Watchman Warning: Derivatives Will Be the Next Bomb to Go Off in the Banking Crisis

HNewsWire Live Stream 24/7 News UpDates and World Events Our materialistic culture, by contrast, believes primarily only in the physical world, either denying or ignoring the spiritual world. The heart of idolatry is looking to sources outside of God for our basic needs and desires in life. The idols that are erected flow out of our experiences in life, and the idol is an attempt to explain life apart from the Creator. HNewsWire: Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen finds herself in a very dubious position. Under the Dodd-Frank financial reform legislation of 2010, the U.S. Treasury Secretary was given increased powers to oversee financial stability in the U.S. banking system. This increase in power came in response to the 2008 financial crisis – the worst financial collapse since the Great Depression. The legislation made the Treasury Secretary the Chair of the…


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Watchman Reporting the Banking Industry’s Collapse Has Begun With Useless FDIC–Insured Big Tech Silvergate Bank Announced on Wednesday That It Was Liquidating Its Assets and Closing Down. Today, the Four Largest American Banks Lost $52 Billion in Valuation as the Dow Fell 540 Points–Tribulation Moving Forward–God Warned Us!

HNewsWire: Economic Collapse Is ‘By Design’ and Orchestrated HNewsWire: America’s economic crisis is deepening “is “by design,” “everything was planned,” With two quarters of negative growth, we’ve already entered a technical recession. Democrats are fomenting an economic calamity as a pretext for consolidating even more power and control in the hands of the government and its affiliated corporations. “They’re just buying time because they know things are going to get much worse; it’s all planned because they need that moment of catastrophic economic collapse to drive through their socialist scheme.” Political observers are warned not to dismiss political elites as oblivious to the consequences of their own abuses of power. “I’m fed up with people giving them the benefit of the doubt. They said it was only temporary because they didn’t know what else to do. They were, of course,…


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