Watchman the United States Has Given More Than $4.1 Billion to LGBTQE, E for Evil Transgender Programs Around the World. Our Leaders Are Working on Every Evil Plan in the Book to Destroy the Nuclear Family and the Country as a Whole

HNewsWire: Our government is worthless… McCarthy backed every evil cause that wanted to destroy the nuclear family and bring down the country. Today we live in Sodom and Gomorrah, and you know what happened there. It will happen soon. Polls show that 70% of Americans don’t want schools to teach about sexual orientation and gender ideology, but grants make that happen anyway. It’s probably more than the GDP of several countries when you add up all the money that the states, towns, and local governments give to these crazy people. The question is how did this group of people persuade so many people that they earn this huge amount of money because they are so unique and valuable? An analysis by the Epoch Times found that the federal government has given $4.1 billion in taxpayer money to LGBTQE projects in…


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