Update: 1/14/22 From Kill Shot To Kill Pill — Only Satan Soldiers Could Come Up With a New More Direct Way to Kill Off Humanity…


Advisory: Be careful of what you read on social media. The algorithms used by these platforms have no regard for Biblical truth. They target your emotions to keep you engaged on their site so their advertisers can drop more ads. These platforms exist to enrich their stockholders. Consider God’s promise to Believers in James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

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Covid cases are a revenue stream for hospitals; by merely clicking the box the hospitals get up to $39,000 of Federal funds. The disruption of the hospitalization statistics is profound.

If it kills, it’s a pestilent. If you get sick and feel peony for a few days and lose your taste and smell, it’s a seasonal flu which we’ve had since the beginning of time, contrary to what phony doctors and or phony scientists have pushed as the gospel. Yes, it’s the gospel of evil, the gospel of Satan

More Kill Pills: FDA Authorizes Merck’s COVID-19 Pill Weeks After US Makes $2.2 Billion Purchase

More Lies: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on Thursday morning issued an emergency use authorization for Merck’s antiviral pill for COVID-19, more than 12 hours after giving the green light for a similar, oral drug made by Pfizer.

Merck’s drug, named molnupiravir, was developed with Ridgeback Biotherapeutics, and it was shown to reduce hospitalizations and deaths from 9.7 percent to 6.8 percent in clinical trials of high-risk individuals, according to the federal drug regulator.

The medication is designed to treat adults who are at a high risk of becoming severely ill from COVID-19, the illness caused by the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus. The oral drug can also be used in the treatment of mild-to-moderate COVID-19 cases in adults and for whom alternative COVID-19 treatments are not accessible or aren’t clinically appropriate, the agency said. Source: TET

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New Data Show Omicron Hospital Risk Significantly Lower Than Delta, FDA Approves Pfizer COVID Pill

Just before the FDA announced that it had officially approved Pfizer’s COVID pill for to patients age 12 and older (though the drug will likely only be used in more high-risk patients), new data arrived from both South Africa and Scotland showing the hospitalization risk from omicron is significantly lower than from delta.

Preliminary data from a Scotland study suggested the the newer variant is 2/3rds as likely to send somebody to the hospital. They did, however, warn that the variant could cause other issues due to its heightened infectiousness. ZeroHedge

“Proceed With Caution At Your Own Peril” – Merck’s COVID ‘Super Drug’ Poses Serious Health Risks, Scientists Warn…

As it turns out, all the scientists and doctors who insisted that Merck’s “revolutionary” COVID drug molnupiravir is extremely safe weren’t faithfully adhering to “the science” after all. Because according to a report published Thursday by Barron’s, some scientists are worried that the drug – which purportedly cut hospitalizations in half during a study that was cut short – could cause cancer or birth defects.

So much for having a “strong safety profile,” as Dr. Scott Gottlieb claimed in an interview on the day Merck first publicized the research.

It’s perfectly understandable why Merck might choose to play down this safety risk: assuming it’s approved, the drug is widely expected to be one of “the most lucrative drugs ever” – which is one reason why Merck’s shares soared into double-digit territory after the announcement.

As we reported earlier this week, Merck and its “partner” Ridgeback Biotherapeutics will profit immensely by charging customers up to 40x what it costs to make the drug, which Ridgeback originally licensed from Emory University for an “undisclosed sum”. The drug was developed with funding from the federal government.

According to Barron’s, some scientists who have studied the drug believe that its method of suppressing the virus could potentially run amok within the body.

Some scientists who have studied the drug warn, however, that the method it uses to kill the virus that causes Covid-19 carries potential dangers that could limit the drug’s usefulness.

Molnupiravir works by incorporating itself into the genetic material of the virus, and then causing a huge number of mutations as the virus replicates, effectively killing it. In some lab tests, the drug has also shown the ability to integrate into the genetic material of mammalian cells, causing mutations as those cells replicate.

If that were to happen in the cells of a patient being treated with molnupiravir, it could theoretically lead to cancer or birth defects.

In particular, Raymond Schinazi, a professor of pediatrics and the director of biochemical pharmacology at Emory who studied the drug while it was being developed, and published a number of papers on NHC, the compound that’s the active ingredient in the drug. He published a paper that showed the drug can produce a reaction like the one described above, and insisted it shouldn’t be given to young people – especially pregnant women – without more data.

Schinazi told Barron’s that he did not believe that molnupiravir should be given to pregnant women, or to young people of reproductive age, until more data is available. Merck’s trials of molnupiravir have excluded pregnant women; the scientists running the trial asked male participants to “abstain from heterosexual intercourse” while taking the drug, according to the federal government website that tracks clinical trials.

Barron’s even shared a paper published in the Journal of Infectious Diseases in May by Schinazi and scientists at the University of North Carolina which reported that NHC can cause mutations in animal cell cultures in a lab test designed to detect such mutations – something Merck claims it has tested for. The paper’s authors concluded that the risks for molnupiravir “may not be zero”.

Merck told Barron’s that it has run “extensive tests” on animals which it says show that this shouldn’t be an issue. “The totality of the data from these studies indicates that molnupiravir is not mutagenic or genotoxic in in-vivo mammalian systems,” a Merck spokesman said.

Still, scientists and doctors who have studied NHC say that Merck needs to “be careful,” and it’s not just Schinazi warning about the drug’s potential risks.

Dr. Shuntai Zhou, a scientist at the Swanstrom Lab at UNC, said “there is a concern that this will cause long-term mutation effects, even cancer.”

Zhou says that he is certain that the drug will integrate itself into the DNA of mammalian hosts. “Biochemistry won’t lie,” he says. “This drug will be incorporated in the DNA.”

Merck hasn’t yet released any data from its animal studies, but the scientists believe that it would take long-term studies to show that the drug is truly totally safe.

“Proceed with caution and at your own peril,” wrote Raymond Schinazi, a professor of pediatrics and the director of the division of biochemical pharmacology at the Emory University School of Medicine, who has studied NHC for decades, in an email to Barron’s.

Analysts are already warning that these questions about the drug’s safety suggest the reaction in Merck’s shares was a little “overblown”, to say the least. Investors apparently were so eager for a new “pandemic panacea” (now that the mRNA jabs have proven to be much less effective than advertised) that they didn’t ask too many questions about safety, or even question the paucity of data. One analyst for SVB Leerink Dr. Geoffrey Porges described investors’ reaction from Friday as “wishful thinking”.

Even once the FDA authorizes the drug, Dr. Porges believes it will come with strict limitations on who can and can’t use it. “I think it is effectively going to be a controlled substance”, Dr. Porges said, adding that the risks to pregnant women, or women who may soon become pregnant, could present thorny problems for the FDA’s advisory committee reviewing the drug.

Given that the safety risks of the drug seem well-documented already, Wall Street’s gushing about the drug’s prospects – “it really is THAT good”, one analyst insisted – seems like an idiotic blunder in retrospect. The product of what one might call “magical thinking”. Source: ZeroHedge HNewsWire HNewsWire

Kill_Pill - tgplife.lt - Tavo gyvenimo pradžia

You Would Have to Be Blind Not to See Where This Is Going, “Yoked”…

How Long Before USA Says: We Will Not Comply?

StevieRay Hansen
[email protected]

HNewsWire: “In October, November and December, There Will Be a Terrible Death Rate, Globally” Will Occur “Exclusively” With Vaccinated People. “Those Deaths Will Be Labeled Swiftly as a New Variant Strain of Covid


Replacing parental control with government control of education (and other aspects of child raising) has been a goal of authoritarians since Plato. After all, it is much easier to ensure obedience if someone has been raised to think of the government as the source of all wisdom and truth, as well as the provider of all of life’s necessities.

A day of reckoning is coming. Politicians hope that we’ll keep pointing fingers at the rich so we don’t notice who the real culprits are.

Replacing parental control with government control of education (and other aspects of child raising) has been a goal of authoritarians since Plato. After all, it is much easier to ensure obedience if someone has been raised to think of the government as the source of all wisdom and truth, as well as the provider of all of life’s necessities.



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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

One thought on “Update: 1/14/22 From Kill Shot To Kill Pill — Only Satan Soldiers Could Come Up With a New More Direct Way to Kill Off Humanity…

  1. Government ‘Flying Blind’ on Breakthrough Infections, as COVID Infections Among Fully Vaccinated Soar
    The CDC’s decision to stop tracking COVID in vaccinated people, unless they are hospitalized or die, means we have no full understanding on how the Delta variant spreads among the nearly 200 million partially or fully vaccinated Americans, or on how many are getting sick.

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