Mandatory Jabs Are Coming: Fauci Warns They Will Force Unvaccinated To Get


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Vaccinated Once Vaccines Are Fully Approved…

Anthony Fauci
(Photo : Instagram)

Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and medical advisor to the White House, is confident that there will be a surge of vaccination rates once the U.S. Food and Drug Administration grants full approval of the COVID vaccines.

In fact, he expects a “flood” of vaccine mandates as soon as FDA grants full approval to the three COVID vaccines currently authorized for emergency use: Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, and Janssen or Johnson & Johnson.

Dr. Fauci told USA Today, “Organizations, enterprises, universities, colleges that have been reluctant to mandate at the local level will feel much more confident” in requiring people to get the vaccine before providing them with a service.

He said, “They can say: ‘If you want to come to this college or this university, you’ve got to get vaccinated. If you want to work in this plant, you have to get vaccinated. If you want to work in this enterprise, you’ve got to get vaccinated. If you want to work in this hospital, you’ve got to get vaccinated.'”

The 80 year old infectious diseases expert added that he predicts no more lockdowns in the future of the U.S. because there will be a significantly lower number of people getting critically sick from COVID, unlike last year when the vaccine did not exist yet and people were left vulnerable against the disease. As of this week, more than 70% of adult Americans have gotten at least one dose of the COVID vaccine.

Dr. Fauci added that “This is a dystopian world we’re living in” because the public is “being misled” with misinformation about the COVID vaccines. The Blaze reported that according to recent surveys, a significant portion of vaccine hesitancy comes from the fact that the FDA has not yet given full authorization to all three vaccines yet. But Dr. Fauci and President Joe Biden are confident that the FDA will grant full authorization to Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, and Janssen very soon.

“I hope that it will be within the next few weeks. I hope it’s within the month of August,” Dr. Fauci told CNBC. “If that’s the case, you’re going to see the empowerment of local enterprises, giving mandates that could be colleges, universities, places of business, a whole variety and I strongly support that.”

For now, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has rescinded its May guidelines on masks and has ordered everyone, vaccinated or not, to put their masks back on in the face of the spreading delta variant of COVID.

As for vaccine mandates, Dr. Fauci said that “the time has come” for everyone to get vaccinated against COVID. He argued, “We’ve got to go the extra step to get people vaccinated.”

United Airlines is the first of U.S. airlines to mandate all of its employees to be fully vaccinated by October 25 or five weeks following FDA’s full approval of the COVID vaccines, whichever date comes first.

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UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced that vaccine passports would be mandatory to enter “crowded venues” from the end of September after the UK government removed almost all Covid-19 restrictions from England for “Freedom Day”.

Johnson previously said that domestic vaccine passports would never be introduced, but on the day that all coronavirus restrictions were supposed to be lifted, the vaccine was declared mandatory.

“By the end of September everyone aged 18 and over will have the chance to receive full vaccination and the additional two weeks for that protection to really take hold,” said British Vaccines Minister Nadhim Zahawi. “So at that point we plan to make full vaccination a condition of entry to nightclubs and other venues where large crowds gather.”

France to Make Covid Jabs Mandatory for Many, Life ‘Totally Impossible’ Without Covid Passport

‘Vaccination is not yet mandatory for everyone, but we’re going to extend the sanitary pass as much as possible to push as many of you as possible to get vaccinated,’ President Emmanuel Macron said, while also explicitly refusing to rule out compulsory vaccination for all French people.

PARIS, France, July 13, 2021 – Compulsory COVID “vaccination” for health workers and extended sanitary passport requirements are the most spectacular measures announced this Monday evening by Emmanuel Macron, France’s globalist president. The announcements were made during a televised speech during which the French president made clear that all the new measures have a single objective: to get more and more citizens to choose to receive the experimental vaccine. If that does not work, making the jab compulsory for all may be considered.


But Macron wants more than that. In order to stop “even more dangerous variants” from making an appearance, he said an “immense project” needs to be implemented: “To vaccinate the world.” List Below:

Aug 5 (Reuters) – A sharp upturn in infections due to the Delta variant and a slowdown in vaccinations have pushed governments to make COVID-19 shots mandatory for health workers and other high-risk groups.

A growing number of countries also stipulate that a shot or a negative test, will be needed for dining out and some other activities.

Here are some countries’ vaccine mandates:


Australia decided in late June to make vaccinations mandatory for high-risk aged-care workers and employees in quarantine hotels.

It has also made vaccinations obligatory for Paralympic athletes heading to Tokyo because unvaccinated members on the team could pose a health risk.


It will be mandatory for care home workers in England to have vaccinations from October.

English nightclubs and other venues with large crowds will require patrons to present proof of full vaccination from the end of September.


Canada’s Treasury Board Secretariat said on July 20 it was considering whether vaccines should be required for certain roles in the federal government, according to CBC News.


The French parliament on Aug. 2 approved a bill which will make vaccinations mandatory for health workers as well as require a bolstered health pass in many social venues.

The government said on July 19 that the planned 45,000 euro ($53,456) fine for businesses that do not check that clients have a health pass will be much lower, starting at up to 1,500 euros and increasing progressively for repeat offenders. read more


Greece on July 12 made vaccinations mandatory for nursing home staff with immediate effect and healthcare workers from September. As part of new measures, only vaccinated customers are allowed in bars, cinemas, theatres and other closed spaces. read more


Indonesia made inoculations mandatory in February, threatening fines of up to 5 million rupiah ($357).


A decree approved by the Italian government in March mandates that health workers, including pharmacists, get vaccinated. Those who refuse could be suspended without pay for the rest of the year. read more


Hungary’s government has decided to make vaccinations mandatory for healthcare workers. read more


Kazakhstan will introduce mandatory vaccinations or weekly testing for people working in groups of more than 20. read more


Lebanon is to limit entry to restaurants, cafes, pubs and beaches to people holding vaccine certificates or those who have taken antibody tests.

Non-vaccinated employees of these establishments would be required to conduct a PCR test every 72 hours. read more


Malta banned visitors from entering the country from July 14 unless they are fully vaccinated. read more


Poland could make vaccinations obligatory for some people at high risk from COVID-19 from August. read more


The Russian capital has unveiled a plan requiring 60% of all service sector workers to be fully vaccinated by Aug. 15, according to the Moscow Times.

Moscow residents no longer have to present a QR code demonstrating they have been vaccinated or have immunity in order to sit in cafes, restaurants and bars from July 19.


In May, Saudi Arabia mandated that all public and private sector workers wishing to attend a workplace get vaccinated, without specifying when this would be implemented. read more

Vaccination will also be required to enter any government, private, or education establishments and to use public transport as of Aug. 1.

Saudi citizens will need two doses before they can travel outside the kingdom from Aug. 9, state news agency SPA reported on July 19, citing the ministry of interior.


Turkmenistan is making vaccination mandatory for all residents aged 18 and over. read more


U.S. President Joe Biden on July 30 urged local governments to pay people to get vaccinated, and set new rules requiring federal workers to provide proof of vaccination or face regular testing, mask mandates and travel restrictions.

The White House confirmed on Aug. 5 it is considering requiring foreign visitors to be vaccinated as it plans to eventually reopen international travel but said it had made no final decision and was not immediately going to lift restrictions.

New York City will become the first major U.S. city to require, from Sept. 13, proof of vaccination for customers and staff at restaurants, gyms and other indoor businesses as the country enters a new phase of battling the Delta variant.

New York will require state employees to be vaccinated or get tested weekly, a mandate that will go into effect on Sept. 6, Governor Andrew Cuomo said.

The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey and the Metropolitan Transportation Authority will require their workers to get the vaccine or get tested weekly.

New Jersey state health care workers and employees who work in jails must by vaccinated by Sept. 7 or face testing twice a week.

California Governor Gavin Newsom said that all state employees would be ordered to get vaccinated starting Aug. 2 or undergo testing at least once a week.

Denver municipal employees and people working in high-risk settings in the city will be required to get vaccinated, Mayor Michael Hancock said on Aug. 2.

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Source: HNewsWire reuters christianitydaily

StevieRay Hansen

[email protected]

Everybody wrap something around your face again even though they said you wouldn’t need to if you got vaxxed! But they didn’t lie – no, apparently a bunch of people – and not just those evil white nationalist-Christian-gun-Jesus-flag people – are refusing to get the vaccine, and the reason is that they are moral defectives somehow in thrall to Tucker Carlson’s Svengali-like powers of persuasion.



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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

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