High-Tech & Reddit Engaged in Heavy Censorship of Truthful News Sources, Mad-Max During the Tribulations


Advisory: Be careful of what you read on social media. The algorithms used by these platforms have no regard for Biblical truth. They target your emotions to keep you engaged on their site so their advertisers can drop more ads. These platforms exist to enrich their stockholders. Consider God’s promise to Believers in James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

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What the High-Tech Do-Gooder Have Overlooked, There Are No Laws, No Rules to the World They Have Created, Artificial Intelligence Will Eventually Eat Their Own and Anyone that has Contributed to the Undoing of Humanity, Mad-Max During the Tribulations, Enjoy…

You the high tech conglomerates (HYPER-REPROBATES) chose to attack God’s children (The Christians) you brought destruction upon yourselves and your high-tech corporations, it’s amazing how wrong you can be when dumb down in biblical truth, God’s word has survived the tyrants for thousands of years, yet you CEOs have missed the most important part of life, God’s plan for humanity, enjoy

(HNewsWire)The overwhelming controversy surrounding “fake news” in 2019, social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and others, have decided that certain subjects in political positions have no place on their sites. Although these are private organizations, the fact that they censor opinions that are contrary to their liberal agenda is a dangerous precedent. This will continue unless we speak out or create new sites that allow for freedom of speech.

Don’t dare talk about the dangers of vaccines or biotechnology on Facebook, or they ban, block and censor you post anything that challenges the fake science behind vaccines and GMOs and Facebook will block your future posts for an indefinite period of time and remove your posts entirely from its pages. Facebook pushes the narratives of Big Pharma and Big Food by censoring important science that proves vaccines still contain mercury (namely influenza vaccines) and that genetically modified food contains dangerous pesticides and often noxious herbicides that cause cancer, Alzheimer’s, autism, and destroy nutrition and the environment in general. Facebook takes a communist approach to censoring important information that challenges the status quo and the top-paying advertisers that support the Facebook platform and mission. Zuckerberg continues to accept investments from other evil globalists like Bill Gates.

These elitists are working on imposing their one-world agenda upon the American people make no mistake their vicious, ungodly and their determined….

Money flowing into Third World countries is doing more to corrupt religious and cultural beliefs than to boost the nations’ prosperity/wellbeing.

Billionaires and left-leaning foundations are pumping money into population control in underdeveloped countries.

Among them is George Soros, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Hewlett Foundation, and Rockefeller Foundation, to name a few, plus funding from western governments.

Brian Clowes of Human Life International says those groups are trying to remake the countries into the image of secularized nations in the West. The game plan is laid out in a document called National Security Study Memorandum 200.

“[It] says that we have to hold down the populations of developing countries so we can get our hands on their natural resources,” he says. “In other words, we have to pillage their natural resources by holding down their populations, and that was an official document written by Henry Kissinger under President Richard M. Nixon.”

What Third World countries need is economic development, education, and health care rather than contraception and abortion.

“They still have poverty of course, because all of this population control, all of this pushing homosexuality down their throats does not improve the standard of living of the people,” Clowes points out. “All it does is make large poor families into small poor families. So visually it looks the same but the beliefs of the people are absolutely being corrupted.”

The few groups promoting moral standards in those countries have combined budgets of $10 thousand, while at least $8 billion a year is used to reduce the population, and several billions of dollars more, partly from the U.S. State Department, to promote homosexuality.


Banned By Tweeter and Fake Book:**For Christians, conservatives, and independents believing that social media platforms are your Avenue for messaging, that’s really a fairy tale, altered reality. Understand the liberal elitist that run the social media platforms are globalist, open society enthusiast, another way of describing them, powerful intellectuals that are evil. You should understand that only their views are important and that any other opinion will be censored immediately. Twitter and Facebook shadowbanned those opinions that conflict with the speech Masters. So while you’re thinking you’ve got your message out what’s has really transpired is that your tweet or your Facebook post is placed into a black box, the only one that’s going to be able to read it is “you”, how does that make you feel, really important, the truth is these intellect evil morons are controlling the messaging in an effort to sway the younger generation to their way of thinking. Most of the millennium believe whatever is posted on social media is the gospel, by letting you post your message and then shadowbanned that message in reality, wasting your time.

There are a collective effort and success at censoring slowing down Pres. Trump’s messages on Twitter, FakeBook, this is nothing short of tyranny, ungodly behavior by a bunch of evil men, do as I say, not as I do individuals that control the social media platforms. It’s time to move on, get off of social media and get our message out through websites, radio talk programs. There are several good sites that let you post your message without censoring, seen life, tea party social media platform, right side social, just to name a few. It’s really time to take a stand and move off tweeter and fake book platforms, think about it, if only the liberals are left on these mentioned platforms they will eat each other because the good folks have moved on, I personally can’t wait to see the ugly left destroy each other, and they will….www.hnewswire.com

StevieRay Hansen**It’s has come to our attention** many real new websites are getting censored on Facebook twitter and other social media outlets. this is all censoring on a major level the website news just for you has been hit the hardest by this run by a fellow anon Christopher stokes. Who is editor of News just for you who has reported that 10 times they have been banned from twitter for reporting on pizza gate seconds after adding at jack for those of you who do not know at jack is the c e o of twitter and at jack is his real twitter account and who is also involved in pizza gate and pedophile crimes run the test your self by adding a jack to any hashtag pizza gate story you like and your twitter will be banned soon after. and Facebook is censoring posts now after posting a news report no links are shown just a service not available even going so far as you blacklist all of his Facebook pages. any post is now unavailable we can not let the truth be censored.

In any way shape or form, our advice is to make many accounts. Facebook will unlist what you are sharing and sometimes your posts are only seen by you alone. this is done mostly in Facebook groups, but there are also reports of this going on many so-called alt-right websites Facebook is paid by people who want to censor you. Facebook even met with china many times. and plan to use the same tactics here in the USA

Twitter released a new set of tools on Tuesday that could finally stop the unregulated craziness that happens on Twitter. The ‘Mute Words’ feature gives the user the ability to mute certain words, phrases, hashtags, emojis, or usernames Twitter suspended high-profile accounts associated with the so-called alt-right movement, Twitter on Tuesday removed Spencer’s verified account, @RichardBSpencer, that of his think tank, the National Policy Institute @npiamerica, and his online magazine @radixjournal. @news just for you “This is corporate Stalinism, Twitter had engaged in a coordinated effort to wipe out alt-right Twitter.

In a statement, Twitter said: “The Twitter Rules prohibit targeted abuse and harassment, and we will suspend accounts that violate this policy.” It declined to comment specifically on the suspensions, which included the accounts of Paul Town, Pax Dickinson, Ricky Vaughn John Rivers. and Christopher stokes

Twitter was the platform of choice for the campaign of President-elect Donald Trump For years, Twitter billed itself as “the free speech wing of the free-speech party.” For every account that’s banned, new accounts take its place, “The more the system tries to make the ideas of nationalism taboo, the more people are going to be interested and seek them out,” he said. “It’s helping us propagate our message every time they try very clumsily to shut us down.” “I used that as a test to see if Twitter would be fair,” he said.

Twitter has suspended alt-right accounts in the past but never so many at once.

In one of the highest-profile bans, Twitter removed the account of Milo Yiannopoulos, a technology editor at the conservative news site Breitbart in July. He had engaged in a campaign of abuse in which hundreds of anonymous Twitter accounts bombarded Ghostbusters actress Leslie Jones with racist and sexist taunts. Before banning Yiannopoulos, Twitter stripped him of his verified status.

Twitter bans Breitbart writer
Spencer said he supported Yiannopoulos and didn’t think he should have been banned from Twitter. But, he said in his YouTube video, “Milo was engaging in something that could be called harassment.”

“The fact is that I, and a number of other people who have just got banned, weren’t even trolling,” he said. “I was using Twitter just like I always use Twitter, to give people some updates and maybe to comment on a news story here and there.” We are anonymous we are watching you, Twitter and Facebook your system will be used against you expect it.


Silicon Valley Has Sold Us on a Cashless, Cardless, Walletless, Frictionless Future, The Beast…..

Specifically, the Bible says it will begin at a time when all the world comes together against Israel over the issue of who will control the city of Jerusalem (Zechariah 12:2-3). In short, we are on the very threshold of the Tribulation today as we witness the United Nations, the European Union, the Vatican, and the Arab nations demanding that the Jews surrender their sovereignty over Jerusalem.

As Benjamin Netanyahu fights for his political survival, seeking a record 5th term as prime minister during the upcoming Sept. 17 elections, he and his Likud party have suffered a huge public embarrassment while attempting to out-hawk their political rivals.

In a predictable move, Facebook said Thursday it suspended a key function of Netanyahu’s official Facebook page due to “a violation of the company’s hate speech policy.” The sanction will be in effect for 24 hours, according to a company statement. 

The offending campaign message urged voters to avoid bringing into power a government composed of 

“Arabs who want to destroy us all — women, children and men.”

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Image source: Shutterstock

The page is considered a crucial part of his election campaign, given it has over 2.4 million followers and is his team’s prime social media outreach tool. 

The xenophobic post identifying “Arabs” as seeking to “destroy” all Israelis resulted in an immediate uproar and backlash among opposition politicians and supporters.

The message also said Netanyahu’s opponents in the center-right Blue and White Party will “allow a nuclearized Iran that will annihilate us” if they win the crucial election. 

Facebook ultimately agreed a chatbot operated by the official account of the Israeli prime minister had produced hate speech. The Hebrew language post appeared, ironically enough, on September 11. 

“After careful review of the Likud campaign’s bot activities, we found a violation of our hate speech policy,” the company said in a statement. “We also found that the bot was misusing the platform by contacting people outside the time period allowed. As a result, we temporarily suspended the bot for 24 hours. Should there be any additional violations, we will continue to take appropriate action.”

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The prime minister was quick to distance himself from it, saying on a local radio broadcast interview that a staffer wrote it and that his team has deleted it. 

Screenshot of the offending Hebrew language message in question:

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Netanyahu has aggressively sought to appeal to the far-right and nationalist voters by presenting himself as a hardliner on the Jewish state’s security, which includes his days ago announcing a deeply controversial plan to annex large parts of the West Bank, including the Jordan Valley if re-elected

The Facebook page sanction immediately unleashed an avalanche of mockery and commentary on social media, where many pointed out the incident highlights Israel’s ‘apartheid policies’ based on race and ethno-religious identity.  Source

  • Google censors nearly all REAL news publishers from Google News, making sure that only FAKE (mainstream) media achieves visibility so that fake media narratives dominate public attention. Those fake narratives include everything from the collapse of WTC 7 from “office fires” to the pharmaceutical industry’s ridiculously false claim that vaccines have never harmed any child in the history of the world. For all the same reasons, Google also algorithmically suppresses websites it doesn’t like, including independent news publishers covering investigative stories on vaccines, GMOs and the climate change science hoax. Far from setting humanity free to find what they want on the internet, Google covertly limits search results to primarily those content sites that agree with globalist narratives, all of which are anti-human and anti-progress. Google is also pro-Big Pharma and bans the advertising of natural supplement products that help people prevent disease and reduce suffering.
  • Facebook follows a similar algorithmic censorship track, penalizing websites that dare talk about children being harmed by vaccines, science corruption in the genetic engineering industry, the dangers of pesticides or the scientifically validated benefits of carbon dioxide to planet Earth. Facebook manually assigns penalty scores to entire websites, crushing their reach and making sure their content can’t even reach fans who have deliberately “liked” the site and want to receive its information. Mark Zuckerberg, the grandson of a Rockefeller, is being groomed for a position of globalist domination and says he might run for president. He’s already obediently spouting every official lie that Hillary Clinton repeated on the campaign trail in 2016.
  • Amazon.com, founded by evil globalist Jeff Bezos, uses its marketplace dominance to promote the interests of the pharmaceutical industry while suppressing natural medicine. Did you know that Amazon is getting into the prescription drug business in the hopes of putting local pharmacies out of business? The company also bans FBA (Fulfilled By Amazon) activities with many nutritional supplements and botanical extracts that can prevent serious diseases such as cancer. Now that Amazon is purchasing Whole Foods, Jeff Bezos is likely going to use the same pro-pharma stance to try to transform Whole Foods stores into prescription drug pharmacy locations while eliminating most of Whole Foods’ staff by replacing them with robots.
  • Amazon has already pioneered robot-staffed retail stores and has also developed a way to eliminate human cashiers by using RFID tracking of all customers and the items they pick off the shelves. Whole Foods workers are already freaking out, realizing they’re going to be replaced by robots and drones. In effect, Jeff Bezos will promote mass unemployment, mass drug addiction, the censorship of natural products and centralized control over retailing. All of this makes Jeff Bezos richer and more powerful, but it also destroys human dignity, human health, and human knowledge. (For people like Jeff Bezos, selling opioids is a great business model because people keep buying them over and over again… the impact on society be damned!)

Similarly, the internet was once hailed as a means to set humanity free. But that dream, too, has been crushed under the extreme censorship and obfuscation of internet-intensive businesses like Google, Amazon, and Facebook. Here are just a few examples:

  • They all promote toxic vaccines that are right now killing over 1,400 children a year in the U.S. alone, injuring another 100,000 plus annually.
  • They all promote Big Pharma’s toxic medications that earn high profits.
  • They all suppress natural medicine, medicinal herbs, and cannabinoids (CBD).
  • They all supported Hillary Clinton and promote Democrats, the DNC, and big government. They all hated Trump just like they hate America, the Bill of Rights and the Second Amendment.
  • They all promote Monsanto, GMOs, glyphosate and pesticide chemicals as being “good for humanity.” They all claim to be “pro-environment” even while supporting the corporations that poison our world with toxic chemicals that kill life and devastate ecosystems.
  • They all believe in censorship and suppression as a way to shore up their power and silence dissent.
  • They all put profits first and humanity last. To them, human beings are just “useless idiots” to be manipulated or exploited for profit. If Jeff Bezos could fire every single Whole Foods worker right now and replace them all with robots, he would absolutely do so.
  • They all believe the ends justify the means, which is why Jeff Bezos’ Washington Post feels justified in completely fabricating “anonymous sources” to publish fake news in an attempt to overthrow the American Republic.
  • They all despise diversity of thought and demand absolute conformity and obedience to left-wing narratives covering everything from LGBT issues to the elimination of gun rights. Diversity of opinion is not allowed. Conformity is mandatory.

What do all these evil corporations and globalist leaders have in common? They are all enemies of GOD and humanity:

In effect, these corporations are pure evil. They are run by evil globalists and they ally themselves with other evil corporations that poison our planet, enslave humanity and seek to deprive us all of basic human liberty and dignity

If people stop financially supporting these anti-Christ evil corporations, they will cease to exist. The only reason they continue to grow right now is that people continue to feed them economic resources.

Until now, many people had not been fully aware of just how evil these corporations truly are. They had no idea they were about to be enslaved and overrun by Google, Amazon, Facebook and other similar corporate entities. Suddenly, however, it’s becoming obvious to even those who previously decried such warnings as “conspiracy theories.” Suddenly even Whole Foods workers are waking up, flipping out and realizing they are all about to be made obsolete by the Jeff Bezos robot apocalypseFrom Reuters:

“I’ve heard that Amazon’s culture is really cutthroat. That worries me,” one bagger at a Providence, Rhode Island, store said.

At least one customer was concerned that an Amazon purchase would further distance Whole Foods from its roots as a purveyor of premium, organic and specialty foods.

…” I think that they are a very profit-driven company, so there might be some streamlining as far as labor,” said Sasha Hardin, 28, of the Mount Pleasant store, who has been with Whole Foods for 6-1/2 years.

During the future tribulation period, the world will be ruled by a godless man presiding over an evil governmental system. The Bible associates this end-times ruler with a terrible beast in Revelation and in Daniel. In Revelation 13 John sees a nightmarish vision of a dragon and two beasts.

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 “Whoever has ears, let them hear.” The readers of Revelation are called upon to pay close attention and seek God’s wisdom concerning what’s written.

Trump Administration Considering Social Credit Score System to Determine Who Can Buy a Gun, the Anti-Christ System Is in Place and ready to be Implemented


The Trump administration is considering launching a social credit score-style system in coordination with Big Tech that would use spy data collected from Amazon, Google and Apple devices to determine whether or not an individual can own a gun.

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“The proposal is part of an initiative to create a Health Advanced Research Projects Agency (HARPA), which would be located inside the Health and Human Services Department,” reports the Daily Caller. “The new agency would have a separate budget and the president would be responsible for appointing its director.”

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You may wonder, “How could the government control our lives like that?” To find the answer to that question, all you have to do is take out your smartphone. Embedded in that smartphone is a chip that connects to a GPS that allows you and other people to know where you are and where you are going. Soon that same kind of technology will be able to track every action we do.

There will be all kinds of rationalizations for why people need to take this mark, which may be a tiny computer chip embedded in our skin. People will say, “We need to ID everyone for national security.” Or, “We need to make sure transactions get recorded so the government can tax them.” There will be all kinds of logical reasons for this identification system, but we know where it is leading. The Bible calls it the mark of the beast. Since the beginning of Christianity, believers have been persecuted. And the persecution right now is the greatest level it has been in history. We also know that in the future there is going to be worldwide persecution of Christians.

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StevieRay Hansen
Editor, HNewsWire.com

The Birth Pains Are Growing Stronger….

One of the signs of ruling class collapse is when they can no longer enforce the rules that maintain them as a ruling class. When the Romans started making exceptions to republican governance, it was a matter of time before someone simply decided the rules no longer applied to them. Perhaps the robot historians will consider Obama our Marius or Sulla. Maybe that person is in the near future. Either way, the rule of law is over and what comes next is the rule of men.

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“Man will ultimately be governed by God or by tyrants.” as in Nancy Pelosi (D-San Fran-feces)

Our government has been overthrown. As evidenced by Trump’s capitulation on the border, his recent servitude to the GMO industry and his acquiescence to the warmongers, our President has been compromised. Our liberties are being eliminated one by one. Gun confiscation is next. The Constitution is gasping its last breaths. Our borders are destroyed and our culture has been turned upside down by every perversion known to man.

Julian Assange: The CIA director is waging war on truth-tellers like WikiLeaks By Julian Assange Opinions April 25 at 7:39 PM Julian Assange is editor of WikiLeaks. Mike Pompeo, in his first speech as director of the CIA, chose to declare war on free speech rather than on the United States’ actual adversaries.

Tagged Under: tribulation, antichrist, digital gulag Iran, War, GOD, Benjamin Netanyahu, Iran Donald Trump

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The 127 Faith Foundation understands the pain and sorrow associated with being a throwaway child, We push this throwaway child towards bettering their education, be it junior-college are going for a Masters’s degree. This program is about them because they determine by the grace of God if they’re going to be a pillar in the community or a burden on society. Some of the strongholds orphans deal with are: fear, resentment, bitterness, unforgiveness, apathy, unbelief, depression, anxiety, lust, anger, pride, and greed. Many of these strongholds do open the door to addiction. Please Help The 127 https://www.the127.org/



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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

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