Satan Soldiers Goal: To Literally Starve To Death People Who Refuse to Take The Kill Shot


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Vaccines — Food Has Been Weaponized to Bring You Under Control… TRIBULATION .

‘Hard to Buy Groceries’: Strict COVID-19 Lock-down Leaves a Chinese City Devastated

With COVID-hit Xi’an city tightly locked down, residents said they are facing the basic challenge of getting food.

More than 13 million residents in Xi’an, the provincial capital of northwestern Shaanxi Province, entered their sixth day of home confinement on Dec. 28.

Initially, one family member was allowed to to the home to buy necessities every two days, but restrictions soon stepped up. Starting from Dec. 27, residents were barred from leaving their neighborhoods unless permitted to for COVID-19 testing.Read MoreEditorial: Giving the Right Name to the Virus Causing a Worldwide Pandemic

A resident in the city’s Yanta district shared about their difficulties buying groceries and other necessities to Chinese-language news outlet NTD, a sister media of The Epoch Times.

“Now, the prices of vegetables have risen a lot … but the problem is you still can’t buy any for even double the price,” said the woman who goes by the surname Wang.

Wang said vegetables are hard to deliver as all the roads in Yanta district have been closed.

Xi’an has banned private vehicles from the roads since Monday. The public security bureau has told residents that breaking the rules could result in 10 days detention and a fine of 500 yuan ($80).

Officials said in a Monday notice that shopping could resume for people in less risky areas once test results come back negative, but did not say exactly when the suspension would be lifted. The city started a new round of mass testing on Monday.

“It feels like a long time,” a 22-year-old resident surnamed Jin told Reuters.

“The fact that I haven’t yet been told when I can shop again makes me a bit anxious,” he said after running out of fresh greens and unable to make online orders online without waiting for nearly a week before delivery.

China’s Twitter-like Weibo has been flooded with people complaining about problems getting food.

“I can’t remember how many days I have lived on instant noodles … now, there are no instant noodles left,” wrote a user.

“Residents in Xi’an have no food … please help.”

“I’m really too hungry to sleep,” a user wrote at midnight. “I followed the authorities’ advice not to stock up on food at the beginning of the lockdown … now, my housing compound won’t let me out, and there is no delivery service.”

Local government-backed media said on Tuesday night that government workers are busy delivering food. Local authorities claimed on Monday that supplies have been stable as they tightened up travel restrictions.

Despite the sweeping measures the Xi’an government has taken, daily infections continue to rise. Xi’an city officially reported 175 new cases on Tuesday, pushing the total infected number to 810 since Dec. 9.

Given the Chinese regime is known to grossly underreport its virus numbers, the official figure is not likely to reflect the true total. But the figure represents the highest reported daily count across China since the outbreak first emerged in Wuhan city.

Cases linked to Xi’an have been detected in five other regions, including China’s capital Beijing. Local authorities are under pressur to contain its latest COVID-19 outbreak driven by the spread of the Delta variant as Beijing is set to hold the Winter Olympics in six weeks, which the regime has pledged will be a “COVID-safe” Games.

Given that the Chinese regime is known to grossly underreport its virus numbers, the official figure likely doesn’t reflect the true total. But the figure represents the highest reported daily count since COVID-19 first emerged in Wuhan.

Chinese health authorities blamed the Delta variant for a rise in infections spanning five provinces, including Beijing. The capital city, which is about 625 miles from Xi’an, is set to host the Winter Olympics in six weeks, which the regime has pledged to be a “safe” event.

More than 13 million residents in Xi’an have been confined to their homes for five days as the local authorities are under pressure to contain the cluster as soon as possible. The regime’s corruption watchdog said in a statement that 26 officials from the city were punished for “not doing a good job” in controlling the pandemic.

Lockdown measures were tightened on Dec. 27, and residents were banned from driving cars on the roads, according to a notice from the Xi’an public security bureau. Rulebreakers could face up to 10 days in police detention and a fine of 500 yuan ($78.48), the notice reads. Source: theepochtimes

The Covid Kill jab isn’t like a drug with nasty side effects which go away when you stop taking it. When you have had the covid-19 Kill shot your body is changed and there is much potential for damage. No one knows what risks there are because, as I’ve been saying since last year, this is an experiment. Anyone who tells you that the covid-19 Kill jab is perfectly safe is lying. Any illness the jabbed develop in the next two years – at the minimum – should be regarded as having been caused by the covid-19 Kill jab.

Many everyday Americans probably believe that the COVID vaccines will keep them from getting COVID. That’s not true and never has been true.

The vaccines do not prevent you from being infected with the COVID virus. They do not keep you from spreading the COVID virus.

There have been many cases of so-called “breakthrough” infections where double-vaxxed citizens get COVID anyway. That’s not uncommon.

There’s even new evidence that double-vaxxed individuals who get COVID will build up huge viral loads in their noses and sinuses, causing them to become super-spreaders and infect others.

The German newspaper BILD reports that the state of Hesse has passed a motion that will allow food stores to decide whether they want to BAN unvaccinated people from entering.

JUST IN – Hesse becomes the first federal state in Germany to allow supermarkets to bar unvaccinated persons from entry (BILD)— (@disclosetv) October 14, 2021

Translated, the report reads:

The pressure on the unvaccinated grows and grows!

In Hesse, all retailers, including the supermarket, can now decide for themselves whether they want to implement the 3G rule (vaccinated, tested, recovered) or the 2G rule – so far there have been no access restrictions in supermarkets to give everyone the option of basic services grant.

The Hessian State Chancellery confirms to BILD that the “2G option model” also applies to the food retail sector.

An English language report on the development notes “2G regulations refer to public places where only vaccinated persons are given the option to enter.

The so called 3G rules still require anyone wanting to enter a building to prove they have tested negative, but the 2G rules remove that option altogether.

The German government had excluded supermarkets and stores selling essential items from most restrictions, but Hesse’s government has now put this decision into the hands of the stores.

The federal state is home to more than six million people and includes the major city of Frankfurt.

The move means that a total of eight federal states in Germany now allow businesses and event organizers to institute the so-called 2G option.

What is the goal of this move? To literally starve to death people who refuse to take vaccines?

As we have previously reported, footage from France highlights how some shops are attempting to prevent people without vaccine passports from entering, despite the fact that the country’s COVID passport law states that retailers with a surface area of less than 20,000 square meters are supposed to be exempt.

In Chile earlier this year, video emerged of an elderly woman being refused entry to a supermarket because she didn’t obtain the necessary government permission to buy groceries under the country’s lockdown rules.

Adulta mayor de 100 años es impedida de comprar alimentos en un supermercado “LIDER” por no portar su permiso temporal. Lamentablemente las medidas del gobierno no son pensadas para los mas vulnerables, no todxs manejan la tecnología, no todxs tienen acceso a internet.— Radio Villa Francia (@rvfradiopopular) April 10, 2021

Meanwhile in the UK, supermarket staff threatened to call the police after a man who was medically exempt from wearing a mask refused to wear a yellow sticker that staff attempted to place on him.

Source: ZeroHedge HNewsWire HNewsWire HNewsWire

You Would Have to Be Blind Not to See Where This Is Going, “Yoked”…

How Long Before USA Says: We Will Not Comply?

Insane that Assange is behind bars for killing nobody while Bush and Blair walk free -responsible for millions of deaths including their own troops.

Satan Soldier Joe Biden makes my choices, trying to protect me from myself

Ask The Blind Man ,He Saw it All

StevieRay Hansen
[email protected]

HNewsWire: “In October, November and December, There Will Be a Terrible Death Rate, Globally” Will Occur “Exclusively” With Vaccinated People. “Those Deaths Will Be Labeled Swiftly as a New Variant Strain of Covid

People are in a state of fear, they are susceptible to manipulation and easy for Satan Soldiers to control.”


Global Predators Fauci, Gates, and Schwab Behind The Kill Shots COVID Reign of Terror



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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

One thought on “Satan Soldiers Goal: To Literally Starve To Death People Who Refuse to Take The Kill Shot

  1. This week’s U.S. data for 12- to 17-year-olds show:

    19,015 total adverse events, including 1,132 rated as serious and 19 reported deaths. Two of the 19 deaths were suicides.The most recent death involves one report of two patients [VAERS I.D. 1655100] who died after their second dose of Pfizer, including a 13-year old female. Other recent reported deaths include a 15-year-old boy (VAERS I.D. 1498080) who previously had COVID, was diagnosed with cardiomyopathy in May 2021 and died four days after receiving his second dose of Pfizer’s vaccine on June 18, when he collapsed on the soccer field and went into ventricular tachycardia; and a 13-year-old girl (VAERS I.D. 1505250) who died after suffering a heart condition after receiving her first dose of Pfizer.
    2,810 reports of anaphylaxis among 12- to 17-year-olds with 99% of cases
    attributed to Pfizer’s vaccine.
    469 reports of myocarditis and pericarditis (heart inflammation) with 462 cases attributed to Pfizer’s vaccine.
    101 reports of blood clotting disorders, with all cases attributed to Pfizer.

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