Family: They Are Trying to Erode Family Again With Restrictions on Thanksgiving


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Today’s headlines in various corners of the world seem to be focused on the second wave and the shutdown that must happen to save the world and stop this deadly disease. I am gonna take a stand and say no, one of my favorite words “NO”.

Evil beings are at work to take all, your property, your pride, your dignity, your worth and they’ll steal your spirit as well, yet after they’re done they’ll want to be thanked for saving us. Joe will take credit for this plus assure you, life is better without liberty or freedom of any kind.  Agenda 2030 pretty much spells it out they will tell you their goals for a better world, we are to become livestock. Owned maintained and removed, I will not take their mark, the vaccine or be a part of the global Id 2020.  I think the enablers are referring to it as the great reset.

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They are trying to erode family again with restrictions on Thanksgiving, family gatherings and weaken strong Christian families.

Christmas will be next as no one fights back against the false fears placed in the hearts of those that have lost faith. Now this very minute God is here for you every day, every night and all things both good and bad are to strengthen faith and see the light.

The evil beings are there to take from you, in front of your very eyes and tell you they are. The msm will lie mislead, gaslight you. My lifelong friends now don’t know the difference between a duck quacking and a dog barking. I want to encourage everyone to read the bible anywhere you can on line or in hand and understand these great deceptions.

I am going to stick my neck out and say I am not into this corona virus hype. Not one Bit.

This link is as current as I could find.

Now after studying the data the question is how a person died. Can you prove or disprove it? The WHO has instructions on death certificates that will keep you straight,,, what, WHO, why?

I am thinking every bit of information from diagnosis to death has been used to gaslight the world not just you and me. Think about it, all the people hired or elected to have authority, mayors, commissioners, county judges, health departments, governors, hospitals and so on that have aligned with WHO. Me, I see no reason for a second lockdown except for them to further harm the American people. What do you think? This Chinese flu could be a tool used in an attempted coup to bring the world, these United States and our President as well as put you and me under submission to demoralize us without firing a single shot. They just changed your way of thinking using fear, got you trained to lead like a horse.  That’s Agenda 2030

All manner of life has been affected all activities have ceased or been governed. We are being Gaslighted on a Hollywood scale and this isn’t a movie it’s real with real and deadly consequences. There’s video after video of people getting a haymaker from them, the ones the Democrat’s supported/encouraged. Burn it down they say.

I was told Saturday “I’m sorry you can’t come in this store”100% going out of business sale. I don’t wear a cover unless I’m mowing grass. There is no freedom or liberty in this current situation because of FEAR and if you observe, it’s a maintained level of fear that bounces from one democratic controlled city to another. Now its El Paso, Robert Beto O’Rourke’s stomping grounds go figure right, its beyond fear it’s panic, the science fiction part of this takes hold and the movie never ends. How long was Trump in the hospital, I forget 3 days or something, doesn’t anyone see this, really, does the msm dwell on this? I’ve seen people sicker longer over bad chicken than him with covid and he came out and ran right back to work, we should ask questions to Dr. Fauci about the hazards of chicken.  We are a suppressed people and Trump is fighting all odds, all battles, the world for us. We the People.

Oh I almost forgot my message received asking me to write a letter to President Trump to be used in the Supreme Court as evidence to prove me the public wants an audit on this election.. So here it is. If you choose to participate send to President Donald J. Trump, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Washington DC 20500

To President Donald J. Trump:

Mr. President I would like an audit of the votes cast on every state in these Unites States of America. Every illegal vote and fraudulent voting machine discovered, counted and that state to be held responsible for their participation and for damaging my rights and future as a citizen, a legal vested Property Owner.  It’s plain to see that this vote was corrupted and Mr. Biden admitted to an organization they put together prior to the election for the sole purpose of stealing the vote, he said this in a speech on the air for all to hear. I would also like to see all persons even news media involved in this coup go straight to Guantanamo Bay as traitors.

I would like to provide these links.

Mr. President this is a coup against you the President and against us the property owners of America, the ones that pay the way and feed the world. Again I am asking to get the audit done and arrest those who are out to destroy us, America.

We the people are here, trusting in God

Thank you for your time and trouble we do appreciate you very much.

PS. I see the UN for what they are, say no to the Agenda, please.


“Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, and a two-edged sword in their hand.” Psalm 149:6By the armor of righteousness on the right hand and on the left.” 2 Corinthians 6:7“Cursed is he who keeps back his sword from blood.” Jeremiah 48:10. These are very strong words! It pays to take them to heart – Jesus is the captain of our salvation. (Hebrews 2:10)



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