Satan Soldiers Moves to the Great Reset


Advisory: Be careful of what you read on social media. The algorithms used by these platforms have no regard for Biblical truth. They target your emotions to keep you engaged on their site so their advertisers can drop more ads. These platforms exist to enrich their stockholders. Consider God’s promise to Believers in James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

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I Want Everyone to Know, Never Take Anyone’s Word for the Gospel, Especially Revelations, Here’s How It Works. When You’re in the Word God Will Speak to You Through His Holy Spirit He Will Move You in the Direction He Wants You to Go. Please Stop Looking for That Individual Here on Earth That Has All the Answers, They’re Not Here and That Confuse You.. That Includes Anything I Say Always Test Every Spirit. Every Word That Is Uttered Out of Any Man’s Mouth Must Be Verified Through the Holy Spirit… Stevieray Hansen

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American health care, as we call it today, and for all its high-tech miracles, has evolved into one of the most atrocious rackets the world has ever seen. By racket, I mean an enterprise organized explicitly to make money dishonestly. 


After COVID, Davos Moves To Great Reset

With the USA Biden Presidency, Washington has rejoined the Global Warming agenda of the Paris Accords. With China making loud pledges about meeting strict CO2 emission standards by 2060, now the World Economic Forum is about to unveil what will transform the way we all live in what WEF head Klaus Schwab calls the Great Reset.

Make no mistake. This all fits into an agenda that has been planned for decades by old wealth families such as Rockefeller and RothschildBrzezinski called it the end of the sovereign nation state.

After Covid, Davos Moves To Great Reset

David Rockefeller called it “one world government.” George H.W. Bush in 1990 called it the New World Order. Now we can better see what they plan to impose if we allow.

The Great Reset of the World Economic Forum is a 21st Century rollout for a new form of global total control.

“We only have one planet and we know that climate change could be the next global disaster with even more dramatic consequences for humankind. We have to decarbonise the economy in the short window still remaining and bring our thinking and behaviour once more into harmony with nature,” declared WEF founder Schwab about the January 2021 agenda.

The last time these bad actors did something at all similar in scope was in 1939 on the very eve of World War II.

the Rockefeller Foundation financed a top secret strategy group working out of the New York Council on Foreign Relations. It was known as the War and Peace Studies and headed by ‘America’s Haushofer,’ geographer Isaiah Bowman of Johns Hopkins University.

Before German Panzer tanks had even rolled into Poland, they were planning a postwar world where the United States would emerge as the sole victor and replace the British as the global hegemonic power.

Formulation of a US-dominated United Nations and Bretton Woods monetary order based on the dollar was part of their project.

In 1941 as America formally entered the war, the CFR group sent a memo to the US State Department:

“If war aims are stated which seem to be solely concerned with Anglo-American imperialism, they will offer little to people in the rest of the world. The interests of other peoples should be stressed. This would have a better propaganda effect.”

That successful project has been the framework of what Henry Luce in 1941 called the American Century, and lasted until quite recently.

As U.S. Founding Father Benjamin Franklin said, “Man will ultimately be governed by God or by tyrants.” When a culture abuses its democratic power, the result is chaos and ruin. Either a democracy, guided by self-control and morality, keeps itself in check, or it crashes. When the crash happens, control falls to a non-democratic system, either willingly or by force. Cultures that drift from Christianity tend to drift from “true” democracy into other, democracy-flavored political schemes and, eventually, into subjection to tyranny…

“Hell on Earth”…

(T)he actual new world order is the long-running scheme on the part of a small clique of ultra-wealthy families, loosely grouped around the British monarchy and European aristocracy – the financial center being the City of London, and a myriad of other secretive societies and institutions – comprising a neo-Roman Empire – whose intention is to abolish the present ordering of nation-states and subject mankind to a totalitarian, global dictatorship.

The new world order architects ultimately intend to abolish Christianity, the scientific and cultural legacy of the Renaissance, and implement a terminal “final solution” of the myriad of intractable social problems by reducing the world’s population by a sizable percentage. (The Empire’s Genocide Policy – EIR)

While WatchMan strive to alert the public to save the republic from falling into the hands of tyrants, little do they realize that the coming new world order is sanctioned by GOD himself. It is his strange and unusual work, foretold in Isaiah. Because God long ago foretold that he would subject the world to the ravages of the wild beast during the conclusion of the system of things and that Satan’s new world order scheme will ultimately fulfill Jehovah God’s grand purpose, for that reason God states in the 8th chapter of Isaiah“You men must not say, ‘A conspiracy!’ respecting all that of which this people keep saying, ‘A conspiracy!’ and the object of their fear you men must not fear, nor must you tremble at it. Jehovah of armies—he is the One whom you should treat as holy, and he should be the object of your fear, and he should be the One causing you to tremble.”

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It’s obvious where this is headed, I continue to say Mr. Trump was God appointed, I’ll stand my grounds on that statement, that doesn’t mean Mr. Trump is going to save America, it didn’t happen’ it means God has given the American people more time to turn back to the creator. The deep state folks are brutal, their cruel, there are no rules when these ungodly individuals come into power. Voices that have proclaimed the truth will be silenced, there will be a narrative, you will march to a drumbeat (NWO) that has been pre-arranged by the ungodly elitist, the Bushes, the Clintons, Obama you get the picture….SRH.

There will be electrifying overtures and unheard of concessions. The capitalist countries, stupid and decadent, will rejoice to cooperate in their own destruction. They will leap at another chance to be friends. As soon as their guard is down, we shall smash them with our clinched fist.” — Dimitry Z. Manuilsky in a speech made in 1931 before the Lenin School of Political Warfare. (He became an officer of the U.N. Security Council in 1949).

In May, 2020 as the coronavirus had caused global panic lockdowns far beyond the initial outbreak in Wuhan, the British Crown Prince Charles, together with the World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab, unveiled what they gleefully named the Great Reset.

Increasingly world political and business leaders are using terms such as “the Great Reset,” or “the Fourth Industrial Revolution” and the call to “Build Back Better” which the Biden Administration prefers.

They all are anchored on the same set of dramatic global changes. The US Green New Deal and the EU European Green Deal are all part of it.

The New World Order will include changes in:

– the family: homosexual marriages will be legalized; parents will not be allowed to raise their children (the state will;) all women will be employed by the state and not allowed to be ‘homemakers’; divorce will become exceedingly easy and monogynous marriage will be slowly phased out;

– the workplace: the government will become the owner of all of the factors of production; the private ownership of property will be outlawed;

– religion: religion will be outlawed and believers will be either eliminated or imprisoned;

– there will be a new religion: the worship of man and his mind; all will believe in the new religion; The United States will play a major role in bringing it to the world.

After creating the present system of globalized industrial agriculture, agribusiness, a project begun in the 1950s by the Rockefeller Foundation, the same circles now advocate “sustainable” agriculture which will mean a shift to genetically edited fake foods, lab-made synthetic meats and such, even including worms and weeds as new food sources.

The WEF’S Schwab has partnered with something called EAT Forum, which describes itself as a “Davos for food” that plans to “set the political agenda.”

EAT was created in Sweden in 2016 with support from the UK Wellcome Trust (established with funds from GlaxoSmithKline), and the German Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research. Lab-grown synthetic gene-edited meats are being supported among others by Bill Gates, the same one backing Moderna and other genetically edited vaccines.

EAT works among others with Impossible Foods and other biotech companies. Impossible Foods was initially co-funded by Google, Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates. Recent lab results showed the company’s imitation meat contained toxic glyphosate levels 11 times higher than its closest competitor.

In 2017 EAT launched FReSH (Food Reform for Sustainability and Health) with the backing of Bayer AG, one of the world’s most toxic pesticide and GMO producers that now owns Monsanto; the China-owned GMO and pesticide giant Syngenta, Cargill, Unilever, DuPont and even Google.

This is the planned food future under the Great Reset. Forget the traditional family farmer.

In his 2020 book on The Great Reset, Schwab argues that biotechnology and genetically modified food should become a central pillar to global food scarcity issues, issues which COVID has exacerbated. He is pushing GMO and especially the controversial gene-editing.

He writes “global food security will only be achieved if regulations on genetically modified foods are adapted to reflect the reality that gene editing offers a precise, efficient and safe method of improving crops.”

Gates, a project partner with Schwab since years, has argued the same.

EAT has developed what it refers to as “the planetary health diet,” which the WEF champions as the “sustainable dietary solution of the future.”

But according to Federic Leroy, a food science and biotechnology professor at University of Brussels:

“The diet aims to cut the meat and dairy intake of the global population by as much as 90% in some cases and replaces it with lab-made foods, cereals and oil.”

Like everything else with the Great Reset, we will not be given a real choice in food. EAT notes it will be forced on us by, “hard policy interventions that include laws, fiscal measures, subsidies and penalties, trade reconfiguration and other economic and structural measures.”

We will all be forced to eat the same synthetic diet or starve.

This is just a hint of what is being prepared under the guise of COVID-19 lockdowns and economic collapse, and 2021 will be a decisive year for this anti-human agenda.

The introduction of AI, robots, and other digital technologies will enable the Powers That Be to dispose of hundreds of millions of workplaces.

Contrary to their propaganda, new jobs will not be sufficient. We will become increasingly “redundant.” This all seems too surreal until you read from their own descriptions.

The fact that the cabal of the world’s most influential corporations and billionaires sit on the board of WEF with Kissinger’s student, Klaus Schwab, along with the head of the UN and of the IMF, with the CEOs of the world’s largest financial giants including BlackRock, BlackStone, Christine Lagarde of the European Central Bank, David Rubenstein of Carlyle group, Jack Ma, richest billionaire in China, is proof enough this Great Reset is not being done with our true interests at heart, despite their silky words.

This dystopian agenda is 1984 on steroids. COVID-19 was merely the prelude.

Source: HNewsWire humansarefree HNewsWire HNewsWire HNewsWire HNewsWire


StevieRay Hansen

[email protected]

Watchmen does not confuse truth with consensus The Watchmen does not confuse God’s word with the word of those in power…



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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

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