Satan Soldiers are Prepared To implement Hard Lock


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StevieRay Hansen

Most country are under Lock-down now, America is next .

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Germany to impose its harshest Covid-19 lock-down

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has called for a “short national lockdown” in response to rising Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) cases in the country.

casedemic never ends merkel to push for 'short national lockdown' in germany in response to rising cases
Satan Soldier

She is attempting to use the powers of her federal government to enforce this lockdown despite regional leaders refusing to reimpose restrictions within their states.

Deputy government spokeswoman Ulrike Demmer announced on Wednesday, April 7, that the chancellor was supporting calls from multiple federal leaders who have been campaigning for a short, intense lockdown to help the country’s coronavirus caseload as well as its mass vaccination program.

“Every call for a short, uniform lockdown is right,” said Demmer.

“Also, a common nationwide approach would be important here.”

Demmer also claimed to reporters that Germany was seeing a growing number of patients admitted into intensive care units.

“But the number of occupied intensive care beds speaks a very clear language,” said Demmer.

“It is increasing very much, very strongly and very much too fast. Intensive care physicians are worried.”

The government spokeswoman added that the number of patients in intensive care units has increased by five percent in the past 24 hours.

“We need a stable incidence below 100,” she said, referring to the number of cases over seven days per 100,000 residents.

According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the country’s leading federal agency and research institute responsible for disease control and prevention, the national figure is currently at 110.1 per 100,000 residents.

Merkel’s acceptance of another national lockdown comes just two weeks after she backtracked and was forced to apologize for suggesting a five-day-long lockdown from April 1 to 5 after severe political and public backlash.

“I deeply regret it, and for that, I ask all citizens’ forgiveness,” said Merkel during a speech in parliament.

“The mistake is my mistake alone. A mistake must be called just that.”

Angela Merkel is a clear example of a tyrant: German Court Rules That COVID-19 Lockdowns Are Unconstitutional

Merkel Experiencing Pushback From State Leaders

Under Germany’s federal system, each of the country’s 16 states has the power to decide its rules regarding COVID-19.

Demmer said this patchwork response to the pandemic was “not contributing to security and acceptance at the moment.

Some states have imposed nighttime curfews. Others have refused to implement tougher lockdown restrictions despite the number of new coronavirus cases rising within their jurisdiction.

Many have even gone ahead with rolling back some lockdown restrictions despite a previous agreement that a state would implement an emergency lockdown if cases rise by a certain amount.

Merkel has been pressing state leaders to tighten lockdown restrictions within their jurisdictions. She has even threatened to use her federal powers to solve this supposed crisis.

One option being considered by Merkel was to amend the Infection Protection Act to lay out what would happen under certain public health situations, including what Germany is going through right now.

If the proposed amendment passes parliament, it could enable the federal government to enforce a nationwide lockdown without needing to seek approval from the leaders of the 16 states.

Demmer clarified to reporters that Merkel’s government was only considering this option and that no final decision had been taken yet.

Also read: German Court Declares Lockdown Is UNCONSTITUTIONAL: ‘Catastrophically Wrong’

Local newspaper Bild reported that lawmakers in the conservative Christian Democratic Union (CDU) Party – Merkel’s party – are currently working on a draft law that would give the federal government more powers to get the alleged third wave of the coronavirus in the country back under control.

Armin Laschet, leader of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia and leader of the CDU, has called for his own version of a lockdown, known as a “bridge lockdown” that is supposed to last for two to three weeks.

Markus Soeder the conservative leader of the state of Bavaria, has also consistently advocated for tougher lockdown restrictions.

Merkel is scheduled to meet with state leaders on Monday, April 12, to decide on what action Germany should take.

Laschet has called for the meeting with Merkel to be moved forward, but he hit resistance from his fellow state leaders.

On Wednesday, the number of COVID-19 cases in the country rose by 9,677 to more than 2.9 million total cases and 77,401 deaths.

The RKI has warned that these numbers don’t yet show the full picture, since not all of the cases discovered over Easter have been tabulated yet. Source: humansarefree

The Bible recognizes Satan’s world-system and warns us not to love it (1 John 2:15-16). When John writes and tells the Christian “do not love the world”, he’s not talking about the physical planet. The Greek word κόσμος kosmos as it is used by the apostle John and others most often refers to “that which is hostile to God…lost in sin, wholly at odds with anything divine, ruined and depraved.” (BDAG) Satan’s world-system consists of those philosophies and values that perpetually influence humanity to think and behave contrary to God and His Word. This operating apart from God is first and foremost a way of thinking that is antithetical to God and His Word, a way of thinking motivated by a desire to be free from God and the authority of Scripture, a freedom most will accept, even though it is accompanied by all sorts of inconsistencies and absurdities.

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Source: HNewsWire

HNewsWire Will No Longer Use Articles From Twatter or Fake Book as a Source for Our News Articles. In Case You’ve Missed It, We Are In a War, A Spiritual War and Using Demonic News Sources From Unscrupulous News Outlets Will Not Be Tolerated On HNW. Don’t Piss Down My Back and Tell Me It’s Raining!…

Government technocrats,latrarchy, billionaire oligarchs, Big Pharma, Big Data, Big Media, the high-finance robber barons and the military industrial intelligence apparatus love pandemics for the same reasons they love wars and terrorist attacks. Catastrophic crises create opportunities of convenience to increase both power and wealth.

Please Do Not Post Hnewswire Articles on Parler,Fakebook,Reddit or Twatter Social Media Platform,We Are Not Comfort With Their Anti-Christian — Anti-American Nazi Philosophy,StevieRay Hansen

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This is what their New World Order looks like, Democrats Lawmaker in California: ‘legalize child prostitution’ SACRAMENTO – Beginning on Jan. 1, police cannot arrest child prostitutes in the streets of California, except under limited circumstances. And dumb down people wonder why California is burning to the ground, poke God in the eyes enough times and his anger will start to show…



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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

One thought on “Satan Soldiers are Prepared To implement Hard Lock

  1. Who Are the New World Order?

    They are the globalist elite that are running the world according to their philosophy and ideology:

    They think they’re genetically superior god kings and
    Because of their vast wealth and power have the intrinsic right to rule over everyone else.

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