26 mins read

Thousands Of Cops Deployed To Quell Public Anger In China — Global Enemy China — Beijing Has Been Stockpiling Food to Avoid a Collapse

Manslaughter by government decree. Pestilence Has arrived: Evidence is materializing indicates that the Covid variant poses a very real threat to patients who Have Already Been fully Vaccinated (Pestilence By Way Of Vaccine Kill Shot) Newsletter Name Please enter your name. Email Address Please enter a valid email address. Subscribe! Thanks for subscribing! Please check your email for further instructions. Something went wrong. Please check your entries and try again. Support Orphans Support The 127.org One Orphan’s Story Editor’s Bio A Thrilling Ride! Every once in awhile, a book comes across your path that is impossible to put down. A Long Journey Home is not a casual book that you read in a week or earmark to complete at a later date. Once you begin, cancel your schedule, put your phone on silent, find a quiet place where you cannot be […]


9 mins read

Update: 1/6/22 Death Angel On The Loose, Delta Pestilence Has Arrived Evidence is Emerging to Suggest That Pestilence Spreads To 31 Provinces In

China, Residents Panic-Shopping, Communities Locked-Down… China’s Desperate To Keep ‘Zero COVID’ Policy For At Least Another Year — Won’t Happen Pestilence Will Kill Million — Tribulation Year Three Becomes Brutal For anti-Christ Governments Around The Global — DEATH   The people of Xi’an have grown increasingly bold in their criticism of the government’s poorly-planned and heartless “zero Covid” response. Other Weibo posts challenging official narratives and shredding all-is-well propaganda from the Communist Party have racked up thousands of views. “In today’s Xian, you can starve to death, can get sick and die, but you just cannot die of Covid,” one Weibo commenter noted glumly. With China facing the prospect of an omicron-driven wave of COVID cases that’s worse than anything the country has seen since it first unleashed SARS-CoV-2 upon the world, analysts on Wall Street are trying to suss […]


6 mins read

Death Angel Rising: New Mandatory Vaccination Rules

as Massachusetts and Virginia Lead the Country in a Push Toward Mandatory Vaccination… The protest were inspired by an Aug. 19 announcement that influenza immunization will be required for all children ages 6 months or older who are attending Massachusetts child care, pre-school, kindergarten, or K-12 schools. Written in chalk in front of the statehouse was the phrase “No forced shots”. While some protesters wore masks, many didn’t. In other words, children must be vaccinated, or else. Full-time undergraduate students, and graduate students under 30, will also be required to get the vaccine. Activists insisted that “informed and voluntary consent” is a basic human right. “The flu vaccine should not be a mandate. It should be a choice,” Jessica Marchant said during a TV interview. Others accused state officials of “taking advantage” of the fear caused by the virus. “I […]


14 mins read

Vivek Sankaran, Chief Executive Officer Of Albertsons: People Are Hoarding — HNewsWire Albertsons is Deceiving The American People

Some executives are issuing warnings that there might be food shortages nationwide due to supply chain bottlenecks, coming as a number of school districts have reported they haven’t received shipments of key items like milk or chicken nuggets. In the past several weeks, school officials in Denver to Chicago to parts of Alabama have reported that schools are running out of lunches or breakfasts, calling on parents to pack lunches for their children. Some lunch staff have been forced to buy their own cooking and cleaning supplies. Vivek Sankaran, chief executive officer of Albertsons, told Bloomberg News this week. “Any given day, you’re going to have something missing in our stores, and it’s across categories.” And Saffron Road, a producer of frozen and shelf-stable meals, is holding more inventory and will keep for months of supply on hand instead of one or two months. “People are hoarding,” Saffron […]


36 mins read

The US Army Continues Its War Drills Across The Greater Los Angeles metropolitan area

Martial Law and the Yoking of the American People…. HNewsWire- The march towards martial law is something that is often ignored by the general public, often something belonging on conspiracy websites. But what’s happening in this country is exactly what revelations warned us about, we entrusted the wrong people. Martial Law basically means using state or national military force to enforce the will of the government on the people. Under a declaration of martial law, Constitutional freedoms and liberties are suspended, and civilians are no longer entitled to their civil rights. It basically allows the government, or a tyrannical politician, to shred the Constitution and impose its will through military force. Whenever I do research into a particular subject matter, I pay close attention to what the Bible (revelations) has to say, please pay close attention to what is taking […]


105 mins read

Update: 2/11/22 Death Angel Steps of Judgment, WOKE Big Tech You’re Next Take Cover Reprobates

HNewsWire- A major outage appears to have taken some Twitter users off the network at 1200 ET, according to Downdector. Some Twitter users are alleging they’ve been logged out of the platform, receiving this error: “Something went wrong, but don’t fret – it’s not your fault. Let’s try again.” Downdetector reveals the initial outages were recorded about 1200 ET and continue to spike approximately one hour later. So far, 25,311 people have reported difficulties. The outage is pervasive. Twitter’s API status indicates several failures. Identified – We’re witnessing a high amount of API problems starting about 17:41 UTC and are presently investigating. The existence and breadth of any consumer effect has not been established at this time, but we will offer an update as soon as we know more. Widespread Internet Outages — How U.S. Lawmakers Seek to Regulate in […]


5 mins read

Los Angeles Unified School District is Still Coming for Children Despite Waning Omicron Surge.

As the winter Omicron surge fades, the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health revised the mask compliance obligations for the post-surge period, while a new state bill granting schools access to kids’ COVID-19 immunization records was introduced on Feb. 4. Los Angeles County reported 15,427 new COVID-19 cases and 85 new deaths on February 4th. For the seven days leading up to Feb. 3, the daily average number of hospitalizations fell to 3,233, the lowest level in several weeks. In the last seven days, the average number of daily new cases reported has been around 15,600, down from 28,000 the week before. The daily average level of positivity has likewise dropped to 8%. However, the number of new deaths has remained constant, with dozens of individuals dying every day as a result of the CCP virus. Barbara Ferrer, the […]


16 mins read

Dr. Fauci: “We’re Going To Have Millions Of Cases” And “Between 100K & 200K Deaths”

The Sin Party Is Over… Not only is America not ready for this Pestilences, but America is also headed for a public health nightmare, this WILL continues to spread thought out the USA as it has in nations like South Korea, Italy, and Iran, the spread is tracking an exponential growth curve that currently looks unstoppable until it burns through the entire population. The last time Dr. Anthony Fauci did the Sunday Shows a few weeks back, he achieved a vaunted Washington milestone by doing all five network and cable Sunday shows – NBC, ABC, CBS, Fox News & CNN – in one day. That was back when President Trump’s approval rating was soaring, and the good doctor was indisputably the lead ‘subject matter expert’ guiding the White House’s response. That was less than a month ago. But at that […]


16 mins read

Death Angel on the Move: Satan Soldiers to Introduce Going Door-To-Door Get Ready for Vaccination Divisions Around the Global — Tribulation

Pestilence Has Arrived: Evidence is Emerging to Suggest That The Covid Variant Poses a Very Real Threat To Patients Who Have Already Been Fully Vaccinated (Pestilence By Way Of Vaccine Kill Shot) Force is now the only rule remaining in Satan-controlled World. Everything else has collapsed. There is no free speech, no fair trial, no system of justice, no reasonable expectation of human rights anywhere, no fair elections, no honest news, no honest Wall Street operations, no real public education, no clean food You the high tech conglomerates (HYPER-REPROBATES) chose to attack God’s children (The Christians) you brought destruction upon yourselves and your high-tech corporations, it’s amazing how wrong you can be when dumb down in biblical truth, God’s word has survived the tyrants for thousands of years, yet you CEOs have missed the most important part of life, God’s […]


10 mins read

Plandemic = Death: This is What the Climate Alarm Fanatics Have Produced — Billions of

People Freezing in the Dark and a Slowing Global Economy — All in Pursuit of the False Dogma of Global Warming — Thanks Google, Biden, and All Those Proud Satan Soldiers… What have the climate alarmists been screaming about for the past 40 years or so? Their agenda is well-known. They want to close nuclear plants; shut down coal electric generators; eliminate natural gas and oil-fired electrical plants; and substitute wind, solar and hydropower in their place. According to the fanatics, this substitution of renewable energy sources for so-called “fossil fuels” and uranium-powered plants would reduce CO2 emissions and save the planet from the existential threat of global warming. Everything about this climate alarmist agenda is a fraud. The evidence that the planet is warming is slight and the effect is likely temporary with global cooling in the forecast. The contribution […]


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