Government’s Around the Global to Censor Journalists — Big Tech is Actively Censoring


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American Journalists on Behalf of the Godless Chinese Communist Party…

A Big Tech company composed of more than 774 million members is reportedly tying up with Chinese Communists in line with the censorship of its content.

The Republican Party of Arizona tweeted about LinkedIn‘s censorship of Republicans out of its partnership with the Chinese Communist Party. The tweet included a link to an Axios report on Florida Senator Rick Scott questioning Microsoft-owned LinkedIn regarding its censorship on the profiles of U.S. journalists last week.

“Why are American Big Tech companies teaming up with the Communist Chinese government to censor journalists? Why is it only Republicans asking questions? #BigTechCensorship,” the Republican Party of Arizona said on Friday.

Why are American Big Tech companies teaming up with the Communist Chinese government to censor journalists? Why is it only Republicans asking questions? #BigTechCensorship

— Republican Party of Arizona (@AZGOP) September 30, 2021

LinkedIn, who calls itself the “world’s largest professional network,” have notified a couple of American journalists that their account will be inaccessible in China for allegedly having “prohibited content.” Some of those notified were Bethany Allen-Ebrahimian of Axios, Melissa Chan of VICE News, and Greg Bruno who is a freelance reporter. The common thread among the banned journalists involved their reporting on China’s human rights abuses.

Axios explained that LinkedIn, which was founded in the living room of Reid Hoffman in 2002, is said to be one of the platforms that adhere to the Chinese Communist Party’s demands for content censorship whenever it deems that its “views are subversive.”

Besides the said journalists, LinkedIn has censored numerous profiles in recent months that belonged to government employees, researchers, and academics from across the globe.

Due to the censorship, Scott sent a letter addressed to Microsoft Corporation’s Chief Executive Officer Satya Nadella who is based in Washingston state and LinkedIn Corporation Chief Executive Officer Ryan Roslansky who is based in California. Scott raised his deep concern on the censorship experienced by the American journalists since they have an important role in the reporting of vital information for the United States. Scott condemned the censorship and called it “an act of submission” to China.

“I am deeply concerned that an American company is actively censoring American journalists on behalf of the Chinese Communist Party. Members of the media report information that is critical to helping Americans, including members of Congress, understand the scope of Communist China’s abuses, especially its abuses against and surveillance of Uyghurs in Xinjiang,” Scott said.

“The censorship of these journalists raises serious questions about Microsoft’s intentions and its commitment to standing up against Communist China’s horrific human rights abuses and repeated attacks against democracy,” he stressed.

“These acts of censorship by your company, and the apparent broader Microsoft censorship policy of, ‘offering a localized version of LinkedIn in China,’ is gross appeasement and an act of submission to Communist China. LinkedIn’s decisions only emboldens Communist China to continue their abuses against the Uyghurs and other Muslim minorities in Xinjiang,” he underscored.

Scott also expressed his disappointment on LinkedIn’s history of censorship for the Chinese Communist Party, citing the account of New York-based human rights activist Zhou Fengsuo. He also cited Microsoft’s censorship of journalists while “actively spreading misinformation” during the passing of the Georgia election security law in March. He also underscored Microsoft “openly suppressing those who try to expose Xi’s authoritarian rule.”

Scott demanded the two corporations to provide an explanation and clear answers regarding the censorship of the said accounts, requiring specifics as to what parts of the said accounts were “objectionable.”

Source: christianitydaily HNewsWire HNewsWire

We have previously discussed the extensive censorship programs maintained by Big Tech, including companies like Twitter and Facebook taking sides in major controversies from gender identification to election fraud to Covid-19. The rise of corporate censors has combined with a heavily pro-Biden media to create the fear of a de facto state media that controls information due to a shared ideology rather than state coercion.  That concern has been magnified by demands from Democratic leaders for increased censorship, including censoring political speech, and now word that the Biden Administration has routinely been flagging material to be censored by Facebook.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki admitted that the Biden administration is working with Facebook to flag “problematic” posts that “spread disinformation” on COVID-19. She explained that the Administration has created “aggressive” policing systems to spot “misinformation” to be “flagged” for the social media companies.

Psaki doubles down on calls for censorship of “disinformation:”

“It should not come as any surprise we are in regular touch with social media platforms…and we want to know that the social media platforms are taking steps to address this.”— Benny (@bennyjohnson) July 16, 2021

The concern is obvious that this allows for a direct role of the government in a massive censorship program run by private companies. There have been repeated examples of the censoring of stories that were embarrassing or problematic for the Biden Administration.  Even when Twitter expressed regret for the censoring of the Hunter Biden laptop story before the election, there was an immediate push back for greater censorship from Democrats.

The concern is that these companies are taking to heart calls from Democratic members for increased censorship on the platform. CEO Jack Dorsey previously apologized for censoring the Hunter Biden story before the election. However, rather than addressing the dangers of such censoring of news accounts, Senator Chris Coons pressed Dorsey to expand the categories of censored material to prevent people from sharing any views that he considers “climate denialism.” Likewise, Senator Richard Blumenthal seemed to take the opposite meaning from Twitter, admitting that it was wrong to censor the Biden story. Blumenthal said that he was “concerned that both of your companies are, in fact, backsliding or retrenching, that you are failing to take action against dangerous disinformation.” Accordingly, he demanded an answer to this question:

“Will you commit to the same kind of robust content modification playbook in this coming election, including fact checking, labeling, reducing the spread of misinformation, and other steps, even for politicians in the runoff elections ahead?”

“Robust content modification” seems the new Orwellian rallying cry in our society.

Here’s more of Jen Psaki issuing decrees on who should and shouldn’t be allowed to use social media, then smugly scoffing at the notion that this should concern anyone on the ground that we’re going to die if we don’t submit to the White House’s orders:— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) July 16, 2021

The same problems have arisen on Covid stories. For a year, Big Tech has been censoring those who wanted to discuss the origins of pandemic.  It was not until Biden admitted that the virus may have originated in the Wuhan lab that social media suddenly changed its position. Facebook only recently announced that people on its platform will be able to discuss the origins of Covid-19 after censoring any such discussion.

DOOCY: “Facebook used to block people from posting that covid may have originated from a lab… Is there any concern things you are trying to block may some day turn out to be accurate?”@PressSec: “We don’t take anything down. We don’t block anything.”— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) July 16, 2021

The back channel coordination with Facebook further supports the view that this is a de facto state-supporting censorship program. That is the basis for the recent lawsuit by former President Donald Trump. As I have previously noted, there is ample basis for objection to this arrangement but the legal avenue for challenges is far from clear. The lawsuit will face difficult if not insurmountable problems under existing law and precedent. There is no question companies like Twitter are engaging in raw censorship. It is also true that these companies have censored material with a blatantly biased agenda, taking sides on scientific and social controversies. A strong case can be made for stripping these companies of legal protections since they are no longer neutral platforms. However, private businesses are allowed to regulate speech as a general matter.  It will take considerable heavy lifting for a court to order this injunctive relief.

Here’s a mashup of VACCINE MISINFORMATION from Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

Does Jen Psaki want Big Tech to CENSOR this?— Kyle Martinsen (@KyleMartinsen_) July 16, 2021

That is why we need legislative action. That includes removal immunity protections. However, the government should also consider the creation of an alternative to these companies which are now a threat to our political system. A few companies now control a huge amount of the political discourse in this country and have shown a clear bias in taking sides (even on issues later found to be wrong). Since litigation is likely to fail, legislation would seem an imperative. Congress has been spending hundreds of billions with utter abandon. Yet, there is little discussion over a government subsidized platform for social media or other measures to break up this unprecedented level of corporate control over our political discourse. I am no fan of government programs, particularly as it relates to media. However, Apple, Google, and these other companies are now operating like monopolies, including crushing competitors like Parlor. That is a direct and growing threat to our political process.

We need to consider a short-term investment in a social media platform that will focus any censorship on direct threats or criminal conduct. There is currently a lack of not only competition but any real opportunity for competition to challenge these companies. Either we have to redefine what we treat as monopolies or we need to invest in the establishment of competing platforms that are content neutral like telephone companies.

This is why I have described myself as an Internet Originalist:

The alternative is “internet originalism” — no censorship. If social media companies returned to their original roles, there would be no slippery slope of political bias or opportunism; they would assume the same status as telephone companies. We do not need companies to protect us from harmful or “misleading” thoughts. The solution to bad speech is more speech, not approved speech.

If Pelosi demanded that Verizon or Sprint interrupt calls to stop people saying false or misleading things, the public would be outraged. Twitter serves the same communicative function between consenting parties; it simply allows thousands of people to participate in such digital exchanges. Those people do not sign up to exchange thoughts only to have Dorsey or some other internet overlord monitor their conversations and “protect” them from errant or harmful thoughts.

The actions by Twitter and Facebook on Election Day were reprehensible and wrong. That should have been sufficient cause for action by Congress. It is now growing more precarious and chilling by the day.

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The point is that Never before have so many people believed so many lies. Aided by an immoral and ruthless media (particularly the CNN, Fox, MSLSD, BBC where ignorant pseudo-journalists have plumbed new depths in the service of deceit and manipulation) frauds have been devised and perpetuated with ruthless, lethal efficiency. Now we know why the Government’s clamped down on people owning guns – it wasn’t to protect the police from robbers but to protect the establishment from angry voters
Censorship Quotes Pictures and Censorship Quotes Images ...
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Luciferian Death Cult

Mr.Evil, a.k.a Dr.Death ( Dr.Fauci ) agrees with the White House and Biden himself,saying vaccination mandates should be the next step.

Who is to blame? Corrupt politicians or the stupid people who vote for them

FakeBook, Tweeter Gab, and YouTube Are Un-Reliable News Source

Source: HNewsWire ZeroHedge HNewsWire

StevieRay Hansen

[email protected]

The actions by Twitter and Facebook on Election Day were reprehensible and wrong. That should have been sufficient cause for action by Congress. It is now growing more precarious and chilling by the day.



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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

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