It Will Get Ugly From Here, Governors Against the President, Mayors Against


Advisory: Be careful of what you read on social media. The algorithms used by these platforms have no regard for Biblical truth. They target your emotions to keep you engaged on their site so their advertisers can drop more ads. These platforms exist to enrich their stockholders. Consider God’s promise to Believers in James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

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Governors They Are Haters of GOD’s Truth–Neighbor Against Neighbor— For I have come to turn ‘A man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. 36 A man’s enemies will be the members of his own household.’ 37Anyone who loves his father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me, Don’t Watch a Calendar, Watch For Events, Its Here People, The Great Tribulation–People Against People, as Biblical Prophecy, has Predicted, the Enemy Will Be in One’s Own Home, Your Children Will Turn On You, Birth Pains Are Growing Stronger…

UP-Date 7/16/ 2020…Georgia Gov Kemp Sues Atlanta Mayor Over “Illegal” Mandatory Mask Order


  • Brian Kemp sues Keisha Bottoms
  • Texas suffers record COVID-19 deaths
  • Brazil passes 2MN cases
  • Puerto Rico closes bars, beaches
  • The rumor about impending Texas shutdown surfaces
  • Colorado expected to issue statewide mask mandate
  • Russia denies vaccine hacking
  • New restrictions imposed Pennsylvania
  • California deaths climb
  • # of patients on ventilators hits new record
  • New York reports the latest numbers
  • Arizona sees another decline in new cases
  • Florida reports 156 deaths, new daily record
  • Global affairs top 13.5 mil
  • HK reports 63 new cases for 3rd record in a week
  • The US reports 65k+ cases; 2nd highest daily tally
  • Indonesia orders social distancing violators punished
  • Tokyo suffers record jump
  • Victoria says more than 300 new cases Thursday
  • ICU deaths moving lower around the world
  • Texas said daily record yesterday

* * *

Update (2000ET): As Georgia’s daily cases climb and pressure build on governors to authorize more restrictions and enforcing social distancing rules, he is instead doing the opposite and has decided to sue Atlanta over Mayor Keisha Bottom’s mandatory mask order.

In a tweet, Kemp claimed that he acted on behalf of small business owners and hard-working employees.

A week ago, when Bottoms became one of the first to impose the mandatory mask order independently, Gov Kemp chimed in to insist that it was unenforceable and that individuals retained the right not to wear them they so choose.

Kemp issued an order a few days ago, “strongly encouraging” Georgians to wear masks and public and follow the social distancing guidance.

Today I issued Executive Order, which extends the gatherings ban of more than 50 people, renews business restrictions, protects the medically fragile, and strongly encourages Georgians to wear masks in public.

2020 Executive OrdersHere you will find Governor Kemp’s executive orders. These orders are legal instruments by which Governor Kemp carries out the duties of his Brian P. Kemp@GovKempTo flatten the curve, I urge all local elected officials to enforce the terms of this order. Together, we will keep fighting #COVID19, weather this storm, and emerge stronger than ever.

2020 Executive OrdersHere you will find Governor Kemp’s executive orders. These orders are legal instruments by which Governor Kemp carries out the duties of his PM · Jul 15, 2020746

As lawsuits have been filed in red states, including Texas, masks have become a major political flashpoint by various parties. Simultaneously, Dr. Fauci urges Americans to abandon the polarizing partisanship and simply follow the guidelines.

He also said some states should reimpose a lockdown order, against the explicit wishes of the president, who fears lockdowns could cost him the election.

“We’ve got to regroup, call a time out,” Dr. Fauci said live in an interview with Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg.

In Asia, Japan’s agriculture ministry has decided to suspend bids seeking contractors for its “Go To Eat” campaign to bolstering struggling restaurants as the number of new cases surges in Tokyo.

* * *

Update (1755ET): One day after the Lone Star State posted a record jump in new cases and fatalities, it followed up with another record-breaking death tally of virus-linked casualties on Thursday. The Texas death toll climbed by 129 to 3,561, eclipsing the jump of 110 from Wednesday.

Though Thursday’s 10,291 cases fell short of yesterday’s record by about 500 cases, it marked the third straight day of 10k+ new cases in Texas.

While Hispanics make up 40% of infected patients in Texas, young people in their 20s and 30s comprise the largest age groups of patients.

Though the fatality data breakdown tells a much different story.

As deaths appear to be moving off their lows for the first time since the latest wave began last month, the positivity rate on Thursday increased at 17.8% (overall, the figure is 10.8%).

Hospitalizations remain near record highs.

Meanwhile, rumors are swirling about Gov Abbott potentially moving Texas back into Phase 1 of its reopening, or even a partial – or complete – lockdown.

In Puerto Rico, the island’s governor just announced plans to close bars and other areas where the virus might spread.


As the CDC rapidly falls out of favor in the West Wing, the agency said Thursday that it would be extending its “no sail” cruise ship order through September.


And in Brazil, the number of new cases pushed the total passed 2 million.


* * *

Update (1540ET): As we mentioned earlier, Florida has taken the lead for daily COVID-19 cases per capita from Arizona.

* * *

Update (1520ET): Arkansas Gov Asa Hutchinson has just declared that mask-wearing will be made mandatory across the state.

The announcement was made during Thursday’s briefing.

* * *

Update (1445ET): We’re hearing chatter that Texas Gov Greg Abbott is on the cusp of shutting down Texas following a surge in new cases yesterday and over the past week.

Texas Gov Abbott has dismissed these rumors, yet they persist. A couple of days ago, the Texas Tribune reported that hospitals in the state were running low on everything, drugs, PPE, beds, ventilators, and even staff.

* * *

Update (1430ET): The Denver Post reports that Colorado Governor Jared Polis is expected to issue a statewide mask mandate Thursday afternoon after facing pressure from several of his fellow Democrats. The Post cited several unidentified sources with knowledge of the governor’s decision-making. Roughly 40 cities and counties had already imposed the mask ban.

Additionally, PA Gov Tom Wolf declared an “alarming escalation” in virus cases and imposed a new rule on Thursday, including shutting down nightclubs and bars while limiting indoor restaurants’ seating to 25% capacity.

Meanwhile, a Russian official denied accusations by the UK (along with US & Canada) that the country’s state intelligence agencies are hacking international research centers working to develop the vaccine.

* * *

Update (1415ET): California COVID-19 cases rise 8,544 (+3.3%), compared with 11,126 previously, recorded 118 deaths Wednesday, well above the 14-day rolling average of 84. The average positivity rate over the last two weeks has been 7.2%, which is little changed from yesterday. Thursday’s increased pushed the state’s total to 347,634, within striking distance of passing 350k. The state’s death toll is 7,227. More than 5.75 million tests have been run.

Here’s the rundown of cases by county:

The number of hospitalized patients declined by 9, after adding 41 the prior before. The number of patients confined to the ICU declined by 10 (from an increase of 21 from the previous day).

* * *

Update (1334ET): Following the discouraging numbers out of Fla. earlier, Miami has confirmed that the number of patients on ventilators has reached a new record.


* * *

Update (1145ET): New York Gov Andrew Cuomo released today’s COVID-19 update…

Today’s update on the numbers: 72,685 tests were performed yesterday. 769 tests came back positive (1.06% of total). Total hospitalizations fell to 813. Sadly, there were 14 COVID fatalities yesterday.


….along with a tweet showcasing his state’s generosity toward the people of Houston.

NY didn’t wait for Houston to call — we offered help to @houmayor and the City of Houston. We have teams on the ground to set up testing sites that are now up & running. We are grateful for what people across the US did for NY. We’ll never forget it & we are paying it forward.


Houston is on the cusp of crossing the 70k threshold.

Cuomo added that NYC is still headed for ‘Phase 4’ to begin on Monday, though the final decision won’t be made until Friday. He also warned about the risks of travelers from out of state hotspots reigniting the outbreak in his state.

For comparison, here are the numbers from yesterday.

Today’s update on the numbers: 63,598 tests were performed yesterday. 831 tests came back positive (1.30% of total). Total hospitalizations are at 831. Sadly, there were 9 COVID fatalities yesterday.


* * *

Update (1130ET): Arizona reported 3,259 (+2.5%) new cases on Thursday, compared with a 7-day average of 2.8%.

Hospitalizations were down 39 (-1.12%) from the previous day to 3,454; officials reported 58 (+2.4%) new deaths, bringing the statewide death toll to 2,492. Total cases climbed to 134,613.

In Maricopa County, home to Phoenix and the worst-hit part of the state, there are now more than 86,000 new coronavirus cases and more than 1,200 deaths.

The percentage of ICU beds occupied declined slightly to 89%.

The state’s total positivity rate declined to 12.1%.

* * *

Update (1040ET): Florida was one of the few silver linings yesterday. As California and Texas posted new records, the Sunshine State reported roughly 10k new cases, its lowest tally in days. But that reversed on Thursday as the state reported nearly 14k new evidence, a near-record daily total.

But that changed on Thursday, as Florida reported 13,837 (+4.6%) new cases over the last 24 hours, per the state Department of Health (that’s compared with a 7-day average of 4.4%) and another record number of new daily deaths.

Florida’s total case count surpassed 300k earlier in the week; presently, it stands at 315,775 following Thursday’s increase (all cases are reported with a 24-hour delay).

But a more disheartening headline on Thursday was the death toll, which came in at a record 156 on Thursday, beating the last recording by more than 30 cases. That brought the statewide death toll to 4,677, and comes as media warns about the risk of deaths surging in the coming days and weeks due to the ‘death lag’. The percentage of tests that came back positive was 15.4%.

As Arizona’s outbreak continues to slow (just as Goldman anticipated), likely due at least in part to Gov Ducey’s aggressive action, Florida has cemented its position as coronavirus leader for the entire US.

Experts blame the spike on tourists in hot spots like Miami, ignoring social distancing regulations, and spreading the virus from other parts of the US.

Whatever the cause or causes, this will undoubtedly ratchet up pressure on Gov Ron DeSantis to make mask-wearing mandatory in public.

* * *

Days after adopting its more restrictive measures to combat COVID-19 yet, Hong Kong has reported a single-day jump in newly confirmed cases, its third record-setting tally in a week.

A record 63 local cases were reported on Thursday. Of these, 35 were of unknown origin, according to the city’s health department. The city-state’s new outbreak has infected 300+ people under two weeks, with more than a third of infections bearing no apparent connections to preexisting outbreaks.

Meanwhile, in the US, as the nationwide death toll topped 140k, the number of new cases reported yesterday (remember these numbers come with a 24-hour delay) was the second-highest yet, coming in at more than 65k.

Yesterday, both Texas and California reported new single-day records, which certainly helped drive the total higher.

As another wave of infections sweeps across southeast Asia, Indonesia is planning to fine violators of social distancing rules under a new law. President Joko Widodo scrambles to contain an outbreak that his government once deliberately tried to ignore and dismiss as nonexistent, despite the threat posed to his people.

Elsewhere in the Asia-Pacific region, Tokyo also reported another daily record of 286 new coronavirus cases as Japanese grow concerned about the outbreak in the capital, which is now under level 4 COVID-19 alert, the highest possible. The government is now trying to discourage travel and commuting, scrapping a campaign to promote domestic tourism. While the city’s latest cluster was traced to nightclubs, officials believe it has now traveled much further.

Meanwhile, Australia’s second-most-populous state, Victoria, recorded 317 new cases, its most significant spike yet too, as the country struggles to clamp down on a sudden reemergence of infections that have threatened to spread across all of Australia. The jump comes one week after Melbourne, and some of the surrounding areas entered a new partial lockdown.

The 7-day average of COVID-19 deaths in the US as ticked higher to levels not seen in 2 weeks as the pattern appears to plateau. The US reported roughly 1,000 deaths on Thursday.

Globally, the US reported another 230k+ new case, and just under 5k deaths, driving the global case total north of 13.5 million (exact total: 13,727,388 per Worldometer).

But while the numbers on the chart appear to show a slight tick higher, the deluge of MSM warnings that the death lag is very, very real have seemed almost unhinged in their authors’ refusal to acknowledge several factors – including lower median age of those infected and more effective treatment strategies – that might constrain deaths from returning to their highs from the NYC peak. Or 3,000 deaths a day, as the NYT once predicted.

However, the latest data out of Bloomberg shows that overall mortality continues to decline. Total ICU deaths have fallen to just under 42% at the end of May from almost 60% in March, according to the first systematic analysis of two dozen studies involving more than 10,000 patients spanning three continents. Such news is fortunate given the “unprecedented demand” that the virus has imposed on these services. Source: ZeroHedge

Trump Says “No Quarantine Necessary” For NY, NJ And CT As US Death Toll Tops 2,000, Then Trump Says Maybe, Someone Is Very Confused


  • Global case total tops 600k
  • Global COVID-19 death toll tops 30k
  • US death toll tops 2k
  • After Trump earlier said he was weighing enforceable quarantine order for all the tri-state area, late on Sunday he said that “on the recommendation of the White House CoronaVirus Task Force, and upon consultation with the Governor’s of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut” he would not be imposing a quarantine.
  • Japan fast-tracks approval of treatment drug for COVID-19
  • Third UK minister self-quarantines after showing symptoms of the virus
  • Calif. death toll tops 100
  • Trump tells NBC reporter that quarantines of New York, NJ & Conn. were “possible”
  • Axios reports infant dies in Chicago after testing positive for COVID-19
  • Italy case total surpasses China
  • Spain reports the deadliest day yet
  • UK case total climbs north of 17k
  • France reports another 5k case
  • Navy hospital ships leave for New York, LA
  • Abe says he’s “just barely avoiding” declaring a national emergency
  • Yale University slammed for denying aid to the city of New Haven
  • Shinzo Abe promises unprecedented stimulus package
  • Trump gives Pentagon power to call up retired soldiers and reservists
  • NYPD detective dies from COVID-19
  • Italian centenarian survives the battle with COVID-19

Update (2025ET): Have sparked fears earlier that Trump would impose a full-blown quarantine on the tri-state area, late on Sunday the president tweeted that a “quarantine will not be necessary” (for now).

Trump’s decision is likely in response to Governor Andrew Cuomo’s fiery objection, who said that any federal quarantine on metropolitan New York would wreak havoc on commerce and markets and be a declaration of war against the states. “It would be chaos and mayhem,” Cuomo said Saturday on CNN, responding to President Donald Trump’s suggestion that such a move could be made very soon. ”I don’t think it’s legal.”

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump · 1h

On the recommendation of the White House CoronaVirus Task Force, and upon consultation with the Governor’s of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut, I have asked the @CDCgov to issue a strong Travel Advisory, to be administered by the Governors, in consultation with the…

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

….Federal Government. The quarantine will not be necessary. Full details will be released by CDC tonight. Thank you!33.7K7:19 PM – Mar 28, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy13.8K people are talking about this

* * *

Update (1845ET): After doubling in two days, the death toll from COVID-19 in the US has finally topped 2,000.

Meanwhile, in New York, the state worst hit by the outbreak, Gov. Cuomo has said that the outbreak will peak in “14 to 21 days.” While the situation in New York worsens, the surgeon general warned that Detroit, New Orleans, and Chicago are quickly developing into “hot spots,” New Orleans, in particular, has been trending in a worrying direction for days.

Of the 17,412 tests run by New York State on Friday, 44% of them (7,681) were positive.

*   *   *

Update (1700ET): Calif. Gov. Gavin Newsom just announced that California’s death toll from COVID-19 has topped 100, with 101 deaths statewide.

Meanwhile, in Chicago, Axios reports that an infant less than 1-year-old has died of COVID-19 in the city. After state officials in California denied reports earlier in the week about an infant reportedly passing away in LA County after testing positive for the virus, this would be the first confirmed infant death in the US…if it’s confirmed, that is.

Most recorded cases in Illinois have been found in the Chicago area and surrounding counties. The state health department has reported 3,491 COVID-19 cases as of Saturday, including 47 deaths.

*   *   *

Update (1624ET): COVID-19 has killed more than 30,000 human beings around the world.

It looks like those last 300+ deaths out of France pushed it over the top.

Though Italy has been carrying a lot of weight on the front of the death lately…

*   *   *

Update (1600ET): Want to see something funny? Watch what happens when journalists from Taiwan question the WHO about comments it made regarding Taiwan’s response to the virus.

Update (1500ET): France reports just shy of 5k new cases, bringing its total to 37,575, and another ~300 deaths, bringing its death toll to 2,314.

Meanwhile, the number of Italian cases of COVID-19 climbed by 6.9%, the slowest daily rate of increase since Italy’s lockdown began.


Italian cases of #COVID19 rise 6.9%, the slowest daily rate of increase we have seen during the lockdown period …Conor@Conor_CoopsUPDATE (Italy- Mar 28)
– Confirmed cases of #COVID19 rise 5,974 to 92,472
– Death toll rises 889 to 10,023
441:48 PM – Mar 28, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy28 people are talking about this

Two weeks since reporting its first case, Cameroon’s total cases climbed to 99 on Saturday, as African countries report the surprisingly slow spread of the virus despite their relatively poor infrastructure.

*   *   *

Update (1420ET): As the death toll skyrockets, Spanish officials said they would need to tighten quarantine rules, and are now ordering all people to stay indoors at all times unless they’re going to work at an “essential” job. We expect the bare minimum of exceptions (trips outside permitted to get food) will continue.

Meanwhile, in France, large numbers of the public continue to ignore the quarantine.

Though France’s health minister said Saturday that the country could soon face shortages of critical drugs, he assured the public that an order for 1 billion masks had recently been put in to ‘China’.

In Italy, the tone was far more somber.

Update (1412ET): The coronavirus outbreak has pitted many interests against one another in the scramble for resources. But some of the most flagrant examples of communal selfishness so far have occurred in ritzy Connecticut, where a town full of wealthy bankers and doctors shut down a drive-thru testing center (well, they stopped it from opening in the first place), and now, Yale University is at the center of a controversy after refusing to allow the town access to any of its (now empty) facilities to help the community fight off the virus.

Last fall, a gang of idealistic Yale students interrupted the Yale-Harvard Game, one of the few traditions that locals actually enjoy, with a lengthy “interruption” to protest climate change, or whatever. But on this issue, they have been oddly silent (maybe because they’re all back home living in their parents’ basements right now).

One reporter remarked on twitter that this would be an excellent opportunity for Yale alumni to pressure the school into doing the right thing and helping the community.

Tom Gara@tomgara

Huge opportunity here for Yale alums to publicly pressure the university into doing the right thing while also getting to note in passing that you went to Yale …Gregg Gonsalves@gregggonsalves.⁦@Yale⁩ should be ashamed of itself. What craven selfishness on behalf of the university I work for. Alums, students, faculty and staff need to speak out! “Mayor: New Haven asks for coronavirus housing help; Yale says ‘no’ “- New Haven Register …916:42 PM – Mar 27, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy27 people are talking about this

*   *   *

Update (1400ET): Abe said Saturday that he’s at a precarious stage and that the government is only barely avoiding declaring an emergency, he said told reporters Saturday evening.

*   *   *

Update (1355ET): Trump just confirmed that he’s strongly considering quarantines…after he told a reporter with a camera exactly that.

So in case, you didn’t get the memo…

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

I am giving consideration to a QUARANTINE of developing “hot spots”, New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut. A decision will be made, one way or another, shortly.133K12:31 PM – Mar 28, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy60.5K people are talking about this

Cuomo says he hasn’t heard anything about a quarantine order.

And the governors of Connecticut and New Jersey haven’t said anything.

Nick Rondinone@nickrondinone

Nothing yet from @GovNedLamont on President Trump considering quarantine for part of CT, along with NY and New Jersey. …Daily Updates: Confirmed COVID-19 cases jump to 1,291 in Connecticut; Gov. Ned Lamont issues new…The number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in Connecticut reached 1,291 Friday, following the biggest single-day increase in new reported infections, as the state, hospitals and cities and towns contin…courant.com112:57 PM – Mar 28, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacySee Nick Rondinone’s other Tweets

Gov Phil Murphy has been tweeting up a storm, but nothing about the quarantine issue.

Update (1245ET): As the US scrambles to contain COVID-19 as New York emerges as the nation’s No. 1 hotspot, US media are reporting that President Trump is considering a national “quarantine” order affecting the entire tri-state area – that is, all of NYC, the greater New York area, north and most of central New Jersey and all of southern Connecticut.

NBC News described it as an “enforceable” quarantine, implying that the national guard, which has been deployed in the area, might be tasked with enforcing it.

In a video that surfaced a few minutes later, Trump can be heard telling an NBC reporter that he was looking at quarantines of New York, and “probably” New Jersey and parts of Connecticut. “They’re having problems down in Florida…and we don’t want that,” Trump said.

A few minutes later, Gov. Cuomo chimed in, telling a reported that he had no idea what Trump was talking about, even though Trump claimed to have just spoken to the governor, presumably about the possibility of a quarantine, which Trump said might be announced: “sometime today.”

Meanwhile, in New York, the NYPD has confirmed the death of a detective, the first on-duty serviceman to die from the virus. Another ~500 or so NYPD employees (that includes officers and civilians) have also been diagnosed.

*   *   *

Update (1220ET): In Lombardy, the number of confirmed cases climbed by 2,117 to 39,415, a sign that the outbreak might be starting to slow. But the death toll climbed by a startling 542 to 5,944.

*   *   *

Update (1100ET): The Pentagon is taking steps to clarify its powers now that it has the ability to call up reservists and retirees.


Additionally, Italy has now passed China in total infections, with 86,498 to China’s 81,996. Following several days of back-and-forth criticism with Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, whom President Trump infamously referred to as “that woman” and criticized for not taking the outbreak seriously enough, the president finally granted her request for a disaster declaration, as well as one for Massachusetts, according to White House statements released Saturday. And the Italian death toll has passed 10,000, hitting 10,023.

The 127 Faith Foundation understands the pain and sorrow associated with being a throwaway child, We push this throwaway child towards bettering their education, be it junior-college are going for a Masters’s degree. This program is about them because they determine by the grace of God if they’re going to be a pillar in the community or a burden on society. Some of the strongholds orphans deal with are: fear, resentment, bitterness, unforgiveness, apathy, unbelief, depression, anxiety, lust, anger, pride, and greed. Many of these strongholds do open the door to addiction. Please Help The 127

Finally, some good news out of Italy: A centenarian from northern Italy has reportedly been released from a hospital after a battle with COVID-19 that he managed to survive despite being a high-risk candidate with a weak immune system..

The man, identified only as “Mr. P”, was admitted to the hospital last week and released on Thursday, according to Gloria Lisi, the deputy mayor of the city of Rimini, told the local Italian language press.

*    *   *

Yesterday, the US reached a critical milestone: it became the first country to record more than 100,000 cases of COVID-19, the illness caused by the novel coronavirus.

Though more people were almost certainly infected in China – epidemiologists have estimated that hundreds of thousands were likely infected in Wuhan alone – the surge in America’s testing capacity, something that’s only going to continue to improve thanks to a slate of new rapid-response tests are hitting the market, means the US will almost certainly record the largest number of infected patients going forward.

Already, the global total of confirmed cases surpassed 600,000 overnight, thanks mostly to the US, though Spain and Italy also reported large numbers of new cases and deaths reaffirming that the lockdowns in each of their respective countries are far from over.

A chart produced by the New York Times and published last night sparked a heated debate online as journalists, scientists and another wannabe ‘experts’ weighed in on the possibility that the outbreaks in New York City, Detroit, and New Orleans might be more severe than what Italy has seen in Lombardy.

Source: New York Times

Meanwhile, Spain recorded its deadliest day so far, but new infections are slowing after two weeks of lockdown. The Spanish Health Ministry reported 832 new deaths, bringing the country’s death toll to 5,690 as of early Saturday, a 17% jump. The number of confirmed cases climbed to 72,248 from 64,059. Spain now has the second-highest number of deaths, outside of Italy.

In the latest hint at how the outbreak-induced recession will reverberate through secondary and tertiary industries, Airbnb confirmed on Friday that it’s suspending all third-party marketing work in an attempt to save some $800 million, one of several initiatives that it hopes will save the company lots of money during the crisis. As UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson and his Health Secretary Matt Hancock struggle to continue performing their duties after being diagnosed with COVID-19, Fitch downgraded the UK’s credit rating from AA to AA-, citing the budget impact of the coronavirus pandemic and continued uncertainty over Brexit.

As a third UK cabinet minister, Scottish Secretary Alister Jack, announces plans to quarantine after showing mild symptoms, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe pledged on Saturday to fight the coronavirus outbreak with an economic package of “an unprecedented scale” as Japan reports a sudden resurgence of cases, many of which have been travel-related.

On Saturday, the UK case total climbed to 17,089, while 160 new deaths were confirmed, bringing the UK death total above 1,000, to 1,019.

According to Nikkei Asian Review, Abe said that in addition to pushing through his “boldest-ever” economic stimulus package, his government will deliver speedy approval of the flu drug Avigan as a treatment for those infected with COVID-19.

“We are on the brink,” Abe said at a news conference, referring to the possibility of an explosion of COVID-19 cases in Japan after 63 new infections were confirmed on Saturday in Tokyo, a third-consecutive day where authorities confirmed more than 40 new cases.

Abe also stressed that Japan must be ready for a “long-term battle” to keep COVID-19 from surging out of control and overwhelming health care systems, as it’s beginning to do in Italy and other places, like NYC.

Still, he said “now is not an emergency” and called on citizens to continue taking steps such as avoiding large gatherings to limit infections.

Regarding the economy, Abe said that his government will formulate a “strong stimulus package of unprecedented scale” to lessen this blow to businesses and individuals brought about by the coronavirus. All of this comes after Tokyo’s governor warned about the prospect for an “unprecedented” outbreak if nothing is done.

In addition to boosting spending on medical infrastructure and other necessities, Abe said a special measure will be established to allow for the deferral for up to one year of tax and social insurance premium payments to support corporations suffering from constricted cash flow. Also, interest-free and unsecured lending will be expanded to assist them, he said. All of this should trickle down to deferred tax payments for individuals as well.

Meanwhile, the New York Post has been keeping careful track of how many New Yorkers have been dying from COVID-19, and on Saturday, the paper determined that for the past two days, New Yorkers have been dying at a rate of “one every 17 minutes”. That’s up from one an hour nearly a week ago.

On both Thursday and Friday, another 84 people died in the city from the coronavirus, as the number of positive cases and of those who are critically ill also climbed. Total citywide coronavirus cases rose to 26,697, a 4.4% increase from the 25,573 reported Friday morning.

Over in Asia, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, and Hong Kong have recorded unnerving bursts of new cases over the past couple of weeks, but these ‘aftershock’ outbreaks appear to have quieted down in South Korea, while more cases have been confirmed in Singapore, Hong Kong and Tokyo.

Meanwhile, In Seoul, authorities marked a new milestone in the fight against the virus as, for the first time since the start of the outbreak, the number of coronavirus patients being discharged has outnumbered those currently undergoing treatment. Some 4,811 South Koreans have recovered from the virus as of Saturday, while 4,500 patients still remain in isolation and are undergoing treatment.

In the US, Trump signed the CARES Act into law last night, approving direct payments of $1,200 to millions of Americans, including those earning up to $75,000, and an additional $500 per child. It will substantially expand jobless aid, providing an additional 13 weeks and a four-month enhancement of benefits, and for the first time will extend the payments to freelancers and gig workers, an extraordinary step that will go a long way toward quelling the concerns of all those freelance writers who live off handouts from their parents and the occasional paycheck in Brooklyn.

However, across the US, experts are pointing at Abe and Japan as examples of what might happen if the entire country starts going back to normal before the outbreak is truly under control.

As Navy hospital ships head to New York and the West Coast, President Trump on Friday night gave Defense Secretary Mark Esper the power to call up national guardsmen and army medics to serve in the effort to combat the virus. The president said Friday night that the decision will “allow us to mobilize medical, disaster and emergency response personnel to help wage our battle against the virus by activating thousands of experienced service members including retirees.”

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In California, Where Millions Are Under Lockdown, People Are Calling the Police to Report Their Coughing Neighbors–Just Like All The Communists Countries

As at March 17, close to 7 million Californians across seven Bay Area counties have been ordered to shelter in place to try to slow the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus.

For at least the next three weeks, residents of Santa Cruz, Santa Clara, Marin, San Mateo, Alameda, Contra Costa and the city of Berkeley will have to hunker down inside their homes. These measures are the most stringent implemented thus far in the United States, after what many have deemed an unforgivably slow federal response to the virus.

As people prepare to ride out the storm, an increasing number of 9-1-1 calls have been placed by concerned Californians to report coughing coming from their neighbors’ homes. (Related: Coronavirus spreads on the East Coast: DC’s first patient is a minister, New York City firefighters banned from responding to COVID-19 cases.)

‘I’d like to report loud coughing coming from next door’

As people grow increasingly concerned about getting infected by those around them, police departments report receiving an increasing number of calls from members of the community convinced that their neighbors’ sneezing or persistent coughing must mean that they have been infected with COVID-19.

The Desert Sun reported:

In many cases, the calls are forwarded to the fire department where paramedics are also dispatched to directly provide any needed medical attention before transporting the person to an area hospital.

That it takes a lab test to determine whether a person is actually positive for the virus doesn’t matter. The concern is real and each call, no matter how infrequent, is a request for help that law enforcement personnel must take seriously and handle professionally.

While some of these calls are undoubtedly the product of fear and have no real basis for concern, authorities treat each and every call as a warning of a serious potential threat, and police officers have no choice but to respond.

Unfortunately, these calls place police officers at increased risk of contracting the disease themselves, though they make a point of complying with the latest directives from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in a bid to protect themselves. (Related: Travelers appalled by lack of screening at NYC airports amid coronavirus outbreak.)

First responders at higher risk

Officials have expressed concerns about police officers being at increased risk of contracting the coronavirus because of the large number of calls they are responding to from potentially infected members of the public.

Neil Gallucci, president of the California Peace Officers Association, warned that extra precautions need to be taken to avoid the worst-case scenario of a first responder contracting the virus and then spreading it to others.

“If that happens enough, we worry about calls for service,” Gallucci told the Desert Sun. “We’re prepared to deal with issues that come up, but it’s a concern chiefs worry about.”

Gallucci added, however, that since police officers all receive special training about maintaining sanitary conditions and are being extra vigilant at the moment, it is unlikely that a first responder would become infected in this way.

As reported by the Desert Sun, emergency personnel know that they have to expect heightened levels of concern and fear from members of the community, and are aware of the need to determine whether there is a real cause for concern.

As such, dispatchers were initially instructed to check with callers whether they or the person they were calling about had recently traveled to countries like China, Iran or Italy where COVID-19 outbreaks were first reported.

However, as the pandemic has taken hold in the United States, the nature of dispatchers’ questions has changed, and callers are now simply asked whether they or the person they’re calling about has had any contact with an infected person.

And brave police officers are standing by to respond to every single call.

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Sources for this article include: HNewsWire

Tagged Under: California, coronavirus, covid-19, first responders, infections, lockdown, neighbors, outbreak, pandemic, police officers, quarantine, stupid

Truth is not simply whatever works. This is the philosophy of MSM – an ends-vs.-means-type approach. In reality, lies appear to “work, for a short Time

Many supposed signs or dates of the end have been proposed and they have all so far proven unreliable. Otherwise, the end should have already come upon us many times over. Nevertheless, there are reliable signs given in the Bible, even if most readers and teachers overlook or misunderstand them. One major sign of the end that Jesus spoke about will be unmissable, although to discuss it can be depressing. But if you dare, learn what the Book of Revelation says about this event that Jesus hinted at, a reliable end time sign that has to do with the most powerful nation on earth in the end times.

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China Orders Citizens To Stop Working At US News Outlets In Beijing

China has escalated its war on US news outlets – ordering at least seven Chinese nationals in Beijing to stop working for American news outlets, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists.

Those ordered dismissed include employees for the New York Times, Voice of America and two other outlets, according to the report.

“China appears determined to crush the newsgathering operations of major U.S. outlets in Beijing, this time by taking punishing measures against local Chinese employees, said CPJ’s Asia program coordinator. “This action will not stop the ongoing tit-for-tat between China and the United States and may escalate it. China should stop trying to control and intimidate foreign news bureaus and allow them to hire Chinese staff freely and directly.”

Days earlier, Beijing officials expelled over a dozen US journalists working for the NY Times, Wall Street Journal and Washington Post – a counter to the US placing a cap on how many Chinese journalists can work in the United States, according to Bloomberg.

In addition, China’s foreign ministry ordered the publications to submit written declarations with information about their staff, finances, real estate and operations in China after the US ordered five Chinese state-owned media companies to be classified as “foreign missions.”

The tit-for-tat exemplifies how fraught U.S.-China ties have become despite the signing of a phase-one trade deal in January and calls for more global cooperation to contain the coronavirus. In addition to media, the countries have also feuded over the use of “Chinese virus by U.S. officials to describe the outbreak and an assertion by a Chinese official that the the U.S. military spread the virus.

Foreign news outlets in China are barred from directly employing Chinese nationals. They are instead employed through the Beijing Personnel Service Corporation for Diplomatic Missions, which is affiliated with the foreign ministry. It was this agency that dismissed members of U.S. media in the past few days, the Washington-based Committee to Protect Journalists said. –Bloomberg

During a Thursday briefing by the Chinese foreign ministry, spokesman Geng Shuang said that “relevant authorities manage the employees of foreign media in accordance with laws and regulations,” according to the report. Source: ZeroHedge HNewsWire

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President Trump has threatened to cut off emergency funding to California due to the mismanagement of the wildfires by governor Gavin Newsom.

“The Governor of California, Gavin Newsom, has done a terrible job of forest management. I told him from the first day we met that he must “clean” his forest floors regardless of what his bosses, the environmentalists, DEMAND of him. Must also do burns and cut fire stoppers,” Trump tweeted.

POTUS then complained that Newsom keeps asking the federal government for money as the fires burn every year in California.

President Trump vows no more federal aid to California as wildfires burn

“Every year, as the fire’s rage & California burns, it is the same thing and then he comes to the Federal Government for $$$ help.”

“No more. Get your act together Governor. You don’t see close to the level of burn-in in other states… But our teams are working well together in putting these massive, and many fires out.”Urologist Reveals: Men, Your ED Can Easily Be Fixed by Doing This (Try Tonight)MedJournalAds by RevcontentFind Out More >

“Great firefighters! Also, open up the ridiculously closed water lanes coming down from the North. Don’t pour it out into the Pacific Ocean. Should be done immediately. California desperately needs water, and you can have it now!”

You may have noticed that none of the doomsday dates from any of those prophecy sources have ever proven reliable or successful. I concluded long ago from this dismal track record that setting and watching date-based predictions is futile. Source

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Don’t Watch a Calendar, Watch For Events

Once you realized this, you will be set free in a way to see things in the Bible differently. Instead of trying to figure out where in the Bible it had hidden the date or timing of end-times events, you will begin to look for the unique signs it said would herald the end.

Calculating and watching dates by the calendar has never worked to predict or tell us about the end. Jesus focused on a few specific prerequisite events in prophecy that must be fulfilled before the global time of trouble is upon us. America’s fall is (unfortunately) one of those events.

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Many people think because Jesus has not yet returned, that he isn’t going to, and that, perhaps, the Bible is not true after all, wrong.

Many have come to this conclusion without examining God’s Word or truly considering the possibility, and even the probability, of the existence of God. However, the existence of God and the return of Jesus is absolutely no laughing matter.

God has, and I assure you he will continue to, faithfully keep his promises. This means one of two things is certain. You will either leave this life through death, or you will see the day that Jesus comes to take those who are his to be with him in his Father’s house.

Exposing and actively resisting the spirit of the Antichrist should be of paramount interest and importance for every Christian. We are so easily led away from the truth of the gospel by clever words and good appearances when we should be attuned to the spirit behind the façade.

The Bible has a lot to say about the end times. Nearly every book of the Bible contains a prophecy regarding the end times. Taking all of these prophecies and organizing them can be difficult. Following is a very brief summary of what the Bible declares will happen in the end times.

We are naturally drawn to good appearances. People who present themselves well, with confidence and a talent for speaking. What we should be attuned to is people’s works – the spirit they are in. What is going on behind the scenes? Are these people walking in the light, keeping His commandments just as they are written, walking as He walked? Beautiful words mean nothing; it is the life that counts. Beautiful words can blind people to the sins of the speaker. People are used to listening to what sounds nice and hearing beautiful phrases, but they have no sense of the truth. Is there a life of walking with Jesus behind the words? People can speak so skillfully, but then they continue to live in sin.

Pastors and leaders of churches can live in adultery and other abominations, and people are not aware of anything until it suddenly blows wide open. Then people are so shocked; he was such a gifted leader! But if people had been in the spirit of truth that John shines such a powerful light on, they could have discerned the spirit behind the façade. God sees to it that such hypocrisy will be revealed. These things cannot be hidden forever. Don’t just sit and listen to what sounds nice – beautiful phraseology, the magnetism of character, and so on. Learn from what John exhorts, and learn to discern the spirits! Get a sense of the spirit of truth! Then you will not be led astray by the spirit of the Antichrist that works so powerfully through these people to turn people away from the truth that is in God.

Christ will remove all born-again believers from the earth in an event known as the rapture (1 Thessalonians 4:13-181 Corinthians 15:51-54). At the judgment seat of Christ, these believers will be rewarded for faithful service during their time on earth or will lose rewards, but not eternal life, for lack of service and obedience (1 Corinthians 3:11-152 Corinthians 5:10).

The Antichrist (the beast) will come into power and will sign a covenant with Israel for seven years (Daniel 9:27). This seven-year period of time is known as the “tribulation.” During the tribulation, there will be terrible wars, famines, plagues, and natural disasters. God will be pouring out His wrath against sin, evil, and wickedness. The tribulation will include the appearance of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse, and the seven seal, trumpet, and bowl judgments.

About halfway through the seven years, the Antichrist will break the peace covenant with Israel and make war against it. The Antichrist will commit “the abomination of desolation” and set up an image of himself to be worshipped in the Jerusalem temple (Daniel 9:272 Thessalonians 2:3-10), which will have been rebuilt. The second half of the tribulation is known as “the great tribulation” (Revelation 7:14) and “the time of Jacob’s trouble” (Jeremiah 30:7). 

At the end of the seven-year tribulation, the Antichrist will launch a final attack on Jerusalem, culminating in the battle of Armageddon. Jesus Christ will return, destroy the Antichrist and his armies, and cast them into the lake of fire (Revelation 19:11-21). Christ will then bind Satan in the Abyss for 1000 years and He will rule His earthly kingdom for this thousand-year period (Revelation 20:1-6).

At the end of the thousand years, Satan will be released, defeated again, and then cast into the lake of fire (Revelation 20:7-10) for eternity. Christ then judges all unbelievers (Revelation 20:10-15) at the great white throne judgment, casting them all into the lake of fire. Christ will then usher in a new heaven and new earth and the New Jerusalem—the eternal dwelling place of believers. There will be no more sin, sorrow, or death (Revelation 21–22).

The Bible says our life is but a vapor, it comes and goes as quickly as a flower blooms and withers. No one is guaranteed another day, so we need to be prepared for the imminent return of Jesus, or the day we will draw our final breath and enter our eternity.

There are four important things to keep in mind as we look for the return of Jesus:

• Watch for wolves in sheep’s clothing. Many people, from politicians to preachers, profess to have the truth but share a different gospel or different truth than the truth Jesus taught. We must read our Bibles to discern who is speaking the truth.

• Hold tight to Jesus. The Christian life is about a relationship with God. The Bible says many people are deceived about their salvation, and we ought to examine ourselves to see that we are in the faith.

The natural question that you may be asking is, how do I know? The Bible says you know a tree by its fruit. If you are “saved,” God’s Spirit lives in you. The Bible says the fruit of God’s Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

Examine yourself to see if you are growing these fruits. God promises if you seek him with all your heart, you will find him.

StevieRay Hansen

The Birth Pains Are Growing Stronger….

“Unless God has raised you up for this very thing, you will be worn out by the opposition of man and devils”…
My name is Steve Meyers and I need to share a vision and warning that the Lord showed me back in April 2007….

Many of you will ask why I waited so long to share the warning. I didn’t. I shared the story with everyone that would listen from pastors to friends to family to colleagues. Immediately following the initial vision, I called a close friend. I told him to sit down that I had something to tell him. I needed it documented as I knew this was supernatural and from God. As I witness events unfolding today, I need to share the vision again.

The risk of loss in trading futures and options on futures can be substantial. The author does not guarantee the accuracy of the above information, although it is believed that the sources are reliable and the information accurate. The author assumes no liability or responsibility for direct or indirect, special, consequential or incidental damages or for any other damages relating or arising out of any action taken as a result of any information or advice contained in this commentary. The author disclaims any express or implied liability or responsibility for any action taken, which is solely at the liability and responsibility of the user. Steve Meyers

The Un-Godly — Those That Suppress the Truth, the social media giants built multi-billion dollar empires by giving everyone a voice, but now that they have such a dominant position on the Internet they have decided that many prominent conservative voices should be completely silenced.

The Left, a broad term for Liberal Socialist Democrats that can only be explained fully by using the Bible explanation of the human race is as follows. A servant of Satan, because you are either saved or lost. This election has brought out the true nature of who you serve. Simply put, it’s Donald Trump, Conservatives, and Christians against the rest of the world. The Left’s Love applies only to those who believe as they do. They Love evil and commit Anarchy against those who love good. They are governed by lies and never tell the truth. On this Friday, Inaugural Day for the swearing-in of Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States the Left wants to commit widespread Anarchy to shut down the swearing-in ceremony. Their goal of transforming America, which was founded in Judea Christian values into a Pagan Nation is almost complete. Their goal has always been the total removal of God from American society and the downfall of America. Donald Trump says he is a Presbyterian, but he left off the USA, an apostate church. \

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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

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