Jesus Said, “What Is Born Of The Flesh Is Flesh And What Is Born Of The Spirit Is Spirit”


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Edward O’Hara Sun 1/12/2020 4:19 PM

This is why if men are born only once they can not inherit the kingdom of God. Because Paul, in agreement with Jesus, taught that “Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God. Neither does corruption inherit incorruption”. 1Cor.15:50. 

Image result for Bible John17:3"

Please note that Paul’s statement here says nothing of the naughty/nice paradigm, what I call “Santa Claus Christianity”, that many believe is the reason people go to hell or to heaven. The reason Paul does not refer to works as having anything to do with where we spend eternity is because it is “by grace through faith” and “not of works”(Eph.2:8-10) that God has chosen to save us. By the faith of Christ(Gal.2:16). And not by His works. Because God wants our personal relationship with Him, or with another, to be what determines where we spend eternity(John17:3). So works, whether good or bad, no matter who we say does them, have nothing to do with how we are saved. 

What we see in the Genesis account and Paul’s doctrine shows us that it is the fact that we are not spiritual but natural, just as Paul says Adam was when God created him(1Cor.15:45-50), that keeps men from heaven. And he adds to this the fact that death reigns(Rom.5:12-14) over these mortal bodies since Adam and the rest of mankind were no longer allowed access to the tree of life. Which God says was not because Adam and Eve became “sinners by nature” as so much of the so-called “church” has been deceived to believe. But, that it was instead because “the man has become as one of us to know good and evil”(Gen.3:22) that God says He denied access to the tree of life. This then is what created the need for Jesus to come and die for us. The need for the atonement. 

Heb.9:15-17 tells us that His death was also necessary to give power to a New Testament so that Israel could be delivered from the Old Testament. What Paul referred to as the “ministration of death” and of “condemnation” in 2Cor.3:7-9. By this Jesus offered both Jews and Gentiles a covenant with Him(Eph.2:15). Something Gentiles never had before(Eph.2:12). And by His resurrection, He also conquered the death that reigns over the physical bodies of all men since Adam. By offering them the gift of a resurrected body(Rom.8:23) that was redeemed by the ransom(1Tim.2:6) of His mortal body that was prepared for Him(Heb.10:5). 
This is why when one believes the Santa Claus Christianity that Augustine preached they can not come to saving faith in Jesus. Nor can they come to know the true God at all. Nor can they ever realize the Biblical purpose of the atonement.

Because what Augustine taught in his doctrines of “original sin” and “necessity” perverts everything the Bible teaches about God, Jesus, and man’s need for salvation(Gal.1:8,9). Making Jesus’ sacrifice a payment of a penalty for naughty behavior instead of the Biblical ransom(exchange) price paid for the new body. It leaves that person with a belief that is inspired not by the true God, but by the spirit of antichrist that John spoke of in 1John4:1-3 and 2John1:7-11. This is what Paul was referring to when he said there would be the “strong delusion” sent for all those “who loved not the truth” in 2Thes.2:7-12. 

Image result for Bible 2Thes.2:7-12."

In this video, I take you to verse by verse to show exactly why the Bible says it is that we need Jesus and what God did to bring to us the gift of saving faith for eternal life. And I give a detailed account from the plain language of the Bible of what really happens when we are born again.

If you are reading this God is calling you. He loves you and wants you to know Him. Because knowing Him is eternal life.John17:3. So if you do not know Him please take the time right now to pray and confess Jesus as Lord of your life. And believe that He has raised from the dead. In doing this and really meaning it you will be saved from death to life. From sin to righteousness. And from the wrath to peace with God. Because when you trust in Jesus you leave the old life behind in which you were only equipped to trust in idols. And now trust in Jesus who alone can equip you for heaven because He is the only WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE. 

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StevieRay Hansen

The 127 Faith Foundation understands the pain and sorrow associated with being a throwaway child, We push this throwaway child towards bettering their education, be it junior-college are going for a Masters’s degree. This program is about them because they determine by the grace of God if they’re going to be a pillar in the community or a burden on society. Some of the strongholds orphans deal with are: fear, resentment, bitterness, unforgiveness, apathy, unbelief, depression, anxiety, lust, anger, pride, and greed. Many of these strongholds do open the door to addiction. Please Help The 127

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There are numerous pathetic souls who, though they have not severed formal fellowship ties with a local church, nonetheless are so spiritually apathetic as to be practical enemies of the Lord.

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