought the system a little bit of time to get its plans in order, Gottlieb added, the biggest failure was not getting the diagnostic testing situation in proper order.

“We should have been reaching out and trying to get the laboratory-developed tests into the game, and the manufacturers who have diagnostic capabilities,” Gottlieb, a current board member of the eerily named Illumina group, which has been involved in coronavirus-related work, further stated.

As we’ve been warning, Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) testing kits have been in very short supply here in the U.S., which is why the official infection and corresponding death counts are believed to be far less than the actual counts.

Meanwhile, President Trump has announced that “progress is being made” on the development of a vaccine for the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19).

“I am meeting with the major pharmaceutical companies today at the White House about progress on a vaccine and cure,” the president wrote in a March 2 tweet.

For more up-to-the-minute news about the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19), be sure to check out the all-new

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  • LAX screener tests positive
  • New York has reported another 5 cases, raising the total to 11.
  • Dr. Fauci says up to 20% of Covid-19 cases could require hospitalization
  • Trump confirms he’ll sign emergency virus package
  • Cali reports 1st death, bringing US toll to 11
  • Pence says US death toll has climbed to 10
  • The US House has passed an $8.3 billion to fight the virus.
  • Italy finally confirms school closure
  • Italy will ban public events, and close cinemas and theaters even though the government denied an earlier ANSA report that the country would also close schools & universities momentarily
  • Fla reports 4th case
  • CDC investigating cruise ship ‘Grand Princess’ linked to a cluster of cases in NorCal
  • Italy urges elderly people to stay indoors if possible
  • Irag confirms 3rd death
  • Slovenia confirms 1st case
  • Brazil records 3rd case
  • Ecuador confirms 3 new cases, raising total to 10
  • Pence confirms after meeting airline execs that travelers from Italy & SK would be tested multiple times
  • German finance minister declares outbreak “a global pandemic”
  • Russia blames “enemies” for spreading fake news about the outbreak
  • Israel urges people to stop shaking hands, will quarantine travelers from most of Europe
  • EU reports a second coronavirus case at its headquarters in Brussels
  • France has reported 28 new coronavirus cases, bringing the total to 285
  • UK cases surge by 34 to a total of 85 – a 66% surge.
  • China reported 119 additional coronavirus cases and 38 additional deaths
  • South Korea reported 809 additional coronavirus cases and 4 additional deaths; has carried out 136,000 tests
  • Israel quarantines group of soccer fans
  • “Official” Iranian death toll hits 92
  • Saudi suspends Umra pilgrimage
  • Japan confirms 3 more cases from Osaka

Update (1850ET): Now that the latest White House task force press conference is over, we’d like to highlight one comment that seems to have attracted a lot of attention this evening: Dr. Fauci’s “estimate” that “15-20%” of those infected with the virus will require hospitalization.

Ted Lieu@tedlieu

Dr. Fauci said 15-20% of people who get #coronavirus will need hospitalization. Think about the scale of that if virus spreads.

This is why testing is so important to help contain the virus. And why the House will pass a supplemental funding package to combat coronavirus. …Jake Tapper@jaketapperMost people who contract Coronavirus experience a flu like situation, Dr. Fauci says, and will be OK.

15-20% of those who contract will need hospitalization.

The vast majority of people who “get into trouble” are of advanced age and/or had previous underlying conditions.
17.7K2:22 PM – Feb 29, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy7,011 people are talking about this

That’s much higher than the hospitalization rate for the flu, which, according to the CDC is a tiny fraction of a percentage point (though, of course, there’s a vaccine for the flu).

As Ted Lieu notes above, just think of all the hospital resources that this could consume.

Also, check out the mainstream press’s latest stunt to make the administration look bad (Trump already said they’re working on a plan to make sure cost isn’t an obstacle to people getting tested).

Aaron Rupar@atrupar

Pence ended his latest briefing by claiming “the risk of the coronavirus to the average American remains low,” then walked off w/o answering @BrianKarem‘s question about “can the uninsured get tested?!”

“Screaming for the camera isn’t gonna get you anywhere,” an official scolded

Sources for this article include: 1 2 [PDF] HNewsWire

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StevieRay Hansen

Our social media platforms continue to hide the truth from the American people, by shadow banning. The blood of people are on their hands enjoy reprobates…StevieRay Hansen

The truth is that all of the warnings of alleged ‘conspiracy theorists’ have turned out to be correct The word translated “pestilence” is often translated as “plague” or “disaster” …

This day is here– get ready, the virus WILL spreads throughout the US and Europe, governments will respond the same way China’s government has; martial law and full-blown concentration camp culture. This would lead to civil war in the US because we are armed and many people will shoot anyone trying to put us into quarantine camps. Europe is mostly screwed. The establishment then suggests that paper money be removed from the system because it is a viral spreader. China is already pushing this solution now. Magically, we find ourselves in a cashless society in a matter of a year or two; which is what the globalists have been demanding for years. Everything goes digital, and thus even local economies become completely centralized as private trade dies. “AntiChrist Is On His Temporary Thorne”
StevieRay Hansen

The truth is that all of the warnings of alleged ‘conspiracy theorists’ have turned out to be correct The word translated “pestilence” is often translated as “plague” or “disaster” …

The Bible predicts the rise of this type of societal control within the frightening prophecies about the Antichrist, the final world empire called the Beast, and the final economic system using the Mark of the Beast. The electronic tyranny of technocracy that is now being developed and implemented throughout the world is in preparation for the Antichrist’s rise to power. As we see this final empire taking shape in our day, we can know for certain that the End Times is upon us and the Coming of Christ is drawing near. Now is the time to turn away from sin and evil and believe in Jesus before it is too late!

The Un-Godly — Those That Suppress the Truth, the social media giants built multi-billion dollar empires by giving everyone a voice, but now that they have such a dominant position on the Internet they have decided that many prominent Christian Conservative voices should be completely silenced.

We are living in exciting times. The Signposts point to Jesus soon return.

StevieRay Hansen, CDC, coronavirus, Hospitals, infections, outbreak, pandemic, Public Health, virus

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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

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