Massive Protests Along U.S Canadian Border Against Vaccine Mandates.


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Canada police fear violence at trucker vaccine protest

The Freedom Convoy, a protest against government mandates, is being led by a group of over 10,000 Canadian truckers, who will be joined by hundreds or thousands of American truckers.

Thousands of truckers have decided to protest and will gather in Ottawa on Jan. 15 to try to stop the mandates after the Public Health Agency of Canada announced that foreign truck drivers can only enter Canada if they are fully vaccinated, and the US Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) announced similar requirements for non-US national truckers crossing into the US on Jan. 22.

After the founders of Freedom Fighter Nation, Attorney Leigh Dundas and her paralegal and personal assistant Maureen Steele, received the news and began organizing in the United States, U.S. truckers quickly joined the protesting efforts. On January 23, truckers in western Canada began mobilizing.

Long lines of people cheered and waved Canadian flags as the record-breaking convoy went through numerous locations, with some even setting off fireworks.

On Jan. 26, Martin Brodmann, vice president of Canada Unity and president of Truckers United Inc., told The Epoch Times, “The western convoy is on its way, and the east convoy is going to start tomorrow morning,”

The convoys will meet at the Canadian Parliament in Ottawa, the nation’s capital. They want to arrive on January 29, park, and peacefully protest the vaccine mandates, which have reportedly forced tens of thousands of truckers in both countries to lose their jobs.

Truckers aren’t the only ones who would rather lose their jobs than take the experimental inoculations.  The Epoch Times reported in October of last year that mandated COVID injections led a substantial number of health-care personnel to leave their positions, resulting in a scarcity of health-care workers. Which is being alleviated by the National Guard called in by state governors across the country.

The convoy is led by several sorts of trucks, but it also includes conventional cars. Brodmann stated, “The convoy from the west is over 100 kilometers (62 miles) long and has over 10,000 vehicles.”

Truckers from the United States and Canada intend to meet at four different locations along the Canadian border.

Steele, a top organizer for the US side of the protest, told The Epoch Times, “The citizenry is rising up, it’s citizens of the United States that have had enough, from all walks of life, every facet of the labor force are coming out,”

“It’s being led by the truckers. And our freedoms have always been won on the backs of the blue-collar boys, and they’re leading the way in this time, and if we win our freedoms back, again it’s gonna be on the back of the blue-collar workers.”

“The truckers are leading the fight on this. I’m proud to be part of it, I’m proud to be spearheading this. I think it’s historical, I don’t think this has ever happened in the history of the world, that two neighboring countries put on a show like this to demonstrate to their leadership that they’ve had it with the tyranny in both of our countries.”

The gathering point in Sweetgrass, Montana is being organized by Grace Siloti of Montana. “People have had it,” she told The Epoch Times. ” On both sides of the border, Everyone I spoke to is excited to attend; all we need now is for the weather to cooperate! Our message is unmistakable. Hear this, Biden and Trudeau: “We will no longer accept tyranny!”

In Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, Erik Baron works for a northern Michigan trucking company.

“We do a lot of cross-border business. We are one of many companies in America and Canada being hurt by these unconstitutional vaccine mandates,” Baron told The Epoch Times. “We have lost several drivers due to this. Our efforts to the government fell on deaf ears. The economies on both sides of the border are suffering. It’s time for people on both sides of the border to stand up for our constitutional rights and freedoms. We will be proud to stand with our Canadian friends on Saturday to let the governments on both sides know enough is enough.” said Erik.

“Right now, we’re trying to get the word out,” Baron added, “to get as many patriots as possible to head to the border here in Sault Ste. Marie on Saturday.” “As for myself, I’m just like the others, a hard-working American tired of government overreach and our freedoms being taken away!”

Jeremy Johnson, an American trucker, told The Epoch Times that he is “fighting for freedom” and “against overregulation in the industry.”

Jeremy Johnson, and his trucking crew, will assemble in Fargo, North Dakota, and drive to Pembina, Manitoba, on the Canadian border.

can get to join us with signage that we will be flying, the American and the Canadian flags on our trucks,” said johnson

The event will be held on Jan. 29 at Rainbow Bridge in Niagra Falls, New York, and is being organized by Marcella Picone.

“We have Canadian and American binational families and citizens of both countries that are going to be walking in solidarity to the center of the bridge. On the Canadian side, we have a handful of guest speakers,” Picone remarked. “On the American side, we obviously have proud patriots standing united with our Canadian friends and family supporting the truck convoy that will be landing in Ottawa on the 29th through my group.”

Picone has been organizing rallies against the vaccine mandates, which have resulted in the separation of families at the northern border.

Montana resident John Sarina applauds the US and Canadian initiatives to unite in a moral show of force against governments on both sides of the northern border.

“We need unity and a mandate for freedom.” This systematic trampling of our founding documents and liberty is no longer going to be tolerated.” Sarina is optimistic that Montana will double the amount of trucks committed to travel to Maine.

The patriotic citizens of this country aren’t just going to let these communists waltz into office and toss us around. It’s not easy for these tyrants to withhold their radical ideologies when the point of this vaccine mandate experiment is to identify non-compliant citizens. People on the left should tread lightly, because me and mine won’t be treated wrongly for being aware of the dystopia to come. Respect is a two way street, and these radical communist democrats cling to agendas they don’t fully understand themselves. Then proceed to label their efforts as progressive.

Everything about the vaccine mandates are completely counterintuitive, and inevitably result in an inexcusable two tiered society. If people are looking for someone to bully, I pray i’m the first candidate. We can take care of that without a second wasted. People need to understand that there are lines that cannot be crossed, strangers have no business knowing our medical information. Matthew 5:10-12 says: “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. “Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.” Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.

Conservative Leader Erin O’Toole has spoken out against Quebec’s intention to tax residents who refuse the COVID-19 vaccine, and other Conservative lawmakers have also spoken out against the contentious measure.

During a Facebook Live event on Jan. 13, O’Toole expressed his opposition to Quebec Premier François Legault’s idea, calling it unjust and predicted that it will not persuade vaccine-skeptical Quebecers to roll up their sleeves.

He also claimed that Quebec’s idea is incompatible with Canada’s health-care policy, and that it’s simple to “turn a frustrated 85 percent of the population against 10 or 15 other percent of the population,” referring to those who are vaccinated and those who refuse to get the shot.”

who refuse to be vaccinated Legault announced earlier this week that unvaccinated adults without a medical exemption will face a “significant” financial penalty. On Jan. 13, he announced that a measure will be filed in the province’s National Assembly early in February, allowing all political parties to “vote for or against and propose adjustments, if necessary.” Official statistics show that 85 percent of Quebecers have gotten at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.

Alberta Premier Jason Kenney, Manitoba Premier Heather Stefanson, and Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe all ruled out a similar punishment for unvaccinated people of their jurisdictions earlier this week. Dr. Kieran Moore, Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health, has stated that he will not recommend a comparable “punitive” fee on the unvaccinated. On Twitter, a number of Conservative MPs slammed Legault’s idea.

“Any tax targeting unvaccinated people is discriminatory and wrong. Period.” Pierre Poilievre, a member of the Carleton legislature, wrote in a letter.

Melissa Lantsman, a member of Parliament from Thornhill, described the proposal as “legally and ethically wrong.”

“The scapegoating of the “unvaccinated” is becoming increasingly common. “This tax will do nothing to keep anyone safe,” said Michael Cooper, MP for St. Albert-Edmonton.

Quebec’s plan has also been opposed by a number of civil liberties and constitutional rights organizations.

In a statement released on Jan. 12, the Canadian Civil Liberties Association (CCLA) stated that the planned tax on the unvaccinated “raises significant equity concerns.”

“We know that some of those who remain unvaccinated are individuals who face serious barriers to accessing health care, and many have a low level of trust in the system because of negative experiences in the past,” said Cara Zwibel, the CCLA’s acting general counsel.

“This is a divisive measure that will end up punishing and alienating those who may be most in need of public health supports and services.”

Mark Strahl, a Conservative MP, praised the CCLA for condemning the “shameful policy,” saying that Canada’s charter “recognizes human liberty over our bodies and medical decisions.”

The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms said on Jan. 13 that it will sue Quebec over the “planned health tax,” which it claims violates the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

“The proposed Quebec ‘health tax’ is an outrageous breach of Quebecers’ Charter rights and an affront to the equality for which Canada was once recognized,” says John Carpay, president of the Justice Centre.

On January 12, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau stated that he would need more information about Quebec’s plan before deciding whether or not to endorse it. The next day, he stated that the province has indicated that the plan will adhere to the objectives of the Canada Health Act, which ensures that all Canadians have access to health care.

This news comes just after the U.S. government warned its citizens to avoid traveling north of the border due to Canada’s rising cases on Jan 11th. To me it just looks like these politicians are trying to keep the public from knowing that there is a particular emptiness around the world that these tyrannical politicians created. Do YOU want to take a trip to Rome or Paris during this plandemic? “While evidence shows that Omicron causes much less severe illnesses due to significantly lower lung infections, the variant’s high transmissibility is driving up cases across Canada.” Said Andrew Chen, with the Epoch Times. With that being said, why are we locking down? Why? Herd immunity is the most basic solution to the problem and Canada is locking down for a highly transmissible yet less virulent variant? Sure, it’s not about government overreach. It’s all in the name of public safety. They’re creating skeptics, and solidifying our perceptions. Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.



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