Democrats In Pennsylvania Celebrate Abortion Provider Appreciation Day.


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The Pennsylvania Women’s Health Caucus recognized Abortion Provider Appreciation Day, a national initiative, on Thursday.

All Democrats, including state senators Judy Schwank and Amanda Cappelletti, as well as state representatives Morgan Cephas and Mary Jo Daley, issued a unified statement thanking abortion providers for their services.

“We’d want to congratulate abortion providers across Pennsylvania for continuing to provide important healthcare services in the face of these unprecedented attacks on the right to choose, as well as the extra pressures posed by the COVID-19 outbreak,” the statement stated. “As we face attacks on abortion access at every level and in every shape and form anti-abortion legislators can devise, it’s critical that we support abortion doctors who are persisting in providing complete reproductive healthcare to their patients despite the political climate.” Today, join us in recognizing abortion providers all throughout the country!”

The Democratic Women’s Health Caucus of the Pennsylvania legislature, which has 52 members, is strongly pro-abortion.

The Abortion Care Network, which has social media memes on its website with phrases like “To provide in abortion care is to believe in the future,” started Abortion Provider Appreciation Day on March 10 in 2017.

Other phrases, which are printed on vivid visuals that resemble tarot cards, motivate abortion workers by claiming that their work brings them magic, love, strength, justice, hope, and liberty.

“It’s a sad day,” Maria Gallagher, legislative director of the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation, told The Epoch Times, “when people celebrate abortion, which is the taking of an innocent, unrepeatable life and leave the woman to grieve the child.” “Pregnant mothers are entitled to compassion and care, not a callous offer to terminate their children.” Women’s health must be protected by providing them with life-affirming options that protect both their health and the lives of their children.”

In 2020, the number of abortions in the state increased by 3.5 percent over the previous year. In 2020, the most recent year for which data is available, the Pennsylvania Department of Health recorded 32,123 abortions. It is 1,105 points higher than the previous year.

The rise corresponds to the peak of the COVID-19 lockdowns, which began in 2020. Gov. Tom Wolf put a moratorium on elective surgeries and other medical treatments as part of his COVID-19 response that year, but abortion clinics were permitted to remain operating.

In Pennsylvania, abortion access and funding are the topic of a current litigation and forthcoming legislation.

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court will hear the case of Allegheny Reproductive Health Center and Planned Parenthood vs. Pennsylvania Department of Human Services, in which abortion providers are challenging the state for using public funds to fund abortions.

Unlike its neighbors New York and New Jersey, Pennsylvania prohibits the use of Medicaid funds for abortions that are not medically necessary. In Pennsylvania, Medicaid can be used for non-elective abortions as well as elective abortions involving rape or incest.

According to the lawsuit, the ban is a violation of the Pennsylvania Constitution, and it is costing providers too much money because many people who use their services are qualified for medical aid.

According to court documents, providers routinely execute abortions at a loss and must expend their own time and resources to search and acquire private funds to assist low-income women in paying for their abortions, resulting in a loss of time and productivity for staff.

According to the lawsuit, “as a result of the Pennsylvania coverage ban, some Pennsylvania women are forced to carry their pregnancies to term against their wishes.”

In addition, the case asks the court to declare abortion a fundamental right under Pennsylvania law.

According to Gallagher, it has the potential to change several present state abortion laws.

“We would lose the Pennsylvania Abortion Control Act, which would mean no longer having a restriction on late-term abortions, no longer having informed consent for abortions, no longer having parental approval for abortions, and no longer having a 24-hour waiting time for abortions,” she explained. “We also lose our Abortion Center Regulation Law, which means hair and nail salons would be scrutinized more than abortion facilities in Pennsylvania since they would not be subject to state inspections.”

In response to the case, the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation has lobbied for Senate Bill 956, a state constitutional amendment sponsored by Republican Senator Judy Ward.

In a memo about the amendment, Ward wrote, “What the abortion industry is asking the Pennsylvania Supreme Court to do is to bypass both the legislative and constitutional amendment processes and to manufacture out of thin air a right to elective abortion and taxpayer funding of elective abortion, presumably during all nine months of pregnancy.”

“To keep Pennsylvania’s abortion laws from being overturned, I’m proposing a modest amendment to the Pennsylvania Constitution that clarifies that there is no right to an abortion or funding for abortion in the state constitution,” Ward stated. “This amendment aims to keep our abortion laws in place while also preventing taxpayer sponsorship of elective abortion.”

The Senate Health and Human Services Committee approved the proposal, which now awaits a floor vote. In Pennsylvania, a constitutional amendment must be approved in two consecutive legislative sessions. Then it must be placed on a statewide ballot for voters to decide.

Many women who have had abortions have long-term regrets that are difficult to talk about, according to pro-life groups. Pregnancy centers all around the country have extended services for these women.

“In Pennsylvania, there are a number of pregnancy centers that provide hope and healing to women who have lost a child through abortion. In Pennsylvania, we are also fortunate to have Rachel’s Vineyard, which provides healing retreats for women who have had an abortion and now regret their decision. “It’s critical that we offer compassion and sympathy to these women who may have been coerced to have abortions,” Gallagher said.

“To provide in abortion care is to believe in the future,”. This oxymoron is a testament to the evil nature of the pro-choice initiative. The safeguarding and praise that these abortion clinics receive from the radical left is inarguably evil, and without regard for human life. These are historic times in our society in which we have to fight on the behalf of those who haven’t even been born yet. Psalm 139:13-16 says: “For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.” Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.



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