1 min read

Watchman Warns The Most Useless Congress Money Can Buy Has Ensured That the Authority to Withdraw the United States From NATO Is Now in the Hands of Our Legislators, Who Have Been Lavished With Perks.

On December 16, Congress Passed a Law Prohibiting the President From Leaving NATO Without Congressional Approval. I Am Not Surprised; This Is How Rulers in Banana Republics Behave. Americans Are Under Forced Repression by Our Elected Officials, AKA Tribulation. HNewsWire: By SRH, This week, lawmakers in Washington, DC, passed a bill to make it illegal for the president to pull the US out of NATO without their colleagues’ consent. The passage was made in response to long-standing fears that, should he run for office again, Donald Trump may want to withdraw from the alliance. This provision was included in the National Defense Authorization Act, a yearly measure that specifies defense strategy and which the House of Representatives passed on Thursday; now it awaits President Biden’s signature. This bill, which is being pushed by Senators Tim Kaine (D-Va.) and Marco Rubio…...

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5 mins read

Dem Rep. Yells “Spare Me the Bullshit About Constitutional Rights” During the Gun Debate, Our Constitution Is Being Destroyed One Bad Congressman or Senator at a Time

SRH: Our Constitution will not be around for long, since Satan’s soldiers have devised a strategy to annihilate it in plain sight. The American people’s quiet bothers me a lot. I think they’re too busy playing NFL flash games on Facebook/Twitter. Upon waking up, they’ll be given a list of tasks and instructions on how to do them. They term it “yoking” the Americans. The Great Tribulations are another name for it. HNewsWire: It’s time for House Republicans to “spare me the bullshit about constitutional rights,” Democratic Rep. David Cicilline said Thursday during a discussion on gun restrictions in Congress. After an outburst while debating legislation relating to “red flag” regulations, which would enable the government and law enforcement to seize weapons from anyone considered a risk, the Rhode Island congressman refused to give up any of his time. Amendments […]


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