Pres. Trump AKA (Cyrus) They Are Trained to Lie and Deceive, Has


Advisory: Be careful of what you read on social media. The algorithms used by these platforms have no regard for Biblical truth. They target your emotions to keep you engaged on their site so their advertisers can drop more ads. These platforms exist to enrich their stockholders. Consider God’s promise to Believers in James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

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Donald Trump Deceived the World…

The Bible definitely teaches that the unborn are persons because the unborn possesses personal attributes, are described by personal pronouns, Jesus is called a child at conception, the unborn are called children, are protected by the same punishment as for adults, are called by God before birth, and are known personally by God just like any other person.  Since abortion is murdering a person, abortion is morally wrong (Gen. 9:6Rom. 1:28-29).

Like Joseph and Daniel of the Old Testament who served secular kings, we are called to serve everyone and help them fulfill their divine destiny. Jesus made it clear that people who want to lead or be great must be the servants of all. Serving is the way of leadership in the kingdom.

“As most people know, and for those who would like to know, I am strongly pro-life, with the three exceptions — rape, incest and protecting the life of the mother — the same position taken by Ronald Reagan,” he tweeted.

Trump then touted his achievements in his tenure and urged Americans to stick with him for the next election.

“We have come very far in the last two years with 105 wonderful new federal judges (many more to come), two great new Supreme Court justices, the Mexico City Policy, and a whole new & positive attitude about the right to life,” he wrote. “The radical Left, with late-term abortion (and worse), is imploding on this issue.”

“We must stick together and win for life in 2020. If we are foolish and do not stay united as one, all of our hard fought gains for life can, and will, rapidly disappear!”

As previously reported, in 2016, while still a presidential candidate, Trump wrote in an op-ed published by the Washington Examiner, “Let me be clear — I am pro-life. I support that position with exceptions allowed for rape, incest or the life of the mother is at risk.”

He also told NBC’s “Today” show that same year that he would like to see the exceptions in the Republican platform

Mr.Cyrus Trump talks the talk but he does not walk the Christian walk. As I’ve said before- he’s got those heretics (prosperity gospel lunatics) around him, advising him and of course, they come up short when it comes to God’s desires for mankind. God uses ungodly men to complete his plan, I believe we’re witnessing another chapter in the book, now as we watch Mr. Trump play every card in the deck to his advantage.

I have often called Pres. Trump “Cyrus”, I do believe God placed Trump in the White House, what we don’t know is when God will remove him from the people’s house and how that will affect the tribulation.

With so many people calling themselves “progressives” these days you would think that the progressives would have made some progress over the years but it looks to me like this Satanic world system is now rapidly progressing toward the Antichrist and its own doom.SRH.

But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come. For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good, treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, holding to a form of godliness, although they have denied its power; avoid such men as these.

Among them are those who enter into households and captivate weak women weighed down with sins, led on by various impulses, always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so these men also oppose the truth, men of depraved mind, rejected in regard to the faith. But they will not make further progress; for their folly will be obvious to all, just as Jannes’s and Jambres’s folly was also. Now you followed my teaching, conduct, purpose, faith, patience, love, perseverance, persecutions, and sufferings, such as happened to me at Antioch, at Iconium, and at Lystra; what persecutions I endured, and out of them all the Lord rescued me! Indeed, all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted. 

But evil men and impostors will proceed from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived. You, however, continue in the things you have learned and become convinced of, knowing from whom you have learned them, and that from childhood you have known the sacred writings which are able to give you the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work. 

I solemnly charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by His appearing and His kingdom: preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires, and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths. But you, be sober in all things, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.
2 Timothy 3:1-4:5

According to the word of God, as Christians, we are living in difficult or perilous times. One of the greatest of those perils is the threat posed by false teachers. This site is a call to action for believers. The call to action is this: Trust(1) in the truthfulness and sufficiency of God’s word. Submit(2) to His sovereignty over our lives. Study(3) His word with humility and fear. Test(4) those who call themselves Apostles or claim any other title of spiritual authority. Prove(5) your love for God by not fearing man, and warn those who do not know God whether or not they claim to be Christian. Expose(6) the lies that claim to be God’s truth. Love(7) others sacrificially. Judge(8) with righteous judgment. Examine(9) yourself to see if you’re in the faith. Endure(10) to the end.


There is an accusation circulating widely these days that the Jewish people are not really indigenous to Israel, but are actually white Europeans, descendants of an Eastern European people group called the Khazars, who have no business being in the Middle East.
Unsurprisingly, these ideas are very popular among anti-Semites but they have even caught on in some Christian circles, suggesting that the Jewish people are unrelated to the ancient Israelites, and have no real history in Israel or connection to the land.

This theory took hold largely thanks to a book published in 1978 by a man called Arthur Koestler, who was in fact Jewish! He was an atheist who rejected the Bible but nonetheless, experienced anti-Semitism just the same as any other Jew.  He felt if he could just prove that the Jewish people of today are not related to the twelve tribes of the Bible, then the blight of anti-Semitism would be eradicated from the earth. He collected a lot of data and presented his case in his book, “The Thirteenth Tribe”.

Koestler was a writer and an intellectual with interests in Zionism and history, among other things, who brought forward a theory which he felt would change the way the world interacted with the Jews, but ironically, it was anti-Semites who alighted upon his theory with glee. The Saudi Arabian delegate to the United Nations claimed that the theory presented in Koestler’s book “negated Israel’s right to exist”, and neo-Nazi magazine The Thunderbolt declared it “the political bombshell of the century”.[1]
His book does indeed contain many historical facts, but was not well accepted among scholars. Anne Applebaum in The New York Review Of Books[2] concludes after reading a biography, “He understood the term “intellectual” in a much broader sense than we do today, and felt comfortable ranging over a huge number of fields in which he had no professional expertise whatsoever”. 
Ultimately, science and genetic testing available today proves that his central assertion was wrong. The vast majority of Jews today can be traced genetically back to the Levant area, not the Khazars.


A people group from an area north of Turkey, just above Georgia, called the Khazars are alleged to have converted to Judaism about 1300 years ago. We have Jewish writings and archaeological evidence[3] testifying to the event of the Khazars adopting rabbinic Judaism en masse some time in the eighth century. However their adoption of Judaism doesn’t seem to have lasted long or penetrated their culture significantly – or vice versa.[4]
The story is told in Yehuda HaLevi’s acclaimed twelfth century book The Kuzari, which was written about the time of intense dialogue between the three monotheistic religions. Greek philosophy was widespread after much of the key writings had been translated into Arabic – a language that was commonly understood at the time due to the large areas that had been conquered by Islam. In fact, in the ninth century, 90% of Jews lived in Muslim countries, and HaLevi’s book was written, like many other Jewish works in the Middle Ages, in what is known as “Judeo-Arabic”, which is Arabic words written with Hebrew letters. Debate and polemics were very popular, as respected men of all traditions discussed ontology – matters of truth – trying to get to the bottom of who God is and what we are all doing here. HaLevi’s book claims to be a recreation of how the King Bulan of the Khazar people listened to presentations from a Greek philosopher, a Christian, a Muslim and a Jew all defending their beliefs and arguing why their understanding of God is the correct way to go. The King was ultimately persuaded by the Jewish apologetics and the entire people group subsequently accepted Judaism. Rabbinic Judaism, with no Yeshua in it, mind you.


As is often the case, one thing being true does not render the other invalid. The people of Israel did not evaporate even though the Khazars may have converted to rabbinic Judaism and been absorbed into the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob… just as many other proselytes had done before, from the Exodus onwards. A “mixed multitude” of Egyptians came out with the Israelites; Canaanites like Rahab, Moabites like Ruth also joined along the way, and later many Persians joined the Jews as recorded in the book of Esther (8:17). A careful look through scripture reveals that many from gentile nations are recorded as having joined the house of Israel, without compromising the twelve tribes existence or nationhood, even before Yeshua came on the scene. He knew very well that he was among the people of Israel, and spoke to them as such, despite the fact that many from other nations had been included over the years.
Yeshua talks about the earnest proselytisation efforts of the Pharisees (though not in a very positive manner, it has to be said):

“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you travel across sea and land to make a single proselyte, and when he becomes a proselyte, you make him twice as much a child of hell as yourselves.” Matt 23:15

The trouble was that the Pharisees were enthusiastically converting gentiles into their twisted and man-made version of Judaism, rather than the God-breathed covenant of Sinai. They were more interested in exacting rules than in worshiping in Spirit and in truth. That problem was exacerbated even further by the eighth century. Shortly after the time of Yeshua, the Pharisee sect grew stronger than the others (the Saduccees, the Essenes, the Zealots) and eventually took exclusive control of what it meant to be a Jew. In the centuries that followed, they became the Sages who determined the content of the Talmud and Rabbinic writings that are followed today, and they built their version of the Torah around two problems: a non-existent temple and a Messiah they wished to avoid. New systems and laws were invented and passed on to perpetuate their religion which had become detached from the God of Israel and the New Covenant. Ironically, the Talmud was in the process of codification and completion around the same time as the Khazar conversion. There was significant tension at that time within Judaism as to whether the rabbinic writings held the same authority as the Bible. The Karaite movement that was strong at that time held that only the Bible had divine authority, but in the end their movement dwindled and the Rabbinic Judaism that emerged now concentrates more on the Talmud than the Bible.
So while Yehuda HaLevi does an admirable job of explaining each faith through imagined proponents and apologists, and even though his presentation of Judaism is beautiful and easy to embrace, the fact is that the Khazars were offered the religion of whitewashed tombs. And that is what they got. Moreover, as the wheels of history turned, things got from bad to worse, egged on by persecution from those who claimed to be “Christians”. Tragically, the church’s relentless battering of the Jewish people wherever they went pushed many further and further away from the truth of the gospel.


No other people group have ever survived such a long exile without vanishing completely. You hear of “Russian Jews”, “Moroccan Jews”, and “American Jews”, but you do not hear about “Italian Medes” or “Ukrainian Chaldeans”. The sands of time have long since washed these civilisations away. Yet the Jewish people endure. Why? Nothing short of the saving hand of their God has preserved the Jewish people. Assimilation and intermarriage has not managed to erase Jewish culture and heritage, and neither have the repeated attempts at violent annihilation. Even Israel’s errors will not be able to stop God’s purposes for them, or render his promises invalid. 

Thus says Adonai,
who gives the sun as a light by day

and the fixed order of the moon
and the stars as a light by night,
who stirs up the sea so its waves roar,
Adonai-Tzva’ot is His Name:
“Only if this fixed order departs from before Me”

—it is a declaration of Adonai—
“then also might Israel’s offspring cease

from being a nation
before Me—for all time.”

(Jeremiah 31:34-35)

In other words, so long as the sun, moon and stars are in the sky, the people of Israel will continue to exist as a nation. This is a promise of God.
Even if the Khazars did indeed convert as a people group in the eighth century, the house of Israel has absorbed many from other nations in the past, and Yeshua himself has some gentile ancestry. Such an event would not by any means wipe out God’s chosen people. The house of Israel and God’s promises to it still stand. In fact, there are many promises about the end days that reveal that the people of Israel will be back in the land of Israel when the Messiah comes again. (Ezekiel 20:40-41, Ezekiel 37, Zechariah 12, Amos 9 and many more).
Along with many other believers of his day who saw the promises of God to restore Israel, Isaac Newton wrote long lists of these Bible references that prophesied the return of the Jews to their homeland, noting that it is mentioned in “almost all ye prophets”.[5] Back in the seventeenth century, Newton even made calculated estimates of the dates of their return, based on numbers given in the book of Daniel, saying that the call to return and rebuild Jerusalem would go out in 1895 or 1896 (in fact it was 1897 at the Basel Congress) and that it would could come to pass in 1944 [6]. He was very close! God has been absolutely faithful in fulfilling his promises throughout history, and if he said he would return his people to the land, then we can be sure that he meant it. God knows the end from the beginning, and he also knows who are the real people of Israel. We can be confident that he knows who to gather back to his land.


Koestler was no doubt a brilliant, prolific, and award-winning writer, but even though he references some reputable sources in his book, it has ultimately been more warmly received by conspiracy theorists than scholars. Koestler wrote, “I have tried to show that the evidence from anthropology concurs with history in refuting the popular belief in a Jewish race descended from the biblical tribe.” According to biographer, Michael Scammell, he was  “convinced that if he could prove that the bulk of Eastern European Jews (the ancestors of today’s Ashkenazim) were descended from the Khazars, the racial basis for anti-Semitism would be removed and anti-Semitism itself could disappear”.[See note 2, p.546] There certainly is some truth in the genetic connection with the Khazars, but not nearly to the extent that Koestler would have us believe. His main source, Douglas Dunlop, an expert on the Khazars, was considerably more cautious in his claims. The fact is now we can look to science and genetic testing to get to the bottom of the mystery and test this theory in a laboratory – and that is what several people have done.
Genetics expert, Dr. Karl Skorecki, has been involved in several research projects concerning the genetics of Jewish people. In an interview[7], he confirmed that DNA markers for self-identifying Jews show a high degree of relatedness to each other and great affinity to each other, wherever they might be from (Morocco, Lithuania, Iraq, India, Europe etc) which indicates a common ancestry, and that the closest non Jewish populations genetically are Levantine populations: Druze, Palestinians, Cypriots, Syrians.

In short, Ashkenazi Jews are highly related to Sephardic Jews, and all of them are closely related to populations in the Middle East.

Along with many other studies, his research found that, “In contrast to the previously suggested Eastern European origin for Ashkenazi Levites, the current data are indicative of a geographic source of the Levite founder lineage in the Near East and its likely presence among pre-Diaspora Hebrews.”[8]


God is not a liar. If he says he will regather his people, Israel, then that is exactly what he will do. He can see our DNA without the need of a laboratory, and he knows who he is bringing back to the land. He will make sure that his word is fulfilled, because he has put his word above his name. He is so sure that he will do what he said, that his very reputation is riding on it. God is happy to have it that way – to stake his glory and honour on his word coming to pass, because he will never let one word fall to the ground.

  • He promised to keep Israel as a nation as long as the sun, moon and stars are in place. (Jeremiah 31:34-35)
  • He promised to bring them back to the land, never to be uprooted again. (Amos 9:15)
  • And he promised that they would one day recognise his Son, Yeshua, as the Messiah. (Zechariah 12:10)

God knows who the people of Israel are and where they are – every single one. He cannot be fooled and his purposes cannot be thwarted. You can be certain of that. God is restoring Israel, just as he said, step by step, promise by promise.

“I bow before your holy Temple as I worship. I praise your name for your unfailing love and faithfulness; for your promises are backed by all the honor of your name.” (Ps. 138:2)

[1] Scammell, Michael. Koestler: The Literary and Political Odyssey of a Twentieth-Century Skeptic, Random House, 2009, p.547
[2] Anne Applebaum, “Did the Death of Communism Take Koestler and Other Literary Figures with it?” The New York Review of Books, 3/28/2010 
[3] Judah Halevi writes of primary sources from which he adapts his speeches (Scholcken Books 1971, p35). This assertion is generally accepted: “The narrator then establishes the context of the dialogue by recalling what he had heard of the arguments used by a Jewish sage approximately four hundred years earlier that persuaded the king of the Khazars to adopt the Jewish religion based on testimony recorded in historical chronicles of the time”. (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
Archeological evidence of Jewish conversion of Khazars: Kievan letter found in Cairo Geniza – Letter from a Khazar, written in Hebrew, was found in the Cairo Geniza (collection of all kinds of Jewish writings and documents – it’s forbidden to throw away anything with Hebrew letters). The Kievan letter, as it is known, is a document of introduction attesting to the credibility of the holder of the letter, assuring the reader that he was worthy of the support of the Jewish communities that he visited. The holder of the document probably didn’t speak Hebrew, and so it was most likely written by a Jewish scribe in Hebrew, and authenticated by a Khazar Jewish community leader who approved it in Turkic. At the bottom, in Turkic script is written “I have read it” – signed by a Cohen, which indicated endorsement by a prominent Khazar Jewish official, but the fact that it was written in Turkic indicates that the head of the community didn’t know even basic Hebrew, so this is one piece of evidence that  historians refer to in their deduction that the conversion of the Khazars was most likely fairly superficial. Additionally, testimonies of travellers Benjamin of  Tuleda and Petahia of Regensberg found very few Jewish schools and ritual baths among the Khazars, and evidence seems to indicate that they may not even have practiced circumcision – an absolute basic in Jewish conversion. Most evidence indicates that they were not very religious and probably remained pluralistic. Not only did Judaism not sink too deeply into Khazari culture, but it’s hard to find evidence of any Khazar influence on Jewish culture and communities as well. Many believe there is connection with the Hungarian Jewish community, but widespread influence across the Jewish diaspora is certainly not evident.  Dr Henry Abramson’s Jewish History Lectures 
[4] The Myth of the Khazar Conversion – Shaul Stampfer
[5] Snobelen, “The Mystery of this Restitution of all things” Isaac Newton on the Return of the Jews
[6] Newton, Observations, 113-4
[7] Interview with genetics expert Dr Karl Skorecki
[8] Phylogenetic applications of whole Y-chromosome sequences and the Near Eastern origin of Ashkenazi Levites , Rootsi, Skorecki et al, Nature Communications 4, Article number: 2928 (2013)
Photo by Drew Hays on Unsplash Source forisrael

StevieRay Hansen

It is impossible to find anyone in the Bible who was a power for God who did not have enemies and was not hated.

Like Joseph and Daniel of the Old Testament who served secular kings, we are called to serve everyone and help them fulfill their divine destiny. Jesus made it clear that people who want to lead or be great must be the servants of all. Serving is the way of leadership in the kingdom.

Forcing our way onto the world is not great leadership. Some accuse us of doing this very thing because we speak up on moral issues. It is important that we speak up on issues, but it’s also equally important that we love everyone no matter their persuasions.

Someday Jesus will rule the world; in the meantime, we should just serve well and let our good works speak of our Father who loves everyone.

Evil Exists So Spiritual Warfare Becomes Necessary!


Evil men don’t understand the importance of justice, but those who follow the Lord are much concerned about it. ~ Proverbs 28:5

Jesus come quick, there is nothing left in society that’s sacred….



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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

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