1 min read

Watchman: The Great God Awakening Is Well Underway, With Pastors, Nurses, and Other “Vaccine” Pushers Receiving Death Threats

Google Call Gates a Doctor,SRH Call Gates EVIL! HNewsWire: By 2nd Smartest Guy in the World The Great Awakening is well underway. More and more people are making the connections, and deducing the almost unbearable truth that the slow kill bioweapon “vaccines” are responsible for unprecedented death and destruction all around us. For all but the most brainwashed, it is becoming painfully clear that there is a global bioterror eugenics program underway, and so the death threats have commenced: Well… it’s happening… I was chatting with a friend of mine the other day, from small town Saskatchewan, and he said their local public health nurse has resigned due to death threats. Her father warned her not give the COVID shots, because, he said, “You don’t know what’s in them.” But she was super pro vaccines, so she administered them left,…...

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5 mins read


Dinesh Kaushiva November 10 , 2023   A court hearing took place in COSTA RICA where an Independent Group called  INTEREST OF JUSTICE  had filed a Law Suit against the Government of Costa Rica for misleading the population that the COVID-19 were VACCINES which they have known all this time actually are ‘ NON VACCINES’  and rather have been using these Experiment Injections on Humans as their GUINEA PIGS.  “  —————————– As also confirmed by President Obama the fact “Billions of people were being used as EXPERIMENTS ON GUINEA PIGS to create COVID-19 Vaccines .”  (1) —————————— PARAPHRASED FROM MULTIPLE  ‘IOJ’ EMAILS: THE CENTRAL POINT OF THE INTEREST OF JUSTICE LAWSUIT IS THAT INJECTIONS THAT HAVE BEEN ALLEGEDLY  PROMOTED  AS ‘THE SPIKE PROTEIN COVID-19 VACCINES’ WERE ACTUALLY NOT A VACCINE BUT A GENE THERAPY AND DNA/RNA MODIFICATION INJECTION USING HUMANS […]


10 mins read

President Trump finally said it in a speech what many have been speculating is that “Biden’s Boss is Obama” therefore ‘technically’ Obama has been (illegally) running the Country.

Dinesh Kaushiva Septmeber October 10 ,2023 Recently during a speech President Trump said: Trump: Crooked Joe Biden and frankly his boss, Barack Hussein Obama https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DoNs1LI_Bxg “Former President Donald J. Trump hold a rally on this Columbus Day in Clinton Township in New Hampshire, and saying Barack Hussein Obama is Crooked Joe Biden’s boss.” Who are the World’s ‘ PUPPET MASTERS  ?  https://hnewswire.com/who-are-the-worlds-puppet-masters/?fl_builder&fl_builder_ui ——————— THIS SUMMARIZED OPINION OF OURS IS BASED OF THE REVIEW OF THE FOLLOWING LIMITED LIST OF EVENTS, OCCURRENCES, EXECUTIVE ORDERS SINCE 2008 AND OUR ASSESSMENTS OF BARRACK HUSSEIN OBAMA’S PRESIDENCIES (LEGAL AND SHADOW) BREAKDOWN REGARDING HIS CONTROL AND INFLUENCE ON THE DEMOCRAT PARTY, REPUBLICAN ELITES, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND THE BLACK AND MUSLIM COMMUNITIES IN AMERICA AND COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD; PRESIDENT OBAMA’S: FIRST TWO LEGAL TERMS : January 20, 2009, and ended on January […]


5 mins read

The “Second Wave” Is Another COVID-19 Hoax

Just a week or so ago the mainstream media and thousands representing the “medical community” told us we must throw out the “stay-at-home” orders and go to the streets to protest the death of George Floyd at the hands of the police. The Covid-19 virus will not bother people who are protesting this injustice, they said. The virus only attacks people leaving their homes to protest the stay-at-home orders. Now, after thousands of businesses – many of them black-owned – have been reduced to rubble and innocent people in the inner cities no longer have anywhere to shop for the basic necessities of life, the mainstream media has backed off of its non-stop coverage of the protests. Suddenly last week they all simultaneously embraced a new fear story to terrify the masses: a “second wave” of coronavirus was among us. It was targeting […]


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