216 mins read


Up-Date: 7/14/2020 @ 1:35 PM CST…They Don’t Want YOU To Know The Truth, MSM, High-Tech & Reddit Engaged in Heavy Censorship of Truthful News Sources… The Number Of Americans That Have Died From COVID-19 Is Greater Than The Number That Has Recovered The information that I am about to share with you is quite disturbing, and it has some very alarming implications.  One of the great mysteries of this coronavirus pandemic has been the widely varying death rates that we have been witnessing all over the world.  For example, South Korea has had 8,981 confirmed cases so far.  Of those cases that have been resolved one way or the other, 111 victims have died and 3,166 victims have recovered.  So that would seem to indicate a very low death rate in that nation.  But in Italy, things are very different.  Up to […]


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