MRNA Technology Inventor States Fully Vaccinated People Are ‘Super-Spreaders’.


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Robert W Malone, MD
(Photo : Twitter) Robert W Malone, MD

Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA technology used in mRNA vaccines, said that it’s those who got the experimental COVID shots that are the real “super-spreaders” and not those who didn’t get jabbed as totalitarian states and establishment media claimed.

“The idea that if you have a workplace where everybody’s vaccinated, you’re not going to have virus spread is totally false. A total lie,” said Dr. Malone on a recent episode of the podcast The Hidden Gateway.

During host Jesston Williams’ interview with Dr. Malone, they discussed the invention and initial running tests of mRNA technology, how government agencies have been using violence and intimidation to increase vaccination rates, and how public health agencies lack the necessary and relevant safety and efficacy data for a global vaccination program. Also brought up was the idea of governments and public health agencies misleading the public “for their own good.”One of the most interesting things Malone said in his interview was his claim that those who had gotten the experimental shot as “super-spreaders” because of their propensity to infect others.

LifeSite News quoted him as saying: “If you consider the scientific fact that vaccinated people have less symptoms than the unvaccinated, but can still easily spread disease, consider your fellow vaccinated worker, whose unvaccinated son brought the disease home and gave it to him … He might not have any symptoms … but he’ll definitely be producing the virus. And he’s going to say, hey, I can go to work today. But he’s going to be spreading the virus like crazy.”

Malone also said that if the government refuses to tell people about the short and long-term risks of the experimental shots and refuses to tell them the truth about what’s actually happening because they believe people won’t be able to take the news, then that is basically “the noble lie.”

The “noble lie,” however, was condemned as “paternalistic authoritarianism” by Malone.

He explained that governance-by-lying dates back to Plato and Ancient Greek philosophy which states that it’s “okay for politicians and people in authority positions to lie to the general public because they have special knowledge and ability to understand things … and the general public can’t cope with that level of information. And so it’s okay to lie to them.”

“I really disagree with this line of thinking,” Malone remarked. “Yet it has been public policy in the United States and worldwide in public health for a very long time.”

He also maintained that personal freedom and bodily autonomy matter, regardless of one’s political inclinations.

He further highlighted that the physicians whose licenses were revoked or were cancelled for failing to adhere to the official COVID narratives were not “spring chickens” whose views should be suppressed when it comes to proper patient care.

Concerning the existence of the COVID virus, Malone urged the audience not to be afraid and to avoid falling prey to fear-mongering news agencies. He cited Norway’s success in containing the virus, and how they now consider COVID to be comparable to seasonal flu.

Nonetheless, Malone, like other knowledgeable doctors, stressed the importance of early treatment.

“Don’t let fear dominate your lives,” he reiterated, adding that it’s what the ruling elites want to happen in order to maintain control over the populace.

We’ve come far enough to believe that there is a hidden hand, or an ulterior motive associated with the fear mongering radical media. Interestingly enough these are the same people promoting the social unrest at hand in American society. Everything that the right side of the isle has deemed evil was taken and metaphorically ran with by Joe Bidense (Joe can’t run, he’ll turn to ash.) and his admin. All that’s left is to watch global politics, we need to be aware of the influence that foreign nations have on our own nations politics. Only then can you step back, and watch the dominos fall. Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.

Source: ChristianityDaily



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Bryce Abbott


  1. ragman57 on October 20, 2021 at 6:50 pm

    Another CDC ploy for undercounting the damage done by the COVID injections has to do with the agency’s definition of “fully vaccinated. The CDC currently considers as “unvaccinated” anyone who is not two weeks out from their second dose (in a two-dose series) or two weeks out from a single-dose vaccine. (And as Children’s Health Defense President Mary Holland recently pointed out, “unvaccinated” could “soon mean anyone who’s missing the latest booster dose,” with even more boosters likely in store down the road.)

    Given that 17% of the deaths reported to VAERS have occurred within 48 hours of COVID vaccination, it is clear many U.S. vaccine deaths are being counted as “unvaccinated” deaths and misattributed to COVID-19 or other causes.

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