Satan Soldiers at the JVCI Say That “No Safety


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Concerns Have Been Identified” in the USA–Advising All Pregnant Women Are Offered the Vaccine, “They’re Lying”…

The JVCI say they came to the conclusion that pregnant women should be offered the Covid vaccines because “in the USA, around 90,000 pregnant women have been vaccinated mainly with Pfizer and Moderna vaccines and no safety concerns have been identified“. But is this statement true?

The latest data within the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) in the USA shows us that 395 women have reported the loss of their unborn child due to the Covid vaccines. Out of 90,000 this may not sound like many, but it’s important to remember that only 1% – 10% of adverse reactions are actually reported to the VAERS system, and there is a serious backlog due to the vast amount of adverse reactions that have been reported to the Covid vaccines. So the data presented within the VAERS system doesn’t include every report that has been submitted up to the 21st May, and reports made as far back as January are only just being added into the system.

How do we know only 1% of adverse reactions are reported? Because a 2011 report commissioned by the U.S Department of Health says so –

“Adverse events from drugs and vaccines are common, but under-reported. Although 25% of ambulatory patients experience an adverse drug event, less than 0.3% of all adverse drug events and 1-13% of serious events are reported to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Likewise, fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported.

So that means the real number of women who have lost their unborn child, out of the alleged 90,000 to have had one of the Covid vaccines in the USA, could be anywhere between 3,950 up to 39,500.

That’s without taking into account the 11 (actually 110 – 1,100) reports of stillbirth and 40 (actually 400 – 4,000) reports of foetal death.

So to be quite blunt, when the JCVI say that “no safety concerns have been identified” in the USA they’re lying. Surely the JCVI should be advising all pregnant women are offered the vaccine because clinical trials say that it is safe to do so? After all authorities in the UK keep reminding us that the Covid vaccines have been “through all the clinical trials and safety checks all other licensed medicines go through“. Well to be quite blunt again, that it is another bare-faced lie.

None of the Covid vaccines are licensed, they have instead been given emergency use authorisation, which is only valid when there is a declared state of emergency, i.e lockdown restrictions. Why have they only been given emergency use authorisation? Because phase three clinical trials for all of the Covid jabs do not conclude until 2023. We provide a detailed fact check on the subject which you can read here.

Which means there are no studies to confirm that the Covid vaccines are safe for use in pregnant women, as confirmed by the UK Government when the Pfizer mRNA jab was given emergency use authorisation in December 2020. This is precisely what the UK Government said in its advice at the time –

There are no or limited amount of data from the use of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2.
Animal reproductive toxicity studies have not been completed. COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine
BNT162b2 is not recommended during pregnancy.

For women of childbearing age, pregnancy should be excluded before vaccination. In addition, women
of childbearing age should be advised to avoid pregnancy for at least 2 months after their second dose.
It is unknown whether COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 is excreted in human milk. A risk to
the newborns/infants cannot be excluded. COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 should not be used
during breast-feeding.
It is unknown whether COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 has an impact on fertility.’

This means that you are the trial / study if you choose to have an experimental Covid vaccine, and women in the USA are unwittingly taking part in the phase three trials by accepting an invite to participate by the CDC disguised as the ‘V-Safe Pregnancy Registry‘.

The CDC describe V-safe as a smartphone-based tool that uses text messaging and web surveys to provide personalised health check-ins after vaccination. They also state participation is voluntary, and participants may opt out at any time. Why do they add this caveat? Because they are legally obliged to when conducting an experiment. The pregnant women taking the vaccine in the USA are the experiment, and this is precisely why the JCVI in the UK were able to change its advice on offering the vaccine to pregnant women. Unfortunately this advice amounts to murder.

Because in the UK, as of the seventeenth weekly update on adverse reactions to the Covid vaccines reported to the MHRA Yellow Card scheme, a total number of 79 women have reported the loss of their unborn / newborn child due to having the Pfizer mRNA vaccine as of the 20th May 2021. This includes 72 miscarriages, 1 premature baby death, 4 foetal deaths, and 2 stillbirths.

However again the MHRA estimates only 1% – 10% of adverse reactions are actually reported to the Yellow Card scheme. So the number of women who have actually lost their baby after having the Pfizer jab could actually be anywhere between 790 – 7,900.

Another 66 (actually 660 – 6,600) women have also reported the loss of their unborn / newborn child after having the AstraZeneca viral vector vaccine. This includes 63 miscarraiges, and 3 stillbirths.

The Moderna mRNA jab, which was only recently approved in the UK has also caused 2 (actually 20 – 200) women to lose their unborn / newborn child, however as the roll out of this experimental jab ramps up we can expect to see similar numbers to those reported to have occurred due to the Pfizer jab due to them both being a similar experimental gene therapy.

Women in EU countries are also reporting the loss of their unborn children due to the Covid vaccines. As of the 29th May the Eudravigilance system shows that 188 women have reported the loss of their unborn child after having the Pfizer jab.

66 women have reported the loss of their unborn child after having the AstraZeneca jab.

70 women have reported the loss of their unborn child after having the Moderna jab.

And 4 women have reported the loss of their unborn child after having the Johnson and Johnson viral vector vaccine.

As you can see from the data we’ve just presented none of the Covid vaccines are proving to be safe for use in pregnant women. But the other lingering question to be answered is ‘why would an expectant mother wish to risk taking one of the experimental Covid vaccines’?

Here’s some of the things the authorities demand you avoid when pregnant – smoked fish, soft cheese, wet paint, coffee, herbal tea, vitamin supplements, processed junk foods… the list is endless. Yet women are coming forward to take one of the experimental jabs.

The answer most likely lies in the fact these women are not properly informed. If the authorities are telling them it is safe to have it then it must be true, right? Well they’re wrong, because authorities are in fact telling them the opposite. At least they are in writing anyway, whether these women are actually given this information is another story, we’re doubtful that they are.

The Royal College of Midwives actually label the risk of Covid vaccinations for pregnant women in an information sheet they created back in January. They state the following –

  • The Covid vaccines have not been tested in pregnant women.
  • Insufficient evidence is available for pregnant women.
  • We do not know whether the vaccine works as well in pregnancy
    (Daily Expose comment – they do not know because they are experimental)
  • We do not know whether there are unique downsides in pregnancy.

If these women are being made aware of the above risks then this is on them just as much is it on the JCVI for changing its advice. What these women need to realise is that they are the guinea pigs, and by taking the Covid vaccine they are taking part in an experiment, an extremely dangerous and outrageous one at that.

It’s important pregnant women are able to read this article to make them aware of the facts and allow them to make a properly informed choice, so please share it widely.

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The fatuously named Warp Speed, “Trump program” rocketed ahead—all based on pretentious and speculative “science.”

The CDC’s professed need for a proven causal link between the vaccine and the death is also a complete departure from the long-prevailing FDA standard used in deciding whether to pull a vaccine from the market. Normally, a vaccine program will be killed immediately in the name of public safety based on nothing more than the occurrence of as few as 50 (sometimes even fewer) reported deaths by people who have been vaccinated. But not the COVID jab.

When thousands of people are dying after being jabbed, it is criminal to continue administering vaccines while the laborious scientific process grinds on in search of a definitive conclusion. Hey docs, remember the Hippocratic Oath? It says, “First, do no harm,” not, “Risk doing harm first and continue putting your patients’ lives at risk until the medical bureaucrats say you must stop because they have finally proven ‘scientifically’ that you are doing harm.” Have doctors lost all capacity for critical thinking? Seems so.

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A new study claims to have proof that Chinese scientists created COVID-19 in a lab and then tried to reverse-engineer versions of the virus to make it look like it evolved naturally from bats.

British professor Angus Dalgleish and Norwegian scientist Dr. Birger Sørensen wrote they’ve had primary evidence “of retro-engineering in China” since last year, but were ignored by academics and major medical journals, the Daily Mail reported Saturday, citing the soon-to-be-published study.

The study concludes: “the likelihood of it being the result of natural processes is very small.” The virus is still killing 12,000 people a day around the world.

Dalgleish is a London oncology professor known for breakthrough work on a vaccine for HIV. Sørensen is a virologist and chair of a pharmaceutical company, Immunor, which developed a coronavirus vaccine candidate called Biovacc-19. Dalgleish also has a financial stake in that company.

It was during their COVID-19 vaccine research that the pair came across “unique fingerprints” indicating the virus didn’t come from nature, they said. The telltale clue: a rare finding in the COVID-carrying virus of a row of four amino acids, which give off a positive charge and bond to negative human cells.

Please do not post HNewsWire articles on Parler, Fakebook, Reddit or Twatter social media platforms. We are not comfortable with their anti-Christian — anti-American Nazi philosophy.

Source: dailyexposer HNewsWire

StevieRay Hansen
[email protected]



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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

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