Ottawa Police Chief Promises to “Rebuild Public Trust” Whilst Detesting Freedom Convoy Demonstrations.


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Following the Freedom Convoy protest, which parked in the city for almost three weeks to resist federal COVID-19 rules and restrictions, temporary police chief Steve Bell promised to “rebuild public trust” in the municipal force.

“The residents of Ottawa have been subjected to great inconveniences, fear, and uncertainty over the past month as a result of illegal protests in our city,” Bell stated in a statement on March 7.

“It’s reasonable to have questions about the direction of the Ottawa Police Department, and it’s critical that we respond squarely to those issues.”

The Ottawa police force, according to Bell, has “created an experienced and diverse leadership team” that is committed to “cultural and systemic transformation.”

He said the service would continue internal investigations into inappropriate police action in relation to what he called “illegal protests” in Ottawa, and that a use-of-force review committee would be formed to look into complaints on such incidents.

Other upcoming measures that the force will prioritize include “hiring a new, diverse hiring class that is representative of our community” and “hiring an equity and race data specialist” to continue efforts to increase reporting on police data such as traffic stops and arrests, according to the statement.

“We will rebuild public trust in partnership with the community, continue to address systemic racism and violence against women, promote equity, diversity, and inclusion, boost diversity-focused hiring, and contribute to our neighborhoods through neighborhood policing,” the statement stated.

The Freedom Convoy originated as a protest against the federal government’s vaccination requirement for cross-border truck drivers. It quickly grew into a nationwide movement, with enormous convoys of vehicles and their supporters demonstrating in late January in the national capital, with many asking for an end to all COVID-19 regulations.

On February 14, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau proclaimed a state of emergency by invoking the Emergencies Act, giving police broad new powers to evict demonstrators in downtown Ottawa and those who blocked multiple Canada-US border crossings in solidarity. After the police implemented the emergency orders, the demonstration in the capital came to an end, while the blockades at the border crossings had mostly stopped by then.

Authorities employed riot police with batons and pepper spray, as well as some policemen holding weapons, to evict the demonstrators. Mounted police also knocked down demonstrators while moving them out of the guarded area during the demonstration. Nearly 200 arrests were made by police.

When Bordeleau retired in 2019, Bell was named interim chief, sharing the job with Uday Jaswal, who had returned to Ottawa after a stint as deputy chief with Durham Regional Police. But, before he could take his turn as chief, Jaswal stepped aside after he was charged with discreditable conduct for allegedly harassing three Ottawa police employees.

Bell served as deputy chief alongside interim deputy chief Trish Ferguson under Peter Sloly until Sloly’s resignation in light of Ottawa protests.

These leaders continue to be phased out until they find the correct puppet with seemingly no objections to the Canadian governments egregious agenda. That agenda is globalization; That’s not to say that Bell’s predecesors detested the unjustifiable dispersion of freedom convoy demonstrators. The cyclical replacement of leadership could potentially be attributed a strategy intended to cause confusion, so that the public doesn’t know who to point their finger at. John 14:27 says “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.”

No one man can make sense of this elaborate illusion cast over the common man of society, but collectively we can point out each limitation forced upon us and bring it forward as an injustice to the public. In Matthew 10:34 Jesus says: “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.” We’re meant to go down preaching the gospel and guiding others to salvation. This could be considered the bravest task a man or woman of faith could undertake, but make no mistake it will bear fruit in the kingdom of heaven. Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.

Security researchers at Symantec, a leading cybersecurity firm in the United States, have identified a “very sophisticated” Chinese hacking tool that has remained hidden for more than a decade.

According to a US official, the discovery was shared with the US administration in recent months, who then shared the information with overseas allies. On Monday, Symantec, a branch of Broadcom, released its research on the tool, which it calls Daxin.

Clayton Romans, associate director of the US Cybersecurity Infrastructure Security Agency, said, “It’s something we haven’t seen before” (CISA). “This is exactly the kind of information we’re looking for.”

Along with the new research paper, CISA emphasized Symantec’s participation in the JCDC, a collaborative public-private cybersecurity information sharing cooperation.

The Joint Cyber Defense Collaborative, or JCDC, is a group of federal defense agencies, including the FBI and the National Security Agency, as well as 22 U.S. technology businesses, that share information regarding ongoing cyberattacks.

A request for comment from the Chinese embassy in Washington was not returned.

“Without this public research, the capabilities of this malware would be exceedingly difficult to identify,” said Neil Jenkins, chief analytics officer at the Cyber Threat Alliance, a non-profit organization that brings together cybersecurity professionals to share data.

According to Vikram Thakur, a technical director at Symantec, the attribution to China is predicated on instances where Daxin components were coupled with other known, Chinese-linked computer hacker infrastructure or intrusions.

The discovery of Daxin was notable, according to Symantec experts, because of the scope of the incursions and the advanced nature of the program.

“The most recent known Daxin attacks happened in November 2021,” according to the research paper. “The attackers put a lot of effort into developing communication strategies that fit in with normal network traffic,” according to Daxin’s capabilities.

High-level, non-Western government agencies in Asia and Africa, including Ministries of Justice, were among Daxin’s victims, according to Thakur.

“Once a computer is infected, Daxin can be operated from anywhere in the world,” Thakur said. “That’s what sets the bar higher than the malware we see coming from Chinese-based groups.”

According to Romans, he is unaware of any affected companies in the United States, but there are infections all over the world, which the US government is assisting in notifying.

“Clearly, the actors have been effective not just in running campaigns but also in keeping their creation hidden for well over a decade,” Thakur added.

This is only the beginning of a tsunami of cyber infrastructure being prodded at as people inevitably test their skills behind a computer in light of global political unrest. The truth is, cyber security is a cat and mouse game. Vulnerabilities are inherent in these complex systems because they’re built for the end user, and not to prevent people from snooping around in the back end. Most of the cyber infrastructure currently in place could be considered practically naked in terms of cyber security because there are so many ways to exploit data. Why else would China go crazy for data like the leprechaun hoarding lucky charms in the old commercials? It’s valuable and its available; There’s a market for it, and you’re the product. Our complex way of life as a civilization has inadvertently created multiple back doors to be exploited by people more tech savvy than the rest of us. Technology related vulnerabilities can be expected to be magnified and exploited in the coming years for various reasons; political or criminally motivated.

No one man can make sense of this elaborate illusion cast over the common man of society, but collectively we can point out each limitation forced upon us and bring it forward as an injustice to the public. In Matthew 10:34 Jesus says: “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.” We’re meant to go down preaching the gospel and guiding others to salvation. This could be considered the bravest task a man or woman of faith could undertake, but make no mistake it will bear fruit in the kingdom of heaven. Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.



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