Plandemic Code for LockDown Latest Coronavirus Data Out Of Florida, Texas Disappoint As New Cases, Hospitalizations Climb


Advisory: Be careful of what you read on social media. The algorithms used by these platforms have no regard for Biblical truth. They target your emotions to keep you engaged on their site so their advertisers can drop more ads. These platforms exist to enrich their stockholders. Consider God’s promise to Believers in James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

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  • House Panel launches probe into nursing homes over covid-19 deaths
  • NY sees hospitalizations hit lowest level since march
  • Texas hospitalizations climb 8.3%
  • Fla reports another jump in COVID-19 cases as total tops 80k
  • Beijing closes all schools
  • China tightens restrictions as another 40 cases confirmed
  • Chinese markets remove all imported salmon
  • Chinese customs officials now testing all imported meat and fish for COVID
  • Number of US states with rising COVID cases declines to 22 from 23
  • Global case total breaks above 8 million
  • Study finds only 50% of US care homes have been inspected for COVID-19 protocols
  • Deaths nearing 450k
  • UK study finds cheap preexisting steroid drug is COVID-19 ‘miracle cure’
  • Popular IMHE COVID-19 projections show 200k+ deaths likely by October

* * *

Update (1400ET): Earlier, we shared a Politico report showing that less than half of US long-term care facilities have been inspected for whether they’re prepared to handle an outbreak of COVID-19, in accordance with the law.

Now, a panel led by House Democrats is launching an investigation.


However, we don’t expect them to hold any political figures – particularly governors of major northeastern states – accountable for early policy ‘errors’.

* * *

Update (1320ET): The market has mostly shaken off a spate of negative COVID-19 headlines from morning trade as New York and Italy continued to report strong numbers.

The most interesting piece of information shared by Cuomo was the results of the latest statewide surveillance testing, which found that approxmately 13% of New Yorkers would test positive for the antibodies.

Andrew Cuomo@NYGovCuomo

New York State surveyed 12,000 people over 6 weeks to test for COVID-19 antibodies.

Weighted results show that 13.4% of the state was positive for the antibody.

21.6% of NYC residents were positive for the antibody.

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Hospitalizations and new cases continued to decline, with hospitalizations hitting their lowest levels since March, while testing told “a good story.”Andrew Cuomo@NYGovCuomo

Total COVID hospitalizations fell to 1,538 yesterday — the lowest since March 20.

The 3-day rolling average in daily COVID fatalities is at 24, a new record low.5,533Twitter Ads info and privacy842 people are talking about thisAndrew Cuomo@NYGovCuomo

The testing numbers tell a good story. The next steps are up to us New York.

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Watch de Blasio’s latest briefing here below:Andrew Cuomo✔@NYGovCuomo

Giving my daily press briefing now. Watch Live: …Andrew Cuomo @NYGovCuomoGiving my daily press briefing now. Watch Live:pscp.tv530Twitter Ads info and privacy311 people are talking about this

Notably, Cuomo also said Tuesday that playgrounds in NYC will remain closed into July, when social-distancing restrictions should ease as the city enters ‘Phase 2’.

Italy carried out nearly 50k tests over the last day, reporting just 210 new cases and only 34 deaths, per the Italian press.

* * *

Update (1100ET): Losses have accelerated in US stocks following more drip-drip headlines out of Beijing, along with the latest figures on Texas COVID-19-linked hospitalizations, while the dollar strengthens as virus anxieties hammer futures even lower.


The CCP’s commitment to transparency in sharing these ‘warnings’ about the Beijing outbreak seems almost overdone, as these non stop drip-drip headlines hammer US stocks. It’s almost as if they’re saying these things solely to hammer the US market (what’s the point of announcing these measures when it’s the middle of the night in China?).

As one market analyst noted, the news out of the US and Beijing has stoked fears of a second wave, briefly sending the S&P 500 to its LoD before stocks started to inch back higher.

* * *

Update (1035ET): The market just took a hit thanks to a double-whammy of COVID-19-related headlines. In one, Beijing officials reportedly raised the alert level in the capital city after reporting more than 100 new cases, many of them in parts of Beijing, over the past few days, triggering an overwhelming government response to crush the new outbreak, which officials have blamed on imported seafood.

Schools across Beijing were also ordered to close as online classes resumed for all grades.

Meanwhile, as a former data scientist fired by Florida’s Department of Health after refusing to doctor the state’s COVID-19 data ramps up her own alternative site providing the ‘real’ data, White House officials and Gov DeSantis have continued to insist that the rebound in new cases is due to an increase in testing, not the state’s reopening (despite the fact that this is obviously untrue), but the latest daily figures will make their excuses sound even less convincing.

Officials also asked the people of Beijing not to leave the city unless absolutely necessary, and added that if they must leave, they should be tested for COVID-19 first.

Florida reports 80,109 COVID-19 cases, up 3.6% from yesterday, while the state reported 2,993 deaths, an increase of 1.9% from yesterday, as total cases topped 80k.

On Tuesday, the state reported a 3.6% increase in new cases, compared with the 7-day average of 2.5% from the week prior, sending stocks spiraling lower.

* * *

Just before 10pmET last night, public health officials in Beijing announced that 40 new cases of the novel coronavirus had been confirmed across China, with 27 of those cases in Beijing. That’s roughly half of the 80+ cases reported across China over the weekend, as officials step up new measures to suppress the latest cluster, which the CCP has strived to blame on Europe.

Notably, party officials have tried to blame the latest outbreak in Beijing on imported European salmon (officials say they initially detected the virus’s presence on a cutting board where imported salmon had been processed inside the Xinfadi market). As a precaution, officials closed 11 markets in the area and institute travel bans on “high risk” residents while closing residential compounds and placing tens of thousands of Beijing residents on partial lockdown as the city pushes to run more than 90k tests per day. .

More bizarrely, customs officials have started testing all meat imports (even as China continues to suffer from a shortage of pigs thanks to the ‘pig ebola’ that swept the country’s farmers last year), while local officials have been tasked with “intensive” testing meat already on the shelf. Tests being used are the same nucleic acid tests being used on patients.

Chinese state-controlled media have raved about the sudden dangers of salmon consumption, prompting markets across the country to toss imported salmon, wasting good nutritious imported seafood for the sake of protecting the new narrative. Further imports of the stuff have been banned (at least temporarily), as BBG reports.

What’s more, Shanghai will quarantine everyone arriving in the city from mid- to high-risk areas of Beijing for 2 weeks, a city official announced Tuesday. Three bus terminals that handle highway bus traffic between Beijing and Shanghai have also been temporarily shuttered.

As expected, the global outbreak reached a new milestone overnight, passing the 8 million case mark, as cases reached 8,005,294, according to Johns Hopkins University.

The worldwide death toll, meanwhile, topped 435,662.

As China and India engage in the most contentious border dispute in nearly 50 years, health officials in India reported 10,667 new infections over the past 24 hours, down from 11,502 the prior day, raising the countrywide total to 343,091, while the country’s fatalities neared the 10k mark (9,900, up 380 from Monday morning). India has seen new cases skyrocket since it started easing its restrictive lockdown.

While the US and the American press have focused most of their attention on vaccine trials and remdesivir, another cheap already extant drug has reportedly been found to definitively reduce COVID-19-related mortality according to a new study from Oxford. Patients on ventilators – ie those in the worst shape – saw the biggest reduction in mortality. “It’s the only drug so far shown to reduce mortality…and it reduces it significantly.”Eric Feigl-Ding@DrEricDing

⚠️Breaking: new trial find first drug to reduce #COVID19 mortality- For patients on ventilators the anti-inflammatory dexamethasone cut death risk from 40% to 28%. For patients on O2, death risk cut from 25% to 20%. Modest, but best of all: costs <$10! 🧵 …Life-saving coronavirus drug ‘major breakthrough’Patients should be given the cheap drug without delay, after “fantastic” trial results, experts,498Twitter Ads info and privacy1,336 people are talking about this

Per the BBC, a cheap and widely available drug called dexamethasone has been found to help seriously ill patients suffering from COVID-19. UK experts say the low-dose steroid treatment is a major breakthrough in the fight against the virus as it reduced the mortality rate of the most vulnerable patients by one-third.

The news prompted a strong risk-on rally lifting US stock futures to session highs.

To be sure, Dr. Feigl Ding noted in a twitter thread that the results are promising, but that declaring the drug a “miracle cure” is a little premature.Eric Feigl-Ding@DrEricDingReplying to @DrEricDing

2) Results from the RECOVERY trial based at Oxford. Recovery has many parts with 11,500 people total- for this dexamethasone trial – 2104 patients given dexamethasone, and 4321 got just usual care. Rate ratio for mortality was RR=0.65 (meaning -35% drop) for ventilator patients.

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216Twitter Ads info and privacy89 people are talking about thisEric Feigl-Ding@DrEricDingReplying to @DrEricDing

3) RR for mortality was 0.80 (-20% drop) among those needing oxygen. Hence drug works for both severe and moderate hospital cases, stronger for severe ventilator. But at least there is a clear mortality benefit, unlike the underpowered remdesivir trials.169Twitter Ads info and privacy61 people are talking about this



Receive a daily recap featuring a curated list of must-read stories.Eric Feigl-Ding@DrEricDingReplying to @DrEricDing

4) “Based on these results, one death would be prevented by treatment of around eight ventilated patients or around 25 patients requiring oxygen alone”

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146Twitter Ads info and privacy64 people are talking about thisEric Feigl-Ding@DrEricDingReplying to @DrEricDing

5) And again, Dexamethasone is cheap, available from any pharmacy, and easily obtainable anywhere in the world. This is EXACTLY what we need, instead of a $1000 drug like remdesivir that is just marginally effective for shortening illness but not yet fully proven for mortality.291Twitter Ads info and privacy110 people are talking about thisEric Feigl-Ding@DrEricDingReplying to @DrEricDing

7) Full press release statement. The paper still not published yet. So awaiting further details. …84Twitter Ads info and privacy30 people are talking about this

Still, the study found that the inexpensive drug significantly reduces mortality in the most seriously ill patients, while having little effect on patients who aren’t all that sick.

During an interview on CNBC, Dr. Scott Gottlieb, the former FDA director, said the study was well-organized and its findings – that a low-cost steroid can significantly reduce mortality among the most seriously ill patients – represent a major breakthrough. He also offhandedly noted that the CDC had discouraged the use of steroids like Dexamethasone.

After a wave of new coronavirus cases were reported in Tokyo over the past week, Japanese officials have set out to try and determine how extensively the virus penetrated Japanese society during its original run. Antibody tests reportedly suggest that 0.1% of Tokyo residents have been infected with the virus.

South Korea reported 34 new cases Tuesday, down from 37 a day ago, raising its total infections to 12,155, with 278 deaths.
New Zealand reports two new cases, both related to recent travel from the UK after PM Jacinda Ardern declared the country “coronavirus free” last week, though she warned that new infections could arise due to international travel and commerce.

Moving on to the US, Politico reports that 1000s of nursing homes across the country have not been inspected to see whether staff are following proper procedures to prevent a deadly viral outbreak, after deaths in long-term care facilities accounted for a quarter of all COVID-19 deaths. Despite this, only a little more than half of the nation’s nursing homes had received inspections, according to data released earlier this month.

As scrutiny of Florida’s testing data intensifies, Texas public health officials reported a pullback in newly confirmed cases on Monday, with new cases rising 1.4% vs. Prev. 7-day average of 2.3%.

A few days ago, the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington raised its projections for COVID-19 deaths to 170k+ by the end of the summer. Now, it’s raising that forecast slightly to account for the surge in new cases in states like Florida and Texas. The new national forecast calls for 200k+ cases (201,129) by October, while death toll figures for Florida are expected to climb 186% to 18,675 from 6,559.

Though the number of new coronavirus deaths across the US has been trending downward, new cases have started to trend higher again as the new hotspots compensate for the drop in infections across the NYC greater metro area. Notably, the NYT removed California from its list of states where new cases are rising, as state officials saw the critical new cases number decline over the course of the past week.

Source: NYT

Beijing will hold another press briefing at 8pm local time (8amET) as it returns to the 2-briefings-a-day schedule to which it adhered during the heyday of the outbreak in Wuhan, though it’s unclear how much of the briefing will focus on the virus given the renewed tensions with India.Vincent Lee@Rover829

Beijing has another press briefing scheduled at 8 p.m. local time on the COVID-19 outbreak. Unclear what will be disclosed – the city has been holding 2 briefings per day since the cluster emerged.

The World Is In Big Trouble, for Those That Believe We Will Go Back to Some Sense of Normal Life Here on Earth, You Will Be Sadly Disappointed, Seven and Half Years of Hell on Earth Which Began January 1, 2020

“Our courts oppose the righteous, and justice is nowhere to be found. Truth stumbles in the streets, and honesty has been outlawed” (Isa. 59:14, NLT)…We Turned Our Backs On GOD, Now We Have Been Left To Our Own Devices, Enjoy…

While Mainstream Media Continues to Push a False Narrative, Big Tech Has Keep the Truth From Coming out by Shadow Banning Conservatives, Christians, and Like-Minded People, Those Death Attributed to the Coronavirus Is a Result of Those Mentioned, They Truly Are Evil…

Source: HNewsWire ZeroHedge

StevieRay Hansen
Watchmen does not confuse truth with consensus The Watchmen does not confuse God’s word with the word of those in power…

In police-state fashion, Big Tech took the list of accused (including this site), declared all those named guilty and promptly shadow-banned, de-platformed or de-monetized us all without coming clean about how they engineered the crushing of dissent, Now more than ever big Tech has exposed there hand engaging in devious underhanded tactics to make the sinister look saintly, one of Satan’s greatest weapons happens to be deceit…

The accumulating death toll from Covid-19 can be seen minute-by-minute on cable news channels. But there’s another death toll few seem to care much about: the number of poverty-related deaths being set in motion by deliberately plunging millions of Americans into poverty and despair.

American health care, as we call it today, and for all its high-tech miracles, has evolved into one of the most atrocious rackets the world has ever seen. By racket, I mean an enterprise organized explicitly to make money dishonestly.

All the official reassurances won’t be worth a bucket of warm spit. The Globals are behind the CoronaVirus, It Is a Man-Made Bioweapon.

For those of you who care, Google and your favorite social media platforms have misled you, and now we all pay a heavy price for trusting the ungodly, Google and company, They knew exactly what they were doing, removing our history while preparing you to accept the New World Order playbook, Enjoy.



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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.


  1. Patrick Galasso on June 16, 2020 at 8:13 pm

    Historically pandemic influenza has caused widespread death and is a regular occurrence in history. Over thirty pandemics have happened in recorded history. All influenza pandemics infect many times more people than normal seasonal ( flu caused by viruses that are already among people) influenza outbreaks. In addition major pandemics can have severe adverse effects on the economy and daily life, as we’ve witnessed in the SARS-CoV-2 Wuhan coronavirus.

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