Media Bias, Censorship, and Political Correctness Run Amuck,Twitter, Facebook a.k.a.(Fake book) YouTube, MSLSD, CNN, and the list is long!


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January 26, 2017
Article category: Highlights. Tags:
[media bias](
[national security](
[political correctness](
In the aftermath of the horrific Islamic terrorist attacks, the media – and in particular social media – are censoring information relating to the islamic nature of the attack. While [politically correct]( driven media censorship is not new to those living in the “land of the free,” the event has brought surreptitious censorship into the light of public scrutiny.

Mainstream media bias and censorship

The fake news business: Reporters tell me the truth off the record, Jon Rappoport, DC Clothesline, January 24, 2017.

The ‘News’ Media as We Knew It Is Finished, by Barry Casselman, American Thinker, January 15, 2016:

… confidence in media news reporting had long been in decline before Donald Trump appeared on the stage.  Years of incessant political correctness had been enforced in the establishment media generally, not just in news reporting, and many Americans simply did not buy this ideological product.

Self-communicating and self-congratulatory, the establishment media had little idea of how perilous their public standing was.  By overplaying their hand in the autumn of 2016, they brought the whole media credibility issue to its threshold.

The media establishment did have one major clue to their fundamental problem: falling ratings, falling circulation, falling advertising.  Their response has been to interpret these phenomena as simply a problem of technology, including the rise of the internet and social media.  The icons of the golden age of news reporting such as The New York Times; the Washington Post; and the major TV, cable, and radio networks are today often caricatures of news reporting.  They survive only because their primary audiences are in large urban centers, where their bias coincides with their readers, listeners, and viewers.  For this reason, they cannot go back to fair and balanced news reporting – because their own economic bases will not let them.  Outside these urban pockets, their national credibility is gone…

[New era of journalism: People against the gatekeepers](, Neil Clark, [RT](, June 10, 2016:

What does the post-mainstream era hold for journalism? Can censorship exist in an era of total access to information? Where does freedom of expression begin and where does it end?…

Speaking from London, Julian Assange said that freedom of expression on Twitter was under threat from both the right on grounds of “anti-terrorism/ anti-extremism” and the “identity politics left” who are attempting to censor views they deem to be offensive. He said he was not as optimistic as others who had spoken at the conference on how new forms of media can help defeat censorship, noting how Internet giant Google was “heavily integrated” with Washington power “at personal level and at business level…

The media censors the news by simply not reporting it, Assange said…

…Argentina’s new right-wing US State Department friendly government had suspended RT Spanish and Venezuela’s TeleSUR from free-view transmission.

Will this brazen act of political censorship, described by one Argentinian commentator as an “all-out psychological onslaught on all of Latin America”, be fiercely attacked by western anti-censorship groups who claim to support media pluralism? I [Neil Clark] fear that Harold Pinter’s “It Never Happened even while it was happening” theory will once again prove to be correct.

[Mohammed, Islamic History, and the Bloody Future of the West](, Real Facts Media, March 22, 2016:

… after every Islamic terror attack, our politicians and media try desperately to assure us of two things:

  1. These “terrorists do not represent Islam” and
  2. We are a multicultural society that welcomes Muslim immigration

And yet, that inner voice deep down inside you remains… Because your inner voice is correct.

[CAIR Responds To Pulse Massacre By Ejecting Reporter From Press Conference](, Breitbart, June 12, 2016.

The Media Deceive Us. Should We Deceive Them?, American Renaissance, July 30, 2016.

Media lie about Trump speech and Defend Hillary’s email violations, Conservative Base, July 31, 2016.

CNN Admits “We Couldn’t Help [Hillary] Any More Than We Have”, Zero Hedge, August 12, 2016.

WATCH: Newsmax Host Cut Off After Saying Network Restricting Him from Defending Trump, Information Liberation, August 13, 2016.

“Shut it Down!”: Reuters Orders Cameraman to Kill Positive Trump Footage, Prison Planet, September 6, 2016.

A Trump Rally: Reality vs. the Associated Press, Powerline, September 13, 2016.

…Its bias is so obvious, its cheerleading for the Democrats so patent, that I doubt the news service has much influence anymore.

Banned by HuffPo, David Seaman calls media collusion with Hillary Clinton ‘Orwellian propaganda’, D.C. Clothesline, September 13, 2016:

D.C. Clothesline posts on the media’s and academe’s in-your-face pro-Hillary bias:

The Associated Press Spins For Hillary, John Hinderaker, Powerline, October 10, 2016.

CNN Caught Coaching a Manufactured Debate Focus Group on What to Say, The Conservative Treehouse, October 10, 2016.

Wikileaks: New York Times Caught Providing Bill Clinton Questions Before ‘Interview’, Breitbart, October 10. 2016.

WikiLeak Reveal – Hillary Clinton Reads Prepared Script from Prearranged Question For MSNBC “Phone Interview’, Conservative Treehouse, October 12, 2016.

New York Times Gave Hillary Veto Power, Polizette, October 12, 2016.

The AP Campaigns For Hillary, Powerline, October 15, 2016.

Video: CNN Host Claims It’s ILLEGAL For Public To View WikiLeaks Emails, D.C. Clothesline, October 15, 2016.

Wikileaks Reveals Long List of Media Canoodling with Hillary Clinton, Breitbart, October 15, 2016.

Rigged Media: Politico’s Chief Political Correspondent Glenn Thrush Identifies Himself as ‘Hack’ for Podesta, Breitbart, October 15, 2016.

Univision Cuts Trump Praise from Broadcast Interview of Martin Greenfield, Legendary Tailor to Presidents, Breitbart, October 19, 2016:

…Interestingly enough, the hacked emails released by WikiLeaks reveals the support and the influence Univision chairman Haim Saban has had on Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.

Saban, Breitbart News reports, “has counseled the Clinton campaign on its Latino strategy, and Univision’s negative coverage of Republican presidential candidate Trump seems to be helping her team carry it out.”…

[Video: “She Was In Full Meltdown”: Hillary Unleashed On Donna Brazile For Unapproved Debate Question](, by Mac Slavo, D.C. Clothesline, October 21, 2016.

Dishonest media 101: ‘Your bias is showing’, by Frank Mele, Daily Inter Lake, October 22, 2016.

MRC Study: Documenting TV’s Twelve Weeks of Trump Bashing, by Rich Noyes, MRC NewsBusters, October 25, 2016.

Washington Post Admits Media Trying to Suppress Trump Vote, Breitbart, October 27, 2016.

Video: Soros-Funded Media Matters Brags How They Got Roger Stone Banned From TV, Information Liberation, October 29, 2016.

CBS News under fire for holding clip of Trump telling supporters not to attack minorities, The Hill, November 14, 2016.

Ron Paul’s List of the Real Fake News Sites, US Defense Watch, November 21, 2016.

Take a Look at this List of Actual Fake News Stories from the Mainstream Media, D.C. Clothesline, November 21, 2016.

The New York Times’ Dishonest Reporting on the Iran Nuclear Deal, Center for Security Policy, November 30, 2016.

Fewer Americans Trust Mainstream Media, New American, December 3, 2016.

Fake News: CNN Runs Segment Suggesting Trump Will Put Muslims in Internment Camps, Information Liberation, December 6, 2016.

CBS radio report created the impression Chicago torture victim was a black man assaulted by white Trump supporters, Ian Lawrence, American Thinker, January 8, 2017.

Peak ‘Fake News’: BuzzFeed, CNN Target Trump with Admittedly Unverifiable Russia ‘Memos’, Breitbart, January 11, 2016.

Buzzfeed’s Trump report takes ‘fake news’ to a new level, New York Post, January 11, 2016.

Social media bias and censorship

Facebook’s censoring of truth, Pamela Geller, World Net Daily, January 26, 2017:

The organization I lead, the American Freedom Defense Initiative, is suing to stop Facebook’s censorship of conservative voices; but as our case moves through the courts, that censorship is more virulent than ever…

Now you can’t even criticize leftist political figures? This has to stop, and our lawsuit means to stop it. We are challenging Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, which provides immunity from lawsuits to Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, thereby permitting these social-media giants to engage in government-sanctioned censorship and discriminatory business practices free from legal challenge…

In order for us to sue Facebook (which is our intent), we first need to knock out this federal immunity statute. Our lawsuit is therefore against the federal government. We knock out the immunity, and then we can sue Facebook, Twitter and YouTube…

[Reddit Will Adjust Algorithm To Censor Trump Supporters Following Orlando Shootings](, June 16, 2016.

Anti-Sharia Video Pulled From YouTube Due To ‘Hate Speech’ Rules, Daily Caller, July 5, 2016.

German Author BANNED From Facebook After Sharing Book on Migrant Crime, Information Liberation, July 5, 2016.

Facebook Deletes Pamela Geller’s ‘Stop Islamization Of America’ Page After Orlando Attack, Breitbart, June 12, 2016.

Facebook isn’t the only platform that appears to be targeting critics of Islam. Reddit is also in the midst of a censorship controversy. Moderators of /r/News, the site’s primary discussion board for breaking news, went on a censorship spree following the Orlando shootings, deleting posts linking the shooter to Islam, as well as hundreds of comments — including one that offered Orlando residents advice on how to donate blood to survivors.

([Book review by Fred Elbel of Pamela Geller’s Stop the Islamization of America](, [The Social Contract](, Spring, 2014. Read the book: [Stop the Islamization of America](

Facebook Doubles Down: BANS Pamela Geller For Criticizing Islam, Breitbart, June 12, 2016.

Pamela Geller And ‘Stop Islamization Of America’ Reinstated On Facebook Following Breitbart Story, Breitbart, June 14, 2016.

Reddit Bans Users, Deletes Comments That Say Orlando Terrorist Was Muslim, Daily Caller, June 12, 2016.

Pamela Geller: Facebook’s Assurances Of Neutrality ‘Utterly Hollow’, Breitbart, June 12, 2016:

Geller’s 50,000-strong Facebook group, “Stop Islamization Of America” was removed from Facebook earlier today, despite being active for over five years, due to allegedly “hateful content.” A few hours later, her own Facebook account received a 30-day ban after she made a post criticizing President Obama for his response to the Orlando shootings…

Pamela Gellar: It is not hateful, obscene, or threatening to oppose jihad terror such as we saw in Orlando last night. Truth is not hateful or obscene. What is hateful, obscene and threatening is that Facebook is moving to silence everyone who speaks honestly about the motivating ideology behind such attacks…

Orlando showed jihad for what it is. They’re committed to obscuring that knowledge and making sure people remain ignorant and complacent about the nature and magnitude of the jihad threat…

They are blocking and banning me now, especially now, when people are looking past the media myths provided by terror-tied groups like Hamas-CAIR…

[Game Developer Mark Kern Banned On Twitter For Saying Radical Mosques Should Be Surveilled](, Breitbart, June 12, 2016.

Facebook Apologizes For Taking Down Pro-Israel Post, Breitbart, May 16, 2016.

Facebook Bans Gay Magazine Critical Of Islam, Breitbart, June 17, 2016.

Gun Store Owners Banned, Then Quickly Reinstated On Facebook Following Orlando Shooting,  Breitbart, June 17, 2016.

Facebook did not give the magazine any specific examples of how they had broken the terms of service of the website.

Reddit Censoring Anti-Islamic Speech Following Istanbul Bombings, Breitbart, June 29, 2016.

Video: David Wood: Facebook censors post reporting threat against me and my mother, June 23, 2016.

Gun Range Owner Has Facebook Page Blocked, Breitbart, July 5, 2016.

Twitter Suspended An Autistic Man Who Tweets Otter Pictures After Spurious Copyright Complaints, Breitbart, July 5, 2016.

Here We go Again! YouTube Suspends Popular Firearms Channels For ‘Spam’, Bearing Arms, July 6, 2016.

Reddit Moderators Censor Refugee Rape Stories, Breitbart, July 7, 2016.

Married Couple Sentenced For Migrant Critical Facebook Group, Breitbart, July 8, 2016.

Judge: Instant Jail Term if you Criticise Migrants Again, Breitbart, July 17, 2016.

Pamela Geller: Why I Am Suing Facebook, Breitbart, July 13, 2016.

[German police kicking in doors and dragging people away for Facebook posts about Muslim violence](, Pamela Geller on July 14, 2016.[Milo Suspended Permanently by Twitter Minutes Before ‘Gays For Trump’ Party At RNC](, Breitbart, July 20, 2016.Political bias: [Facebook Trending Resurrects 2-Day-Old Story Right Before Trump RNC Speech](, Daily Caller, July 22, 2016.

How Facebook ‘Accidentally’ Blocked DNC Email Leak Scandal, Disinfo, July 28, 2016.

Proof: Twitter is Censoring Donald Trump to Block Fundraising Efforts, D.C. Clothesline, July 30, 2016.

Facebook Blocks Radio Host Michael Savage After He Posts Story of Migrant Murderer, Breitbart, August 2, 2016.

Facebook Shuts Down Law Enforcement/Veteran-Based ‘Tactical Sh*t’, Breitbart, August 8, 2016.

Amir Khan’s Muslim Trainer Banned from Facebook for Anti-Islamic State, Pro-Britain Plea, Breitbart, August 10, 2016.

Moderator Removed From Popular Subreddit For Being A Trump Supporter, Breitbart, August 13, 2016.

DCLeaks Website Down, Twitter Suspended After Releasing Soros Docs, Daily Caller, August 27, 2016.

Facebook Censors Video Exposing PBS Cutting Hillary/TPP Criticism From Jill Stein Interview, Breitbart, August 28, 2016:

Facebook is censoring a video created by Green candidate Dr. Jill Stein supporter Matt Orfalea that exposes PBS Newshour cutting Stein’s criticism of Hillary Clinton, the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), and Obamacare.

[Twitter CEO Dick Costolo Secretly Censored Abusive Responses To President Obama](, August 11, 2016.

Former Facebook Employee: 90% of Trending Topics Team Was Liberal, Breitbart Got Extra Scrutiny, Breitbart, August 31, 2016.

Facebook Now Censoring And Deleting Even Private Messages About Hillary’s Drone Threat Against Assange, D.C. Clothesline, October 6, 2016:

In case you weren’t aware, Facebook isn’t just censoring your wall posts. Facebook is also censoring private messages that can only be seen by the people involved in the conversation… And more specifically, Facebook censored this private message which just included two links to stories about Hillary, and the censored one specifically about a document wherein Hillary referred to Julian Assange as a “soft target” and reportedly asked “Can’t we just drone this guy?” back when she was Secretary of the almighty State.

[Prominent Pro-Trump Twitter Account Suspended](, Alex Pfeiffer, The Daily Caller, Posted on American Renaissance, October 6, 2016

Leftist Press Lashes Out Against Our Free Speech Lawsuit, by Pamela Geller, American Thinker, October 10, 2016.

WikiLeaks: Google’s Eric Schmidt Working with Clinton Campaign, Breitbart, October 19, 2016.

Sharia at Facebook: Banned from Facebook, by  Paul Austin Murphy, American Thinker, October 25, 2016.

Collusion Between Facebook and Hillary’s Campaign Revealed in Clinton Emails, D.C. Clothesline, October 29, 2016.

Social Media Blackout? FBI Emails Are Not ‘Trending’ On Twitter, Facebook, Buzzfeed, Or Snapchat, ZeroHedge. October 30, 2016.

Facebook Censors Strike Again as Liberal Fascism Rears its Ugly Head, Constitution, October 30, 2016.

Here’s What Happened When A Hillary-Supporting MIT Professor Decided To Analyze Her Emails, Zero Hedge, November 7, 2016: Reddit arbitrarily deleted website and analysis.

Twitter suspends alt-right accounts, USA Today, November 17, 2016:

Twitter suspended a number of accounts associated with the alt-right movement, the same day the social media service said it would crack down on hate speech. Among those suspended was [Richard Spencer](, who runs an alt-right think tank and had a verified account on Twitter. “This is corporate Stalinism,” Spencer told The Daily Caller News Foundation.

[Twitter Initiates Mass Purge Of Prominent Alt-Right Accounts Following Trump Victory](, Daily Caller, November 17, 2016:

While Twitter has in the past slowly cracked down on accounts near the alt-right, such as those of WeSearchr CEO Chuck Johnson and journalist Milo Yiannopoulos, the major purge Tuesday evening of prominent alt-right accounts is so far unprecedented.

In response to the purges, many alt-right users are heading over to Gab, a Twitter substitute platform with a much more aggressive free speech policy.

[Twitter User Replaces Word ‘White’ With ‘Black,’ Gets Banned](, InformationLiberation, November 17, 2016.

Facebook Reveals Seven Point Plan To Eradicate “Fake News”, ZeroHedge, November 20, 2016:

…the move is yet another step on a slippery slope, one which begins with determining just what is considered “fake news” and ends with blanket internet censorship along ideological lines.

Twitter ‘verifies’ Muslim Brotherhood while expelling conservatives, Center for Security Policy, November 29, 2016.

Facebook Develops Censorship Tools to Gain Access to Chinese Market, New American, November 23, 2016.

Facebook working on a plan to pick news from favored media partners like Snapchat, Business Insider, December 4, 2016.

Youtube Bans Another Prager U Video because of “Hate Speech”, TruthRevolt, December 5, 2016.

“Hate Speech”: Facebook Bans German Woman For Posting Picture of Migrant Rapist, D.C. Clothesline, December 7, 2016.

Reddit Says Goodnight to ‘Alt-Right’ Community, Gizmodo, February 2, 2017.

## Google bias and censorship

Google Hides “Clinton Body Count” Search Suggestions, D.C. Clothesline, August 25, 2016.

Explosive Video Claims Google Is Manipulating Search Results To Favor Hillary Clinton, Breitbart, June 12, 2016.

Assange: Google Working to Promote Hillary Clinton, Information Liberation, June 7, 2016.

Google Suppressing Pat Buchanan, Steve Sailer, VDare, January 22, 2010.

Google involved with Clinton campaign, controls information flow – Assange, RT, June 7, 2016:

Google Screwing Trump Through More Than Just AutoComplete, Information Liberation, June 14, 2016:

Slate has documented more electioneering on the part of the Hillary shills at Google. From [](

If you Googled any of the U.S. presidential candidates over the past four months, you probably noticed an information box displaying their stances on specific political issues.

It seems impartial enough: a list of topical info cards with issue-related quotes from the candidates, mostly pulled from news articles. But at the [Computational Journalism Lab]( at the University of Maryland, we are investigating how bias in search engines can affect the political process, and we started collecting data on this new info box in April. Our analysis of data collected from the guide shows significant differences in the way candidates are portrayed…

This matters because search engines are powerful brokers of political information that can shape an electorate’s perceptions.

[Trump Not Listed in Google Search for ‘Presidential Candidates’](, Information Liberation, July 28, 2016.

Google Hides Popular Hillary Clinton Health Searches, Breitbart, August 30, 2016.

Google Gives Random Site Top Search Result For ‘Jihad,’ Says It’s ‘A Misunderstood Concept’, Information Liberation, September 6, 2016.

Research Proves Google Manipulates Millions to Favor Clinton, Sputnick, September 12, 2016.

In this exclusive report, distinguished research psychologist Robert Epstein explains the new study and reviews evidence that Google’s search suggestions are biased in favor of Hillary Clinton. He estimates that biased search suggestions might be able to shift as many as 3 million votes in the upcoming presidential election in the US.

Biased search rankings can swing votes and alter opinions, and a new study shows that Google’s autocomplete can too…

[Great Moments in Google: “American Inventors”](, Steve Sailer, Unz Review, September 20, 2016.

Did Google Rig Search Results for Hillary? WikiLeaks Confirms CEO Eric Schmidt Met with Clinton Top Brass, D.C. Clothesline, October 15, 2016.

YouTube censors my videos – Dennis Prager: 16 posts now ‘restricted’ despite millions of views, no explicit content, WorldNet Daily, October 24, 2016.

YouTube bans ‘Clinton’s black son’, WorldNetDaily, October 27, 2016.

Google has power to control elections, can shift millions of votes to Clinton, Robert Epstein, RT, November 2, 2016.

List of “Fake” News Sites for Google to Target Released; Every Alt Site You Know, Daily Sheeple, November 16, 2016.

Google Classifying Inconvenient FACTS as FICTION: Removing “Fake News” That Black People “Commit More Crimes”, D.C. Clothesline, December 7, 2016: FBI stats show black people do actually commit more crimes. Negative results about the religion of Islam were also removed.

[Article by Fred Elbel](
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