Our media will ignore brutally raped American children to keep pushing their failed, twisted political ideology.


Advisory: Be careful of what you read on social media. The algorithms used by these platforms have no regard for Biblical truth. They target your emotions to keep you engaged on their site so their advertisers can drop more ads. These platforms exist to enrich their stockholders. Consider God’s promise to Believers in James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

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Three refugee boys, ages 14, 10, and 7, have pleaded guilty to sexual assault of a 5-year-old little girl.

As you can imagine, the lying fake news mainstream media was virtually silent on the story, refusing to report anything that goes against their “open borders/refugees welcome” global narrative.

Our media will ignore brutally raped American children to keep pushing their failed, twisted political ideology.

The horrifying case in Idaho shares similarities to another horrific child-rape case in Rockville, Maryland, where a 14-year-old was gang raped by two illegals.

Again, the fake news media is silent on that story as well.

[RELATED : This Illegal Just Raped a 14 Year Old Girl. LIBERAL MEDIA SILENT]

From Daily Caller

Three refugees, ages 14, 10 and seven, pled guilty to sexually assaulting a five-year-old girl in Idaho.

The boys, one from Iraq and two from Eritrea, entered their guilty plea last week but the case’s resolution received almost no national attention.

“We agreed to the plea bargains. That by no means implies my clients were, or are, fully satisfied with the outcome of these cases or the prosecuting attorney,” Mark Guerry, the attorney for the girl’s family told the Idaho Statesman. “After 10 months their right to some form of justice was long overdue.”

“They were prepared to testify at a trial or enter into to plea agreements months ago. More importantly, no convictions or mere words in statements could ever mitigate the unrelenting trauma and grief their little daughter now suffers as a result of this vicious sexual assault,” Guerry added.
The Washington Post and other liberal news sources last summer rushed to cover inaccurate claims about the assault (that the suspects were Syrian, for example) — which they used to try to pour cold water on anger surrounding the assault — but have so far remained silent on the boys’ admission that they did, in fact, sexually assault the little girl.

One local resident in contact with the girl’s family previously told Fox News that the boys made “her naked, and urinated in her mouth,” but those claims are impossible to verify because the judge sealed details of the incident from public view.

US Attorney for Idaho Wendy J. Olson, was appointed by President Obama in 2010 and threatened to prosecute Idaho residents who spoke out about the sexual assault case in a way that was unflattering to the perpetrators

The sexual assault case bears similarity to the alleged rape of a 14-year-old girl in Rockville, Maryland by two illegal immigrants, ages 17 and 18, who were enrolled in her high school as freshmen.

According to police, the two Rockville suspects, Jose Montano and Henry Sanchez, forced the girl to perform oral sex on them while they took turns raping and sodomizing her while she cried out for them to stop. Both Montano and Sanchez were allowed to travel to meet family in Maryland after initially being detained after crossing the border.

Like the Idaho case, the Rockville rape generated intense outrage from parents concerned for their daughters’ safety.

The judge’s decision “a Travesty of Justice as Idaho Muslim Migrant Rapists Go Unpunished.”
The travesty of justice in Idaho is now complete…instead of getting justice, the victim’s family has been abused by law enforcement and governing authorities as if they were the criminals – because what happened to their little girl contradicts the politically correct narrative about Muslim migrants,” Geller wrote. “On Monday, the perpetrators were sentenced, and the final injustice was done to this poor girl.”

Article Source: http://truthfeed.com/breaking-refugee…

StevieRay Hansen the Shepherd, analyzing the news and the mainstream media, truth is the new hate speech, journalist are not journalist their propaganda talking heads.

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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

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