36 mins read

Watchman: The New America: Agenda 21 and the U.N. One World Government plans

Did Bill Gates & World Economic Forum Predict Coronavirus Outbreak? An Inside Look May Shock You! In this report, we take an inside look at Event 201, which took place in NYC on October 18, 2019. Event 201 is a high-level pandemic exercise hosted by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation… This is extremely fascinating because this pandemic simulation exercise of coronavirus took place about 6 weeks before the first illness from the coronavirus was actually reported in Wuhan, China. That is one hell of a coincidence if you believe in that sort of thing. Another fascinating connection is the fact that not only did the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation participate in and help set up the pandemic simulation of a coronavirus outbreak, but […]


1 min read

Watchman Warns Satan Solders Wants Complete Control: Member of Parliament Confirms the UK Will Sign up to WHO’s Pandemic Treaty–Tribulation In Play–America Is Next

HNewsWire: The Watchman Warns That Satan’s Soldiers Will Have Total Control: Mark Fletcher, Member of Parliament for Bolsover, responded to an email from a constituent last week: “Then-Prime Minister Boris Johnson and other world leaders called for the creation of a pandemic treaty… The current target date for approving the new instrument’s text at the World Health Assembly (WHA) is May 2024. Over the next year, the United Kingdom will continue to work towards a global consensus on how to better prevent, prepare for, and respond to future pandemics, he wrote. The implication of Fletcher’s response is that it is not only a fait accompli, but that the United Kingdom is one of the most important, if not the most important, driving force behind the treaty. Many things can be said about Fletcher’s response, including his dubious claim that “a…...

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29 mins read

It Has Recently Come to Light That the Wealthy and the Immoral Do as I Say, Not as I Do, Is the Philosophy of Jeffrey Epstein Associates, Also Known as the Elite,They are Sick B***ard

HNewsWire: Recent articles in The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times, along with newly filed records in a U.S. court, imply that a U.S. More eminent individuals who knew Jeffrey Epstein are now known thanks to the Virgin Islands legal suit. The links of the notorious sex trafficker and lifelong member of high society, who died in a jailhouse in 2019 while facing charges, were not exposed in Epstein’s iconic black book or the public flight logs of passengers who flew on his private plane. The depth of Epstein’s relationships to other well-known people with whom he had previously been associated were also clarified by these new discoveries. They also helped to emphasize how frequently Epstein met with his exclusive group of friends. Bill Gates, Leon Black, Thomas Pritzker, and Mortimer Zuckerman were among the four extremely wealthy […]


18 mins read

Watchman: The Nipah Virus, Another Lab-Made Bioweapon Delivered to Us by the Gain of Function All-Star Team of Fauci, Gates, NIH, CIA, DOD, Pentagon, CFR, UN, WHO, WEF, Rockefeller Foundation, the Wuhan Institute of Virology, and Others, Will Soon Cause an Outbreak

HNewsWire: The democidal maniacs are ramping up their followup COVID-19 fear-mongering, but that will merely serve as their ingenious head fake. The next “pandemic” will be one that scant few are expecting, with the requisite brand new Modified mRNA DEATHVAX™ offerings. The PSYOP-23 Followup This upcoming outbreak will be the Nipah virus, which is yet another lab created bioweapon brought to us courtesy of the Gain of Function all-star team of Fauci, Gates, NIH, CIA, DoD, Pentagon, CFR, UN, WHO, WEF, Rockefeller Foundation, the Wuhan Institute of Virology, et al. According to a research study from 2021 entitled, Nipah virus vector sequences in COVID-19 patient samples sequenced by the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the latest franken-virus was sequenced at the very same lab that released C-19: We report the detection of Nipah virus in an infectious clone format, a BSL4-level […]


1 min read

Watchman Warning: Satan’s Soldiers Are Working on a New Demonic World. Transhumanism, Nanotechnology, and Cybernetics Are Coming at Warp Speed

HNewsWire: Dangerous Engineering THE HYBRID AGE: Nanotechnology and Cybernetics   CONVERGENCE OF KNOWLEDGE, TECHNOLOGY, AND SOCIETY: Beyond Convergence of Nano-Bio-Info-Cognitive Technologies Intra-body nano-network. Brief summary This summary originally shared in Spanish has been brought to English by Orwell City, together with an excerpt from La Quinta Columna’s program in which this work is presented. From Nano-Communications to Body Area Networks: A Perspective on Truly Personal Communications Nano-Sensor Modelling for Intra-Body Nano-Networks In vivo wireless bcommunications: State-of-the-art and future directions Nanotechnology, Anthropomorphic Matter and Human Machinery: An Exploration of the Longue Durée of Technological Vision Global Governance 2025: at a Critical Juncture Few experts believe that current governance instruments are adequate for those challenges. For example, direct modification of DNA at fertilization is widely researched with a goal of removing defective genes; however, discussions of future capabilities open the possibility for designing…...

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27 mins read

Watchman: Robb Butler, Executive Director for Who Europe Has Suggested It Is Time for Countries to Have a Conversation About Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccines, Saying: “It’s a Healthy Debate to Have” — Death By Kill Shot Is a Healthy Debate? REALLY!

Satan Soldier a.k.a. Robb Butler, executive director for Demonic WHO Europe, told Kay Burley on Sky News: “Mandatory (Kill Shot) vaccination can, but doesn’t always increase uptake.” What The Hell Does That Mean? Be that as it may, he advocated that countries — and individuals — should now be thinking about the issue. “There are warnings of history here where mandates have come at the expense of trust, social inclusion. So it is very delicate, but we believe it is time to have that discussion, from a human being and population-based perspective.” Cases are rising again in much of Europe — clearly in the case of countries like Germany, the Netherlands and Austria, with the latter going back into an absolute lockdown as a result. Satan Soldier Butler said only 54% of the population of the 53 WHO Europe region […]


25 mins read

Watchman: Satan Soldier Liar Dr. Anthony Fauci Refused During Senate Hearings in 2022 to Name the Businesses That Licensed His “Inventions” and Gave Him Third-Party Payments. Finally, We Are Aware of the Businesses That Support Him. There Are a Lot of Evil People in the World.

HNewsWire: By Adam Andrzejewski, author of OpenTheBooks substack, Newly released NIH documents show conclusively that statements made during congressional hearings to U.S. Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) and Rep. John Moolenaar (R-MI) by NIH leaders Anthony Fauci and Lawrence Tabak were misleading, if not outright false, regarding third-party royalties paid before, during, and after the pandemic. Anthony Fauci and Lawrence Tabak, acting director of the National Institutes of Health, answer questions during the May 2022 U.S. House Appropriations hearing. Tabak, acting director of the National Institutes of Health, and Fauci, then-director of the National Institutes of Allergies and Infectious Diseases, both claimed before Congress that they could not release the names of the companies paying NIH third party royalties. Last week, however, our OpenTheBooks lawsuit based on our Freedom of Information Act request caused NIH to release new documents. The newly […]


20 mins read

Satan Soldiers Got an Early Start, According to Watchman: Update on Psyop-19: A New Strain Is Spreading Throughout the United Kingdom. Another Plandemic Is on the Way This Fall, as Overall Cases Continue to Rise

HNewsWire: The followup “pandemic” trial balloon intended to gauge the level of future societal “mandate” compliance has now been officially deployed. According to the latest Mockingbird article by SKY NEWS entitled, COVID-19: New variant spreading across UK – as overall cases continue to rise: A new COVID variant is spreading across the UK, according to the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) – and already makes up one in seven new cases. Scientifically known as EG.5.1, it is descended from the Omicron variant of COVID. The UKHSA has been monitoring its prevalence in the country due to increasing cases internationally, particularly in Asia, and it was classified as a variant here on 31 July. Since viruses never mutate into more virulent strains, we must ask: is this another gain of function (GoF) release by the usual Intelligence Industrial Complex criminals, and […]


18 mins read

Watchman: No One Will Be Able to Sustain the Lie for Very Long; (Except Bill Gates) The Doctors Has a Lot to Explain. The Doctors Ordered the Kill Shots Despite Knowing They Were Murderous From the Start

SRH: The truth is that the vaxxine has NO beneficial effect whatsoever (Other than making your masters happy with your compliance, now die.) HNewsWire: A prominent New York City cancer doctor killed herself and her baby at their Westchester home Saturday morning in what police believe was a murder-suicide, reports said. Dr. Krystal Cascetta, 40, a Hematology-Oncology specialist at Mount Sinai Hospital, died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound around 7 am after apparently shooting her child, according to ABC 7. “A preliminary investigation revealed that at approximately 7:00 a.m., Krystal Cascetta entered her child’s room and shot her baby and then turned the gun on herself,” state police said in a statement. “The scene is consistent with a murder/suicide.” The incident happened at her home in Somers, a $1 million house she shared with her husband, 37-year-old Tim Talty, according to […]


49 mins read

Worldwide ‘System Collapse’ The Plandemic That Will Starve Million To Death — Tribulation…Plandemic & The Globalist Calls

HNewsWire: The reason why the US got away with it for so long is because USD is the worlds reserve currency. Nations everywhere hold USD as a secure asset. So when the US Govt prints trillions it’s robbing Americans and the entire world. The biggest theft in history. The reason why the US got away with it for so long is because USD is the worlds reserve currency. Nations everywhere hold USD as a secure asset. So when the US Govt prints trillions it’s robbing Americans and the entire world. The biggest theft in history. pic.twitter.com/K1UKC7tWf0 — Kim Dotcom (@KimDotcom) June 5, 2022 The problem is that this has been going for decades and there’s now no way to fix it. The reality is that the US has been bankrupt for some time and what’s coming is a nightmare: Mass […]


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