“He’s A Pathological Liar”: Cornell Chemistry Professor Dave Collum Unloads On Satan
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“He’s A Pathological Liar”: Cornell Chemistry Professor Dave Collum Unloads On Satan

Soldier Dr. Fauci And Covid Hysteria…

Friend of Zero Hedge and Cornell Professor Dave Collum appeared on the Quoth the Raven podcast this week and offered his unfiltered (and often profane) 2 hour long take not only on the development of the Delta variant hysteria, but also on Dr. Fauci, vaccinations and the state of lockdowns across the globe. 

Collum is the Betty R. Miller Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Cornell University and holds a PhD, Columbia University, MS, Columbia University, MA, Columbia University and BS, Cornell University.

The duo of Collum and podcast host Chris Irons first talked about Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and the chief medical advisor to the president, whom Collum referred to as a “pathological liar”.

When asked about the FOIA request for Fauci’s emails, Collum responded: “They were heavily redacted. One could only imagine what the redaction was. I got the feeling, reading the emails, Fauci was smart enough to know to not, himself, say anything. So Fauci didn’t say incriminating things, it was emails to Fauci that were incriminating.”

Collum also took exception with the state of the country locking down again. “This is where it just keeps getting darker,” he said. “It started out as ‘flatten the curve’ and that made total sense…at the time it seemed like the scramble was to try and understand it, which I gave credit for them. It was really garbled because everything was ‘Anti-Trump’ at the time…but where I went off the rails is that it was looking like the pandemic was starting to subside and they weren’t stopping.”

He continued: “So now what I see, what is confounding to me, which takes me down really dark places. I see panic. Panic, authoritarian levels that we vaccinate. And it’s Soviet style propaganda, it’s coercion, it’s bludgeoning.”

Collum and Irons then discussed the lab leak theory, which Irons had ruminated about in-depth during a previous podcast days earlier. 

“I’d call it a crime against humanity,” Collum said while talking about on the possibility of a lab leak cover-up. 

“It’s interesting to look back now know what we know about Fauci’s communication,” host Chris Irons says. “It does look like a cover-up. What else are we going to find out? It’s been 18 months and the idea of a lab leak has gone from ‘completely batshit conspiracy theory’ to ‘this is the most common sense explanation’.” 

“It’s not just that,” Collum responds. “Serious biochemists have looked at the sequencing and said ‘that does not make sense’.”

“There’s no ethical guidelines for some of the egomaniacs in science,” Collum said.

The discussion then moves on to vaccines, where Collum is quick to point out non-sequiturs in the “official” narrative: “It’s incoherent because they’re saying if you get vaccinated you’ll be protected and then they’re saying the people who are not vaccinated are risking the other people who are vaccinated and I’m like ‘which is it?'”

“To vaccinate kids is nuts,” he says. “And you know what else is psychotic? The moment where it crossed the dotted line was December 2020. The vaccine had been out for a very brief period. The CDC Tweeted, I can recite it almost verbatim, although there are no studies, there’s no reason pregnant women shouldn’t get the vaccine.”

He continued, exasperated: “You’re telling these women who are told don’t even drink a fucking glass of wine’ to get a god damn MRNA vaccine even though there’s no studies?”

“That showed you the sociopathy of the campaign,” Collum concludes.

You can listen to the entire interview here:

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If America is divided, it is because there are people who want to enslave, there are people who enjoy their enslavement, and, there are people who want nothing to do with enslavement.

Fauci is also notorious for being a terrible scientist, but he is a loyal technocrat. He has a habit of dismissing any science that does not support his preconceived conclusions. The science that shows that people who have already had covid are unlikely to be reinfected. In fact, there is no evidence that covid reinfection is a concern for the vast majority of people. Yet, Fauci does not count people who have had covid and have built up immunity as safe.

Fauci’s position is that if you are not vaccinated with the experimental mRNA cocktails, then you are a risk to others. Yet, if this is the case then that means the vaccines are useless. If unvaccinated people are a threat to vaccinated people, then what use are the vaccines in the first place?

The US Surgeon General (the same guy that originally claimed that Americans should not bother buying masks because the masks would be useless for them) is echoing Fauci’s propaganda, adding that the new “Delta Variant” will strike unvaccinated people the hardest.

There is still no evidence that the supposed “delta variant” is any more of a threat than the original iteration of covid, but this is not stopping governments from rolling out the fear campaign once again. With assertions that the delta variant may still infect vaccinated people, governments are suggesting that lockdowns, masks and social distancing stay in place for the foreseeable future. One has to ask that burning question: Why become a guinea pig for an untested mRNA vaccine when it is no guarantee of freedom, nor a guarantee of health safety?

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Mr.Evil, a.k.a Dr.Death ( Dr.Fauci ) agrees with the White House and Biden himself,saying vaccination mandates should be the next step.

Who is to blame? Corrupt politicians or the stupid people who vote for them

FakeBook, Parler Tweeter Gab, and YouTube Are Un-Reliable News Source

Ask The Blind Man ,He Saw it All

Source: HNewsWire ZeroHedge HNewsWire

StevieRay Hansen
Editor, HNewsWire.com

[email protected]

Everybody wrap something around your face again even though they said you wouldn’t need to if you got vaxxed! But they didn’t lie – no, apparently a bunch of people – and not just those evil white nationalist-Christian-gun-Jesus-flag people – are refusing to get the vaccine, and the reason is that they are moral defectives somehow in thrall to Tucker Carlson’s Svengali-like powers of persuasion.


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