Myanmar Military Seizes Bank Accounts of Satan Five


Advisory: Be careful of what you read on social media. The algorithms used by these platforms have no regard for Biblical truth. They target your emotions to keep you engaged on their site so their advertisers can drop more ads. These platforms exist to enrich their stockholders. Consider God’s promise to Believers in James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

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Star General George Soros’ Open Society Foundations for Funding Unrest…

George Soros is in the rat categories, the vast major­ity of his subjects are Soy Boy Beta Rats. These are followers like ( brain-dead progressives, media matters, Obama, Antifa, (BLM) who get the Alpha rats’ leftovers. The Alpha rats establish territories, claim the choicest mates, and generally lord it over the Betas. This pretty well-corresponded with the way George Soros thinks the world worked.

The Myanmar military regime has seized the bank accounts of billionaire George Soros’ Open Society Foundation (OSF) for fomenting unrest in the country by funding massive protests. An arrest warrant had been issued for 11 OSF members on suspicion of funding protests against the military junta.

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The Myanmar military is also planning to take legal action against billionaire George Soros’ OSF. Massive protests have been funded by OSF and local authorities are also planning to arrest other employees of OSF. An official from OSF, Phyu Pa Pa Thaw, has already been detained by local authorities.

The Military also took control of the illegal flow of money to OSF and controlled assets of OSF bank accounts at SMED and Co-operative Bank (CB), Ayeyarwady Bank (AYA), and Kanbawza Bank (KBZ).

The military-controlled MRTV made an announcement on Monday. An arrest warrant had been issued for 11 OSF members on suspicion of funding protests against the military junta. These arrests would be on the suspension of controversial NGO passed funds to opponents of a Feb. 1 coup.

The IMF sent $350 million in cash to the Myanmar government just days before the military coup as part of an emergency aid package to help the country tackle the COVID-19 pandemic.

The money was sent days before Myanmar’s State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi and other senior figures from the governing National League for Democracy were arrested in an early morning raid on Monday in the capital Naypyitaw.

The OSF is also accused of withdrawing $1.4 million illegally. This money was withdrawn from the organization’s account at SMED 7 days after a military takeover in Myanmar.

The military said, “it would take legal action against SMED for allowing OSF to deposit $5 million and withdraw $1.4 million without obtaining approval from the CBM.”

OSF has refuted the allegations.

“Claims of financial misconduct, including that OSM acted illegally by withdrawing their own funds in local currency from the SMID bank, are false,” Open Society Foundations said.

George Soros’s Open Society Foundations also funded numerous BLM-style racial movements to topple US President Donald Trump.

As reported by GreatGameIndia, a three-judge court in Peru has ruled that the COVID-19 pandemic was started by the billionaire Bill Gates, George Soros, and Rockefeller.

Despite the ruling, “fact-checkers” concluded that the Peruvian court had no evidence to make such a judgment citing declaration from the WHO and CDC who have lost all their credibility.


The Watchman does not confuse truth with consensus. The Watchman does not confuse God’s Word with the word of those in power…

This is what their New World Order looks like, Democrats Lawmaker in California: ‘legalize child prostitution’ SACRAMENTO – Beginning on Jan. 1, police cannot arrest child prostitutes in the streets of California, except under limited circumstances. And dumb down people wonder why California is burning to the ground, poke God in the eyes enough times and his anger will start to show…



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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

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