7 mins read

Watchman: Daily Devotional, A Wicked Person’s Corrupt Sinful Nature Actively at Work in Them Means They Will Continually Come Up With New Ways to Do Evil and Bad Things (Romans 1:30)

This is why the world we live in is becoming increasingly evil as the end of the age draws near, as Jesus predicted in Matthew 24:12 that lawlessness and evil would increase, leading many people to harden their hearts. And the multitude of evil perpetrated by ungodly people living according to their evil desires is constantly inventing new ways to fulfill and satisfy their sinful fleshly desires. But true believers pursuing righteousness should not be surprised by this, as Jesus Christ foretold this a long time ago, and even the Old Testament predicts that evil will be rampant before the end of the world, because Satan knows his time is short. If they continue to reject God’s love by living in deliberate sin, hell awaits the vast majority of these wicked individuals with eternal chains of darkness. The Bible warns […]


8 mins read

America’s Open Check Book is Loaded with Waste – U.S. DEBT CLOCK Website is a great resource to Prove it .

January 8, 2024 Over the past years it seems the Congress and the Presidents have totally become an Extension of The Domestic and Global Elites , Victims of Federal Agencies ‘Honey Pot’ Extortion Schemes, Big Pharma , Rothschild, Rockefeller, Military Industrial Group, Bilderberg Cabal, Favors and Bribes from Communist Russia, Communist China and many other Domestic and Foreign Sources etc. and have totally forgotten The American Citizens. Few Weeks ago Senator Rand Paul published his ninth  “Dr. Rand Paul Releases 2023 ‘Festivus’ Report on Government Waste Report”  and exposed America’s National Debt Dollar Waste. https://www.hsgac.senate.gov/wp-content/uploads/Festivus-2023.pdf ================== In our opinion, Today’s Americans Political Leaders are borrowing FAKE money so they can waste it while enriching themselves and their families be re-elected again and again. ================== Close review of just few of their Pet Projects, GAIN OF FUNCTION RESEARCH, Stopping Human Health […]


5 mins read


January 1, 2024 The above opinion is based on over whelming documented evidence on hand it has been proven beyond any doubt that for long, long time the American Citizens ( BIG PHARMA’S GUINEA PIGS per BARRACK HUSSEIN OBAMA (1)) are being misled, defrauded of their Constitutional rights and are now being criminally either being injected with Experiment Untested Spike Protein COVId-19 GENE-THERAPY POISONOUS ‘BIO-WEAPONS’ INJECTIONS which have been proclaimed by them as VACCINES, mRNA Technology are being introduced to the unsuspected population through GMO added Food and Water Supply, CHEMTRAIL Spraying of Deadly Chemicals, Nano Metallic Particles with Artificial Intelligence Technology to implement their  ONE WORLD ORDER, RELIGION, MEDICAL MANDATES, SATANIC RELIGION, DIGITAL CURRENCY, DIGITAL AND BIOLOGICAL IDENTIFICATION TO CONTROL AND MONITOR EVERY ASPECTS OF EVERY AMERICAN’S LIFE, DEPOPULATION AND TRANS TRANSHUMAISM INTO CYBORGS (TO TOTALLY CONTROL THEM MENTALLY, […]


1 min read

It’s beginning to look a lot like treason…

Dinesh Kaushiva November 21 , 2023 Great musical summary of America’s Current Elections status: It’s beginning to look a lot like treason… https://twitter.com/BehizyTweets/status/1602134622283759616 PLEASE SHARE WITH YOUR FAMILY, FRIENDS AND EVEN FOES. Newsletter Name Please enter your name. Email Address Please enter a valid email address. Subscribe! Thanks for subscribing! Please check your email for further instructions. Something went wrong. Please check your entries and try again. Orphans Support The 127.org Editor’s Bio


27 mins read

Federal Judge has ruled that FDA and HHS overstepped their Authority on Ivermectin Advisories

Dinesh Kaushiva Septmeber 7, 2023 In order to implement the Democrat Party’s and World Economic Forum’s COVID-19 PLAN-demic Agenda the Democrat Party’s  Medical Team and Obama’s Trained Weaponized Federal Agencies began to Practice Medicine without a License and also changed the Historical Scientific Medical Terms, Definitions and Standards. The above mentioned facts have been confirmed but many other violations and alleged crimes are still being ignored. At the start of the Planned COVID-19 PLAN-demic The Democrat Party’s Medical Team led by U.S Department of Defense D.A.R.P.A  in the back ground and in the front crew of Dr. Fauci, Dr. Birx and Every Federal Medical Agency Head from HHS, NIH, NAID (Dr. FAUCI’s NIH Division), FDA and CDC began to issue Directives and Mandates, Dictated Drug Remdesivir and Treatment Protocols Advisories to every Licensed Practicing Medical Doctor and Medical Facilities with […]


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