Dem Rep. Yells “Spare Me the Bullshit About Constitutional Rights” During the Gun Debate, Our Constitution Is Being Destroyed One Bad Congressman or Senator at a Time

SRH: Our Constitution will not be around for long, since Satan’s soldiers have devised a strategy to annihilate it in plain sight. The American people’s quiet bothers me a lot. I think they’re too busy playing NFL flash games on Facebook/Twitter. Upon waking up, they’ll be given a list of tasks and instructions on how to do them. They term it “yoking” the Americans. The Great Tribulations are another name for it. HNewsWire: It’s time for House Republicans to “spare me the bullshit about constitutional rights,” Democratic Rep. David Cicilline said Thursday during a discussion on gun restrictions in Congress. After an outburst while debating legislation relating to “red flag” regulations, which would enable the government and law enforcement to seize weapons from anyone considered a risk, the Rhode Island congressman refused to give up any of his time. Amendments…

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After the Arrest of a Drug Cartel Leader, a Border Town in the United States Has Been Transformed Into a War Zone, as the Biden Administration Pursues Legal Gun Owners Weapons, Tribulation

HNewsWire-Following the arrest of a prominent cartel lord, the Mexican border city of Nuevo Laredo has been converted into a battle zone. On Monday, the streets were strewn with burning automobiles, and significant gun fighting was reported, prompting the US embassy to go into lockdown and the US border crossing to be temporarily closed. The mayhem erupted late Sunday when Juan Gerardo Trevino, or “El Huevo,” the commander of one section of the Northeast Cartel, the Zetas Cartel’s successor gang, was apprehended. He is also a US citizen, according to a Mexican government source quoted by Reuters. Trevino is on the list of the most sought cartel members, according to US Customs and Border Protection (CBP). Trevino is wanted in the United States for narcotics trafficking and money laundering. Members of the cartel kidnapped and burnt cars, as well as…

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Georgia Democrats Now Attempting to Ban All Semi-Automatic Firearms

Reprobates, Georgia Democrats-Elected Officials… Including Self-Defense Pistols and Rifles, as Anti-Gun Mental Illness Spreads… For weeks we have been reporting on Virginia Democrats’ plans to implement a bevy of new gun control measures when they take over all lawmaking branches of their government this month. But Democrats elsewhere are interested in further eroding the Second Amendment as well, including in Georgia. As reported by The Truth About Guns, state Sen. Donzella James has filed SB 281, which would “prohibit the possession of automatic and semi-automatic guns,” regardless of make, model or the fact that these weapons are used so infrequently to commit crimes it is nearly statistically insignificant. In addition, the bill includes other popular provisions among Democrat gun grabbers: A ban on ‘high capacity magazines’ (more than 10 rounds), and private sales at gun shows. And it would require “secure storage” of guns by…

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Virginia Activates Official Militia After Gun Confiscation Threats

Our elected officials have turned on the American people, disarming the masses is the beginning of the end for freedom. As Virginia lawmakers prepare to pass a draconian gun control bill that would make most guns in the state illegal, Tazewell County has formed an official active militia as per the Second Amendment to the Constitution. A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. To all of those who like to mock gun owners and ask if they’re going to fight tyranny in a militia, Virginia’s answer is a clear and adamant “yes.” That’s exactly what they’re planning to do. A Quick Recap of What’s Happened So Far Here’s a little bit of background on the proposed weapons ban from my last article. After…

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