Journalist Are Not in the Crosshairs of the Elitist Yet, There Is Not a Message Being Sent With the the Arrest of


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Millie Weaver Yet: Independent Journalist, There Will Not Be More Secret Indictment, Something Really Smelt Bad With This One on Friday Afternoon, So HNewsWire Waited Until We Could Obtain Court Documents–We Held Our Opinion. Everything Done in Dark Will Be Brought to Light, Being Biblically Bankrupt Will Not Exclude Anyone…

Millie Weaver was arrested on August 14 on charges of robbery and domestic violence.

Millie Weaver, an Infowars contributor and conservative filmmaker, is facing criminal charges because of a dispute with her mother, Portage County court documents confirm.

Weaver, along with her partner Gavin Wince and younger brother Charles Weaver, was arrested on August 14 in front of her two young children at her home in northeastern Ohio. She was detained hours before she was scheduled to release a documentary on YouTube called Shadow Gate. Court records show she was released from custody at 2:25 p.m. on August 17 on a personal recognizance bond.

In a trailer for the film, Weaver claimed she had spoken with two whistleblowers who had knowledge of an orchestrated “coup” against President Donald Trump. The timing of her arrest prompted conspiracy theories online, with critics questioning whether the arrest was related to the documentary.

The indictment, which was made available August 17 on the Portage County Clerk of Courts website, states Weaver was charged in connection to an altercation with her mother on April 25, 2020.

Here’s what you need to know:

1. Weaver Is Accused of Helping Wince & Her Brother Tackle Her Mother, Felicia McCarron, in Order to Get Her Phone

Millie Weaver

Portage County SheriffMillie Weaver criminal complaint

Millicent F. Weaver is facing felony charges because of a dispute with her mother, Felicia McCarron. The indictment, handed down by a Portage County Grand Jury, shows that the altercation happened on April 25, 2020. McCarron’s first name was spelled “Felecia” in the indictment but a search of online records shows she spells her name “Felicia.”

According to the criminal complaint, which Heavy obtained from the county prosecutor, McCarron had been living at the Portage County home for about a month at the time of the confrontation. She moved in after the coronavirus pandemic forced her employer in California to shut down. The report states that on April 25, McCarron was texting with a religious leader “about her daughter being mean.” McCarron accused Weaver of calling her names. Deputies said they confirmed McCarron had sent a text message to her Bishop 26 minutes before dialing 911.

McCarron told deputies she started recording on her phone because she wanted to document how the family treated her. She claimed her son, Charles, along with Wince and Weaver, tackled her to the ground in order to steal her phone. McCarron ran out of the house and used a neighbor’s phone to call 911. McCarron added that she saw Charles run to the back of the property and she assumed he was hiding her phone.

Millie Weaver

Portage County SheriffMillie Weaver criminal complaint

In a separate interview with responding deputies, Weaver denied her mother’s allegations. She claimed McCarron had lost her phone two days earlier and was upset about it. Weaver described her mother as “mentally ill and not reliable.” Weaver claimed her mother had threatened the rest of the family with a knife, put it away, and then ran outside the house yelling about calling the police. Weaver told deputies they had considered calling 911 themselves but ultimately decided against it.

Millie Weaver

Portage County Clerk of CourtsMillie Weaver indictment

Weaver is accused of threatening to harm McCarron during the course of a robbery, which is a second-degree felony. The indictment from the Portage County Grand Jury states:

In attempting or committing a theft offense, or in fleeing immediately after the attempt or offense, recklessly inflict, attempt to inflict, or threaten to inflict physical harm upon Felicia McCarron.

Weaver is further accused of attempting to destroy evidence related to the dispute, a third-degree felony:

Knowing that an official proceeding or investigation is in progress, or is about to be or likely to be instituted did, alter, destroy, conceal or removed a record, document or thing with the purpose to impair its value or availability as evidence in such proceeding or investigation.

The third count is obstructing justice, which is a fifth-degree felony charge:

With purpose to hinder the discovery, apprehension, prosecution, conviction, or punishment of Millicent F. Weaver, Charles L. Weaver Jr and/or Gavon S. Wince for a crime or to assist another to benefit from the commission of a crime, communicate false information to (any person), and the crime committed by the person aided is a felony of the fifth, fourth or third degree.

The fourth charge is a first-degree misdemeanor count of domestic violence. The Grand Jury found probable cause that Weaver had “recklessly caused serious physical harm to the family or household member.”

2. A Person Claiming to Be Weaver’s Mother Wrote on YouTube the Dispute Was About a $50 Cellphone

Weaver’s mother has weighed in on her daughter’s arrest. A woman claiming to be Felicia McCarron posted a comment on a YouTube video that was published by “The Official Hagmann Report” on August 14. The comment links back to an account that appears to belong to McCarron.

McCarron described the situation as a “family dispute” and that the robbery pertained to a $50 cellphone. McCarron claimed she had asked local authorities to drop the charges several weeks before Weaver’s arrest:

This is Millie’s mother … It’s my cell phone worth about $50, that she took during a family dispute that happened months ago when I was in Ohio visiting my family. She took it because I had my phone on record during an argument we were having. We resolved the issue immediately and I dropped all charges right after it happened before I left Ohio … because it was a gross misunderstanding and no harm was done.

All families have their disagreements…especially during a quarantine…. In Ca nothing happens when you call the police…..I am shocked my family was arrested after I told the police to drop all charges months ago. I had a general affidavit of non prosecution notarized today and I spoke with the police chief , who told me I could not do anything until Monday morning and my daughter, son and her boyfriend have to stay in jail over the weekend. I am extremely upset… this is not what I wanted to happen. I think they have a lot bigger fish to fry…makes me think this might have been done to prevent her from coming out with some political information she is covering. There was no reason for this.

3. The Arrest Warrant Was Issued Nearly Four Weeks Before Weaver Was Detained

Millie Weaver

Portage County Clerk of CourtsMillie Weaver

The warrant for Weaver’s arrest was filed nearly four weeks before it was executed, Portage County court documents prove. The warrant, which can be viewed here, states that the indictment against Weaver was filed in Portage County Common Pleas Court on July 20, 2020.

The document was stamped by Clerk of Courts Jill Frankhauser. It includes the following language: “Bring said person before said Court without unnecessary delay.” It’s unclear why it took the sheriff’s department 25 days to carry out the arrest.

The warrant was labeled as a “secret indictment.” Under Ohio law, this simply means the indictment is kept sealed until after the defendant has been apprehended by law enforcement.

Weaver live-streamed the interaction with deputies when they came to her home on Yale Road to arrest her. In the clip, Weaver repeatedly asked why she was under arrest and expressed surprise when told that she had been indicted by a grand jury. One of the deputies eventually answered that Weaver was being arrested for burglary but did not appear to have more information at the time. (The charge turned out to be robbery, not burglary).

During the arrest, Weaver explained into the camera, “Guys, I’m literally about to break huge breaking news right now. I’m being arrested and I have no idea why.”

4. Weaver Was Released on a Personal Recognizance Bond

Millie Weaver

Portage County Clerk of CourtsMillie Weaver

Weaver, Wince, and her brother Charles Weaver were arrested on August 14 and booked into the Portage County Jail. They remained behind bars without bond over the weekend.

Court records show all three were scheduled to appear before Judge Becky Doherty in the Portage County Common Pleas Court at 11am on August 17 for a formal arraignment.

Court documents show Prosecutor Victor Vigluicci recommended bond be set at $20,000. The document recommended Weaver be required to post at least 10 percent of the total in order to be released from custody.

Millie Weaver

Portage County Clerk of CourtsMillier Weaver

Judge Doherty agreed to set bond at $20,000 but the court document shows it is a personal recognizance bond. This means Weaver agrees to return to court for future hearings and can be released from custody without needing to pay money to the court. She would owe that money if she failed to appear in court.

Millie Weaver

Court records initially listed Canton, Ohio, defense attorney Eugene O’Byrne, as Weaver’s lawyer. Attorney Troy Reeves has since been added to the court filing to represent Weaver.

Weaver entered a “not guilty” plea through her attorney. A discovery hearing was scheduled for September 9 and the criminal pre-trial hearing was set for October 21.

5. Felicia McCarron Lives in California & Previously Worked in Real Estate

Weaver was born in San Bernardino and her mother is still located in southern California. Felicia McCarron previously worked in real estate, according to records with the California Department of Real Estate. Records show McCarron was a licensed salesperson from 2001 until 2013 but did not renew her license after that.

McCarron’s public Facebook page has not been updated since 2014. According to the page, she worked for the OC Weekly newspaper, but it’s unclear in what capacity.

Weaver pursued a career in the entertainment industry in the early 2010s as a model and singer, and her mother commented on those efforts on Facebook. In February 2011, McCarron announced that Millie and her sister, Minna, had debuted a single called “Hollywood Here We Come.” McCarron wrote in a second post, “Minna and Millie will be performing on the 23rd in Beverly Hills at the Pre-Academy Award/Breast Cancer Awareness Event, Hosted by David Harrison Levi.”

The Shadowgate documentary, which went viral after one of its producers was arrested on Friday, has now been removed by both YouTube and Facebook.

As we detailed yesterday, journalist Millie Weaver was charged with alleged “robbery, tampering with evidence, obstruction justice, and domestic violence” after police officers apparently from a local SWAT team showed up at her Ohio home Friday morning and took her to the Portage County Jail in Ravenna.

The Portage County Sheriff’s Office later confirmed that there was a “secret indictment” against Weaver but refused to give further details.

A woman claiming to be Weaver’s mother later commented that there had been a family dispute over a $50 cellphone on April 25, but that she had almost immediately dropped all charges against Weaver and expressed shock that her daughter had been arrested.

The arrest occurred on the eve of Weaver releasing Shadowgate, a documentary that purports to expose the “operational role the shadow government played behind the scenes carrying out the coup against President Trump.”

After the documentary received millions of views following its upload to Facebook and YouTube, both websites censored the film, with YouTube claiming the movie violated its rules against “hate speech.”

Weaver is expected to appear in front of a “tentative bond meeting” later today.

The full Shadowgate documentary can still be seen below (click the image to be transferred to view).

Trailer here:

Update: Alex Jones is apparently disassociating himself with Millie and has pulled her documentary down, it’s the latest update on this fiasco about Millie and her credentials as a journalist

The World Is In Big Trouble, for Those That Believe We Will Go Back to Some Sense of Normal Life Here on Earth, You Will Be Sadly Disappointed, Seven and Half Years of Hell on Earth Which Began January 1, 2020

“Our courts oppose the righteous, and justice is nowhere to be found. Truth stumbles in the streets, and honesty has been outlawed” (Isa. 59:14, NLT)…We Turned Our Backs On GOD, Now We Have Been Left To Our Own Devices, Enjoy…

While Mainstream Media Continues to Push a False Narrative, Big Tech Has Keep the Truth From Coming out by Shadow Banning Conservatives, Christians, and Like-Minded People, Those Death Attributed to the Coronavirus Is a Result of Those Mentioned, They Truly Are Evil…

Source: HNewsWire ZeroHedge heavy

StevieRay Hansen
Watchmen does not confuse truth with consensus The Watchmen does not confuse God’s word with the word of those in power…

In police-state fashion, Big Tech took the list of accused (including this site), declared all those named guilty and promptly shadow-banned, de-platformed or de-monetized us all without coming clean about how they engineered the crushing of dissent, Now more than ever big Tech has exposed there hand engaging in devious underhanded tactics to make the sinister look saintly, one of Satan’s greatest weapons happens to be deceit…

The accumulating death toll from Covid-19 can be seen minute-by-minute on cable news channels. But there’s another death toll few seem to care much about: the number of poverty-related deaths being set in motion by deliberately plunging millions of Americans into poverty and despair.

American health care, as we call it today, and for all its high-tech miracles, has evolved into one of the most atrocious rackets the world has ever seen. By racket, I mean an enterprise organized explicitly to make money dishonestly.

All the official reassurances won’t be worth a bucket of warm spit. The Globals are behind the CoronaVirus, It Is a Man-Made Bioweapon.


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In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

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